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Hey everybody, it's Bohangirl84 and welcome to my Let's Play of Code: Veronica X. Woo,
let's do this. Another, another Resident Evil game. Ooh, shocker. I'm kinda feeling good
about finishing up Catherine so time for a fresh new perspective on another game. 500...I've
gotta clean out my PS3. Thank you PS3 for reminding me of that. I completely forgot.
Let's start this timer up. Lots to talk about with this game. That intro is really loud.
This is the HD version. It's downloaded, a digital copy of it. I remember when this game
first came out, you guys know. The game, it was first Resident Evil: Code Veronica, and
it only came out for the Dreamcast which was horrible for me because I didn't own a Dreamcast.
I only owned a PS one at the time then I got a PS...well then later I got a PS2. So I was
like, ok, how am I supposed to play the game. I don't get it. Ok, so, so, so, what do I
do? How to play...that would be pretty sad if I need to figure that out. Ok, so anyway,
let's jump right into New Game. I hope I have space for this new save file. I had attempted
this Let's Play before, if you guys have been subscribed to my channel for a while, but
I just got busy with stuff and then I just lost the save file so I said let me just play
it again. Resident Evil 2. I liked hearing that and saying, yeah, there was a whole game
dedicated to that. I only wish there was a whole game dedicated to the actual downfall
of Umbrella instead of one little blurb in the beginning of Resident Evil 4. When I get
to my Resident Evil 4 Let's Play, which, that's, that's in the works, that's...and by in the
works I mean that's gonna be in the future. I will be talking all about that. So, yes,
this is the HD version which, maybe it's my eyesight, but I don't really see the point
of having this as HD. I don't see it, cause somehow to me, the cutscenes look a little
more choppy than the regular version. I love how Claire Redfield goes from like. I mean
look at this. She's faster than bullets. Wow. I love how she goes from like a college student
who is somewhat capable of handling herself with a gun which is believable because her
brother is a member of STARS to, this is like Navy SEALs status. Like, this is...look at
this. She managed to evade a minigun from a chopper. Oh, interesting little factoid
about this chopper. Apparently, I forget in which version of Code Veronica this applies
but apparently Nikolai is the one piloting the chopper. Nikolai was in Resident Evil
3. But, seriously, what a badass. Like, man. Nothing can stop Claire. Oh, this is going
to be ripped off in the movie. Apocalypse. That's when I said, ok, these movies are officially
no bueno. The live action movies, I mean. Ok, so, ok. Really? She just sat there and
killed like a good ten soldiers aiming machine guns at her and she did not hear this dude
clomping very loudly down the metal steps behind her. It seems legit. I don't know.
If I were trying to infiltrate a very high tech, high security facility I wouldn't really
be exposing my midriff. Just saying. That wouldn't be my outfit of choice. I would at
least wear something, I don't know, maybe dark to conceal myself. Do some Sam Fisher
stuff. I don't know. I wouldn't wear bright red. I like this part. This part makes me
chuckle. You'll see why in a minute. If I were equipped with a lighter, I could see
outside. See, at least she's thinking that. Ok, first, I'm just going to do this just
so that I can get rid of that from the inventory. Oops, ok. Oh my gosh. Oh gosh, sorry guys.
You are going to have to forgive me. I'm getting used to the controls in this game. They're
slightly different than Resident Evil 2. So they were basically setting us up to think
that this was a zombie or something like that which is always funny to me. It's like the
classic scary movie, scary game technique. People that sit there and behave very erratically
just to elicit a reaction of fear or a reaction of uncertainty. Nobody does that. Or it might
have been Wesker's team. Spoilers. Why wouldn't they take a lighter from a prisoner? Sit here
and jerk off. That's probably why he let her go so he could have a little alone time. He's
like, yup, well, I'm gonna die so I may as well make it enjoyable. Ok, so, they...for
some reason they reversed the run and the action buttons only for this game compared
to the other games, but there's not an option...there's nothing back here. There's not an option to
switch it, which I really don't like. I don't even think in the original version of Code
Veronica they did it like that so it's kind of an interesting, kind of an interesting
decision on their part when they were making the HD version. Ok, I'm picking up these bullets.
So, like I said, lots of things to talk about. Is there something here? Ok, I believe I mentioned
this in my Resident Evil 2 Let's Play but apparently the knife is really OP in this
game. That's what I've heard. I don't know how true that is 'cause I never actually use
it and I'm not gonna use it right now, although, it would be good practice to use it in preparation
for if I ever decide to play Wesker's battle game in the battle mode 'cause that's all
he's given. I mean, I know he's a jackass. He's a hot jackass but he's a jackass nevertheless.
But a knife? And I don't even get the ability to use his super speed that he constantly
flaunts in the cutscenes in this game? That's a little unfair. At least you get to use his
speed in the Resident Evil 5 Mercenary mode. I love the sudden jarring transition to slightly
lower quality graphics. It's like, oh hey, we kinda ran out of money to continue this
cutscene looking like this, so we're gonna just do it with PS1 quality. I don't know.
Claire had like a whole two minutes to get out of here but, dramatic effect! Now she's
screwed right? I will be taking hits here, I'm sure of it. There was, like, one time
and one time only that I was able to not get hit and just run out of there. Almost immediately,
this game is ruined. Here we go. I would have been just fine if it had been just Claire
and Chris in the game but, oh no! We have to have this semen stain here. Look at those
hands. They've got like square nails. HD. Just blow his brains out Claire. I
like how she says that like he's supposed to know who Claire Redfield is. Ok, sweet.
So, at least I've got the handgun now, so I'm not as vulnerable which is good, although
I don't think Claire can die. Seriously, she's just, I don't know what she did. She went
to some boot camp or something. I don't know. It's kinda awesome. I believe there's a green
herb or something here. I must admit that this game is a little dark for my tastes and
there's no option to turn up the brightness as far as I can tell. Ok, I have to sort of
mentally prepare because I know there's zombies in here. Oh, he's probably going to grab me.
Oh. Just gonna give myself a little room here...oh no. Not the static camera angles. They're
not so static here though. They do move a little, well, some of them. That's, that's
a real pet peeve of mine, having the gun anywhere else but the top left item slot. There you
go. Is he dead? Ok, he's dead. I see a pool of blood underneath him. Oh no, no no. Die,
die die. Are you dead? Ok! I'll collect the map for hoarding purposes. Is that everybody?
I guess that's everybody. I really thought that there were gonna be more zombies. I think
almost immediately when I come right back out here, there will be zombies. This game
is kinda infamous for doing that. I'm trying to think. I'm gonna go ahead and combine these
because I need at least two spaces for the guns that I'm gonna be picking up which are
pretty invaluable. If there's one thing this game has, it's a plethora of weapons and ammo.
This game is pretty darn crazy for that. That guy's actually gonna come to life. I thought
there were handgun bullets here though. Maybe I'm...oh, they're...ok, I think, I think they're
underneath him. I have no choice but to wait to pick them up. So, for a really long time,
I've said that this has been...I am so glad that that hit him. Oh god! Great! Kick him.
There we go. Turn around quick. For a long time, this has been my second favorite Resident
Evil. I've never had a favorite Resident Evil that's been anything other than the second
game. That's just, that's just always been the case. But, but Resident Evil: Code Veronica
for a while had been my second favorite game, but now I'm starting to, I don't know, starting
to like change my mind. I'm really starting to feel like the third game is starting to
be my favorite. I don't know if I can walk by that guy and have him grab me. I don't
know if he's just dead. I know in this game they, they slightly changed it compared to
Resident Evil 2 where, now they, now Claire will look at any dead body, even if it's never
gonna become active. Yup, I love how Claire has absolutely no reaction. She's just like,
yup, I've seen worse. This right here is a genuinely creepy song. I'm trying to think
where else does it...it plays somewhere else. Oh yeah, it plays later on when I have to
come back here. Ok, hello hello zombies. See, at least there's good reason why these zombies
are dressed alike. Cause they're prisoners so it makes sense. They're all in that...they're
all in these green sort of prison garbs which makes sense but...except of course for Claire.
I don't know why she's not dressed in green. Are they all dead? Yeah, they're all dead.
Ok, am I able to do this yet? No, no. Must release the lock first. I have to go through
this area first before I can do all of that. So the third game is really starting to grow
on me. I'm trying to think if there is any additional game. Any of the newer games, any
of the games in the newer style, the more actiony, the more action-oriented games, they
will never be my favorites. It's not to say that they are intrinsically bad games, and
I will never say that, because I don't think they are. There's nothing bad about them.
It's just that, for Resident Evil games, they, to me, they really don't hold a candle to
the classic games. And, yes, people can...people raise really good points by saying, you know,
oh, the static camera angles and this and that, they were because...they were due to
the limits of the games back in the day and I get that but that helped to create an atmosphere
of tension which really worked in its favor. These games now, I don't know. They don't
even...they're ok games but, that's the problem. They're just ok action games. They're now,
they've gone from a survival horror feel, which they revitalized the genre back in the
mid-90s, to they now are kind of mediocre action games in a pretty crowded arena. There's
a lot of competition in that area. These people have really huge hands by the way. Is he bro-crushing
on Chris? Leon! Good old Leon. That dial-up.
He was just on his period, Claire. Just ignore him. One thing I will say about this game...it's
a fun game but the characters are so grating on the ears, on the mind, on the soul. It's
just, how can you take any of them seriously. Especially Steve. Steve is the worst, but,
you know. No, no, I shouldn't say that. Steve and Alfred are just, seriously. There's not
even a word to describe them. I mean there's no reason why they couldn't have had more
badass characters in here. Like I said, and I say this a lot, but it's really worth mentioning
and stressing. The characters in Resident Evil 2...it feels like there's been a decline
since the early Resident Evil games, even to this game. And it's, it's really quite
astonishing. Oh, and by the way, that switch that I pressed in the other room where I talked
with Steve, uh, why didn't Steve press it? Or, why didn't Steve flick it open? Useless.
In all seriousness, I really don't understand how Steve is...how people can like Steve.
I don't know. They're like, oh, Steve and Claire look cute together. No they don't.
No. Just no. Poor Claire deserves so much better. I like the dynamic between Claire
and Leon, and it's, it's not the whole 'she's gonna be a damsel in distress and then she
falls in love with Leon' which I really, I really think that that's pretty damn impressive.
I'm like, that is pretty cool. She's just, she's just uh trying to survive and so is
he and they're just depending on each other and I think that that is...that's such a pretty
awesome, non-cliche thing to do. Ok, I still here somebody walking around, but I have no...she
sees him. Are we done here? I guess we're done here. Ok, do I have space? Yes I do,
but it's starting to get a little tricky here. I do believe there's...oh my God. it would
be good if I could actually go through the door. Tank controls. So, the bottom line is
I'll keep the Steve bashing to a minimum. I did plenty of Vincent bashing when I did
my Catherine Let's Play and...oh I can't use the padlock key on this side. So I'll try
to refrain from that. I know that gets irritating. Oh shit, oh my God, I was not expecting him
so oh God! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are there two or three dogs in this area? I think there's
only two. Ok, that was a little, that was a little tense right there, I'm not gonna
lie but I'll be alright. Dammit, I have to come back. Padlock. Did I pick up the knife
by mistake? I usually, I usually leave the knife behind. Oh, I did. Ok, let's go ahead
and use this so that I can discard it and that will make life a little more easy anyway
so there's no reason not to do that. There's a guy right here. Good. And by guy, of course,
I mean zombie. You know, the whole T-virus transmission thing, I don't get it. This is
not the first game to feature the whole cliche zombies coming out of the grave thing but
how did they become zombies? They were already dead, right? And my understanding is that
the T-virus is transmitted by bite from one organism to another, so, how, how did the
corpses, basically, that were in this graveyard, how did they contract the virus? Uh oh. If
it's through the rain then I think Claire's in trouble. Ok, TG 01, blah blah blah. It's
made of a mimetic polyalloy. Cool. Here we go, we're done. Alright, now I can finally
get out of this area. And, how about Wesker's voice actor, huh? Wesker's had, like, fifty
voice actor changes throughout his times in the Resident Evil games. What's up with that?
Let's run through the list, shall we? He, of course in the very first Resident Evil,
the very original version of the first Resident Evil he had some dude, I, I don't know what
his name is. It was just some random dude. Pretty American accent, right? Alright, maybe
he could have been Canadian or whatnot. I don't know who the voice actor is. But then,
the next game he's in is what? It's this game, Code Veronica. So, this marks the first of,
like, two or three games that he's in where he's voiced by Richard Waugh, and this is
the first time he has a British accent, for some reason, and it's never explained. I don't
know what's up with that but before I go on, what I'm going to do actually is this. I'm
gonna make my life a little easier. I'm gonna go through this area, there you go, and bring
down the shutters. And the reason why I'm doing that is to prevent the zombies from
crashing through. What normally would happen is if the shutters are up while you're doing
this, as soon as this is complete, the zombies will come crashing through the windows into
this area and will make your life a living hell, and I am not Neo from the Matrix so
I don't dodge very well, so, I'd just rather do it this way. It took me several playthroughs
to figure this out. I've gotta press this though. Ok, so they'll keep banging on the
glass but I'm safe for now. When I, I'm gonna have to come back later but, at least I'll
be, at least I won't have to run through this area. You know what I mean? Ok, I'll take
all of that, and I'm gonna take the fire extinguisher now because I really don't want to forget
it and I don't want to have to run around to get it again. So, I'm all set and now I
can go into the next area which is the palace I believe, if I'm not mistaken. But going
back to Wesker's voice actor, Richard Waugh, who did his voice in this game. He did, oh
boy, I forgot about the dogs here. I always forget about this part. Why, I don't know.
Richard Waugh did his voice in Resident Evil 4, hello zombie. Oh my God, that was awesome.
Ok, off we go. I don't know why we need the sudden dramatic close-up of the door or the
gate opening but, but there you go. Did Richard Waugh do his voice in anything else? I know
he did Wesker's voice in the Wesker report, which was a DVD that came with...I cannot
proceed from this side. I understand that Claire, but I just want the bullets. So, pushing
this, here we go. But, game-wise, did he do anything else? I don't...oh he did Zero. He
also did the voice of Wesker in Zero. I forgot, yes. So it is three games, at least three
games. Oops. Plus the Wesker report. I'm not sure if he did anything else, but I do like
how in the middle of Richard Waugh voicing him in all of those games, they had the Remake
where they had another guy voice Wesker who was, who had, again, an American accent. I
think his name was Peter Jessop, if I'm not mistaken. And, yes, before you ask, yes I've
studied this a lot. Yes. And I believe I'm just about out of time, but I will, I'll go
ahead and clear this area and clear the next area as well. Ok, we're good here. This area
will be populated again in a little while but I'm safe for now. There are three dogs
in here or something. That's one down. I like how the dog sounds like it's in stereo, or
is it both dogs that I'm shooting? I think it was just that one dog that was making that
noise. Take that PETA. God, I'm so sick of their nonsense. I mean, I can understand their
cause and all. I get it, but they're really gonna attack video games? They're games, people.
They're fiction. I really think they have some serious mental problems if they really
think that me playing a game like Super Mario is gonna cause me to kill some animal that
doesn't even exist. Like, I guess they're saying it's a raccoon or something like that
but really? Really, we're really that psychotic, huh? Ok, you know what? Let me just go ahead
and make my way up to the save room. It will be a good time to, to kind of pause for the
next video. Alright, I'm gonna end the video here. I'll be right back.