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  • Thank you so much for clicking on this lesson, I'm pleased to have you with me, thank you!

  • These are softeners what I just use right now words like thank you, please, possibly.

  • All these are softeners which native speakers often use to sound very polite. If you want

  • to sound polite while making a request then stay with me I'm Michele and I am going to

  • help you sound much more soft and polite. Okay, so where do you think we should best

  • start using softeners? Which place is it where you would like to use softeners the most?

  • As for me when I'm making a request I would definitely use a softener I don't want to

  • sound rude when I'm making a request because I know then the answer would beno’.

  • So if I'm making a request I want to sound sweet, polite and soft. Okay so the first

  • section that we are going to look at, this section talks about making a request very

  • politely using softeners. Okay so the first one that we have, “can I take this chair,

  • please?” Okay although we do have a softener here okay, ‘pleaseis a softener but

  • you know the formation of the sentence is just not correct, it sounds very rude when

  • you tell someone, “can I take this chair?” andcanis actually wrong, you might

  • want to say, “may I take this chair?” Now even if you saymay I take this chair,

  • please? It's still not very polite. The best way to sound most polite is to say, “could

  • I take this chair, please?” Okay, now if you're meeting someone for the first time

  • you, “Could say could I take this chair, please?” to a friend or to a colleague but

  • if you're talking to a stranger you really want to sound very polite otherwise you'll

  • hear a ‘no’, okay? So what will you say then? You could say, “Could I borrow this

  • chair, please?” instead of saying take, because take is a very harsh word, slightly

  • harsh, you pick up something and you keep it somewhere. So Borrow means that you'll

  • take it and then you'll give it back. Alright so, “could I borrow this chair, please?”

  • Now there's more that we can add to the sentence to sound even more polite and flatter someone

  • and that is, “could I possibly borrow this chair?” So you can add here so you could

  • say, “Could I possibly borrow this chair, please?” Ah? Do we usepleasewith

  • possibly’? No! I think that's too much pleasing and too much flattering. So be careful

  • when you use possibly, you do not use please, okay? And when you use please, you do not

  • use possibly. So you could use any of these sentence either you could say, “could I

  • borrow this chair, please?” or you could say, “could I possibly borrow this chair?”

  • these are both questions and ways to make requests very politely. Okay so the next one

  • that we have is, “may I turn the music down?” Okay so now we can definitely make this much

  • more polite, if you want someone to make, uh, turn the music down for you, instead of

  • usingmay’, you could say, “do you mind…?” okay, you could say, “do you

  • mind turning the music down?” because we are talking in the present, tense about a

  • situation that is going on so, “do you mind turning the music down?” and obviously you

  • can add another softener to it which isplease’, okay? So you could say, “do you mind turning

  • the music down, please?” and if you want to go a degree higher in your politeness then

  • you might want to use modal okay which is, “would you mind turning the music down,

  • please?” Yes that's also correct or you might say, “Would you mind if I turn the

  • music down?” anyways you can use it. You could say, “would you mind if I turn the

  • music down?” orwould you mind if I turn the, would you mind me turning the music down,

  • please?” alright so either you could say, “do you mind…?” orwould you mind…?”

  • So apparently these phrases have no such meaning right because, ‘mind’, ‘would you mind

  • it really doesn't mean something, except that it's just a softener to help you sound much

  • more polite. Okay, now with this we look at the next one, “could I ask you to move your

  • chair, please?” Okay, so now you tell me if someone asks you to move your chair from

  • here to here, do you think they're asking you to do something very big, is it a very

  • big task? Would it require too much effort for you to just lift up your chair and move

  • here? I don't think soIt's a very small task, isn't it? It's a very little thing that

  • someone is expecting you to do. If you are asking someone to do something very little

  • for you then you can add a softener to make it sound very polite and that is, could I,

  • could I just ask you to move your chair, please?” this means that you're asking someone

  • to do a very little thing for you and if you're possibly let's say in a library and there's

  • a book on the table and you're asking someone to pass the book to you, you could say, could

  • I ask you, “could I just ask you to pass the book to me?” So this way you're asking

  • them to do something very little for you and you're sounding very polite and surely your

  • request wouldn't be turned down. Okay, so the next one that we have is, “roll up your

  • sleeve”, okayare you asking or are you demanding? This is no way to request someone.

  • Here you're ordering someone. So who would ask you to, ‘roll up your sleeve?’ I remember

  • that whenever I go for a blood test the nurse always tells me roll up your sleeve and that's

  • really rude, I feel so pissed. So instead of saying it out like this which is very rude

  • especially to your patient alright or customer you might want to say, “could you roll up

  • your sleeve, please?” Okay, “could you roll up your sleeve, please?” or you could

  • add this softener as well because you're asking someone to do a very little thing for you

  • so you could say, “could you just roll up your sleeve?” Okay, now there's more that

  • we can add to this okay, because when a possibly a nurse is asking a patient to roll up their

  • sleeve or when you're going to a blood donation camp and someone is asking you to roll up

  • your sleeve they're asking you something to do it for themselves, isn't it? Like so the

  • nurse wants you to roll up your sleeve so that she can insert the syringe. So she's

  • asking you to do it for herself, in that case she could say, “could you just roll up your

  • sleeve for me?” nowfor meis another software to ask someone to do something for

  • you, “could you roll up your sleeve for me?” Okay, right and what if you have to

  • ask your customer, let's say you're at work and you have to ask your client or your customer

  • to do something for you, you can't be rude to the client, you can't afford that for sure.

  • You want to sound very polite and if you want them to do something for you, youll again

  • use the same formation you could say, “Could you sign your name there for me?” okayfor

  • memeans specifically for you. So let's say that the person is signing some documents,

  • okay or they're reading some documents and you expect them to sign somewhere so you could

  • say, “could you sign your name there for me?” okay because it's a request for you.

  • Could you sign your name there for me?” Alright, now we are looking at the last way

  • to make requests to an absolute stranger, okay? So let's say that you are at the reception

  • of this club where there are a lot of members or clients who are walking in, people who

  • are, who want to be in the club and you're at the reception and a person walks in and

  • you want to ask them if they have the membership or not and how will you know that? Through

  • the membership card, right? So you would say, “Do you have a member’s card?” okay

  • that's fine, it's not wrong but you can be more polite when saying that, right? So when

  • you want to sound very polite to an absolute stranger okay, this is specifically for a

  • case of inquiry, you're inquiring something, so you're asking a question, “do you have

  • a member’s card at all?” okay? That's one way to ask a question specifically for

  • inquiry to a direct stranger. It has no meaning, okay? Don't go into the meaning, it's just

  • a softener the native speakers often use. So, “do you have a member’s card at all?”

  • So do not get confused when someone tells you this, “do you have a member’s card

  • at all?” just take it as it is they're asking you in a very polite way. Okay so now with

  • this we come to an end of how to make polite requests. That's not all, we don't only make

  • requests, we also deny requests, don't we? Do you deny requests very often? So do i.

  • But obviously it's much better to deny a request politely. The best way to do that is to apologize,

  • okay? Even before you say no, you might want to apologize. So let's look at the first sentence

  • that we have, “I'm a bit busy at the moment.” So if someone comes and asks you, “hey do

  • you have a moment, can we speak?” and you're very busy so you can talk to them so you could

  • say, “do you mind, I'm a bit busy at the moment, can we catch up in the afternoon?”

  • Okay so you can follow this with, “do you mind…” okay orif you don't mind…”

  • that would also be correct. So you could say, “if you don't mind, I'm a bit busy at the

  • moment, can we catch up in the afternoon?” Okay, so the next one we have is, “we are

  • using that chair.” so if someone asks you okay you're, you're maybe in a meeting or

  • somewhere and you need a place to sit and you find this chair which is vacant, so you

  • want to go and grab that chair and quickly sit but, there's someone already on that table,

  • right? So you can't just grab the chair and you want to ask them and you ask them, “Could

  • I take that chair, please?” But, if that person says, “we are using that chair”,

  • that's so rude, isn't it? It's a much better way to say, “I'm sorry, we are using that

  • chairso apologizing, before denying. There's another way to apologize, before denying a

  • request and that's by saying, “I'm afraid…” okay? Which means that you cannot do something

  • for someone because of whatever reason. Sowe need those books”, you could say,

  • “I'm afraid, we need those books, that's why we cannot give it to youthat's understood,

  • so “I'm afraid…” So these are some ways to deny a request by sounding much more polite

  • you could say, “If you don't mind, I'm a bit busy at the momentor you could say,

  • “I'm sorry, we are using that chair”, “I'm afraid, we need those books”. Now

  • the next thing that we are looking at where we need to use softeners very honestly, very

  • seriously and that is, when we are disagreeing, okay? It's very easy to hurt someone's feelings

  • when you're disagreeing, so you surely want to sound polite, “I disagree with you there

  • okay, now here as well you can use these softwares, “I'm sorry…”, “I'm afraid…” they

  • can be used with “I disagree with you therebecause you're apologizing before disagreeing.

  • Another softener that you can use with disagreeing is, “I have to say…”, “I have to say,

  • I disagree with you there.” Now if you only say, “I disagree with you therethat's

  • very rude but if you add, “I have to say, I disagree with you therethat adds politeness

  • to it. Okay so the next one we have is, “I agree with you there…” oh? We were looking

  • at disagree, isn't it? How can we agree with someone while disagreeing? You can say, “I'm

  • not sure, I agree with you thereinstead of saying, “I have to say, I disagree

  • you could say, “I'm not sure, I agree with you there.” Okay, now we look at the next

  • two here that's the case, with something like this, that's the case you could say, “I'm

  • not convinced…” which means that you don't agree, again it has the same meaning but it's

  • a softener. So you could say, “I'm not convinced, that's the case.” Alright, “in my experience

  • women are as good as men”, now I need to share story with you about this, one of my

  • friends told me that you know women are not as good as men in computers, I told him, “in

  • my experience women are as good as menbut that's a bit rude, isn't it? You can say,

  • “I have to say, in my experience women are as good as menor you could say that, “is

  • that really true?” “In my experience women are as good as menso you could say, “is

  • that really true…? to sound more polite. Now the last one that we have is, “she's

  • a very experienced teacher but…” so here you agree with a part and you do not agree

  • with the rest of it. She's a very experienced teacher but, here you can say “I understand

  • your point…” or “I take your point, she's a very experienced teacher but, I don't

  • think she fits the job profile.” so “I take your point…” Right, with this we

  • come to an end of today's lesson where we have learned softeners while making requests,

  • disagreeing and you know politely sayingno’. Thank you so much for having me I had a great

  • time teaching you, bye-bye.

Thank you so much for clicking on this lesson, I'm pleased to have you with me, thank you!


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