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Hi guys.
So today I'm going to be cooking dinner with you.
So this is going to be a meal that Zach and I normally eat.
But I want to be doing more of these type of videos just more frequently so it can show, like how my routines might change depending on what I'm doing for the day.
And then also, I just want to kind of use this to mix up my routines to kind of branch out of just my normal recipes I normally make.
But this one is definitely a go to for me.
Zach and I.
We are more or less Pesca Terrians, Suzanne making mahi mahi broccoli.
And then I've also got some brown rice.
So I like to season any fish that I have with Well, one of the things I like to do is use honey and Cajun spices.
So this was a trick that a friend of ours showed us, and we love it so much, Um, because when people make fish, if you don't like fish, it's probably because you haven't experimented yet with savory fish.
And so the honey really makes a difference because it's still sweet.
But then the savory part comes out with the Cajun.
So I like to just use honey as a base, because then it makes the Cajun stick really well to the fish.
All right, so I've got some Cajun spices.
You can just get these from, you know, any grocery store and I like to put a little like in a spoon or a dish or whatever, and then just kind of bounce my finger along it because that was even a little thick.
I don't like to go very thick on, and I'd like to just dust it.
There are some seasoning spices that I like to put on fish that maybe I'll show you at a different time.
That is way more spicy.
Well, I mean, there's way more spices, but it doesn't take much with Cajun to really kick it up.
So I'm gonna go ahead and put this in the oven.
So I've got that oven set for 4 25 It's really gonna depend on when I've got my mic in my phone in my pocket.
And then I'm gonna put that in the middle pan for the middle rack.
Um, I've got that for 25 for about 20 minutes.
OK, moving on.
I want to start making my broccoli.
So I've got garlic, I've got some red pepper flakes and then I've also got a bunch of baby broccoli.
If I can find Baby Rocky, I definitely prefer that to regular broccoli.
Just because, um, the florets, if you will, they don't.
They're not as like dense, you know, they have more texture to them, and they feel a little bit more tender.
So I'm just gonna wash them a little bit more and I need to set a timer on my oven.
So yeah, I want about 20 minutes.
So that's going to run now back to my broccoli.
I want Thio really Just focus on having the florets.
I don't care too much for having the stock.
It's okay if you like the stocks, but they just get a little unnecessary.
And I also want to kind of break up these bigger pieces like that.
All right, I'm just going to get rid of the stocks here.
And the next thing that I want to do is heat up some oil in the pan, so I have exactly one pan in one pot.
And that's has been something that I've done ever since back.
And I first got married.
I'm just heating this can up to medium, by the way.
And I'm using cold pressed olive oil, I'm down to my very last bit of it.
So I might have to mix in some butter as well, but should be okay.
Yeah, I want a little bit more than that, but yeah, anytime that you can get olive oil, that's cold.
Press is a really good idea.
Um, it doesn't matter as much if you're just going to be heating it up anyways.
But that's just kind of my preference, so I can use that, like one of making my salads.
We didn't catch my salad video.
You can definitely check that out.
I can link you guys in a card, so I always keep a little bit of softened butter out and ready to go.
So that's what I'm using.
In addition to my olive oil, this is real life, you guys.
Um okay, so the next thing that I'm gonna do is let that heat up and then I want to add some garlic and red pepper flakes and the broccoli.
I think that is really fun.
Thio makes up what we cook for a vegetable with our what I have is a meal usually, which is the fish and rice.
Um, so sometimes I'll have a sweet potato or I will have, you know, broccoli is really a standard and go to Sometimes I'll have some like petite potatoes and cut those up and bake them if I have enough time.
But that can be a little bit much like, longer of a process.
Uh, I'm just gonna grab some of this garlic.
I This has been such a time saver for me.
Instead of peeling each and every garlic clove and having to mince it, which I never mentioned this good.
I just get the kind that's pre made pre cut up, I guess.
And that adds a lot more garlic to my my nutrition and what I try to eat in a day, then what I'd ever try to do if I was peeling everything myself.
So now I'm taking my red pepper flakes.
I don't really need a lot of these because I don't like it, especially spicy food, but I love savory dinners, so I'm just gonna be lightly coating that as well.
Honestly, whenever we order pizza out, they always give us these red pepper flakes, and I save them so that I can use them later on and meals like this.
So I'm gonna let that I'm gonna stir it up quick.
With what?
I don't know.
I guess I'll use my foot.
Um, and then I'm just gonna stir that and then I'm just gonna let it sit for a couple minutes.
This waas a Martha Stewart way of cooking.
I can link you guys down to her recipe.
That's just been where I've gone to for quite a long time for any recipes.
Like I trust Martha Stewart's brand, everybody she works with implicitly when it comes to cooking or any recipe, I just follow it to a T.
So this is a really easy way to have bright broccoli that's not, like mushy or anything like that.
Much brighter and still tender if you cook it long enough.
Uh, so I've got another minute and 1/2 or so on the used maybe just a minute.
I don't know if I mentioned it, but I also have my brown rice just over here.
It's in one of those rice cookers, and that has been really good to like.
If you ever just want to add more rice or keen lot to or whatever else you like to your meals, it's looking easy.
Way to do that because you don't have to think about it and boil it in.
The whole deal does.
One of the things with my dietician is I went to her because I have PCOS and I manage it through my nutrition.
And so she's walked me through ways Thio make me be able to eat more vegetables throughout my day in a more effortless way.
Because if I'm gonna be, like again with the garlic close, if I'm gonna be, like peeling every single one and mincing it, finally, I'm just not gonna do it and then I'll throw it away because it went bad.
But if I can make it work for me, them all about it all right, I'm going to now add about half a cup of water, and then I'm basically just letting that boil more or less inside here somewhere, if you will.
And then I'm gonna let that sit for about 6 to 8 minutes and just kind of keep an eye on it.
So I am gonna have everything kind of be ready at the same time.
So now I guess I just want to get my lemon wedges going and kind of prepared for my like, I'm gonna play everything batteries.
And I like to use lemons whenever I am making broccoli or rice or fish, especially like fish and women's go together so well, So I just want to kind of cut one in half and then just lightly cut in the center there so that I can really squeeze it.
Squeeze is at the end, like over all of my food, and it's gonna be awesome.
Um, I also can take another little lemon and used them were decoratively, so I'm cutting off the end there and then just lightly cutting the rest of them.
To be honest, if it was just me and Zach, I wouldn't go to this much trouble.
But you guys were here, so I have to make it pretty.
There we go.
That's pretty much it, um I think next I'm going to get the rice out because it might still be really hot.
By the time that I go to serve my meal, I'm gonna have hot food on top of it.
Somebody go ahead with that.
Gonna get um, an oven mitt here.
Yeah, the rice.
A lot of times, it's just boys ing hot.
And then you're just sitting there waiting to be able to eat.
It s o.
It's good to be a little bit proactive here.
Another thing about these little rice cookers is the bottoms get a little bit singed.
Um, I think I'm just gonna not use the bottom part on this time.
But if I really didn't want it to be singed at all, it's worked for me in the past to use a little bit of water while it's still cooking, like just about finished.
And then that just kind of loosens and poisons up all of that.
Another thing that I like to do is use butter for this because it's gonna be so good to have the combination of the butter in the rice and getting a little bit of a head start on mixing that up.
It's gonna be great, and oil, like olive oil, is not something that I prefer in something like rice, because I just feel like the olive oil gets very You can just really taste it more than you can just good old fashioned butter and that also, the butter is a really good tips for getting those brown pieces off there.
I'm gonna go ahead and check the broccoli again.
Yeah, so at that point, I think they're just about done.
If I let them cook any longer, they'll get a little bit more wilted.
And I don't want that.
The other great thing about this is you can use all of that seasoning with the garlic and the red pepper flakes, and that's going to make a dish look really presentable.
And I think I just want to set it on a stove top and set it too low so that it stays warm.
Absolutely don't like it when you go to serve a meal and something like a vegetable.
I feel like they cool off so much faster than everything else.
So that was really good, because it didn't even take that much time to cook.
And I'm just kind of keeping it over a warmer.
All right, so now we're gonna wait until the fish is done.
So, no, this is done pulling that out.
That looks amazing.
The perfect look that I'm going for and my spatula, you guys is is dirty in there.
So I'm gonna just be using one spatula.
Um, just gonna keep it real.
So I'm gonna just kind of move that around for No, I actually don't even need Thio Pull this off just yet, because I want to add all the rice on a plate first.
So moving on to rice, it's gonna be great.
OK, Zach, I usually give him a lot more rice than me.
So I get, like, a little morsel of rice, and then I just give him almost all of the rest.
So rice isn't something that preserves really well, so I don't like to keep it around my house for very long.
Um, maybe I'll have it for, like, lunch the next day, but I don't keep it in my fridge any longer than that.
So that's about all they'll be using next.
I'm gonna add my fish, so I'm just gonna grab that it's gonna need more than one thing.
No, you guys I am not a professional.
Okay, here we go.
It's dinner, all right.
The other thing is that I like to cut these in half because it just cooks a little bit better, given I don't have my full spatula, so I think I have an excuse.
All right, then I'm gonna have my broccoli, so coming back over here, it's gonna be great.
All right, A little steam facial while you're at it.
I've been watching a lot of Gordon Ramsay on master class, and just the way that he puts everything together is like, amazing.
This is definitely not that close, though.
Adding those juices that are left on here to just season the rice a little bit better because I don't want the rice.
We planned it all.
And any seasoning and spices or juices that are left in the pan are gonna be a lot more flavorful.
Hatting goes to the top there, make it look great.
Come off all the oven, and then I just want to add my lemon, and that's pretty much it.
So the first thing I want to do is use those wedges and especially focus on the broccoli and the mahi mahi.
And then I also want to just add some salt and pepper.
I don't add the pepper to the Cajun spiced mahi mahi, though, because that would just be like, Wow, a lot of spice way too much for me.
But I do like to add the salt and the pepper, especially to the the rice and also the broccoli.
All right, And that is pretty much what we do for our dinners.
Oh, yeah, I totally forgot.
I have to add these lemons that I cut.
So I just want to kind of layer them there, making extra fancy for you guys.
Could If it was just me and Zack again, I wouldn't go to the trouble, But it looks really good.
All right, that's center.
Thanks so much.
You guys for watching?
Give us with your thumbs up.
If you want more of the what I eat in a day videos, I definitely could come up with several more.
And this is a fun way to kind of like switch up what I do over here on YouTube.
And yeah, I'll see you guys next time.
Thanks, Biggs.