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  • Easier said than done is extremely true for the IELTS exam. If you're preparing to take

  • the IELTS exam, I'm sure you're probably freaking out right now and a lot of candidates who

  • take IELTS find the speaking section the hardest one because it involves face-to-face communication.

  • But do you know IELTS speaking is the easiest section actually? Well you may think, how

  • is that? Interviews are so spontaneous, I just won't have time to think of a good answer

  • moreover I'll be worrying, it's true. Speaking interviews are spontaneous but all the test

  • takers are worrying like you and don't have much time to plan either and examiners are

  • used to that. So they don't expect you to speak like an orator, you're only tested on

  • your ability to speak fluently and without hesitation, use various vocabulary, avoid

  • grammar mistakes and pronounce words well. So today I'm going to share with you some

  • crucial tips to get your desired score in the IELTS speaking test, my name is Michelle

  • and you're watching me on Let's Talk the place to develop your English language skills. First

  • and foremostyou need to know what's coming”, that is you need to understand the structure

  • of the IELTS speaking test. Do you know that even students who have taken the IELTS test

  • multiple times sometimes can't really answer questions about the structure of the test?

  • I think that's a huge mistake. You must know the structure of the IELTS speaking test in

  • order to better answer questions because you will be expecting the right thing. So here

  • are a few questions that you should be able to answer, first, “how long is the speaking

  • test?” The answer is, “11 to 14 minutesandhow many parts are there to the speaking

  • test?” Well there arethree partsandwhat does each part consist of?”

  • So thefirst part is introductionwhich is questions about yourself and your preferences

  • and thesecond part is called a short talkor long turn where you're given a cue card

  • and you have a minute to prepare in about two minutes to speak for and in the end you

  • have a “discussion about abstract topicslike relationships, food, global issues, climate

  • change and so onSo tip number one isknow what's coming”. Now let's move to ourtip

  • twoso in order to get a better score for the fluency and coherence criterion you should

  • useconnectors”. Some people also call them linking words and others call it signposting.

  • Well you need to use these words so that your speech sounds more organized and it is easy

  • to follow. So the key to use in connecting words is to use it naturally and there is

  • no better way to learn natural English than by a native speaker. So let's speak to one,

  • yes you heard me right. So I'm going to use an app called as CAMBLY for this, CAMBLY is

  • an English language learning app with trainers from various English-speaking countries, who

  • are available to answer your English related questions, 24/7 and the high point of this

  • app is that it acquaints you to variety of accents like American, Canadian, Kiwi, South

  • African and many more and this is going to help you a lot in your IELTS listening as

  • well. So let's connect to one of our CAMBLY teachers to learn more aboutconnectors”.

  • So guys now I'm going to open the CAMBLY app and we are going to try to speak to a native

  • speaker, so I'm going to thetutors taband we have all the tutors who are available

  • to talk in green, so let's connect with Rachel, so she specializes in IELTS preparation, that's

  • perfect, let's give her a call, “hi Rachel” “hi, how are you?” “I'm doing well,

  • how are you?” “I'm very good, thank you, nice to meet you.” “nice to meet you as

  • wellokay so Rachel I'm an IELTS teacher and I want your help with connecting words

  • because I want to recommend your app to my students so can you test me some connecting

  • words that I can use for the IELTS speaking test for possibly adding information or concluding

  • or start my answer” “yeah sure, so you know we obviously have all the different categories

  • of linking words, so we have like the ones that can summarize, so yeah we could start

  • with maybe additionally, okay maybe if you want to add you could say like, additionally,

  • moreover, however” “could you make a sentence withadditionallyplease?” “okay,

  • sure let me just think quickly of ones that I have at the top of my mind so, let's just

  • say we were talking about your favorite holiday and you would say so, we, for my recent holiday

  • we were able to go to Cape Town, where we were able to see so many amazing things, such

  • as table mountain, boulders beach, camps bay, additionally, we were also able to actually

  • go to see the V&A waterfront which was really amazing, in particular it was nice to see

  • you know the amazing selection of shops” “right so you also use the word, ‘such

  • asand this is also a linking word if I'm right?” “yes yeah yes” “yeah perfect,

  • and could you just give me one for concluding if possible?” “yeah definitely, so let's

  • think of conclusion, so you could have in conclusion you could have to sum up, we could

  • have to reiterate so we could say, let's say we're talking about you know, ‘why teenagers

  • should have jobs?’, so we could say, I really do think that it is important for teenagers

  • to have jobs because they are able to learn important tasks etc. so in conclusion I really

  • do think that there's so much value in teenagers having jobs as they are able to learn responsibility

  • and they're able to earn additional money and they really are able to learn valuable

  • skills for the workplace.” “Perfect, thank you so much, thanks for your help, have a

  • good day.” “You too, byeSo friends how did you find this app? I'm sure you enjoyed

  • the conversation I had with Rachel. Well guys this app is not free, but as you are Let's

  • Talk subscriber, you can avail a discount of 32% on a three month plan and apart from

  • this there are multiple plants available on CAMBLY and you can choose the one that suits

  • your requirement and your learning needs. So I'm leaving a link for you in the description

  • with the discount code. So make sure you use the app and let me know in the comments how

  • did you find it. Well in my conversation with the trainer you learned some connectors, now

  • let's look at a few more connecting words, so to introduce your answer you could say,

  • certainly’, ‘definitely’, ‘doubtlesslyor you could say, ‘undoubtedlyandof

  • course’. Okay, apart from this there are some more connecting words but for now we'll

  • only look at these, so let's look at a question, “do you like playing sports?” So if the

  • examiner asks you this, you could start with, “of course, I love playing cricket.” Another

  • question, “do you have a healthy diet?” You could say, “yes I'm very conscious of

  • what I eat, without any doubt I follow my diet plan made by my dietician.” Now if

  • you want to give your opinion you could start your answer with something like, ‘in my

  • opinion’, ‘from my point of view’, ‘as far as I'm concernedor ‘I believe that’.

  • So let's look at a question, so the examiner asks you, “what do you study?” You could

  • say, “I study sciencethen they'll ask you a further questions, “do you enjoy studying

  • science?” You could say, “science is vast, in my opinion it is interesting because you

  • can relate to it and I particularly like biology.” So here I used a phrase for giving my opinion.

  • So if you want to agree with the examiner, what would you say? Well if you want to agree

  • with the examiner you could start with, ‘I quite agreeor you could say, ‘I could

  • not agree morethis means you agree 100% or else you could say, ‘you're absolutely

  • right’. On the other hand for disagreeing you could say something like, ‘I don't quite

  • agree with thator you could say, ‘I don't accept that’. Now let's see one of

  • these in an example, so if the examiner asks you, “do people from your country think

  • fashion is important?” You could answer it like this, “yes I think people in my

  • country think fashion is important and I have recently noticed this, but I strongly disagree

  • that fashion is more important than comfort.” So here I use the phrase but ‘I strongly

  • disagree’. Now let's look at some connecting words to add information. You could usemoreover’,

  • you could usebesides’, ‘furthermore’, ‘in additionandwhat's more’. So

  • let's look at an example, “how many hours do you spend reading?” “I usually read

  • before sleeping in the night, besides this I like reading while traveling.” So here

  • I usedbesides this’, to add information. Let's look at one more example, “do you

  • think it's important to be punctual?” “Yes, it's very important to be on time in life

  • as it is one of the basic manners, moreover I don't like to keep people waitingand

  • now finally let's look at some words for concluding your IELTS in the speaking test, so for concluding

  • your answer you could say, ‘lastly’, ‘in the end’, ‘to sum uporin conclusion’.

  • Now let's look at a question, “is there anything you would like to change about your

  • flat?” You could answer it like, “I would love to have a big balcony where I can put

  • some chairs and sit in the evening while having tea, lastly I like to decorate it with plants.”

  • So what I can say is that you must never forget connectors in order to get a good score in

  • the criterion of fluency and coherence. The third point that I have for you is thatyes

  • andno’, are never satisfactory answers. Remember this is a test and you have to show

  • the examiner how good your English is and if you give very short answers you don't give

  • them enough opportunity to hear you and give you a score, that's why it's important to

  • add explanations, reasons and examples. Let's look at good and bad examples for a question,

  • so the question iswhat are the causes of traffic jams in your city?” “the causes

  • of traffic jams are narrow roads and overpopulation.” So this is an example of a bad answer because

  • it's too short and it gives minimum information. Now let's look at an example of a good answer,

  • the causes of congestion are narrow roads and overpopulation this is because our roads

  • were designed a long time ago when the population of the city was much lower, for example the

  • road near my house was built in the 1960s when the population was about a third of what

  • it is today.” So here the answer is detailed, it's explained and it gives the details that

  • are expected and on top of that it also has an example, so this is a good answer and that's

  • why I will tell you that it's important to expand your answers in the IELTS speaking

  • test. My last tip for you is if you are unsure about how to answer the question you can give

  • yourself a bit more time to think by using somefiller sentenceslikethis is

  • a very tricky questionorthat's an interesting question…” So this way you

  • will have some extra time to plan your answer. You can also repeat the examiners question,

  • but in your own words. For example if the examiner asks you, What was your favorite

  • book in the childhood?” “Umm, what book did I like as a child, ahlet me see…”

  • okay, so this is an example of how you can paraphrase the examiners question. Some more

  • examples of filler sentences would be, “it's very hard to say for sure, but I would guess…”

  • or else you could start with, “it's difficult to say, I believe…” or else if you're

  • not sure about the answer you could say, “I don't really know for sure, but I believe…”

  • and then you give your opinion. Okay now with this tip comes a warning, if you begin every

  • sentence like this then the examiner will think that you have memorized your answers

  • and memorized these phrases, so be very careful when you use this tip, you should use it on

  • and off and not for every sentence that you speak. So here are my top tips for the IELTS

  • speaking test I hope these tips will give you a chance to calm your nerves before you

  • take the IELTS speaking exams and that you would be able to break a leg with these strategies.

  • Thank you so much for watching this lesson with me, I will see you soon in another IELTS

  • lesson till then, take care and break a leg, bye-bye.

Easier said than done is extremely true for the IELTS exam. If you're preparing to take


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4個技巧--如何在雅思口語考試中獲得8分以上的成績|模擬題、連接詞、補全句子。 (4 Tips - How To Get A 8+ Band In IELTS Speaking Test | Mock Questions, Connectors, Filler Sentences)

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