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  • And maybe this is how you woke up on your Monday morning.

  • Did you feel the earthquake?

  • Lots of talk on social media, Astra Toshi Kg says.

  • Did anyone just feel a mini earthquake in Montreal?

  • Or was it just me?

  • No, it wasn't just you.

  • Ah, 3.4 magnitude earthquake did occur near Montreal's, just east of Cornwall.

  • So another person I found on Twitter says for perspective.

  • That earthquake southwest of Montreal, was near a town called Warms Town, Quebec.

  • That's 34 miles away from where his mom lives in upstate New York.

  • And she said it felt and sounded as if ice was falling off the roof.

  • But of course it was not.

  • It was coming from beneath us.

  • Let's talk a little bit about how this can happen.

  • Um, if we take a look at the Globe in the last 36 hours, this is where the earthquakes have been that have been at least a magnitude three.

  • So that's what I've highlighted.

  • So the Pacific Ring of Fire right around the Pacific Ocean, major seismic activity that happens there.

  • We talk about a lot of earthquakes in those areas all around the world, But you don't think a lot would happen here in North America.

  • But they do.

  • That's the one in, um, Quebec.

  • And then you can also see a couple down in the Caribbean.

  • Of course, we know about Puerto Rico having a recent earthquake.

  • That's because the Caribbean plate is colliding with a few other plates, including the North American plate.

  • But when you look on the North American plate in Quebec, there's really no major tectonic plate movement.

  • There's just smaller fault zones that happen here.

  • Eso its active and from many, many years of the Earth's crust in the mountains, in the rock that is basically in this area, we can get these small fault zones to kind of act up seismically.

  • This was five kilometers deep, 62 kilometers southwest of Montreal.

  • Light shaking once felt the Montreal area.

  • And did you know that the parliament buildings are actually built to withstand earthquakes here in Canada?

And maybe this is how you woke up on your Monday morning.


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B1 中級

魁北克的地震你感受到了嗎?為什麼它們會發生在加拿大--2020年1月13日。 (Did you feel the earthquake in Quebec? Why they happen in Canada - January 13, 2020)

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