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  • Welcome to this 3-6-5 Data Science special, where youll learn everything you need to

  • know to land an entry-level job in Data Science! As one of the fastest-growing industries over

  • the last decade, Data Science has become an extremely appealing career path. That path,

  • however, needs to start somewhere. So, if you are watching this videoyouve got

  • questions. Well, we are here to give you the answers and then point you to some extra resources

  • that will help you prepare for data science success.

  • Well go over education, experience, skills and finish up with a cohesive plan on the

  • steps you need to take to start your journey as a Data Scientist. Of course, all the information

  • is based on empirical research, statements by employers in data science, and a dash of

  • our personal experience.

  • So, let’s begin, shall we? In previous videos on our channel, weve

  • discussed the best degree for an aspiring data scientist. To recap: any form of post-graduate

  • degree in a quantitative field gives you a pretty good chance of success, with Computer

  • Science being the most-represented major.

  • Apart from an education, you also need some sort of experience credentials to your name.

  • To understand the methodology we used, you can check out the article linked in the description.

  • For reference, the results suggest that roughly 35% of current Data Scientists have already

  • had a job in the same position, which is actually fantastic.

  • Woah, woah, woahbut how is this good news? Well, the remaining 65% had a different occupation

  • prior to that. Therefore, roughly 2 out of every 3 data scientists are on their first

  • data scientist job in the field. Therefore, it’s safe to say that becoming a data scientist

  • is a very achievable goal. However, don’t expect to become a data scientist

  • right after school. A mere 2% of all data scientists started off with no previous position

  • on their resume. This number in itself sounded suspiciously high to us. Either way, to land

  • even an entry-level position, you still need some previous experience elsewhere.

  • This is a testament to how demanding the position of a current day data scientist is nowadays.

  • Demanding and hard to get, but not impossible. So, what steps should you take?

  • According to employers and recruiters, if you want to succeed in the field, you also

  • need to know three things: the tools, the data and the business.

  • Let’s break this down! Knowing the tools means confidence in working

  • with the most popular software on the market. Those are undoubtedly R, Python, or better

  • yet - both. With a bit lower priority but still extremely important are SQL and visualization

  • software, such as PowerBI and Tableau. Finally, it is important to note that Excel is still

  • a main prerequisite in any job description in the field.

  • Now, if you feel you need to strengthen your data science skillset, weve got you covered.

  • Weve createdThe 365 Data Science Programto help people enter the field of data science,

  • regardless of their background. We have trained more than 350,000 people around the world

  • and are committed to continue doing so. If you are interested to learn more, you can

  • find a link in the description that will also give you 20% off all plans if youre looking

  • to start learning from an all-around data science training.

  • Okay! Back to the key requirements for entry-level data scientists!

  • Next up, is knowing the data. This means you need to understand where your data is coming

  • from, what are the best ways to process and pre-process it, and most importantly, how

  • to extract actionable insights from it. Therefore, you need some coding pedigree,

  • regardless of whether it’s in R, Python or another scripting language. The statistical

  • and analytical skills are there to help you understand and interpret the results before

  • translating the raw numbers into insights. Usually, to land an entry-level job you don’t

  • need to excel in all categories and being okay in 2 of the 3 is fineas long as youre

  • great at programming. ? Finally, it’s crucial that you know the

  • business. Before you apply for a job in a given company, you must find out which aspects

  • of data science and what skills are necessary to land a position there. And, by all means,

  • having market expertise in the specific field, is always a bonus. So, the more holistic your

  • understanding of the data and the industry, the more well-suited you are for the position.

  • Overall, employers are looking for somebody with good coding, statistical, and analytical

  • skills. Aren’t we missing something?

  • Of course, employers are achievement-oriented, so theyre always looking for certain transferrable

  • skills in a candidate that add value to the company.

  • Taking initiative, setting challenging goals, and making efforts to exceed those goals are

  • some examples of transferrable skills you should develop. Interpersonal skills also

  • translate easily across various industries and contexts, so make sure you got that covered.

  • Other highly appreciated skills in this category include the ability to learn from experience

  • and be the propeller of positive changes, independence, self-direction, and accountability.

  • Therefore, make sure your resume includes projects or internships where you worked with

  • others, on top of some evidence of your proficiency in coding. Your statistical and analytical

  • credentials can always be tested with an on-sight examination or an academic transcript, so

  • focus on the interpersonal and programming skills when constructing your resume.

  • For the full list of skills, check our free Data Science career guide. And, if you want

  • to learn more about what you should and shouldn’t include in your resume, check out our data

  • science resume guides. Links are in the description. Alright!

  • So, we discussed what you need to know, and what skills you need to have, but now it’s

  • time for the what you need to DO part. In highly competitive fields, such as Data

  • Science, who you know could be just as important as what you know. This is especially true

  • when youre trying to break into the field and find somebody who is willing to give you

  • a chance, even at a Junior position. Getting a recommendation from your previous boss,

  • or a referral from an employee of the company you are currently applying at, is a sure-fire

  • way to boosting your chances of getting hired. And the tried and tested way of getting these

  • is through networking. One good approach is to use Handshake and

  • similar sites, where alumni from your school post job ads. This way, you can find interesting

  • potential employers who you want to interact with. Drop them an e-mail, ask them for an

  • informational interview, give them your details and ask specific questions about what their

  • company does. By doing so, youre making a solid good impression because: A) you know

  • or you want to learn the business, and B) youve done your research.

  • Sometimes, you won’t be able to get direct contact information through the website, so

  • you can check out your school’s alumni directory. You should be able to find at least an e-mail,

  • a phone number or a LinkedIn profile, and all you have to do next is reach out.

  • Alternatively, you can meet people in the field by going to local conferences or lectures

  • about Data Science. Universities and colleges frequently organize events of the sort, which

  • are often open to the general public. In addition, independent Data Science societies also sponsor

  • or organize control-group meetups where they discuss the applications of D-S in specific

  • fieldslike medicine or finance for example. Just remember, the more invested you look,

  • the higher the chance that these people would want to keep in touch, so try to stay enthusiastic

  • and curious. Of course, knowing the right people will get

  • you far, but in most caseswon’t get you the job. Even with a referral or recommendation,

  • you still have to go through a job interview. Your potential employers can always test your

  • statistical skills with a written exam and your programming skills with a remote task.

  • However, you only get the face-to-face interview to present your coherent communication skills,

  • so make sure you highlight them in the best possible way. Of course, data science incorporates

  • multi-disciplinary aspects of various fields, so it can be difficult to prepare for everything.

  • That is why we created a free booklet with 180 of the most common real-world interview

  • questions for D-S and their answers. Think of this as our Data Science equivalent to

  • Cracking the Code”, albeit a little bit smaller. You can find a link to this resource

  • in the description as well. Right!

  • After explaining everything, let’s quickly summarize what you need to do, to land an

  • entry-level job as a Data Scientist. For starters, you should earn at least a graduate

  • degree in a quantitative major like Computer Science. Then, you need to gain experience

  • in a field tangent to Data Science, so a job as an analyst or in I.T. is a good way to

  • go about it. An internship is also a viable option, if youre still studying.

  • Knowledge about coding, working with data and the line of work you are interested in

  • is vital too, so ensure your resume showcases all of that. Also, try to highlight some essential

  • transferrable skills in your resume, like drive for the business and ability to work

  • in cross-functional teams. Conduct some networking and try to earn a recommendation or referral

  • for a specific position. On a final note, make sure to showcase certain immeasurable

  • qualities you possess, like communication skills and curiosity during the interview.

  • In our opinion, doing all of this will give you a great shot at securing an entry-level

  • job as a Data Scientist. If you enjoyed this video, don’t forget

  • to hit thelikeorsharebutton! And if you’d like to become an expert in

  • all things data science, subscribe to our channel for more videos like this one.

  • Thanks for watching!

Welcome to this 3-6-5 Data Science special, where youll learn everything you need to


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如何獲得一份入門級數據科學家的工作? (How to Get an Entry-Level Data Scientist Job?)

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