字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Who is the most famous person in your phone? 你個電話簿入面邊個人最出名? I'm gonna say Jürgen Klopp. 我諗會係高普 Can you ring him? 你可唔可以打畀佢呀? He's coming, huh? 唔知佢會唔會聽呢? Another question, guys? 有冇其他問題呀? Oh, yeah, yeah. Do you pick your nose? 有啊⋯⋯你會唔會撩鼻屎㗎? No. 唔會 Why are you smiling? 你做咩咁好笑口呀? - How are you? - Good. - 你幾好嘛?- 好 Come on, little man. You OK? ?仔你哋好嘛? Yeah. 好 - How are you? - Good. - 你幾好嘛?- 好 - I like your hair, man. - Thanks. - 我鍾意你個髮型喎 - 多謝 Just relax yourself. 放鬆啲啦 You're here with me now, you have to relax. 有我喺度 唔使咁緊張 You guys nervous? 你哋好緊張呀? BOTH: Yeah. - Don't be, don't be. 小朋友:係呀 - 唔使緊張 I'm a bit disappointed. 我有啲失望囉 In what? 點解呀 Because I was expecting Mo Salah instead of you. 我以為會見到沙拿而唔係你囉 But...it doesn't matter anymore. 但⋯⋯都唔緊要啦 OK. OK. How does it feel like to be the world's best defender? 你作為世界上最勁嘅後衛有咩感受呀? Well... 其實呢⋯⋯ that's everyone's opinion. 呢啲都只係大家嘅意見 So if you think that, I'm very happy that you say that. 如果你都認同 咁我都好開心 But some other people think that other players are the best defender in the world. 但都會有啲人認為其他球員先會係世界上最勁嘅後衛 No - you. 唔會 你先係(最佳後衛) Yeah, but it's all about opinions, so it's good that people are talking about it, 但呢啲都係個人意見 所以有人討論我都會覺得係一件好事 but you don't need to think about it too much. 不過就唔使諗咁多 Is there anything you're not good at? 有冇啲咩你係唔擅長㗎? Answering questions. 答問題 No, there are plenty of things I'm not good at. 我有啲嘢都唔係好叻嘅 Running. 例如跑步 - Running? - Yeah. - 跑步喎? - 係呀 Like, very long running. 係呀 長跑嗰類 The easiest thing. 我覺得最易喎 How happy were you when you won the Champions League? 攞到歐聯冠軍嘅時候你有幾開心呀? I was very happy. Were you very happy as well for us? 好開心 你有冇都好開心呀? - Yeah. - Were you happy as well for us? - 有啊 - 咁你呢? - No. - You support Everton? - 冇 - 你係愛華頓fans? - Yeah. - Tough, isn't it? - 係呀我 - 好難受呢? Must be very tough though. 你應該都唔好受啦 Yes? 係? You don't need to lift your finger, I'm not the teacher. 你唔使舉手啦 我唔係你嘅老師呀 Why are you so good? 點解你可以咁犀利? Do you think I'm good? 你覺得我犀利? You don't think I'm good? 你覺得我唔犀利? Gimme power. 咁畀啲力量我啦 Do you care what other people think about you? 你介唔介意其他人點睇你? No, not at all. 唔會 完全唔會 You never should, because everyone in this world can have an opinion on you these days, 你哋都唔應該介意 因為而家全世界嘅人都可以對自己作出評價 and you should not care, especially from people that you don't care about. 所以你哋唔使介意 尤其係啲你唔在意嘅人 So remember that, yeah? 記住嘞 知冇? Never let anything affect you. 唔好畀任何嘢影響到自己 Another question, guys? 有冇其他問題? Oh, yeah, yeah. Do you pick your nose? 有啊⋯⋯ 你會唔會撩鼻屎㗎? No. Do you? 唔會 你呢? - No. - Good. - 唔會 - 咁就好 I like that. 唔錯唔錯 You do, isn't it? 你會撩啦係咪? You sure?! 你肯定?! You do, look at you! 你個樣似喎 Are you ticklish? 你怕唔怕唧? - I can be. - Where? - 可以怕唧 - 邊度先? I'm not telling you. 我唔會話你知 - Why? - Because you might tickle me. - 點解呀? - 因為你可能會即刻唧我 I'll bet you are ticklish. 我估你哋都怕唧 No, I'm not ticklish. 我唔怕唧㗎 I'm faster than he is. 我跑得快過佢㗎 Do you think so? 你覺得? Whose hair is better - mine or yours? 我同你邊個嘅髮型好睇啲? Yours. 你嗰個 Thanks. 多謝 You want to keep it long forever? 你打算一直留長頭髮? Yeah. 係呀 Have you ever been scared of anything? 你有冇驚啲乜嘢? Yes. I'm not a big fan of bugs, I'm not a big fan of spiders...snakes. 有 我唔鍾意蟲⋯⋯蜘蛛同蛇 Are you? 咁你驚唔驚? Have you got Ultimate Team? 你有冇砌隊Ultimate Team呀? - I do. - What is it? - 有 - 有啲咩人? I can only say my Liverpool players, and I took Alisson, I took myself, 我淨係可以答你我擺咗邊啲利物浦球員 我擺咗艾利臣 自己 Trent Alexander-Arnold... 阿歷山大阿諾 ..Wijnaldum... 韋拿杜姆 - I have him. - ..and Salah. - 我都有擺佢 - 仲有沙拿 I have Keita too. 我仲有擺基達添 I have Salah, Alexander-Arnold then you. 我有擺沙拿、阿諾 同埋你 Ooh. Nice. Liverpool is very good in FIFA, huh? 幾好喎⋯⋯利物浦啲球員喺FIFA入邊好犀利㗎 I think they're gonna be even better this year. 我估今年會仲犀利 What is your favourite thing about your job? 你最鍾意你份工作啲咩呀? Exactly the same probably as what your favourite thing is about playing football. 我諗係完全等於你最鍾意足球啲咩 I thought you would say, erm, busting people up. 我以為你會講啲咩⋯⋯剷人添 Me. 我有嘢問 Go on. 你講啦 Who smells the most in the team? 隊波入面邊個最臭? Whoa. To be fair, in our dressing room it smells pretty good actually. 嘩 老實講⋯⋯其實我哋個更衣室都幾香 They have a lot of good fragrances going on, a lot of nice perfumes. 佢哋有好多香氛呀 香水呀之類 So I don't know, I can't answer that, to be fair. 所以老實講 我都答你唔到 Who is the most famous person in your phone? 你個電話簿入面邊個人最出名? Whoa. 嘩 I'm gonna say Jürgen Klopp, the manager. 我諗會係領隊高普 Can you ring him? 你可唔可以打畀佢呀? Nah, I'm not gonna ring him now. You want me to ring him? 唔啦 你想我打畀佢? You guys think I'm making a joke, huh? 你哋覺得我講緊笑呢 He's coming, yeah? If he picks up. 如果佢聽咗電話 可能會嚟添 If he thinks about me, maybe he's got an appearance. 如果佢畀面我 就可能會見到佢個樣 I don't think he wants to speak to me. 我諗佢唔係好想同我講嘢 Shall we keep the phone here just in case he calls back in two minutes? 我擺部電話喺度 睇佢兩分鐘後會唔會打返畀我啦 Oh, let me think. 等我諗諗先 No. 諗唔到 Wait - do you like Liverpool or Holland better? 我諗到啦 你鍾意利物浦多啲定荷蘭多啲? As a country, as a...? 作為國家 定⋯⋯? Liverpool or Holland? 利物浦定荷蘭? I like both. 兩樣都鍾意 You've got to choose one. 你一定要二選一 I can't. I'm from Holland, so I love Holland. 唔可以呀 我係荷蘭人 所以我鍾意荷蘭 But I play for Liverpool and I love Liverpool too. 但我喺利物浦踢緊波 我都鍾意利物浦 OK. OK. What's your favourite food to eat? 你最鍾意食咩? I like pasta. Yeah. 我鍾意食意粉 - I like it. - You like pasta as well? - 我都係喎 - 你都鍾意食意粉? Is it your favourite food as well or have you got something else? Pizza? 係你最鍾意嘅食物 抑或有其他 例如pizza? - No. - Are you sure? - 冇 - 你肯定? I know a lot of people like pizza, but I'm not one of those. 我知道有好多人都鍾意pizza 但我唔係 No? What do you eat then? 咁你食咩? - Salad. - Really?! - 沙律 - 真心咩?! - I like salad. - Really?! - 我鍾意食沙律 - 真係㗎?! Nice, what kind of salad? 好好喎 咩沙律? Like, carrots, and... 好似蘿蔔呀⋯⋯ - Spinach? - Spinach. - 菠菜呢? - 菠菜啦⋯⋯ Lovely. Broccoli as well, you like broccoli? 仲有西蘭花 你鍾唔鍾意西蘭花? - Yeah. - Wow, you're a very healthy little fella, yeah? - 鍾意 - 嘩 你都真係個好健康嘅細蚊仔喎 How do you spend all your money? 你平時點樣使晒啲錢? I don't spend my money, I just save it. 我唔點使錢㗎 我儲起佢 The thing is, when we stop playing football, then we have no job anymore. 事實係 當我哋唔再踢波 就等於冇咗份工 You need to save a lot of money for after you stop playing football. 所以你要為咗退役之後嘅生活而儲錢 Otherwise, you stop playing football, and you don't have money coming in, 如果唔係你冇再踢波就唔會有收入 you're gonna have a problem. 咁你就大件事嘞 So keep that in mind, all right? 所以記住儲錢啦知冇 OK. 知道 Were you good at football when you were seven? 你七歲嗰陣踢波叻唔叻呀? I was all right, I was not the best player in the team. 普通啦 我唔係全隊入面最勁嗰個 What team did you play for? 你嗰陣喺邊度踢? A team called Willem II. 有隊嘢叫做 威廉二世 You probably won't know them, but it's in Holland, 你哋應該冇聽過 但係係一間荷蘭嘅球會 and I enjoyed every bit of it. 我都好享受喺嗰度踢波嘅時光 I think for you guys as well, the message should be, just enjoy...and have fun. 所以呢 你地都應該好好享受踢波嘅快樂 You have one more question in that head of yours, huh? 你係咪仲有嘢想問我呀? - No. - No? - 冇 - 真係冇? - No. - All right. - 冇 - 咁好啦 You got more questions, Evertonian? 愛華頓仔 你仲有冇嘢想問呀? - No. - No? - 冇啦 - 真係冇? Guys, nice to meet you. 好高興今日同你哋見面 - Take care. - Thank you. - 保重啦 -多謝你 Good luck. 祝你哋好運 It's gonna be a tough year for you again. 你哋嚟緊呢年都唔容易呀 Unlucky, the manager didn't call back. 真係唔好彩 高普冇打返嚟 But when he calls back, I will tell him you guys asked for him, yeah? 如果佢有打嚟 我會同佢講你哋搵過佢啦 - Good luck at school. - Thank you. - 返學都要加油 - 多謝 And you never know, in the future we might see each other again. 可能我哋將來都仲有機會見面 Yeah. 嗯 - Bye. - Take care, guys. - 再見 - 你哋保重 Good luck at school. 返學加油 Who's the best player in this team then? 你哋邊個係全隊最勁? ALL: Me! 全部:我! Have a look at the camera, guys. 望下個鏡頭啦各位 Come on, poses. 擺下pose Like this! 好似咁!
A2 初級 中文 荷蘭 後衛 電話簿 好似 球員 開心 維吉爾-範迪克被8歲的孩子問到:"你能給尤爾根-克洛普打電話嗎?"。 (Virgil Van Dijk quizzed by 8 year-olds | 'Can you ring Jürgen Klopp?') 1 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字