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  • I'm kind of getting sick of all this cooking ship.

  • Really?

  • You press the button, you press a button, you know which one we're gonna press off.

  • Pulse?

  • No.

  • Which one of us would be better off in your I think we should get a cater.

  • I think that might be the move.

  • I don't know.

  • I feel like it's not fun.

  • It's like there's no challenge.

  • Cooking's not fun cooking.

  • It's fun.

  • Yeah, way.

  • I think I think it is beneficial to throw a little bit of money at problems Sometimes.

  • Let me just let me get this one, and we can relax and show is gonna be fine.

  • All right.

  • Yo, Brian Joji.

  • We're celebrating the idea.

  • Rising head in the clouds Album and tour by cooking for friends at our end of summer.

  • Party house.

  • The thing is, though, I don't think we really not a cook.

  • Oh, welcome to the fees Mansion.

  • Welcome to the feast mansion.

  • Welcome to the Fees Mansion.

  • Welcome to the feast mansion.

  • Yoda, Vem bridge.

  • Brian.

  • Jody, You watching the best fucking could show in the world.

  • But today we're not gonna be cooking.

  • We're gonna be doing a taste test for Tucker.

  • Rocky Top.

  • Rocky is octopus balls.

  • You take little pieces and you make a ball.

  • You confined taco Iraqis.

  • Usually I feel like you can find the matter.

  • Fares.

  • I kind of like how here that might be like a taco truck.

  • Oh, like a taco.

  • A hockey Stan.

  • I feel like it's always run by like an old old lady who just had zero calcium growing up.

  • I think I got this cater Super fire, like all kinds of balls that we can have its good.

  • You down for that like Bring him out.

  • You don't look down.

  • I'm doing all right.

  • Let's bring the old bastard out way should try the classic version just to kind of set the baseline.

  • The batter's made with dashi eggs, soy sauce and flour.

  • Then it's filled with octopus, green onions and pickled red ginger and shit like that.

  • Then it's tough.

  • What then?

  • It's topped with Q B mayonnaise Takasaki sauce, which is kind of like Loki just eel sauce and the bonito flakes.

  • Are you ready for this?

  • Yep.

  • You said, like in Japan, there's like top of Jackie stand.

  • I feel like I didn't donation like the go to kind of like street food is like people that that cell just like fried stuff, just extreme.

  • Like they finally plantains And like, um, cassava is and, like, really do insects over there.

  • No, no, I never ate an insect.

  • Really?

  • Dude, I think we could easily, like, cut down on the meat if everyone just like straight up just eight Friday.

  • Next.

  • What kind of insect like dragon fly?

  • Like there was a guy that there's actually an Indonesian like kind of thing, But, uh, you know, like when you're like a little boy, you like to like what?

  • The bed and shit.

  • You like Peter fans?

  • I still d'oh you basically take a dragon fly and just, like, let it bite your dick.

  • You take a dragon fly just like the letter about your fucking dick is something.

  • Does the national thing and people do up.

  • Wait, no, How you take your Billy Waite the baseline.

  • You tried the classic.

  • Don't try the next thing, you know?

  • Yeah, well, I got I got some crazy shit lined up.

  • All right, Leave nuts.

  • Hang.

  • Oh, shit.

  • What is it?

  • It's It's taco, Jackie with the cheese burger ingredients.

  • Oh, shit.

  • It's got a whoa.

  • That's, like, really clean cut way, Scott.

  • Lettuce, tomato, cheese and beef.

  • I really don't.

  • I got it.

  • Where?

  • In America and shit.

  • But nobody's gonna want You want a bigger than real fuck.

  • You don't get that ship.

  • But this I don't know about this one, Do you?

  • Was it was the file of verdict to be giving a thumbs up or thumbs now?

  • Yeah, I was gonna give it like, uh, like a 7 p.m. Yeah.

  • I don't want to give it like a full thumbs down.

  • Like the effort was, like, some sums up.

  • I was just born, and I didn't know anything about taco jockeys or cheeseburger, and I eat.

  • That would be amazing.

  • But I know about those things.

  • Whoa.

  • Where'd this come from, Georgie?

  • What is this?

  • We gotta talk Jackie with marshmallows.

  • Chocolate while Metella.

  • That actually some of them.

  • Yeah, it's a desert talking like a little like this one went pee.

  • I already know, too, because it's just like I feel like it's pretty summers pancake dough.

  • Okay, well, it's like dough.

  • Could be a little bit sweeter.

  • Maybe I'm only tasting the condiments right now, though.

  • So what?

  • I was a kid.

  • I was in Indonesia, Listeninto, like Tyler, the creator home.

  • And they had a song about s'mores.

  • And when I came here, I finally only had it for the first time was amazing.

  • But this kind of reminds me of the s'mores because I got the marshmallows.

  • And as chocolate, there's no octopus.

  • Right?

  • Oh, yet what do you think of this journey?

  • Was the final verdict.

  • The final verdict.

  • Three new ones instead of this.

  • It's this.

  • Oh, you're going over O D.

  • No, no, that's not quite not quite.

  • Yeah, we're We're going by a different eye.

  • Yeah, because I'm using my left hand.

  • So this is, um, like, 11.

  • PM runner.

  • Well, are you considering the camera?

  • Stop.

  • I'm not okay.

  • I'm dumb.

  • I feel like to be honest with you, I'm feeling kind of throwing money at the problem.

  • I feel like we can do this shit like you can cook it, like by ourselves.

  • I don't think we need, like, pay a caterer.

  • We need the money to pay for J.

  • Cole to show up.

  • We got him.

  • Not the way.

  • Fuck with J.

  • Cole.

  • you can keep that fire firewall will cook it.

  • We can do that.

  • I mean, we already go.

  • We do have this stuff.

  • Yeah, you're right.

  • So the first thing you do is take this bottle full of batter and you fill it up, fill it up halfway halfway.

  • Got it.

  • I don't know how much you want to put in there.

  • I've never made this before.

  • You put it in like one or two pieces.

  • Doesn't matter.

  • Sometimes I could be totally wrong.

  • Yeah, I like to put quite a bit in there.

  • So what about this?

  • Actually don't want any cooking show ever.

  • Really?

  • I watch guys, grocery games are dashes.

  • Fire.

  • What's up, guys?

  • I really wanted you guys very just fucking angry.

  • Yo, one guy, Fieri punch, like all it takes is one.

  • I feel like, Yeah, that's things like the spikes.

  • Like come out?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, we're about one professional fistfight with Bobby Flay.

  • I'm down.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • I feel like Bobby Flay has got a really high kick.

  • He's like talking you like this, and it's suddenly like it's like and then like, his foot is, like, right by your ear.

  • I mean, I think like this is like dirty fighting ballet from fucking carries.

  • Like, I just like kicking the bulls, like out his eyes out or something.

  • I don't want to go that far, because I don't.

  • You kick someone's balls Were not gods their eyes out.

  • Yeah.

  • It means that you're taking his vision away from him forever.

  • Yeah.

  • What if we all do?

  • If we took his sense of taste away way Jesus e.

  • I got ways, like Wonder How many I got.

  • You done?

  • Yeah, You got a few.

  • Let's pop up.

  • Keep email.

  • 100%.

  • We got to go down.

  • You want you shit on you, You won't get that sauce.

  • Yeah.

  • Get us that I'm gonna put there.

  • Good.

  • Move.

  • Get gas.

  • Yes.

  • Sunglasses on.

  • Now, I'll be out of the whole time, okay?

  • Yeah, Let's try it.

  • I want to try yours.

  • Actually, yours look really good.

  • Yeah, you know, good is that it's fun, but it is really good.

  • Julian, swallow my fucking pride.

  • And I think you're right.

  • It was just a kid over because we obviously can't do this shit.

  • You look at this.

  • It's way harder than I thought.

  • Yeah, like I will call the caterer and we'll get that figured out.

  • So the final lesson is at home.

  • If you wanna make Tiger, Jackie, just get a kid or or else you'll end up with this mess.

  • Just don't even try to space them money to do it.

  • Throw money at problems.

  • So is gonna clean all this shit.

  • Not us, You guys.

  • When you look at me thinking about what happened, nobody got bit.

I'm kind of getting sick of all this cooking ship.


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B1 中級

Joji和Rich Brian做了一個經典的日本街邊小吃 - 宴席大廈 (Joji and Rich Brian Make a Classic Japanese Street Food | Feast Mansion)

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