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  • When you have an empty house, you don't have anybody living there.

  • You don't have anybody buying groceries.

  • You don't have anybody going to the store to get anything.

  • They're not buying gas, They're not doing anything.

  • You don't have anybody there except some Linder, maybe paying taxes.

  • So you also denying somebody the opportunity to buy a house at a new price?

  • Ah, house that when the market was hot, I mean hot.

  • It was worth $450,000 maybe worth 225,000 today.

  • That's a whole different cost factor that opens that house up to a lot of different people to probably be able to buy.

  • And that was what I wanted to see him.

  • I wanted to see my community, have places to live and be not drained and have a lot of empty homes.

When you have an empty house, you don't have anybody living there.


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A2 初級

利縣空房子的破壞性影響 (The Devastating Impact of Lee County’s Empty Houses)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日