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  • good.

  • It's been a long time.

  • Come on inside.

  • 18 hours ago, we lost a chopper carrying a Cabinet minister and his aide from this charming little country.

  • You've got a transplant?

  • A fix on their position about here, This Cabinet minister.

  • Does he always travel on the wrong side of the border?

  • Apparently, they strayed off course, and we're fairly certain they're in guerrilla hands.

  • So why don't you use the regular army?

  • What do you need us for?

  • Because some damn fool accused you of being the best.

  • Dylan, You son of a bitch.

  • What's the matter?

  • The CIA got you pushing too many pencils, huh?

  • Had enough?

  • Make it easy on yourself, Dutch.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Did know when to quit, huh?

  • Good to see you.

  • What is his fucking type is?

  • Come on, forget about it.

  • I heard about that little job you pulled off in Berlin.

  • Very nice touch.

  • Good old days.

  • Yeah, like the good old days.

  • Then how come your best on Libya?

  • But it wasn't my style.

  • You got no style that you know that.

  • Come on.

  • Why Japan's we a rescue team, not assassins?

  • No.

  • What we got to do that cabinet minister is very important to our scope of operations in this part of the world.

  • Watched the general saying that a couple of our friends are about to get squeezed and we can't let that happen.

  • We need the best.

  • It's why you're here.

  • Go on.

  • Simple.

  • Set up one day operation.

  • We pick up their trail at the chopper, run em down, grab those hostages and bounce back across the border before anybody knows we were there.

  • What do you mean, we?

  • I'm going in with you, Dutch General.

  • My team always works alone.

  • You know that.

  • I'm afraid we all have our orders, Major.



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B1 中級

狄龍!你這個混蛋!| 掠奪者 (Dillon! You son of a b?ch! | Predator)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日