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  • Tonight is Act III: Function the Ultimate. We're going to be talking about functions

  • tonight. Functions are the very best part of JavaScript. It's where most of the power

  • is, it's where the beauty is. Like everything else in JavaScript, they're not quite right,

  • but you can work around that, and there's a lot of good stuff here.

  • Tonight, unlike the previous two nights, I'm going to be showing you quite a lot of code.

  • Because we're talking about functions, you need to see how they work. I personally tend

  • to fall asleep in presentations that put a lot of code on the screen; it's just kind

  • of not a good time, so I have a lot of examples and I tried to make them all fit on one screen

  • in big type. They're all going to be simple, but they should be interesting and useful.

  • Let's begin.

  • Function is the key idea in JavaScript. It's what makes it so good and so powerful. In

  • other languages you've got lots of things: you've got methods, classes, constructors,

  • modules, and more. In JavaScript there's just function, and function does all of those things

  • and more. That's not a deficiency, that's actually a wonderful thinghaving one

  • thing that can do a lot, and can do it brilliantly, at scale, that's what functions do in this

  • language.

  • Here's what a function is. A function is the word 'function'. It optionally has a name,

  • which can be used to allow it to call itself. It can have a set of parameters, which are

  • wrapped in parens, containing zero or more names which are separated by commas. It can

  • have a body which is wrapped in curly braces, containing zero or more statements. A function

  • expression like that produces an instance of a function object. Function objects in

  • this language are first class, which means that they can be passed as an argument to

  • another function, they may be returned as a return value from a function, they can be

  • assigned to a variable, and they can be stored in an object or an array.

  • Anything you can do with any other kind of value in this language, you can do with a

  • function. A function expression is like an object literal in that it produces a value,

  • except in this case it produces something that inherits from Function.prototype. It

  • may seem kind of strange that a function can inherit methods from something else, but it

  • can. So in this language, functions have methods. That may sound odd, but we've got that. I'll

  • show you some examples of that.

  • We have a var statement which allows us to declare and initialize variables within a

  • function. Because JavaScript is not a strongly typed language you don't specify types in

  • the var statement, you just give a name for the variable. Any variable can contain any

  • value that's expressible in the language. A variable that's declared anywhere within

  • a function is visible everywhere within the function; we don't respect block scope.

  • The way var statements work is the var statement gets split into two pieces. The declaration

  • part gets hoisted to the top of the function and is initialized with undefined. Back at

  • the place where the original var statement was, it gets turned into an assignment statement

  • so that the var gets removed. Here we have an example. I've got myVar = 0 and myOtherVar.

  • What that does is, at the top of the function it defines myVar and myOtherVar and sets them

  • both to undefined. Then at the point in the function where the original var statement

  • was, we have an assignment statement. The separation and the hoisting operation changes

  • the way you might think of the scoping of variable names.

  • We also have a function statement. Unfortunately, the function statement looks exactly like

  • a function expression. The only difference is that the name, instead of being optional,

  • is now mandatory. But in all other respects it looks exactly the same, and it is confusing

  • to have both. Why do we have both? Well, the function statement was the older thing, and the function expression,

  • which is really the more useful form, was added to the language later. What the function

  • statement does is it expands into a var statement which creates a variable and assigns a function

  • value to it. That expansion, because it's actually a var statement, splits into two

  • things. Except unlike the ordinary var statement that we saw earlier, both pieces of it are

  • hoisted to the top of the function, so things are not necessarily declared in the order

  • that you think they are.

  • It's confusing having both function expressions and function statements, so how do you know

  • which is which when you're looking at it? The rule is, if the first token of a statement

  • is function, then it's a function statement. Otherwise, it's a function expression. Generally,

  • function expressions are easier to reason about. For example, you can't put a function

  • statement inside of an if statement because of the hoisting stuff. You might want to have

  • a different function being defined if you take the else branch or the then branch, but

  • hoisting doesn't look at branching, and it happens before we know the result of the if,

  • so the language definition says that you can't do that. It turns out every browser lets you

  • do that anyway, but because the language definition doesn't tell you what it's supposed to do,

  • they all do something different. That's one of those edge cases that you want to stay

  • away from.

  • In this language we have function scope. In most other languages that have C syntax we

  • have block scope, but because of the way vars get hoisted, block scope doesn't work in this

  • language. In JavaScript, blocks do not have scope. Scope means that, in another language

  • such as Java, if you declare a variable inside of curly braces, it's visible only inside

  • of the curly braces and not outside. But that doesn't happen in JavaScript because of hoisting.

  • The variable declaration gets pulled out of the if statement and moved to the top of the

  • function, so the variables will be visible everywhere within the function. Only functions,

  • in this language, have scope. If you declare a variable in a function, that variable is

  • not visible outside of the function, but it's still visible everywhere within the function.

  • If you're coming from other languages, this can be confusing. For example, a function

  • like this will work in most other languages and will fail in JavaScript without an error.

  • What you'll find is that it will run forever, and that's because the programmer thinks he's

  • created two i variables, but in fact there's only one i variable. So the inner loop is

  • constantly resetting the i value so that the outer loop will never finish. That's something

  • to be aware of: in JavaScript, you can't be depending on block scope.

  • Because of hoisting, because of the way that variable statements and function statements

  • work, I recommend that you declare all variables at the top of the function and declare all

  • functions before you call them. In other languages the prevailing style is to declare variables

  • near the site of their first use, and in languages which have block scope that's good advice,

  • but I don't recommend it in this language.

  • We have a return statement. A return statement allows a function to return early, and also

  • indicates what value the function should be returning. There are two forms of it: there's

  • one that takes an expression, and one that does not. If there's no expression, then the

  • value that gets returned is undefined. It turns out, every function in JavaScript returns

  • a value, and if you don't explicitly say what the value is, it will return the undefined

  • value. Unless it was called as a constructor, in which case it will return the new object

  • that you're constructing. One other note: you cannot put a line break between the word

  • return and the expression. Semi-colon insertion will go in and turn it into a statement that

  • returns undefined, which is tragically awful.

  • There are two pseudo parameters that every function can receive. One is called arguments,

  • and the other has the unfortunate name of this. Let's look at arguments first. When a function

  • is invoked, in addition to the parameters that it declares, it also gets a special parameter

  • called arguments. It contains all of the arguments that were actually specified in the invocation.

  • It is an array-like object, but it is not an array, which is unfortunate. I'll show

  • you some examples of why that's unfortunate. It's array-like in that it has a length property,

  • so you can ask arguments how many arguments were actually passed to this function, which

  • might be different than the number of parameters that you specify.

  • It also has very weird interaction with parameters. If you change one of the elements of the arguments

  • array, you may change one of the parameters that it's associated with. If you do something

  • really scary like splicing on the arguments array, you may scramble and reassign all of

  • your parameters. Generally, you don't want to mess with the arguments array. While the

  • language doesn't require you to treat it as a read-only structure, I highly recommend

  • that you treat it as a read-only structure.

  • OK, let's look at an example. I want to have a function in which I can pass it some number

  • of numbers and it will then add them all and return the result. The way I do that is I

  • first look at arguments.length to find out how many numbers I'm going to be adding. Then

  • I will have a loop which will go through each of those members of the arguments' pseudo

  • array and figure out the total, and then when it's done it returns the total. This is how

  • you would write that in ES3, or in the third edition of the ECMAScript Standard. This gets

  • a little bit nicer in the fifth edition. In the fifth edition, arguments is more array-like

  • than before. It's more array-like in that it actually inherits, now, from array.prototype,

  • and array.prototype now contains some interesting functions like reduce. I can call arguments.reduce

  • and pass it a function that does adding, and the result of that will be to add up all the

  • members of that array and return it. I think it's a more elegant way of expressing the

  • same program.

  • Then we have the this parameter. I'm discovering that I don't like the name 'this' because

  • it makes it really difficult to talk about it. My first sentence: 'the this parameter…'

  • Already you're in trouble. I mean, it's just hard to talk about it in doing code reviews:

  • 'oh, I see your problem, this is wrong.'

  • [laughter]

  • Well, you might be right.

  • So what is this? The this parameter contains a reference to the object of invocation. This

  • allows a method to know what object it is concerned with. It allows a single instance

  • of a function object to serve as many functions. You can take a single function object and

  • store it in lots of different objects, or put it in lots of prototypes, and allow it

  • to be inherited by even more objects. There's just one instance of the function in the system,

  • but all of those objects think that they have that method, and they will do the right thing

  • with it because they use this to figure out what object they should actually be manipulating.

  • So this is the key to prototypal inheritance. Prototypal inheritance works in this language

  • because of this.

  • We have the parens suffix operator, which is used for invoking, or calling, or executing

  • the function. It surrounds zero or more comma separated expressions which will become the

  • arguments of the function, and those arguments will be bound to the parameters of the function.

  • If a function is called with too many arguments, the extra arguments are ignored. You don't

  • get an error for that, they're just ignored. But they'll still go into the arguments array,

  • so if you want to find out about them they're still accessible to you. If a function is

  • called with too few arguments, that's not an error either. It will fill in undefined

  • for any things that you did not include. There's no implicit type checking at all, so if the

  • types of the parameters are important to you then you need to check them yourself within

  • your function.

  • There are four ways to call a function. There's the function form, the method form, the constructor

  • form, and the apply form. They differ in what they do with this. In the method form, we

  • have an object, and then we say dot function name or subscript, some method name, and then

  • pass them arguments that will call the function and it will associate this with whatever that

  • object was. That will allow the function, then, to manipulate this.

  • Then there's the function form, in which we simply take a function value and call it immediately.

  • In this case there's no object to associate this to, so in ES3 this was set to the global

  • object, which was just awful. In ES5/Strict we improve that a little bit: we now bind

  • this to undefined, which is less awful. But one problem with this form is that sometimes

  • if you have an inner function inside of an outer method, and that method wants the inner

  • function to have access to this, but it doesn't have access to it because it has its own this

  • which is different than the outer this. So in order to make this visible to the inner

  • function, the outer function can declare a variable, perhaps called that, assign this

  • to it, and then the inner function will have access to that.

  • We have a constructor form, which looks like the function form except we have the new prefix.

  • Now when the function is called, this is bound to a new object that inherits from the function's

  • prototype number. Then if the function does not explicitly return a value, that new object

  • will be returned. This is used very much in the pseudo classical style which we'll look

  • at a little bit later.

  • Then finally there's the apply form in which we use either the function's apply method

  • or its call method. What they have in common is they both allow us to specify what this

  • is. The value that this should have will be the first parameter. The difference between

  • them is that apply takes an array of arguments and call takes zero or more individual parameters,

  • which will become the arguments.

  • I showed how to define call in terms of apply, and also show a little bit of the ugliness

  • that's caused by the fact that arguments is not a real array. What I want to do to implement

  • a call is I want to take all of the parameters that were passed except for the first one,

  • and I do that by using the splice methodexcept arguments doesn't have a splice method in

  • ES3, so instead I have to go out and find it. I know that I can find it at array.prototype,

  • so I go array.prototype.slice.apply, and then I can take that piece of arguments. Really

  • awful. Again, we fix that in ES5 a little bit.

  • To summarize, this is a bonus parameter, and its value depends on the calling form. If

  • its call is a function, it's bound to either the global object in ES3, or to undefined

  • in ES5/Strict. If it's called as a method it's bound to the object containing the method.

  • If it's called as a constructor, it's bound to the new object being constructed. And if

  • it's called in the apply form, then we explicitly pass in an argument that determines what this

  • is going to be.

  • We call these things functions, but they don't behave exactly like mathematical functions.

  • In a mathematical function you would expect that every time you use a function with a

  • particular set of inputs, you should get exactly the same outputs. There are some programming

  • languages in which people are trying to match that ideal and there is some attractiveness

  • in doing that, because the behavior programs write is more predictable, it's easier to

  • reason about them, and they're also a lot harder to write. Because it turns out that

  • programs, in order to be interesting, are interacting with the world, and the world

  • is always different. The functions are always going to be dealing with different things,

  • so they'll tend to want to keep state, and to manipulate that state and to mutate things.

  • So functions will tend to have side effects. In JavaScript you can program in the pure

  • functional sense, in that you can assume: OK, I'm never going to assign to a variable,

  • and I'm never going to change any object once it's created. And the language will let you

  • do that, but you're going to find it's really hard. We tend to change things a lot, because

  • it's just an easier style of programming.

  • Where did functions come from? Originally, there was something called the subroutine.

  • The subroutine began life back in the assembly language era, where you'd want to be able

  • to define your own op codes, and you could take a bunch of instructions that you used

  • frequently and create a pseudo op and call it. Subroutines were born. They introduced

  • the idea of call and return, where we call the thing and when it's finished it comes

  • back and we resume from where we were. That idea has been in virtually every language

  • since then. In different languages they've been called subs, procedures, procs, funcs,

  • functions, lambdas, but it's all the same idea of taking some specification of computation

  • and packaging it so that it can be re-used conveniently.

  • The first motivation for sub-routines was code reuse. The first generations of computers

  • had really small memories, so in order to get programs to fit you'd want to take pieces

  • of the program that were recurring and factor them out so that they were only there once,

  • and then call them. That was the only way you could hope to get it to fit. It turned

  • out that was such a good idea that was then used in the design of programs. Treating a

  • program as a single, monolithic list of instructions was too difficult to reason about, so if we'd

  • divide and conquer that program into smaller components then we can think about those components

  • more easily. A subroutine or function was a natural form for doing that.

  • The next step was using them to do modular thingsfor example, to create libraries

  • of routines that could be loaded with any program so that you could have stuff that

  • could be reused from one program to another. That led to a sense of expressiveness where,

  • in thinking about how to design an application, you would first think of what set of subroutines

  • would make it really easy to write this application, essentially designing a programming language

  • expressed as subroutine calls, which are ideal for implementing this application, and then

  • write those subroutines. The next step up was higher order functions, in which we're

  • going to do things with functions which couldn't be done otherwise. That's when some of the

  • power of the language really starts to work for you.

  • One of the cases where that occurs is in recursion. Recursion is when a function calls itself,

  • or is defined in terms of itself. Now, at first this didn't make sense to some programmers.

  • For example, if you were working in FORTRAN, FORTRAN couldn't do this. It was not possible

  • for a function to call itself in FORTRAN. A lot of very good programmers looked at the

  • idea of recursion, and reasoned: well, I've never used it, and I don't understand the

  • need for it, therefore it could not be very important. It turns out it's actually really

  • important, and when you learn to think recursively you become a much stronger programmer.

  • One of the classic algorithms for a recursive solution is the Quicksort, which was invented

  • basically because ALGOL was invented. Expressing this in a recursive programming language turned

  • out to be really easy. There are basically two steps in Quicksort. The first is you divide

  • an array into two groups: all the big values and all the small values. One way you could

  • do that is you could have two pointers that are going through the array, and one starts

  • on the small end and one starts on the big end, and when either finds something that's

  • in the wrong group they swap them, and then continue scanning in until they meet. When

  • they meet, you're done.

  • Then you go to step two, where you take each of those groups and call Quicksort on those

  • groups, and you're done. That's the whole sort, and it's really fast. There are more

  • optimizations you can do to it that make it even faster, but just doing what I was describing

  • in the average case is n log n, which is really good for a sort, and you hardly do anything.

  • It's just really, really simple. So once you can learn to think recursively, a lot of really

  • interesting things fall out.

  • Here's another kind of recursion. You might recognize these from the JSON language. We've

  • got the syntax diagrams for values and arrays, and you might notice that there's a dependence

  • issue going on here where a value can be an array, but an array can contain a value. A

  • naïve programmer might struggle, thinking how do I organize my functions in order to

  • parse something like this? I've got this circular dependency and that's really hard, but it

  • turns out if you have recursion working for you, there's a trivial solution to this.

  • Here I have two functions. Each exactly implements one of those syntax diagrams. I've got the

  • value which, when it sees a square bracket, will call the array method and array function,

  • and return whatever it returns. Then I've got my array function, and for each of the

  • things that it finds it calls value to find out what it is. Here I've got mutual recursion

  • going on, and it all works out. You don't have to think about how to manage the transition

  • from one to another, just the ordinary function plumbing does all of that work for you. You

  • don't even have to think about it.

  • Lisp had this stuff going on in 1958, ALGOL had it in '60, but it took awhile to get into

  • the mainstream languages, partly because people couldn't think about how to implement it efficiently.

  • That time, the way subroutine calls worked, on most machines you had self modifying instructions,

  • so when you called a function it would destroy whatever is in the first word of the function

  • and replace it with a jump back to the place that it was called from, and you couldn't

  • do that recursively because once you've clobbered that address there's no getting back. So you

  • needed some other place to keep the return values, and eventually that turned out to

  • be a stack.

  • All modern CPUs now have support for that, usually in the form of auto incrementing or

  • auto decrementing pointer instructions. These assembly language notions eventually found

  • their way into programming languages, so these things come straight out of assembly language

  • but found their way into C and then into Java, and everything else. I don't like them. They

  • look way too primitive and fish brained to me, if you know what I mean. I think we can

  • do better than that.

  • One of the other key ideas which was, again, alien to people who'd never used it, was closure.

  • People who were working in languages in which closure was not an option were like 'I've

  • been programming for years without it, I don't understand why you'd ever want it.' But it

  • turns out JavaScript's got it, and it's really, really good. That's where we're going to spending

  • most of out time tonight. It's sometimes called lexical scoping, sometimes called static scoping.

  • It has to do with how variable names are resolved in nested functions. The context of an inner

  • function includes the scope of the outer functions, so all of the variables that are in the outer

  • function are available to the inner function, and this continues even after the parent function

  • has returned. That sounds kind of weird, so I've got a lot of examples to show you what

  • this means.

  • I'll start with a simple one. I've got a function called digit_name, and digit_name will take

  • a number as an argument, and will return the name of that number in English. It will take

  • advantage of an array of strings it stored in names. As you can see, it's a really simple

  • function. Unfortunately, the way I've defined it here, names is a global variable. The problem

  • with that is, if there's anything else in the environment that is also a global variable

  • that has that name, they're going to interfere with each other and will probably cause this

  • to fail. That's something you cannot test for, because it's impossible to test with

  • everything that might be loaded on a page. For example, it might be that a third party

  • ad gets loaded one day that happens to have a global variable called name, and now your

  • page died. That's intolerable, so we want to, as much as possible, reduce our dependence

  • on global variables.

  • One way we could do that is to rewrite this program so that names is now a local variable

  • of the digit_name function. And that works. It's a local variable, we have function scope,

  • names is not visible on the outside, so even if an evil ad comes in and has a names variable

  • it will not interfere with this one, so that's good. This is a much more reliable version

  • of the function. Unfortunately, every time we call the function, we're going to allocate

  • a new array and stuff ten things into it, which is going to take some time. We don't

  • want to do that; that's a terrible waste. In this case it's a fairly trivial thing,

  • but we might have a more complicated function with a more complicated initialization, so

  • we want to be able to factor that out. Closure provides a really nice way to do that.

  • Now I have a function and it has a private names variable, and it returns a function.

  • The function it returns is assigned to digit_name. The important thing is, notice at the bottom,

  • we're invoking the function now. We're invoking the function immediately, so what I'm storing

  • in digit_name is not the whole function, it is the function that it returns. OK? This

  • is really important. In order to give the reader a clue that there's something interesting

  • going on herebecause assigning a function looks almost the same as assigning a function

  • that's immediately invoked — I wrapped it in parens. The whole thing is wrapped in the

  • golden parens. That's a clue to the reader; it's not required by the language, but I think

  • it is required by humans. It gives us a clue that there's something really interesting

  • going on here.

  • We assign the return value of the outer function to digit_name. The outer function has now

  • returned, digit_name now contains a function, which is the green function. That green function

  • still has access to names, even though names is a private variable of a function that's

  • already returned. That's closure: one function closes over the variables of another function.

  • This turns out to be one of the most important features in JavaScript; this is the thing

  • that it got amazingly right. This is the thing that makes JavaScript one of the world's brilliant

  • programming languages.

  • There's another pattern going around called lazy function definition. I show you think

  • as a warning. Don't do this. The idea here is that, in this form, I unconditionally initialize

  • the function before we're going to start calling it. But what if the initialization is really

  • expensive, so we don't want to do it unless we know the function is going to end up getting

  • called at least once? This lazy pattern attempts to do that. What it does is it assigns to

  • digit_name a function, and when that function is called it will then store another function

  • into the same variable. So it'll replace itself, it'll modify itself. The idea here is that

  • that allows us to avoid having to initialize the thing, if we don't need to do it.

  • But it comes at a cost, and the cost is confusion. Digit_name is no longer first class in that

  • if I were to pass it to a function and let that function call it, or if I were to assign

  • it to an object and let someone call it as a method, every time it gets called from that

  • point on it will do the initialization and stuff a new function into digit_name. Instead

  • of making it faster we've actually made it slower. It's slower than the slow case we

  • started off with. Now, the counter-argument is, OK, you've got to be really careful to

  • not do that, so one of the rules we'll put in the documentation is that this can only

  • be called from the global variable, you can't use the function value as a function value

  • except to call it immediately, and that it's worth it because we're saving the initialization

  • cost. It turns out that analysis is wrong. All we're saving is the cost of an if per

  • iteration, and let me show you why that's the case.

  • Here we're going back to the closure form, except I put an if statement in it, so that

  • if names hasn't been initialized yet, we'll initialize it now, and then we'll do what

  • we always do. The cost of this compared to the previous one was one if statement per

  • invocation, which is in the noise, it's not even measurable. The optimization that we

  • were hoping to get in the lazy form just doesn't pay off, and we get weirdness instead. Now,

  • an argument about that might be: well, suppose we call this function a million times, or

  • a gazillion times. A gazillion if statements, that starts to add up to something. You can

  • go yeah, maybe that's true. But if you think you're really going to call this a gazillion

  • times, we shouldn't be optimizing the case where we're not going to call it at all.

  • [laughter]

  • I thought I heard some applause there. Maybe not.

  • [laughter]

  • OK, here's another example. A fade function. This is something you might do in an Ajax

  • application. I want to take some objectmaybe a div or somethingand have it fade from

  • yellow to white, maybe as an indication to the user that something changed and they should

  • pay attention to it. I've got my fade function. First thing I do is find a DOM element and

  • create a variable called level, which I'll set initially to 1. Then I'll define a step

  • function, and then I will call setTimeOut, passing that step function with a time, so

  • it'll fire in a tenth of a second. And then it returns. Done. That's the end of fade.

  • Then suddenly, a tenth of a second later approximately, the step function executes. It will first

  • define a variable H, and initialize it with level.

  • What is level? Level is the variable of fade. It's not the value of fade when it was created,

  • it is the current value, it is the current variable. It does the same thing with DOM

  • it gets access to the DOM variable and uses that to change the background color of

  • that DOM node. It then looks at level, and if it's less than 15 — which it will be,

  • at this pointit will add 1 to it. It's adding 1 to the level variable of the fade

  • function that's already returned, and then it will call setTimeOut, and in a tenth of

  • a second will do this again. It will keep doing it until eventually we reach 15, and

  • then we stop.

  • Now, suppose we had three things on the page and we wanted them all to fade simultaneously.

  • We call fade 1, 2, 3, with three different IDs at the same timeare those three executions

  • going to interfere with each other? No, not at all. Because each invocation of fade has

  • its own unique set of variables: its own DOM, its own level, creates its own step functions,

  • and they do not interfere with each other at all. So this works, again, because of closure.

  • Because step is able to close over the DOM and level variables, it just works. Everybody

  • still with me?

  • OK, one more example along these lines. I want to make a later method. It's like setTimeOut

  • except more object oriented, so I want it to be a method of all objects. I can take

  • for any object, call later, give it the number of milliseconds in which to wait. It doesn't

  • actually wait, it puts it on timer queue, and eventually it'll get around to dispatching

  • it. Give it the name of a method, or perhaps pass in a function which will be treated as

  • a method, and then the other parameters of that method would need. On the next screen

  • I'll show you what it looks like.

  • But again, I'll point out the problem with arguments. What I'm going to want to be able

  • to say is: arguments.slice(2), so that I can take all of the parameters that were passed

  • except for the first two and make a nice little array out of it. I can't do that in ES3, instead

  • I have to write array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [2]), which is pretty nasty. So when you see

  • that on the next screen, you'll know why that is. In ES5, you can do the simpler thing.

  • I'm going to add this to object.prototype. I could add it to any of the ancestors of

  • my application. This is one place to put it. Object.prototype is a global object and all

  • of the problems you have with global variables you have with global prototypes as well, so

  • this is something you want to do really cautiously. You want to do it conditionally, just in case

  • the language ever actually adds later as standard equipment, so that you're not going to be

  • replacing the official version with your version. Generally you don't want to be doing this

  • in applications, although it's sometimes a reasonable thing to be doing in Ajax libraries.

  • In this case, if we don't already have an object.prototype.later method, we're going

  • to define one. We're going to pass in the number of milliseconds in the method, and

  • then we'll create an array of the additional arguments. We're binding that to this; it's

  • doing the thing I showed you before, because in the green function we're going to want

  • access to this, but this doesn't work. This is not captured in closure. But that is, and

  • so that's how we get that into it. That will call setTimeOut, and will cause that function's

  • method to get invoked at that time.

  • One other thing I'm doing here is when later is finished, which happens immediately, it

  • returns the value of that, which is also this. The advantage of doing that is it allows us

  • to then cascade on that. So if I had several things that I wanted to have happen later

  • but at different times, I could say myObject.later5.later10.later20, and so on. I could just cascade all these

  • things one after another because each returns its own object, so we can then go right on

  • and invoke the next one. There are a lot of Ajax libraries that carry this idea to excess,

  • but it's a really nice pattern, and I think it works really nicely in this language.

  • Another example: partial application. We're starting to get a little theoretical now.

  • Partial application says I'll take a function and a parameter and return another function

  • which doesn't execute that yet, but will when it's supplied with additional parameters.

  • Let's start with the example first.

  • Using a function called curry, I'm going to pass it an add functionwhich takes two

  • arguments and adds them togetherand I'm going to pass it 1. It will return a function

  • which will add 1 to whatever gets passed to it. I'm going to store it in increment, because

  • that's a good name for that, and then I can call it. So if I now pass a 6 to inc, I get

  • 7. This is called partial application. The implementation of it is, I'll first get an

  • array of arguments, except for the first one, because the first one is the function and

  • I don't need that one. In this case I'm assuming I'm on ES5, so I'm not doing the awful array.prototype.apply

  • trick. Then curry returns a function, and that function will apply the arguments to

  • the function.

  • One bit of weirdness that's left over from arguments not being a real array is that if

  • I pass arguments as a parameter to concat, it doesn't recognize that it's an array and

  • then take all the members of it and concatenate them to the other thing. It will concatenate

  • them as a single array, which is not what we want, in this case. We need to turn it

  • into a real array so that concat will do the right thing to it, and we do that by calling

  • its slice method. ES5 has the slice method, so slice returns an array, and that will work.

  • But we shouldn't have had to do that; there's still some things left to get fixed in future

  • editions. Everybody still with me?

  • OK, here's one other. Suppose we've got a process which cannot be resolved immediately.

  • Maybe it's going to require a lot of computation, maybe it has to go out to a worker pool and

  • do something, maybe it has to go back to the server and get some stuff. But we'd like to

  • be able to return something immediately that we can start acting on, even though it's not

  • going to be real for awhile; we don't know when that while is yet. A service that's doing

  • something like that could return something that's called a promise, and the promise is

  • an object which allows us to call methods on the thing. If we know what the thing is

  • then it will immediately get executed. But if we don't know what the thing is yet, it'll

  • get cued up. It will finally get executed when we know what the thing is. That turns

  • out to be a really useful pattern for doing a lot of things, particularly when you're

  • doing a lot of communications.

  • Here we're going to implement a promise maker, and the promise maker will return a set of

  • five functions: when, fail, fulfill, smash, and status. You could pass any one, or any fraction of

  • these functions to someone else. For example, you might have a service, and I want to return

  • something to you immediately. I give you back an object containing a when and a fail method.

  • You can then pass to when functions that you want called when the thing is fulfilled. You

  • can also pass functions to fail for the case where a failure comes back. It'll just sit

  • on all those things until it knows what the disposition is.

  • And then the creator of the service might hang on to the fulfill and smash methods.

  • Fulfill he'll call and pass a value in when he knows what the value finally is, and that's

  • the thing that will get delivered to the functions. If it turns out that it's going to be an error,

  • at this point it turns out it's too late to throw an exception because that was a long

  • time ago, and the other guy's not in your call stack anymore, so instead you smash the

  • promise, you break the promise, and that will cause all of his fail methods, now, to run.

  • The way these things work is they depend on the vouch and resolve methods, which are private

  • to the promise maker. But again, it closes over, so it'll always have access to those

  • functions and the state that they refer to. Let me show you implementations of vouch and

  • resolve.

  • First we've got a few more variables. We've got status, which initially is unresolved,

  • and eventually could be fulfilled or failed. We've got the outcome, so when we know what

  • the value is we'll stick it in there. We've got the waiting list of functions that were

  • registered with when. And we've got the dreading list for the functions that were registered

  • with fail. Then vouch will take a deed and a function and then it'll look at the status.

  • If the status is still unresolved, then it will put it onto one of those lists. Which

  • list it will put it on will depend on what the deed is. But if the current state of the

  • promise matches the deed, then we can execute it immediately.

  • Then the other piece of this is resolve. If the status has already been resolved then

  • we throw an error, because we can only do it once. Otherwise, we'll go through and use

  • one of the nice thing in ES5 now: we've got a forEach method. We'll figure out which of

  • those two arrays of a function we've got, and we'll say for each one of those functions,

  • 'call this function'. This function will then go and call each of those with the value.

  • We had to wrap it in a try catch, because if any of those functions should throw, we

  • don't want that to interfere with the other functions getting a chance to run. OK, everybody

  • still with me?

  • We'll look at one more: sealers and unsealers. Sometimes we'd like to be able to pass secret

  • information around through the application. Say that I give to you a secret envelope and

  • tell you to give it to the cashier, and the cashier will take care of you. I want you

  • to be able to take that envelope to the cashier and get reimbursed, and I'd like you to be

  • able to give that envelope to someone else and allow them to be reimbursed. But I don't

  • want you to be able to open it yourself, I don't want you to be able to tamper with it,

  • and I want the cashier to be able to verify that it is, in fact, the original un-tampered-with

  • thing. We can do that really easily in JavaScript, it turns out. It sounds like something you'd

  • need cryptography to be able to do, but that doesn't really work inside of an application.

  • But it turns out there is a much simpler solution.

  • The way is works is I've got a sealer maker which will return a pair of functions, a sealer

  • and unsealer, and they have to be used in the pairs. I will keep the sealer, and I will

  • give the unsealer to the cashier, and then I can call the sealer with the value that

  • I want to give to you, and it will return to me a box which I can then give to you.

  • The box is useless to you, except that if you can give it to someone who's got an unsealer,

  • they can reclaim the original object. This function is a tiny bit harder to write than

  • it should be, because in JavaScript object keys have to be strings, they can't be objects.

  • If they could be objects, this function would be totally trivial. As it is, it's just slightly

  • trivial.

  • What I will do is I'll create the box, the secret container, which is just an empty object.

  • It's really just a token; I'm not actually giving you a real box, but it acts like a

  • box. I'll store it in my box's array, and right next to it I will store in my value's

  • array the value that it represents, and then return the box to you. That was really easy.

  • Then the unsealer uses the new indexOf method that we have in arrays, and goes looking for

  • that box in the list of boxes. If it finds it then it returns the corresponding value,

  • and then we've got it. If something goes wrong, if you pulled a substitution, gave an object

  • that was not sealed, you get undefined back, which is how it should be.

  • We're going to shift slightly and start looking at inheritance, but we're still going to reflect

  • it back onto what we can do with closure. Here's an example of how you can do things

  • with what I call pseudoclassical inheritance. This was the inheritance scheme that was designed

  • for the language, and I really don't care for it at all. I don't think it looks very

  • good.

  • Here we're defining a gizmo, and you can see the gizmo's constructor. Then we add to the

  • gizmo's prototype the methods that we want the instances to inherit. This just looks

  • really weird. We're sort of used to the idea of a class containing all of its stuff, and

  • in this case it's kind of hanging on the end of it in a haphazard way. It also induces

  • people to do things incorrectly. For example, I've seen people trying to assign functions

  • to prototypes inside of the constructor because it just seems like that's where you should

  • do it, and doing it on the outside just feels wrong even though that's how you're supposed

  • to do it.

  • It gets even worse in the case of the hoozit where I want the hoozit to inherit from the

  • gizmo. The way I specify that in the language is I replace hoozit's prototype with a new

  • instance of gizmo, and that just looks crazy. And it's potentially dangerous. It turns out

  • that the gizmo constructor would throw if there were no parameters, then it would actually

  • fail. But this is the way the language was intended to be used, and it's because the

  • language itself is confused about its prototypal nature. I think there's a better way to do

  • this. So let me suggest another formulation of exactly these same objects.

  • Here I'm going to make a gizmo, and to make it for me I'm going to call my new constructor

  • function. It will make the new instance of gizmo, or the new definer of gizmo. I will

  • pass to it object because I want gizmo to inherit from object. I'm going to pass to

  • it the constructor function, and I'm going to pass to it an object containing the methods

  • that it should add to its own prototype. This does exactly the same thing that we saw on

  • the other screen, but I think it's just more pleasant looking.

  • Then it gets even better with the hoozit. With the hoozit I call new constructor, pass

  • in the gizmo that says I want hoozit to inherit from gizmo, and I also pass it a constructor.

  • I'll also pass it an object containing additional methods that I want it to add to its prototype.

  • To my eye, this looks a whole lot more rational than that did, with all the stuff hanging

  • out and the weird replacement. The language doesn't provide the new constructor function

  • that you need to do this, but it turns out it's a really easy function to write. So let's

  • write that function.

  • Function new_constructor takes three parameters: extend, initializer, and methods. The first

  • thing it does is it creates the prototype object, which it makes by calling object.create.

  • Then if there are methods available it will call the keys methodthis is a new thing

  • in ES5 — which will return an array of all of the own keys of that object, which is really

  • nice because an array has a forEach method, so it will then call that. That will allow

  • us to easily copy all of the methods into the prototype. It's a really nice construction.

  • Then we'll create the function itself, which we'll use to make our hoozits or whatever,

  • and you can see that closure's working in there because it has access to prototype,

  • and it has access to the initializer.

  • So it will create a new instance of the prototype using object.create, which makes a new object

  • that inherits from the object that you pass in. It will then call the initializer, passing

  • that same object in, and when it's done it will return the object that we just created.

  • So this does the same thing as new, except we don't use new. Then a little bit of extra

  • plumbingwe don't really need to this, but just to be nice we'll set the function's

  • prototype property to the prototype, because in the case of the hoozit, the prototype got

  • replaced, so we lost the constructor value. We'll fix that there, as well. Again, we're

  • using closure in order to implement a classical pattern, and I think this works really nicely

  • in the language.

  • Another thing we can do with functions is to create modules. We'd like to be able to

  • minimize using global variables because of the conflicts that they can create, and functions

  • provide a very nice way of doing that. Here I want to create a singleton objectthere'll

  • just be one instance of itso you don't want to have to create a class to define something

  • there's just going to be one instance of; that'd be silly. So I'm going to assign to

  • singleton not that function, but the consequence of calling that function. Again, I'm wrapping

  • the whole function and the invocation in parens as a sign to the reader that there's something

  • bigger going on than just assignment of a function.

  • There are some people who would put the golden paren around the function, and not around

  • the whole invocation. That doesn't make sense to me, because what we're trying to tell the

  • user is: look at the whole thing. Putting parentheses around just part of it is, I think,

  • counter productive. I think the whole thing needs to be wrapped in parens. The outer function

  • has variables and functions, and they will return an object using an object literal,

  • and the object will contain some methods. Those methods will be closed over the private

  • stuff. We're returning, in this case, two functions. In the earlier cases we returned

  • one function, but this time we're returning two. We could return as many as we want. And

  • they share their access; they're both closed over the variables of the parent function.

  • So they can communicate through that shared state without corrupting the global space.

  • A related pattern to this is if we want to have a common global object where we'll keep

  • our whole application. At Yahoo! we keep a lot of stuff in a global Yahoo! object, so

  • everything that's ours we keep in one common namespace. I want to add a new thing to my

  • global object called methodical, which will have my two methods in it. Just as before,

  • I'm going to be assigning the result of my function into that object.

  • Now, sometimes I want to be adding not a new object but just a couple of methods to that

  • structure. I can do that as well. Here's another variation on the same pattern. I've got a

  • function, and it's got the private stuff, and then I'm going to assign to GLOBAL.firstMethod

  • my first method, and to GLOBAL.secondMethod my second method, the other one. Again, the

  • whole thing is wrapped in the golden parentheses. In this case, the parentheses are syntactically

  • required, and that's because I want this to be a function expression and not a function

  • statement. If it were a function statement, I couldn't immediately execute it, and I want

  • to immediately execute it. Everybody still with me?

  • I can take this module pattern and very easily turn it into a constructor pattern. It's the

  • same basic idea, I'm just going to make lots of instances, not just one instance. Here's

  • the recipe. Step one: make an object using any of the techniques available in the language.

  • I can use an object literal, I can use new, I can use object.create, I can call another

  • of these power constructors and use the thing that it returns. Then step two: I define some

  • variables and functions, and these will be the private members of the object that I'm

  • about to make. Step three: I augment the object with privileged methods. A privileged method

  • is a method which has access to that private state, that closes over the private state.

  • And step four, I return the object. Really simple recipe, but it's a little abstract,

  • so let me turn it into a template that's a little easier to follow.

  • Step one. This is going to be my new power constructor, and I'm going to create a variable

  • called 'that'. I can't call it 'this', because 'this' is a reserved word. I will initialize

  • it somehow; somehow I'll turn it into an object. Then step two, I declare secrets, the secret

  • variable, stuff that's going to be available to my privileged method. Step three, I create

  • my privileged methods and assign them to that. Step four, I return that. So it's really simple.

  • Here's gizmo and hoozit again. This is how we would write it, again, in the classical

  • style, pseudoclassical style. It so bothers me how all this stuff's hanging out. Also,

  • gizmo's got a constructor, and hoozit's got a constructor, and they both do the same thing.

  • So even though one inherits from the other, we don't get the advantage of that code reuse.

  • There's some redundant waste going on there. I want to apply this functional system instead

  • of doing this. This is how we'd write it. I've got my gizmo, it returns an object literal,

  • done. That was really easy. Then my hoozit calls gizmo to create an instance, it augments

  • that, adding its test method, and returns that. Done. So it's really simple.

  • But there are some other benefits that come from writing in this style. One is that we've

  • got privacy. Right now, with the way it's written, the ID is a global property of the

  • object, so anybody could go in and get the ID directly or modify it. Maybe I don't want

  • them to be able to do that, maybe the integrity of my object depends on nobody being able

  • to mess with the ID. Writing this in the functional style, we can do thatnot only can we

  • do that, the code gets simpler. We just don't have the ID property in the object. We're

  • referring now to the ID parameter, and because of closure, our two string method always has

  • access to that parameter. So we just took the 'this's out, and it's done. We do a similar

  • thing with hoozit. So again, it just became simpler.

  • There are other things we could do, too. We could have a shared secret which we pass between

  • all of the constructors, which could be used to simulate something like a package relationship,

  • where they all contain something that they know. You can get arbitrarily complicated

  • with this stuff; you usually don't need to get anywhere near this fancy, but it's nice

  • knowing that you can, if the need should ever arise.

  • When I started working with this language, I spent a lot of time thinking about how to

  • simulate things that we did in the classical languages, like how do we get super functions?

  • In the pseudoclassical model there's no easy way to write super functions, but in the functional

  • style it's really easy. Just capture a super function from the thing that I'm inheriting

  • from, keep that in the closure, and then I can call it at any time I want. It turns out,

  • though, in my career with this language I've never once written a super function. I just

  • think about things in a different way so that that style of dependency that I've come from,

  • I just haven't found the need for it. So if you find yourself wanting to have super functions,

  • you might step back and figure out: why do I think I need that? Maybe there's a simpler

  • way to think about this.

  • Here's another thing we can do. I want to have a memoizer, which will remember the result

  • of previous callings of a functionparticularly recursive functionsso that we can avoid

  • doing some work. For example, factorial can be given a recursive definition in which it's

  • the product of the value and of calling factorial on the value diminished by 1. If you're computing

  • a table of factorials, you could spend a lot of time going over the same ground over and

  • over and over again, and this function will prevent that.

  • What I'm going to pass to the memoizer is an array containing some of the values that

  • we're going to remember. The results for factorial of 0 and factorial of 1 will be 1 and 1, so

  • we'll pass that in to get it started, and then we'll also pass in a function that defines

  • what a factorial step is. In this case, it's multiplying n times the recurrence minus 1.

  • When we go up to the memoizer it takes that memo array and it takes the formula we just

  • passed in, and it will create a recurrence function, which is the thing that will call

  • for each iteration, which will first look to see if we already have the result that

  • we need in the memo array. If it does, then we're done. If not, then we will call a formula

  • passing in itself, its own recurrence function, so that it can do the next step.

  • Where this is a big win is in computing Fibonacci, because Fibonacci recurs on two legs at the

  • same time, so it gets explosive. If you do a Fibonacci of 40, say, it's in the trillions

  • of iterations, and this gets it down into the tens. So even though the program looks

  • a little bit more complicated, it's hugely more efficient. Again, this is happening because

  • of closure, because the recur function closes over the memo array and over the formula that

  • we're recurring on.

  • One bit of warning about functions: don't declare functions in a loop. Don't make functions

  • in a loop, for two reasons. One is it can be wasteful, because a new function object

  • is created for each iteration. It's just wasteful. JavaScript compilers tend not to do any kind

  • of loop and variant analysis, so anything you're doing in a loop that doesn't change

  • over each iteration, you probably want to move it out of the loop anyway just to make

  • it go a little faster. But the bigger reason is that it gets really confusing, because

  • you think that you're closing over the current value of the loop variables but you're actually

  • closing over their final values, or their current values, and that's almost always not

  • what you want.

  • Let me show you an example of a really common error. Say you've got an array of divs and

  • you want to attach an event handler to each one. You go through the array in a loop and

  • for each one you want to add an onClick handler which will display its ID number when it's

  • clicked on. What you find is that they all come up with the same number, and it's the

  • wrong number. You wonder, how did that happen? It's because when you add the function to

  • onClick it's closing over div ID, which is constantly changing. By the time you finally

  • get around to clicking on them you're going to be getting the final value, which was the

  • value that kicked you out of the loop.

  • The way you get around that is by creating a separate function which you're going to

  • use to assign the functions to the event handler. Here I have a function called make_handler

  • which will take the div ID and return the event handler function. Then within the loop

  • we call make_handler and take its result and stuff it into onClick. By doing that, we avoided

  • creating any functions inside of the loop, and that way we avoided the confusion that

  • came from that problem with closure.

  • Here I have two versions of the factorial function that do exactly the same thing. The

  • only difference is that one of them uses a variable, and the other uses a parameter to

  • represent result. Otherwise, they're exactly the same. R. D. Tennent wrote a book called

  • 'The Principles of Programming Languages' in which he demonstrated the Principle of

  • Correspondence, which was a correspondence between variables and parameters. JavaScript

  • demonstrates it really well. This shows that you could imagine a subset of JavaScript which

  • didn't have variableswould that still be a useful language? It turns out yes, and

  • this is the proof that anything you can write with variables you can write without variables.

  • You can use a function closure instead to do the same thing.

  • We can take that thought experiment one crazy step-off-the-edge farther. Suppose we had

  • a language in which we didn't have variables and in which we didn't have assignment, and

  • we didn't have named functions. Could we still do recursion? It turns out you can. I'm not

  • sure you'd want to, but you can. Here is the strangest artifact in computer science: it's

  • called the Y Combinator. It's a function. It's a really complicated function, although

  • it's not very big. It's incredibly nested; functions within functions, calling themselves,

  • passing themselves as parameters to themselves. I call Y passing in a factorial formula. It

  • returns a function, and the function it returns is the recursive factorial function.

  • This is really wild stuff. If you can figure this out, you can call yourself a computer

  • scientist, because this is the really good stuff. You can express this stuff in JavaScript

  • — I mean, JavaScript is right up there with Lisp and Scheme. It is a functional language.

  • You can do this stuff. While this may have little practical value, in terms of increasing

  • your powers as a programmer, this is the stuff to be playing with. You can get really, really

  • deep. I see a lot of people playing with their Ajax stuff, or wanting to show offlook

  • at all the stuff I can doand sometimes doing things which are probably reckless and

  • ultimately not very smart. If you want to show that you're really smart, you ought to

  • be doing this stuff. You know, off to the side, where you're not going to hurt anybody.

  • [laughter]

  • JavaScript has good parts. It has really good parts. And these, I think, are the best of

  • the parts. Again, this comes as a big surprise, because when JavaScript was introduced nobody

  • expected there was anything good about it at all. The stuff that is good about this

  • language is in there intentionally, by design, it wasn't accidental. You don't get stuff

  • this good by accident. This is an amazingly good language. And that's why Ajax happened

  • we'll be talking a lot more about Ajax next week.

  • The reason I was able to discover that JavaScript had good parts was because I knew something

  • about functions. The place where I first learned about functions was in a little book called

  • 'The Little LISper', which I highly recommend to you. The current edition of it is called

  • 'The Little Schemer' — it was updated to be about Scheme. It's not really about Scheme;

  • there isn't very much Scheme in the book. It's mostly about functions, and it's really,

  • really good.

  • It turns out that everything in the book can be written in JavaScript. Although Scheme

  • and JavaScript couldn't be more different syntactically, at their roots they're surprisingly

  • similar. There's a simple transformation from one language to the other; it's surprisingly

  • simple. If you go to this web page, it'll show you exactly what they are, and that'll

  • give you enough to be able to read and write the examples in the book. I highly, highly

  • recommend that you go out and get this book. It will change the way you think, and there

  • are very few books that do that. This is one of those books.

  • Next time we meet: The Metamorphosis of Ajax. It'll be awful.

  • [laughter]

  • See you here. Thank you, and good night.

  • [applause]

Tonight is Act III: Function the Ultimate. We're going to be talking about functions


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