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you know why I'm smiling.
Hello, everyone.
And welcome to another video.
Today we're talking about the GT 4 20 Blankets card on the planet from in video with the world's shortest introduction out the way they're.
Let's talk about availability listings for used duty for 20 on eBay u K a few and far between.
In fact, at the time of this video, there are currently none for sale on a uber us, however well expect to pay a premium over $100 in some cases for a GPU that's over eight years old and not a very good one at that.
Based on the GF wanna write architecture, the GT 4 20 is essentially a cutdown GT 7 30 featuring just 48 process.
A cause as opposed to the fully unlocked seven thirty's 96 before 20 comes in both a one or two gig variant with the one get card, usually selling for a little less.
The high prices, in some instances can be explained by the fact that this graphics card is or was an Aryan part or original equipment manufacturer.
This means it wasn't introduced as a separate retail product and was only available as part of pre built DEL or HP machines at first anyway, because it turns out good bye and a few others later released that retail versions off it.
These are the ones that sell for significantly less on sites like eBay.
But the O.
E M four twenties retain a high price because they are end of life products and therefore harder to find.
Sellers know this and know that if a company needs one for a specific computer system, they'll pay the premium.
This slowing GPU is actually pretty boring when it comes down to it, but it does support D X 11 and even DX 12 so it can, in theory, run every game out there.
But let's look into that.
You see on paper the 4 26 between a.
D's radio on HD 54 50 on HD 64 52 entry level budget cards that are meant as either very low end gaming solutions or just display adapters, so to speak, the HD 54 64 52 cards that chosen by people who just need something to display the video output or want to get away with playing a few games.
I know we've tested those two in the past on managed to squeeze fairly decent results out of them in some easier to run titles.
And, of course, I do love an old graphics card, the GT 4 20 Then sitting in between the two, we'll give you performance that's closer to the 54 50 as opposed to its bigger brother.
But here, starting off with GT five, were still only seeing 25 frames per second.
Interestingly, this does better than when I tested it were the HD 64 50 a while ago, but we did have to turn everything down to low and run the game, of course, at 12 80 by 7 20 or 7 20 p resolution.
All of the settings are also on normal here on Dhe, you can't really get away with turning anything up.
Much more than that, the advanced A graphical options are also set to off.
Next up.
I decided to try the new this game on today's list.
Rainbow six Siege.
Now this is a 2000 and 16.
So I told correct me.
If I'm wrong on one that seems to have got better in terms of optimization over time.
It runs pretty well on some lower end cards, and even on the GT for 20 we were able to at least start it up and running, albeit with dressed 18 frames per second on average.
Once again, like GT five, Thegame was running at 7 20 p, and we had to adjust that resolution scale as well to ensure a smooth experience, though, you're not going to exactly have a fantastic time with this card now.
The level I played through here was just a lone wolf hostage rescue mission.
So expect perhaps a few frames less if you do want to play online with this game on this GPU.
Interestingly, the GT 4 20 still isn't that cheap on used electronic sites like C E.
X here in the UK either, especially when compared to the price is overused 64 50 from a m.
For example, a card which you can still buy new.
In fact, Now we're going back a little bit in terms of time here, But far Cry three was the next title.
This is a slightly older game, of course, and even so, it could only run at 7 20 p, with the low settings achieving 27 f.
S on average.
Far Cry three is one of those games that still looks good today, even when you do turn the settings on P C all the way down.
And it's an absolute classic.
If you ask me if you haven't played far Cry three yet, give it a go because it will run on some slightly lower end hardware now, considering the age of the game, of course.
In fact, I still regard this one is one of the best, if not the best in the far cry Siri's.
But I am a little bit distracted from the overall point here.
Performance on this card.
As I said, 27 frames per second on average.
It's an okay experience.
You will sort of achieve on sort of exceed 30 frames per second in some instances, but more often than not, you'll probably spend most of your gaming time with this one hovering around the high twenties.
But can it run crisis?
Well, absolutely.
34 f.
S was the average here.
We did after turn things down once again to the low preset with 7 20 p resolution.
But all in all, the game was fairly playable, and you won't see many dips below 30 frames per second unless you are, of course, under heavy fire.
Which, come to think of it, that's happened quite a lot.
So bury mine that you will experience a few drops here and there when playing.
This one.
Crisis came out in 2000 and 7 11 years ago, and it's still pushing some hardware to its limits even today, especially if you have an entry level graphics card in your system.
And I think I made a video a while ago about crisis with regards to how it performs on some modern Badgett carts.
So go and check that out.
If you have a bit of spare time with over watch, the best way to play was to catch the frame rate at 30 f.
S turn the resolution down to 7 20 p on lower the render scale to 50%.
So we're essentially running at half of 7 20 p resolution here.
What this does is it gives you a smooth 30 frames per second on average using this GPU and the reason I capped the frame right here.
It was because it was rather jumpy if I didn't do so.
We have around 30 frames per second anyway, but there were a few jumps above on a few drops below, and I found capping that frame rate definitely made the whole experience a lot smoother.
So there we have it.
Duty for 20 from NVIDIA Sounds a lot more fun than it is.
It really isn't a capable card, and I don't think it ever has been.
But just know that you should get away with playing some older titles on a GPU like this one, even though it's certainly not worth buying as always.
Thank you for watching.
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