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Taiwanese McDonalds staff to cosplay as flight attendants
The Maid Cafe phenomenon has hit McDonalds in Taiwan. The staff will dress up as flight
attendants to serve fast food over Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
The cosplay party will take place tonight and on New Year’s Eve where all staff serving
at McDonalds restaurants in Taiwan will dress up to celebrate the holiday season with customers.
Several employees at the Taipei-Arena chain ran a rehearsal yesterday. Customers were
surprised to see the staff dressed up in flight attendant uniforms, pulling carry-on luggage
to the counter and taking orders.
One of the young employees, Zhang Susan, has been dubbed the Flower of McDonalds.
Pictures of Susan cosplayed in pink maid outfits in McDonalds Guan-Qian store on Christmas
Eve have been circulated on the internet.