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hey everybody welcome back to let's talk this is me Mira all right
I've come I've come up with such an odd funny but odd words which are obviously
a part of English vocabulary and if you actually use these in your day to day
life or your messages or your mails probably I'm sure and I can assure you
that your English will certainly sound very decorated okay are you excited for
this because I am and did you if you ask me how did I how did I find all these
words I'll tell you how so since childhood have been watching a
lot of American TV series and they used to use these words of course I couldn't
understand at that point of time but when I watch them today I know exactly
what it means and I want to share it with you all so let's get started with
our first very funny yet a useful word which is blubber where of course it
sounds very funny and you wouldn't know what it means unless until I use it so
let me try and use it in a sentence and let's see if you can figure out what it
means okay okay here it goes all right stop blubbering
like a two-year-old did you guys can you figure out what it means so some of you
might have figured out it means to cry or to throw tantrums like a child and
that's how I used it okay to cry or throw tantrum so you can use it that way
that stop blubbering like a two-year-old my two year olds or my kids have been
blubbering since morning okay so I would tell if you know you can tell your
husband I have been taking care of the kids they have been blubbering since
morning you take care of them now right so you can use it very often
blubber remember this moving forward from blubber
we have doozie okay so do Z remember it's always used with earth all right ah
doozy it actually means if you want to express
something that is extraordinarily good or bad you can use a doozy
so hey so let's just figure this out okay so that show was embarrassing or if
the host did you know a few mistakes made a few mistakes and you want to just
talk to your friend about it so this is how you can say hey do you remember that
show oh yeah that just was a doozy right so you just mean that it was really
embarrassing for the horse and everyone felt bad about it okay you feel for the
person alright so it just means really bad or good so another example
did you eat french fries at that restaurant it's a doozy you just mean
it's really good and yummy and tasty okay moving from a doozy we have
flabbergasted flabbergasted can you hear it can you can you see how funny it is
right okay it just means something when when you're really astonished or
surprised so here's an example for you I checked the price of the dress online
and I was flabbergasted means extremely surprised okay I'm so glad that you guys
are getting to know these new words because I want you guys to use it I'm
telling you you would feel better each day when you use these fancy and funny
words in your daily life alright another word for flabbergasted could be I heard
her pregnancy news and I was flabbergasted simple right and it just
means surprised alright moving from here we have fests tuned
for me this word really sounds like a party word or it feels a very 60s or
70's style party word but you know what it's actually a part of that vocabulary
it actually means to decorate or decorate it okay the strips are
festooned with lights during festivals or I have festooned my Christmas tree
this time right simple festooned remember this word you can use it for
decoration or decorated okay or you can hate you can only say hey your english
is festooned you're just trying to say how decorated your language or your
vocabulary is fun right so use it all right moving from festoon we have
fuddy-duddy again really funny but something very useful it usually means
something that when people have old beliefs right when you believe in
something that is old-fashioned that's when you say that that person is
fuddy-duddy so my grandfather always asks us to keep our hands off the table
while dining because he's such a fuddy-duddy right so someone with
old-fashioned beliefs old-fashioned
right old-fashioned belief system
alright moving from fuddy-duddy you can we're going to move to gibberish have
you heard this word before ever do you remember you're hearing this word
okay especially you can use this whenever you
or probably your friend gets drunk you can say oh I do none Durst and what this
person wants he's speaking gibberish did you guessed by now what it means it just
means a language that no one can understand or my two-year-old has
started talking and he speaks gibberish that just means a language that no one
understands I really like this word because it really so especially when
someone talks mathematics or numbers to me I'm like oh hold on hold on
you're speaking gibberish to me speak English that really means I cannot
understand or I cannot do maths well so for me that language is gibberish did
you get it now alright then moving from gibberish we have
shenanigans shenanigans this actually means problematic activities or tricks
that some people do so for example you've got to stop all this and you need
to start working otherwise your shenanigans are going to get you into
trouble right that means problem activities or I
can get into my classroom and say all of you all of you stop with your
shenanigans right now did you get it okay just means problematic activities
or tricks let me write that down
okay squabble my parents have been squabbling since morning did you get it
what is it it just means fight and that for a very small reason for
very very stupid something which is very stupid so stop squabbling about where to
eat let's just go and find someplace to eat right so whenever you fight with
your friends for something so stupid I want to go to this restaurant no I want
to go here you just have to say stop squabbling about it let's just go okay
so just means fights stupid fights right
stupid fights I'm sorry for that but I'm sure you would get it stupid fights
alright wishy-washy this is something my mother
used to say to me and still say is at times that you've got to be you've got
to stop being wishy-washy about your decisions what does that mean that means
you have to stop being indecisive indecisive means someone who's very
confused while making decisions right so you have to decide what you want don't
be wishy-washy about what you want to eat just be calm and decide something
very simple a very simple example okay let me write that down
someone who's confused making
confused making decisions wishy-washy all right okay and the last one for the
day hodgepodge most of you might have a table which is completely hodgepodge
what does that mean untidy untidy your wardrobe is completely hodgepodge
arrange it right now untidy cupboard and wardrobes something very relatable
something that you can think yourself to be in the same position right okay so
these were really really funny words which I use in my day-to-day life I'm
sure all of you will from now on make sure that you do all right okay
so that's all for today guys if you want to see any more of my videos there would
be right flashing somewhere right here by now I would be seeing you very soon
with some interesting topics until then go crazy stay calm I'll smile a lot guys
and I would see very soon this is me Mira signing off for the day bye