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  • I'm really nervous.

  • It's like, the longer the day's gone on the worst.

  • It's been on being talked for these on.

  • Okay, let's do it.

  • Relax.

  • It's totally cool.

  • If you're not happy, just shout out.

  • Here we go.

  • Let's do one who go.

  • Oh, I'm so happy to be Oh, thank you.

  • I'm trying to, like, you know, like, where is he?

  • I don't know.

  • He surprised he's right in the middle of a little bit Whether you're recording studios, Judy.

  • A knot in the pit with nobles?

  • Yeah.

  • Not the control room.

  • Yes.

  • So if we can And if he wants to you.

  • But if you could do Hello.

  • Say, I wish I could talk back, but he doesn't know you're coming on.

  • He might Well oh, well, we have.

  • We can, you know, do clean up.

  • This is taking.

  • So it's the Children.

  • No, thank you so much for asking me to do this.

  • So cool.

  • So cool.

  • Okay.

  • Big heavy tools.

  • Yeah.

  • Pictures in your mind of a child.

  • Remember?

  • Footsteps, remember, I just don't shine.

  • Grow up.

  • Hey, we've got just, like, a little bit.

  • One note.

  • Can you do it a little bit more American like a little bit more of an American accent.

  • A bit Yorkshire.

  • You kidding?

  • Good to meet you.

  • Can I meet you, like, not through glass?

  • Should I go in there?

  • It's so nice to me.

  • Oh, morning.

  • To sing one of my songs in this I love this song so much, so much.

  • And the fact that you did for Children in need is just like it's the coolest, most wonderful thing.

  • I can't sing this song live because I wrote this song about moving out and realizing I wasn't going to be a kid anymore.

  • And I would never have that again.

  • And the fact that I heard that you like, we're kind of dedicating this to your family, My heart, like, doubled in size.

  • And you sound great.

  • I'm a big broad.

  • Church knows nothing.

  • Really?

  • Yeah, you're amazing.

  • There's nothing quite like when you get a surprise right when you've managed to, like, surprised somebody and you know they didn't know.

  • Thank you, Livia.

  • Texted got just did She just texted you?

  • Yeah.

  • This is Olivia's ex boyfriend.

  • But I know she was chickened out and I wanted your scale.

  • I can't do it.

  • I can't do it and gone.

  • And I had my eyes closed.

  • I have to try and pretend nobody else's.

  • And I'm just singing to my kids.

  • And I heard this voice, this American voice.

  • I went Who?

  • Nobody's American here They looked up thinking he had come out onto the balcony.

  • Was just talking with us bit rude that I looked just there.

  • It was like, No, I think it's amazing that actors are making an album and doing this for Children in need and putting themselves out there and putting themselves in situations some of them aren't really used to be.

  • Oh, today we recorded six tracks and one group number.

  • We had Phoebe Waller Bridge in Assist to come in and play ukulele.

  • Baby, I take this with Turner.

  • I am not gonna forget a day like this.

I'm really nervous.


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A2 初級

泰勒-斯威夫特是緊張的明星為慈善專輯翻唱歌曲 - BBC (Taylor Swift SAVAGE as nervous stars cover hits for charity album - BBC)

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