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  • Taiwanese McDonalds staff to cosplay as flight attendants

  • The Maid Cafe phenomenon has hit McDonalds in Taiwan. The staff will dress up as flight

  • attendants to serve fast food over Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

  • The cosplay party will take place tonight and on New Year’s Eve where all staff serving

  • at McDonalds restaurants in Taiwan will dress up to celebrate the holiday season with customers.

  • Several employees at the Taipei-Arena chain ran a rehearsal yesterday. Customers were

  • surprised to see the staff dressed up in flight attendant uniforms, pulling carry-on luggage

  • to the counter and taking orders.

  • One of the young employees, Zhang Susan, has been dubbed the Flower of McDonalds.

  • Pictures of Susan cosplayed in pink maid outfits in McDonalds Guan-Qian store on Christmas

  • Eve have been circulated on the internet.

Taiwanese McDonalds staff to cosplay as flight attendants


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臺灣麥當勞員工將cosplay成空姐 (Taiwanese McDonalds staff to cosplay as flight attendants)

  • 395 20
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日