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  • Despite a lot down and compressing 11 cities, Italy has not been able to control Corona virus.

  • Over the last 24 hours, the country reported its highest single day search in death toll.

  • Close to 200 people have been killed by the virus in Italy so far.

  • The country is now reporting more debts than even China.

  • Let's also tell you more about the demographic that's mean worst hit.

  • The average age off.

  • The fatality so far has bean 81 years on.

  • Most of them had an underlying medical condition.

  • Only 28% of these deaths were that off women.

  • However, we must tell you that experts in China had ruled out any gender specific impact from the virus.

  • While globally the fatality rate off Corbett, 19 is around 3%.

  • In Italy, it is much higher at 4.25%.

  • Italy's population is one of the oldest in the world, and this makes the country vulnerable to the virus.

  • Italy's economy has been crippled by the virus, and the country is staring at 1/4 recession in just 12 years.

  • Moody slashed its growth forecast for Italy by 1% on tourism, the mainstay of Italy's economy has now dried up the cracks.

  • The crisis is also revealed cracks in the European Union.

  • The Czech Republic has ruled that all people returning from Italy must be quarantined or face fines.

  • Slovakia has banned all flights to and from Italy and France.

  • Germany and other You countries have been accused of curbing export of medical equipments and isolating Italy in a time off means all of this has led to opposition leader material Salvini lashing out of the European Union, he said.

  • And I quote when Italy means help, doors are closed and wallets shut.

  • Once the health emergency is over, it will be necessary to rethink and rebuild everything starting from Brussels.

  • Meanwhile, Italy sporting calendar has become an absolute mess with multiple dealers, and match is being closed behind closed doors.

  • The Alpine skiing World Cup finals and the formula erase in room have been canceled.

  • The serial football matches are still on track, but the teams will be forced to play without a crowd for the rest off the season.

Despite a lot down and compressing 11 cities, Italy has not been able to control Corona virus.


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B1 中級 武漢肺炎 新型冠狀病毒 新冠肺炎 COVID-19

爆發冠狀病毒:意大利每天的死亡人數比中國還多 - WION新聞 - 世界新聞網 (Coronavirus Outbreak: Italy's daily death toll higher than China | WION News | World News)

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