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Hey, what's going on?
Guys says they were going to take a look here at the masturbated.
More aside, this kid came out back down, see, 2012.
So it's been off for a little while.
But the reason why I went ahead and picked one up here finally at long last, was because I planned to use this as one of the kids in my entry for J.
V W C.
This year, so hoping able to get that finished on time.
But in the meantime, we need to at least get the kid on boxed and built up.
So I'm gonna just do regular on boxing and review here for you guys for the kit.
Then once that's all done, I can start on some more work on us.
First off on the box, start here on the front.
It's looking pretty cool.
Do have the premium bend a unicorn version of this as well, which I've actually had for a while.
But I didn't want to use that for my due to BC entry so on and picked up for one of the regular version here, really not a fan of the beam rifle that the regular version of this has.
But unfortunately, I think that's all you really get in here as Faras rifle weaponry still have to figure out something else.
But aside from that, the box are still does look really cool.
You have this moon seen there with the earth in the background to morrow size start zooming along there on the top of the bottom of the box.
Just gonna be kind of the same thing.
Let's go around here onto this side One of the special features of this case that it comes with this special piece here for plugging into an action based so that you can display the Mara size that it's falling backwards like that, or pulling backwards down through space like that's supposed to be what you're able to visualize there with that piece.
You're also was able to look into an actual.
It's like normal there for just regular shooting.
Pose something like that over here.
You got a couple of stills from the anime, and you can see just front and back shot of the kid there what it looks like all painted up.
We do have a little pilot figure included as well as some markings, which I'm guessing you're probably just gonna be just dry transfers.
I'd imagine for some numbers and Titans logos there.
I understand a little bit about the weapons.
How the shield folds up.
Cockpit opens up on that just has Beem savers there as well on the opposite side here we got a really cool action pose There was showing off some of the mobility of the Sioux and able to get into a pretty dynamic post their back of the knee band.
Different hand options included with the kid just close up detail view at some of the articulation of the model I the head, the arms, shoulders, the hand and then you can pawn led in this.
It's not included, but you can get one of those.
The band I led units and pop it in there to make model I lit up.
You can also use the balloon system with this whether you get that with the sticky master grade kit or you buy the balut system separately as the people.
And I said you can use that with this kid if you want.
I won't be, though.
And finally over here we got a look at what the kid's gonna look like just straight out of the box.
That looks pretty cool, but definitely has that just plastic shine to it.
So, I mean, you're gonna at least want to hit this with some flat coat or something, I would say.
Then list Price.
You can see there is 4000 yen for this.
So certainly not a very expensive master grade.
Even though it is in this larger sized box, it's not particularly very deep.
Should be a pretty good sized mobile suit.
The mobile suits from this era were of pretty good size.
So we just got the green part.
They're in for life.
The tubing parts.
Those were gonna be fun, as always.
We've just got some of that kind of orange and red colors for its main colors for armor on the bunch of gray inner frame.
And then we've got our manual down here at the bottom.
So this is the masquerade manual style there with the Leinart silhouette of the head there at the bottom.
Which means on the back here is our nice, big reference image.
There what the kid looks like all painted up everything of without any markings on it.
Menu is all in Japanese will just go ahead and take a look through some of this Here we have just more images of the kid, the whole bunch of text here about the Marce I Some techs down here about the mechanisms of weapons, backpack like unit over here about the head and body unit.
There's a nice close up images of that.
And then down here, a diagram of what all the different parts of the whole suit are.
Next page is we're getting into our parts lists.
You've got that all laid out here again.
Not really a ton of runners with this kid.
Uh, then we just go through all the construction next in the middle pages, we find our way back to some color with the fights on the dark side of the moon here fighting off with the gonna mark to a version there Winds of jailbroken See Justin, I space pose again.
Just the more Japanese text about those parts of the story again job bro down here showing off some of the different mobile suits.
They're titans mobile suits and the balloon system in use their help.
Shaggy as well.
We have a painting right over here, all in Jeff Knees.
But sort that out.
If you want to figure out the official exact colors for this and then just want to get a little bit about some of the details and finer bits of construction for the kid, the led unit, a special backpack character piece on all of that, if this continues on with the construction of the mobile suits, the weapons and how to install the balut system here at the back and then the marking guide last page here, where to stick the marking stickers and decals for this.
So let's get into checking out the runners, then.
All right.
First up, we got our sticker sheet here with just the marking stickers and budget of caution markings on their four Titans logo.
We also got that green sticker there were checking guesses just for the mano y.
So we got some standard sticker markings.
Here is a dry transfer decals here for some numbers in big and small size, a couple more Titans logos and more.
Anaheim Electronics logo's little small ones there for this as well got SB one for a standard clear yellow beam saber effect parts and the not so common PC 200 here for some Polly caps here and standard gray A here is in three colors ago, some gray over here on the side to go, like inside the tubing, some clear parts there at the top for, like, divisor and cameras and then some red parts there throughout the center gonna be here some more of the red armor parts for the chest, the skirts, backpack parts and all that.
And then we received for the rest of our red armor parts.
Here, we've got two of this little Sea Runner under D In this very interesting shade of green is our again to being parts which will go around the great parts of selling a runner.
We've got two of the east of plenty of those to get out.
There is no getting into the orange color, which is a very sort of like peachy orange kind of color for some of the larger part of the armor, including lunch parts there for the head as well.
And the rest of our orange color parts are covered here on the F runner got two of these, then from here on out, it's all gray.
But runner G here is slightly lighter than the later runners.
It looks like to me at least it looks like we've got some parts here for the weapons for the cockpits and booster parts and are sitting and standing pilot figures on here as well.
H and a pretty standard medium gray color here is gonna be obviously parts for the inner frame or deny them or in a frame parts, including that special backpack adapter apiece for the stand and then some hand parts on here as well.
And finally, Runner Jay for all the rest of our frame parts.
When you've got two of this J r as well, that is it for the runners and everything in the box.
Let me go ahead and get this all put together and we'll see how it looks.
All right.
And here is how it's gonna look when it's all put together.
And once again, if you guys missed the livestream build of this, you go back and check that out here on my YouTube channel.
If you want to see just me going through the actual building process of this relatively straightforward, though for a master grade wasn't really anything too surprising there, of course, doing all the work on putting together the little cable parts there.
It's kind of annoying because you have a bunch of those, and I just pretty just roughly clip them out so they're not cleaned up Super well, they need some standing on there.
I just clipped them as close, that good just for the little piping parts there.
But everything else you know goes together pretty well.
I think it makes for a really nice looking suit out of the color.
May not be appealing to everyone is for me personally, the standard original Marce I color scheme.
I like it and that it's pretty unique, although I think I definitely prefer it in its different color schemes and pretty much anything different color skin.
We have the unicorn color scheme for which is a little bit different, but thing pretty much just kind of anything.
I think we're probably more appealing to me and also just the general details around.
On the surface, we'll talk a little more about that here in a little bit, but I got kind of mixed feelings about some of the external details on armor of this as well.
But first off, let's just quickly run through again the accessories for this.
No one's going to run through a few of the accessories you have included here.
We've got this one on our scale.
Standing pilot figure.
I got the two clear yellow beam.
Zero effect parts.
We've got a regular action basic after for up underneath the waist.
And then we have our action basic after for plugging into the backpack, which is on a track here, you can kind of rotate this around and this is gonna be for if you're having it falling backwards through space posing.
You've got the beam rifle with a little clear piece and they're a little red piece there for the two on the top.
This handle will move forward and back.
This m o can be removed from the bottom here like that if you want it.
Otherwise, it's just pretty standard.
We have our set of option fingers, which you'll swap out the fingers for this on.
The kid just got the closed fists here.
We also have a set of just trigger finger hands and that will just slot into place there on the handle.
As you see, you have a kind of tracks there and you have a couple of parts in there that will fit into that.
But it's not actually really a vet strong of a connection.
It's a bit of a mystery to me why they designed that handle that way.
And they didn't make the hands actually really that good at gripping into those groups there.
So we'll have to see how it holds on to that again.
We do also have, of course, a set of just option hands for holding onto the beam saber handles, which those will work pretty well.
And then we have a full set of extra hands, which are open hands.
So these they wanted to make them in an entirely different kind of form for them.
So pretty interesting cool shape for those, and these are a lot more articulation of thumb is on a ball journal that doesn't really move a lot and the fingers or each at a ball joint at the base, and then you have one bend at the fingers so you can kind of bend them a bit like that, which is kind of okay, but they're really just seem to be that they're just really meant to be just fully spread out like that.
And that's kind of like the intended post for them.
So it's kind of a mystery why they didn't just make them fix post.
They really seem to be meant for this particular post.
And, of course, we just have the option parts for plugging on the veloute system onto the backpack.
So that's what these extra little parts are for, and that's pretty much it.
As for the articulation because of this giant part on the head, it's not going to be able to move up and down too much presidency, move up to about there and down to their the model I inside there can move back and forth.
You just remove this whole helmet part there, you can turn the model I side to side with this little switch on the top of the head.
Now I understand with the reflection on the clear visor part's gonna be kind of hard to see.
But the model is also a clear part in there is he can paint that whichever color you like, which is nice.
Just plug the top of the head back onto their overall.
I mean, it's pretty cool looking head.
You have the extra parts there for the nice color separation on the side of the head.
And also just on that.
No, it's really nice clothes separation of these parts here on the side of the arm.
I have this little Rays detail.
What's a completely separate part to give you this little orange bits on this red part There on the arm of this whole top section of the torso can be removed there, and that's where you go ahead and plug in your led unit.
If you want to use, led in it with this.
As for opening the cockpit hatch, it's a little bit kind of tricky.
Out to pull this part outs to the front sort of slides out and need to lift it up at the same time, so it's kind of hard, and then that's kind of it.
You can see down into there where there's the pilot seated in the pilot's cockpit inside there, but it's kind of weird how it's just like that little bit like that.
So I'm not really the most interesting opening cockpit hatch option there.
As for the articulation of the chest, those pretty nice forward and back there you have a pretty nice band there for that pretty good range side to side.
You can also bend that side aside pretty well.
There also.
And of course, you can rotate this a little bit side to side as well.
The whole shoulder joint will swing forward a little bit like that, and then you can bring the arms up.
It's gonna be a little different for each side is they're not the same.
Obviously, with shield side, you can bring it up to there.
If you kind of move the shoulder armor out of the way as best as possible.
You can really only bring this arm up on this side only about sitting there so it's gonna be a little bit kind of hindered by the shoulder armor on there.
But you can rotate the arm then, As usual, they're a nice double joint in the elbow with some nice cool parts detail parts.
They're in elbow as well.
So pretty good elbow, Ben.
Also, the wrist is just on a ball joint here.
But, as you can see also have another point of articulation.
There's it's kind of like a double Baldwin in there around in the wrist section to move this whole section around like that.
And then the thumb is just one solid piece on a ball joint there, as well as for the shield on this side.
It can be rotated around.
You can move it up and down like that, And of course, each part can be moved in and out like that as well.
So you can kind of have some range of movement there with that.
Also for the skirt sections, these will move up and down individually.
You got some nice detail up underneath.
Discuss in the same thing up beneath the back skirts as well.
Though back skirts are pretty loose on this kid.
If I can show you this, you can see it just kind of sloppy there.
And apparently that's a common issue.
During the live stream, we were talking about that, and it seemed like other people have built.
The kid also said that their kid was the same.
So although it's kind of loose, it doesn't really seem like it's gonna be really any problem for anything.
Even if you're having to get posed backwards like that, it's just gonna be like resting down and not really gonna be that big a deal.
Of course, the side skirts here also will move up and down a little bit like that as well.
Hip doing doesn't really have anything to special there.
You could just bring the leg all the way forward to their to about 90 degrees and then at the top of the leg, just rotate that now, building this kid's actually well, we're on this point because this really reminds me of the zarco to 2.0 frame.
Ah, lot of the frame of this is very reminiscent of the substitute two point.
Oh, so it seems like they took kind of a lot of inspiration from that when designing the inner frame for this kid.
It's not quite as nice, I think, cause that's a really nice in her frame.
This one, though, also is pretty nice, though you can see the similarities, the design, but we've been the knee of some nice and separation of that knee armor.
There a little bit.
Get a pretty nice knee bend here.
Nice double joint there in the knee like that on the side.
Here is this little piece, which you will remove toe plug in the balloon system.
They're onto the side of the lake there.
So, speaker, for that little piece, not toe move.
Not to lose that.
This little flap here on the front will move up and down these flaps here on the side, actually on ball joints, so these can kind of move around a little bit.
But there's not really much space for them to move around anywhere.
Seeing kind of position them a little bit, but not really too much.
The steam light is interesting on this Kate Howard.
It sort of wraps all the way around like that.
It's meant to be just like a line as part of the design, so it's not really something I would worry too much about, like gluing and sanding.
Getting rid of that steam line on the exits kind of supposed to be like that.
But I'm noticing on both sides that it doesn't fully close up through the bottoms.
I wish that was fully closed.
See, that's just opening up to a little bit of a gap there just kind of annoying.
But I can't really get it to fit.
Totally flush.
As for the ankles, they'll move side to side a little bit forward.
Not really all that much.
But of course, you can bend the toe a little bit here as well.
So you got a little bit of separation like that in the foot was nice detail up inside there.
Then you can point the foot back.
They're so really Fordham back.
Movement here of the ankle is not really gonna be all that much.
Side to side is also not really all that great either.
But overall, the articulation is pretty solid.
And as far as steam lines, it doesn't really particularly have them like on the back.
The leg I mentioned.
That's just kind of meant to be there, here, on the side of the thigh as well.
I can see it looks like those parts are intentionally made to fit together in a way that the back part is actually slightly wider.
So it looks like that's just part of the design.
It's not meant to be seen.
Mind that you need to get rid of it.
Look good if you wanted to expose, of course, but pretty much all the kit is designed without really any steam lines on it, which is nice, and then just take a look here at the back.
Of course, I don't really have anything that moves on here, but it does look pretty nice to have a nice, clear part there for this camera on the backpack as well.
Well, I guess these parts do move, and you probably will need a knife or something sharp to get this opened up.
But this is where you open that up to plug in the action base to have this conflict falling backwards and for size comparison here it is with a master grade 2.0, Czako too.
And you can see they're going to be pretty similar in terms of the overall size and shape of them.
So it's gonna be a pretty standard sized master great mobile suit here, but that's gonna pretty much do it here for the morrow cites a pretty awesome MG and the fact that it's kind of takes the box is that you wants going good solid construction, nice color separation on there and a decent amount of external detail on the armor.
Weapons are pretty basic and just the beam rifle into beam sabers and accessories.
They're also just a couple of hand option parts are pretty simple.
The position of the option part for the different slogan for the backpack, the different action based adapter of there for that back.
It's kind of interesting, but I think it's not really gonna be something that's really going to sell the kid necessarily.
But for a pretty standard M g, that's not gonna break the bank.
It's a cool design.
I think it comes out being a pretty nice kids, so definitely worth the money.
And so I got to say, If you're like me and you like the design, we have been just kind of holding back on buying the kids for a while, So if you get a chance, pick one up and you'll certainly enjoy it.
You know, if you guys, do you have any other further questions or comments about the kid?
Of course.
Do feel free to let me know in the comments section there, down below.
Once again, you guys can check out the kit and everything else.
Don't use a gun store.
No link to us.
The goddam store is going to down a video description there as well as my coupon codes.
Girlie is 10 you can use to save 10% off everything there.
So don't forget about that.
And for me, for now, the goal is gonna be turning this into an Ewok type Mara size.
So that's gonna be a bit of an adventure.
I'll share that all with you guys once we get started on that.
But thank you guys all so much for watching the review.
And I'll see you next time.
Bye, guys.