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  • - It's probably not news to any of you

  • but daylight savings time may have an impact

  • on your body.

  • (clock smashing)

  • The time shift interferes with

  • (sheep baaing) circadian rhythm

  • and therefore can affect your sleep

  • (sheep baaing) for up to a few days.

  • What is circadian rhythm?

  • There is a rhythm to almost all bodily functions

  • from hormonal secretions to feeling energized

  • or sleepy at different times of day or night.

  • That cycle, or rhythm, is called circadian rhythm

  • which is set by our internal clock in the brain

  • and is in fact about 20 minutes longer than 24 hours.

  • There are also two other factors at work

  • along with circadian rhythm to regulate our sleep.

  • One is the natural build up of a chemical in the brain

  • called adenosine which will make us sleepy

  • (sheep baaing) as the day goes on.

  • The third factor is any excitement,

  • such as good news or bad news.

  • So what happens during spring daytime savings is

  • that we pull the clock forward.

  • It's like having stayed up an hour longer the night before.

  • So we would feel a little sleepy.

  • So what you should do to avoid any harm in the spring.

  • Go to bed an hour earlier the night before if you can.

  • Lighten up your schedule that night

  • and cut back on caffeine that day.

  • The next day you should be able to fall asleep

  • by the new time.

  • (upbeat music)

- It's probably not news to any of you


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A2 初級

夏令營是如何工作的? (How does Daylight Savings work?)

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