So I havethislittlepalatefromshenailand I boughtitattheairportwhen I missedmyflightwasnotmyfault.
I missedmyflight.
Itwaslike a connectionorwhatever, anditwasdelayed.
Somybag, like, didn't getontheflightandyadayada, whichmeantthat I didn't havemakeitfortheshowthat I wasgonnaperformthesamenight.
So I hadtogoby a wholebunchofnewmakeupandtheyreimbursedme.
So I waslike, Thanks, seeissuenowand I willstartwiththatoneintheThat's what I doforyoutoo.
And I'm gonnaapplyitormywholelidactuallydid.
I feellike I'vewonderedthat, youknow, whenyouthinkthat I shotallthewayuptoyoureyebrowsandthenafterthat, we'regonnagoaheadand, uh, takethislittleactuallytakethislittlebrushthat I gotwiththethingjustgonnadothatonthedarkestlowshape.
They'reallquiteshimmery, which I love.
I know.
I knowthereasonwhypeopledotheireyesbeforetheydotheirface.
Okay, Allthisfallsdown.
I stilldon't likeit.
I'm gonnatakethisbrush, takethiscolorrightthere, and I'm justgoingtostartfromthecornerandworkmywayinonmyglobe.
We'regonnatake a littlebitofthatone.
Kindofdothesamething, butstartnotthatfaroutway.
Don't Don't, uh, linerslike a dog.
A meandogbecauseyoucan't showitthatyou'rescared.
Ifyouwanttobethebossofit, yougottagoinconfidence.
Andyougottabelike, Listen, I'm incontrol.
I willdothisright, Andyoushallfollow.
I liketostartinthecool, huh?
Andthen I'm gonnatakethisangle a little, uh, flatbreathmaking, notsupershark.
Oh, shecutecameraanddo a littletheothereye.
Oneeye's greatoneEyes.
I lovethatone I don't like.
Okay, I likeittodo a bitmorelikethatandnotsomuchof a flickupbecauseitkindofgivesyou a caddySexylook, which I'm personallyveryinto.
I havealwayswantedtobecommoncenterlikefrom I can't evenrememberfromwhen, Becauseallmylife I'vejustbeenmytunnelvision.
Onething I'm goingtobe a singer, and, uh, I mean, I'm livingmydreamofthemoment.
I startedprofessionally, I wouldsaywhen I was 15 when I releasedmyfirstsingle.
Butbeforethat, I wasonSweden's gottalentwhen I was 10 orsoyoung, butactuallyendedupwinning, whichisverycool, andnothingreallyhappenedafterthat.
Supersad, I waslikemycareer's over.
Noone's callingmeforrecorddealsandstuff.
Uh, but I wasstressing, but I didendup, get a recordcontract, andyeah, as I said, I'm livingmydream.
I gettoperformourreallycoolstages.
And, um, I don't seemyselfdoanythingelse.
Ifanythingelseinthefuturewouldprobablybelike, uh, I wouldlovetobein a reallycoolmovie, likeeuphoria.
I'm obsessed.
Soas I putthaton, I kindofdo a bit.
HereisWell, letitgoallthewayup.
Okay, So I willdoisrehonesty.
Andthen I takethislosshere.
It's like a halascope.
It's calledand I do a tinybitofmycuetogo a tinybitofmynose.
Just a littleDon't and a littledude.
So I willusethis.
Y esellips.
Take, umthislimbit's called, and I'm justgonnaputitongently.
I lovethiscolor.
Usually I have a lippencil, but I I havelostitlikeyoudoeverythingelse.
Oh, gee, mygosh, Thepigment, thepigment.
Twoweeksandcentralpay, baby.
That's what I like.
Itdoesn't matterifit's a cloudyday.
GuysalwayswearSPFanddon't likelayoutinthesun.
Ifyouwant a tan, gotohisfriend's hands.
That's what I wouldsay.
I thinkmyyouknow.
Andwhen I domymakeup, thisiswhat I looklike.
A classicbeautyface.
Youknow, I'm saying a littlecheek, a littleline, but I didn't take a lotofinspirationsfrompeoplewhodaretoreallygooutthereandchallengethebeautynormsofit.
And, uh, yeah, theyhavetheconfidencetonotbe, like, putin a littlebox.