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look at that that is the view right now out of my studio window it is a glorious
day in the UK and perhaps also you can hear the sound of the birds nature is
waking up spring is on its way welcome everyone here we go again it's
another live stream it's English addict live from the birthplace of the English
language which just happens to be England
hmm mr. Duncan you are late again I'm sorry I'm late I always have something
to do this is the problem even when I'm preparing my live streams
there is always something that needs doing whatever it is it must be done so
quite often before my live stream begins I normally have a lot of things to do so
please excuse me if sometimes I am a little bit late hi everybody this is mr.
Duncan in England how are you today are you okay I hope so are you happy are you
happy you should be feeling very happy this week because you have had me one
extra time yes did you see yesterday I was live outside I was doing a
livestream from the middle of the place in which I live and for those who missed
it well don't worry everyone you can watch it again so here I am you can see
it here on the screen right now so there I was yesterday live in the center of
much Wenlock doing a livestream and I was broadcasting live from the square
the main square in the centre of where I live and there you can see I have some
food Oh can I just say that that cake was delicious a mint chocolate brownie
that's what I had yesterday and also I had a cup of coffee as well as you can
see in my hand so I was out in the public yesterday talking of which that
is what I was talking about yesterday so on my livestream yesterday the thing you
can see on the screen right now was all about public being in the public
in a public place and oh can you see behind me can you see those two people
behind me they are watching me they are very curious they are wondering what is
that strange man doing he's standing on his own talking into his phone it looks
as if he's filming himself now those people behind me can you see them maybe
we can get a little closer can we get a little closer there here we go
so can you see them they are very interested in what I'm doing
yes I can see you looking at me wondering what I'm doing
nosy people so a lot of people did yesterday they stopped to watch what I
was doing they were very curious to find out what was going on in the place in
which they lived because there was a strange man standing on the street
corner but don't worry it was only me it was only me it's all right don't be
afraid by the way my name is mr. Duncan I teach English on YouTube and I've been
doing this for ever such a long time can you guess how long I've been doing this
for well I will give you a clue when I first started doing this YouTube was
just a little baby so my channel on YouTube is almost as old as YouTube
itself so here we go again oh yes despite all the problems in the
world despite all the terrible things that are happening on the planet right
now and I think we know what they are we have made it all the way to the end of
another week the weekend is just around the corner
yes it's Friday
we have made it yes all away to the end of another week
once more we have managed not to blow the planet hope would you like to see
another lovely view outside my window okay here we go
oh look at that so there already as if we needed reminding that spring is on
its way you can see there is lots of cherry blossom coming out on the trees
in the garden as well shall we have the the nature sound so this is the sound
right now outside my window this is live
I can hear an aeroplane going over but also I can hear some birds in the
distance and they sound very happy indeed isn't that lovely so I don't know
why the weather is so nice but apparently over the next few days it's
going to get really horrible again apparently next week it's going to be
very cold it's going to be very wet and very windy again so I hope you are well
today oh hello to the live chat hello it's
nice to see you here today congratulations to Connell guess what
Connell you are first on the live chat
congratulations and jubilations you are the first one to join my life chat today
thank you very much colonel for joining me
also all we have Luis Mendez here today watching in France hello to you as well
also martha poland guadalupe hello guadalupe i made a mistake the other day
i said that guadalupe is a place in well our first of all i said it was in the
bahamas but it isn't it's actually the caribbean
so quite a loop is actually a place in the caribbean in fact nearby if i'm not
mistaken they actually filmed some of the scenes with Johnny Depp in Pirates
of the Caribbean yeah thank you Guadeloupe for joining me
today also Rolfie hello mr. Duncan and everyone I hope you are having a
wonderful day my day isn't too bad I will be honest with you I had a lovely
day yesterday because I was out and about in much Wenlock in the square
doing a live stream thank you once again to all those who joined me yesterday
Meeker is here watching in Japan hello Sally Sally Sally is joining the chit
chat today nice to see you here Anna Kobi is here also Christine earth
hello mr. Duncan you are looking good thank you very much I feel okay to be
honest I feel rather nice I don't know why but whenever the weather is good
when the Sun is out when everything is looking nice I don't know why I always
feel better I always feel happier when the weather
is nice when the Sun is out the sun is shining in
sky and everything is really nice so yes I do feel rather well today Maria Oh
Maria I am saying hello to Maria also Marina is here mirela lots of em's
mirela Maria also marina also yes mean hello Yasmine I don't understand what do
you mean you don't understand if you don't understand
guess what you can actually have captions on the live stream it's true
YouTube now has live captions so if you press this button on your computer
keyboard you can actually have live captions so not only can you watch me
live you can also see what I'm saying live as well isn't it amazing isn't
technology incredible I must say I think it is
hello Yasmine for those who are wondering when I'm on you can catch me
every Sunday Wednesday and Friday from 2 p.m. UK time so that is when I am on you
can watch me on Sunday Wednesday and Friday and who knows I might also have a
little surprise livestream like yesterday hello Theo hello also 2
minutes or menisci hello mr. Duncan welcome
welcome to you as well sweetness how are you doing d teacher your dear teacher is
feeling okay today not too bad also we have a mitt and Maria again Pedro all
paid Belmont is here today say hello and
maybe goodbye as well hello also to Palmyra Anna Rosso so many
people are already with me on the live chat we have a lot of things to talk
about today one of the subjects we'll be discussing
is something that was brought up yesterday so someone brought up this
particular subject yesterday so soon we will be talking all about time how to
express time in English words connected with time also I will be having a little
contest as well I will be showing some of the times on the clock so there will
be some times displayed on the clock here in the studio and what I want you
to tell me is what the time is how to say it in English so we are going to
have a little bit of fun with that later on lots of words connected with time
also something else I want to mention I know we live in an age of equality
fairness everyone has now decided to be kind and nice to each other
well almost however there are people now who are starting to disagree with
certain words certain words that contain the male gender or the word man for
example we have man hole can you see that I know it's very tiny but I do have
a very small man hole so here is the word man hole as you can see the word
man hole has the word man in it it contains the word man so man hole is an
opening in the ground normally used to hide drains or sewage
or maybe the opening to a utility area so something that you have to access
that is underground you normally have a manhole so these days people are saying
mr. Duncan and everyone else on planet earth maybe you shouldn't be saying
manhole anymore perhaps we should have a new word instead of manhole what do you
think another one is mankind so when we talk about humanity when we talk about
people human beings Homo sapiens we talk about mankind so everything that happens
everything that humans do the evolution of humans we often talk about the
evolution of mankind mankind the events that have shaped humanity we often used
the word mankind so again another word that perhaps we could change to
something else what about people kind or person kind here's another one if I can
get it out of my hand oh here's another one
man hours so we have man hours man hours this relates to the number of hours that
a person has worked or the amount of time it will take to do something so
when we say man hours we are actually saying how long something will take or
how many hours it will require for something to be done so how many man
hours will it take to build that wall how many man hours so once again we are
using the word man in a phrase or word so man hours how
many man-hours will it take to build that wall how many man-hours will it
require to do that thing man-hours so the amount of time taken or the amount
of time it will take to do something oh here's another one
manpower manpower so we have man-hours and also manpower so manpower just
relates to the number of people required to do something maybe you need more
manpower it means you need more people to do something so you can see once
again we are using the word manner but is it is it a good thing or a bad thing
manpower manpower you need something Derner maybe something that takes a lot
of effort or work we often say manpower we need more manpower
we need more people to help then we have manhandle oh hello man handle a man
handle or to manhandle something because this is actually a verb you are using
this as a verb so man handle means to push someone or to shove a person so if
you are pushing a person around if you are pushing them around maybe you are
hitting them with your elbow or you are shaking them with your hands to shake a
person is to manhandle someone perhaps you are putting someone into a car by
force you are making them get into the car we can say that you are manhandling
them to treat someone roughly to push a person around is manhandle you
manhandle something here's another one oh here's an old one if you've ever seen
the film Titanic you might hear this phrase being used
man the lifeboats if you man the lifeboats it means you
get in to the lifeboats so you are telling everyone to get in to the
lifeboats the ship is starting to sink
man the lifeboats man the lifeboats it means you want people to get in to the
lifeboats you are using this as a distress call so you use this to tell
people to abandon the ship you must man the lifeboats to man
something is to control it to take control of something here's another one
man-sized so if something is man-sized it means it is larger than it normally
is so if something can be described as man-sized it is larger than normal so
maybe if you buy something that is larger than it normally is we can
describe it as man-sized something is oversized it is larger than it normally
is perhaps you buy some man-sized tissues that means that this is larger
than it normally is so we might describe this tissue paper as man-sized if it is
larger then it normally is if it is bigger than the regular size we can say
that it is man's
man-sized something is larger than normal and finally oh we have one more
man-made so something that has been created artificially something that has
not been created in nature is man-made it is artificial it is not real or maybe
something that is a copy of a thing from nature so instead of it being natural it
is man-made something that is created by a person something that does not create
or is not created in nature is man-made you might have man-made leather so
instead of killing animals you can recreate the appearance of animal skin
artificially it is man-made I hope you enjoyed that something different to
start off today's livestream don't forget if you like what you see don't
forget you can like you can like and subscribe like subscribe like subscribe
thank you very much I do appreciate it we are talking about time I suppose we
should also mention shall I mention it ok then I'm going to mention it right
now yeah coronavirus yes the situation is getting worse however one man appears
to have a cure well at least he says he does anyway you may have heard this in
the news I'm not sure if you did or maybe you haven't heard about this but
this particular man his name is Jim Baker
he is at La Evangelist he's an evangelist he talks about God he tries
to convert people he gets people to tune into his television show and also he is
also I think he's on the internet now as well
however Jim Baker there he is that's him he is an evangelist and he
had a product on his show a few days ago and he was claiming that the product is
a cure for coronavirus however he has got into trouble because it hasn't been
approved by the Food and Drink Administration the FDA in the United
States they are the group who has to approve everything before it is sold and
also if you claim that something can do a certain thing you have to prove it you
have to tell people you have to give evidence that the thing you are selling
can really do what you say it can do so Jim Baker the other day was trying to
sell some special medicine $300 by the way the medicine is so it's rather
expensive but apparently there is no scientific proof or that there hasn't
been no testing on this particular thing so Jim Baker has got into trouble for
claiming to have the cure for coronavirus but what do you think
how are you protecting yourself from the deaded the dreaded coronavirus how are
you protecting yourself are you taking care of yourself I hope so
so here we are what time is it oh look at the time it is half past two already
we are talking about time today and I thought it would be a good idea to have
a mystery idiom all about time so here it is so this is
my mystery idiom something for you to look at and maybe you can guess what the
answer is so all you have to do is tell me what you see on the screen the
mystery idiom and it is connected with time so there it is today's mystery
idiom the time mystery idiom it is a well known expression in English but
what is it what is the mystery idiom I don't know mr. Duncan I hope you will
tell me later on yes I will give you the answer later on don't worry don't fear
the answer will be coming later on right now we are going to have a look at one
of my full English lessons on my YouTube channel and also on my website by the
way yes there is a website as well I have my own website I will just quickly
put it on the screen so you can see it here it is very briefly my new website
is now up and running you can find all of my lessons on my youtube channel and
also on my new website so there is lots to see on that website and thank you
very much for all your lovely comments about my new website thank you very much
it's very kind of you to to say all the things you have been saying isn't that
lovely thank you very much for that here we go then talking of my lessons here is
an excerpt from one of my full English lessons and this is taken from one of my
well known English series this is episode 14 of full English
and then after that we are going to talk all about time
cows in a field all being good cows in a field chewing the cud to chew the curd
as an idiom means to talk about general things in a friendly way or to consider
something carefully you are chewing the curd
just like this cow
these cows seem very friendly don't you think
can you see what I have on my back it is a very useful thing for carrying stuff
around and walks him it is a backpack a backpack helps to keep your hands-free
while carrying things you put stuff in your backpack so you don't have to carry
anything in your hands a backpack can be small and lightweight or it can be very
large and hold many things hikers often use backpacks so as to allow them to
carry many items at once safety equipment waterproof clothing
survival gear or even a fold away tent can be carried on your back using a
backpack the most common type of backpack looks like this something not
too large and not too small very convenient for when you have lots of
things to carry you can carry a small backpack over both shoulders or just
over one some backpacks even have wheels on them so they can be pulled around
like a trolley a backpack can also be called a rucksack
you are not going to believe what I'm about to say but say it I will most
native speakers of English make mistakes while using the language that is to say
in their day-to-day use of English there are many reasons for this first there is
the consideration of the accent being used some English accents clip or alter
the way in which English is used this applies to both British and American
English speakers the speed at which some people speak English changes the sounds
of certain words if you add accent and speed together then you will get a very
different sounding version of English from a grammatical point of view
mistakes are often made by native speakers double negatives such as I
didn't do nothing are common in everyday speech the use of certain words can also
lead to mistakes being made confusion between words such as historic and
historical affect and effect allude and allude assume and presume these are just
some examples of common mistakes made by native English speakers
then there is the spelling of certain words native English speakers will often
spell certain words incorrectly good examples of this include amount
fascinate necessary definitely achieve acknowledge success
imitate familiar scissors and vacuum there are of course many others my point
here is that even though a person speaks and uses English as their first language
they will still be prone to making the occasional mistake it would be fair to
say that on a daily basis very few native English speakers get it right all
the time and that includes me it is possible to have time on your hands to
have time on your hands means that you have plenty of spare time you are doing
nothing at the moment you have lots of time on your hands we
can ask a person do you have time to see me could you spare some time for me next
week when are you free to be free is to have spare time the word spare can also
be a verb to spare some time is to make sure you will be free you offer your
time to someone at a certain time you will be free and available time ticks by
it never stops time marches on the time and the place is when and where to run
out of time is where all things come to an end you are out of time
hmm don't worry don't fear it's okay we haven't run out
of time yet we still have plenty of time to do lots of things
time time time time waits for no man hi everybody I hope you are okay today here
we are the end of a very hectic week in many parts of the world wherever you are
watching at the moment can I say a big hello I hope you are well and happy and
I hope you will have a great weekend as well because the weekend is just around
the corner are you doing something interesting I hope so
we are talking all about time today I think we should start now shall we start
talking about time ok it's time to do it let's talk about time shall we let's
talk all about the past the present and the future it's time to talk about time
so when we talk about time well what does it mean to you when we say time
what does it mean to you well the actual meaning of time and also the origins of
time are quite interesting for example the word time comes from Germanic and is
related to the word tide so quite often you might find that tide and time are
related to each other and certainly in the past the way the word time evolved
and is connected with tide the sea as it comes in and out time can be expressed
as a noun and verb we can express time as both a noun and verb so time is the
thing but also we can time something we can see how long something takes to
happen so time is the thing but also we can time
something you can time it I wanted time you're running I want to see how long it
takes for you to run from there to there I am going to time you so we can use the
word time in more than one way as both a noun and verb as a noun time defines the
indefinite continued process of existence and events in the past present
and future regarded as a whole so everything that happens around us be it
in the past the present or the future is time as a noun time defines the
indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past present
and future regarded as a whole so that means everything as everything happens
not just here not just on this planet but also in the solar system in the
galaxy in the universe time is everything also we have oh this
is interesting the continued progress of existence as affecting people and things
so the continued progress as we talk about progress we are talking about
movement the way things move on all forward so a person might move forward
we might also say that time moves forward time progresses it moves it is
always changing the two things are closely linked time or an amount of time
as reckoned by a conventional standard and this is something we will be looking
at today so this looks very complicated this sentence on your screen
now looks quite complex so time or an amount of time as reckoned so when we
say reckoned we mean worked out you have come to a result of something by working
it out by a conventional standard so conventional means something that is the
same everywhere so something that matches another thing or a type of
behavior that is the same so we talk about standard time so the way in which
we follow time the way in which we read time is all conventional it is all
standard however as we will find out later time can be very complex the
personification of time typically as an old man with the scythe and an hourglass
we call him father time would you like to see father time right now here he is
he's not a very happy looking man by the way so there he is
father time he doesn't look very happy so when we see father time we think of
the progression of time as we go through time as we move from one moment to the
next so maybe as the minutes come and go maybe the days they come and go the
years come and go father time never stops moving
he is always pushing time ahead he is always making sure that time always
moves on so there he is father time thank you
he's gone now he doesn't look very happy does he then we can say the past the
present the future in English quite often
we will have the past the present and the future in grammar so quite often in
grammar we will describe something as happening in the past happening now or
happening later so it has happened it is happening it will happen the past the
present the future and quite often in English we will use those particular
points of time as a reference and we often use grammar or grammar rules to
define those moments we can use the word temporal to express the concept of time
so the whole idea of time can be described as temporal temporal and yes
the word can be used in other ways as well the word temporal comes from the
Latin word Tempest so you will often hear people talk about tempo or temporal
when they are talking about the movement of time here's another one the rhythmic
beat of something can also be called tempo so the movement or the rhythm of
something is also tempo which of course refers to the rate of something
occurring quite often sound you will hear something occurring at regular
intervals or irregular tempo the pace of sound the rhythm of something we often
describe it as being the tempo light space time and gravity wait there light
space time and gravity can all affect each other in
unique ways yes believe it or not light space time and gravity can all affect
each other in unique ways special ways so even though these things seem
separate they can all come together and combine thank you very much for your
company today lots of people joining in I know this is a very complex subject
but I think also it's very interesting as well here we go
the speed of light so when we are talking about time and distance we are
often talking about how fast something is moving or how quickly something gets
from one place to another and quite often we will talk about the speed of
light especially when we are looking up into space the speed of light is the
distance of an object the amount of time or the force of gravity so all of these
things can be used separately they come separately however they can be linked as
well so we have the speed of light the distance of an object the amount of time
and also the force of gravity so it would seem that these things are
separate they are not connected however they are these are the things
that Albert Einstein used to conclude his theory of relativity so everything
is connected everything you might think that they are not however they are and
thanks to Albert Einstein we now have the theory of relativity hmm which
allows us to look at many things in a new way we can even go back in time just
to see what the galaxy and the universe looked like in the past it's amazing so
I love this subject very much it gets me very excited when
I'm talking about this as you can tell how long does it take for the sunlight
to reach the earth so here is a good example of light speed for example when
the light leaves the Sun it doesn't arrive here straight away it has to
travel it has to travel here so how long does it take for sunlight to reach the
earth Christina says Oh time goes by very quickly sometimes it does I think
as you get older time goes very quickly and also if you are having a good time
if you are having fun we often say that time flies when you are having fun it is
true be excellent make excellent says mr. Duncan I like your lesson it is
interesting to learn English I am watching or I have been watching for 14
years thanks for making your lovely English YouTube channel how can I
contact you I want to talk to you well here is the place to talk to me because
I'm live right now so this is the best place to catch me if you want to talk to
me live Luis Mendez gives us some interesting information the speed of
light is 300,000 kilometers a second that is fast so how long does it take
the sunlight so as the Sun produces light how long does it take to get here
it takes 8 minutes 8 minutes in fact I think it's slightly more than 8 minutes
I'm sure it's 8 minutes and 20 seconds but it is around 8 minutes it takes the
sunlight the light from the Sun to reach us and it's quite a long way it has to
come as well we can calculate the distance of objects in space by using
the speed of light as reference so we can measure how far away
something is by working out how long it takes the light to reach us so we often
call this light years so when you hear a person talking about light years what
they are saying is how long it takes light to reach us and by working that
out you can tell how far away something is and we can do it quite accurately
because now we have lots of super ways of working out how fast light travels
how long it takes to get here and by that we can also work out the distance
of objects even if they are very far away there are many ways of asking for
the time so maybe you are walking around the street perhaps you are lost and you
don't know what time it is there are many ways of asking for the time so
let's have a look you can ask what time is it what time is it so yes a very
simple way of asking for the time I want to know what time it is what time is it
so if you are asking this as a question this is what you will say this is what
you will ask what time is it do you have the correct time do you have the correct
time do you have the time on you so we might ask if a person is wearing a watch
so if someone is wearing a watch they can tell you what time it is
right now so what time is it do you have the correct time do you have the time on
you what is the time what is the time right now the time is
five minutes to three so at the moment it's five to three five minutes before
three o'clock on a Friday and this is English addict helping you to master the
English language step by step we can express time as information so when we
say that we are expressing time as information we are normally saying what
time it is or maybe what day of the week it is
or maybe what date it is so the date or even the month or even the year so all
of these things relate to information connected to time so you are giving
information you are telling a person what time it is
you are telling them what the day is what the date is what the month is and
also what the year is all of those things relate to information connected
to time and if you ask a person what time it is
they might say it's it's now it's approaching it's coming up - it's almost
so first of all it's that is the present time it's three minutes to three it's
now three minutes to three o'clock it's approaching through a clock it's coming
up to three o'clock it's almost three o'clock so you can see that there is a
slight difference that refers to the time now that refers to the time right
now that refers to the time it will be su
so it is approaching three o'clock it is coming up to three o'clock
it isn't three o'clock yet it is almost 3 o'clock it's almost 3 o'clock which it
is right now you might also notice when people write the date and also the month
and the year sometimes you will see it in a different order so for example in
the UK we will say the day date month year and in the USA they will often say
the day month date and year so it will be the other way round
would you like an example ok then I have an example right here for example well
let's use today's date shall we today's date is the 6th of
March 2020 but in American English people will often say March 6 2020 so in
British English we often put the date first and then the month in American
English they will often put the month first and then the date so you can see
it written down here so the 6th of the 3rd 20 is the 6th of March 2020 the 6th
of March 2020 however in America and in many parts of the world they will say it
is the 3rd month the sixth day of 2020 so it can be a little bit confusing
especially here can you see these dates look as if they are naming different
times of the year first of all this says the 6th of the 3rd so sick of March
however the this looks like it is saying the 3rd of
June so it is wrong it is wrong so that is not British that is saying today is
the 3rd the 6th of March 2020 so that is something that can catch you out
sometimes you have to be very careful when you are reading the date in that
form like that so today's date is the 6th of March 2020
that's how you will describe it that's how you will say what day it is
we are going to have a look at the clock in a moment but first of all oh hello
everyone hello to the live chat lots of people joining me now thank you
very much for joining me on the 6th of March 2020 and of course it is Friday
thank goodness it is Friday and the weather outside is lovely it's ever so
nice would you like to have a look outside ah look at that shall we have
the sound as well
Oh oh he's not lovely a beautiful day today it really does
feel as if spring is in the air it really does I'm feeling rather excited
to say the least
hmm I hope you are feeling good as well hello - Mika I don't want to leave here
but unfortunately it is now midnight in Japan because of the time difference and
this is one of the very confusing things about being live on YouTube now I start
my live streams at 2 o'clock here in the UK but of course the time is not the
same all around the world so each person has their own time zone so in Asia they
are ahead however in South America they are behind
they are behind us and here well here it is now three minutes past three o'clock
so quite often the time zone can mean that you might miss my livestream so it
might be very early in the morning so you are still in bed
or it might be very late at night which means that you are also in bed because
it's nighttime so that is one of the problems with time zones however the
reason why I choose 2 p.m. UK time the reason why I choose 2 p.m. UK time is
because it's kind of in the middle so lots and lots of people will have a
chance to watch me live however it is a big problem it really is good night Mika
and I hope to see you again I will be back with you on Sunday and of course
yes mr. Steve will be here as well on Sunday he will be back so now in China
apparently in China it is now 4 minutes past 11 o'clock at night in China so
there is a very good example of the time zones so here in the UK it is now coming
up to five minutes past three however in China it is coming up
to five minutes past 11:00 at night so the time zones can create a lot of
confusion even for me sometimes I get very confused by it although it doesn't
take very much I have been asked to talk about how to tell the time and how to
express it in English so when we look at the clock I have a clock here would you
like to see my lovely clock here it is oh very nice and as you can see my clock
at the moment says 12 o'clock so at the moment my clock says 12 o'clock it is 12
o'clock however this particular time can be expressed in more than one way for
example if it is 12 o'clock in the morning then it is midnight so as the
day changes as the day changes we have midnight and then after midnight the new
day will begin so midnight 12 o'clock 12 a.m.
some people say 12 a.m. because as soon as 12 o'clock arrives the time changes
so we go from p.m. 2 a.m.
night morning
midnight it is midnight so we're going to look at the ways in which we can
express the hours first of all so how do we express the hours let's have a look
shall we oh look at that I have some lovely
clocks on the screen that I have prepared so first of all we have 12
o'clock as I just mentioned you can call this midnight or if it happens during
the morning and afternoon midday so midnight as its name suggests is
nighttime and midday is the daytime quite often people will have their lunch
at midday noon is another way of describing this time so you can say it
is noon it is 12 o'clock it's lunchtime if it's night it is midnight it is time
to go to bed a new day has just started then we have 1 o'clock 1 o'clock again
it can be expressed as AM or PM a.m. this morning p.m. is night so AM PM 1
o'clock 2 o'clock 3 o'clock shall we carry on ok
4 o'clock five o'clock six o'clock 7 o'clock
eight o'clock nine o'clock ten o'clock eleven o'clock and then of course we
return we return to this midnight we are back at midnight midnight is here o
midday if it's during the day so it is always worth remembering that there are
more than one way or there is more than one way to express this particular time
it can be midday or midnight depending if it's during the day or at night I
know some people might find this very easy however there are those who want to
learn how to express it in English so they might be able to say it in their
own language however sometimes expressing the time in English can be a
little difficult it can would you like to have the answer to today's mystery
idiom here it comes so here is the answer to the mystery
idiom the mystery idiom so what I asked you to do was to look at this picture
and tell me what the well-known phrase is this is a well-known phrase in
English but what is the phrase I will give you a few more seconds to guess
does anyone know what this well-known expression in English is I will give you
a few moments and then I will give you the answer what is this mystery idiom
Muhammad Fire's says time is precious it is more precious than anything in the
world I think you are right yes hello - it
guide ete guide hello Vietnam all hello to Vietnam I do have a lot of people
watching in Vietnam so what is the mystery idiom you can see there is a
picture and you can see lots of clocks but you are also looking at signs as
well and here is the answer here is the answer right now a sign of the times of
course mr. Duncan you naughty man yes now it makes sense so when we talk about
a sign of the times well the meaning an indication of how the present day is
moving normally used in a negative way to show how things are changing for the
worse bad things that appear to be occurring
more and more are seen as being a sign of the times so quite often when things
start getting bad or maybe people start behaving in a bad way we might say that
it is a sign of the times and quite often we will use this in a negative way
a negative way things are getting much worse in the world unfortunately it is a
sign of the times because bad things are happening
I hope you enjoyed that that was today's mystery idiom we don't always have one
but today I thought we would hello to the live chat we are going to it to have
a look at expressing time in a moment in a few moments oh there are quite a few
phrases by the way that you can use with time for example you can say all in good
time we will get around to doing something later
don't worry relax don't worry all in good time it will happen have patience
everything will happen all in good time take it easy don't worry too much here's
another one connected to clocks beat the clock you try to do something in a
limited period of time so maybe you only have a few moments to do something so
you have to beat the clock you have to do something quickly before the time
comes to an end you have to beat the clock you have to do something within a
certain period of time here's a good one a ticking time bomb if something is a
ticking time bomb it means it is a danger that hasn't been discovered yet a
danger that exists that might cause a problem damage injury in the future so
you might describe something that is dangerous
something that might cause injury as a ticking time bomb
a ticking time bomb it is an idiom that means a danger or something that might
cause injury in the future take your time when we tell a person to take their
time Oh take your time there is no need to rush relax take your
time don't rush don't hurry take your time take your time there is no need to
rush oh I like this here is a great expression time and tide wait for no man
time and tide wait for no man this is a great phrase a lovely proverb that means
time won't wait for you you have to make the most of it you can't wait for time
to give you the answer or to give you an opportunity because it's constantly
moving unfortunately you can't stop time time is always moving just like the
oceans the oceans constantly move the tide is always moving time and tide wait
for no man I like that one you might have some spare time you might have a
little bit of time on your hands so if you have spare time it means you have
free time you have time to do something else or maybe you just want to sit and
relax so when you have spare time it means you have time to yourself you have
time to relax you have some spare time so when we say spare it means extra or
maybe something that is free free so something you can use
in a certain way if his spare spare it is available time and time again if
something is repeating itself maybe you make the same mistake many times if you
do the same thing again and again we can say time and time again I keep making
the same mistakes time and time again I really do here's another good one work
around the clock if you work around the clock
it means you work for very long hours you work for many hours without a break
or maybe your shift the hours that you work is long you have to work around the
clock your working time is very long you have to work for many hours as I
mentioned earlier you might have some spare time you might have time on your
hands so if you have some time maybe a person wants you to help them with a
project or something that they need help with you might have some time on your
hands so you can help them you can help them you have time on your hands
finally I like this one this is one of my favorite proverbs this is one of my
all-time favorite proverbs there's no time like the present there is no time
like the present don't wait don't hesitate because time
will not hang around there is no time like the present if you want to do
something with your life maybe you want to change your behavior or maybe you
want to change your habits there is no time like the present
do it now mr. Duncan is noon the same as
midday yes it is so when we say noon we mean midday or some people say lunchtime
as well so some people see 12 o'clock during the day as lunchtime a lot of
people will have their lunch at midday or as we often say here in the UK noon I
will see you at noon and then after 12 o'clock
it is afternoon and that's why we say after noon oh wow so much information
today I hope you've enjoyed this I really do I hope you've enjoyed this a
lot thank you very much for your company today I will be going soon by the way
first of all we are going to take another look at my clock here it is
do you like my clock I'm now going to test you on how how well you can
actually express the time in English so now we have a certain time on the screen
or it will be in a moment what I want you to tell me is what time is on my
clock so I want you to write it down on the live chat as if you are expressing
it in English here it comes and I will give you a few moments to
give me the answer as well so here it comes
what time is on my clock
what time does it say on my clock can you express it in English what time is
it on my clock so this is the first part of today's little quiz please tell me
what the time is on my clock you can see that the small hand is on 6 and the big
hand is on 3 but what time is it how do we express this in English how do we
express this in English and there is more than one way don't forget
so there is not just one way of expressing this you can express it in
other ways as well hmm time's up I've missed that cock I really
have missed that cock so how do we express this particular time we can
express it as quarter past six so it is quarter past six quarter past six or we
can also say 6:15 so in that case we are naming or numbering the number of
minutes past the hour so there you can see on the screen now there are fifteen
minutes past the hour past six o'clock so it is 6:15 it is quarter past six
quarter past six what about now what time is it now on my clock what time is
it now
what time is it on my clock what time is it on my clock but please write it in
English write it down in English so don't just
give me the numbers I want you to write it in English write it down so six what
what is it now there it is I think that's more clear now what time is it
now on my clock time's up literally five past six five past six it
is five past six we can also say six oh five as well so it is five minutes past
six five past six or six oh five so we are putting the our first and then the
minutes so six oh five or five past six
so this would be what what would this be what would this be
what do you think it would be please let me know what is it so we had five past
so how would you express this that's the music I wondered where the music had
gone then it disappeared so what time is it and then after this I am going to
give you another one but it will be very different from this very different so
what is it in this particular case it is ten past six ten minutes past six or we
can say 6:10 6:10 we can also say ten after six so it's ten after six
it is ten past six it is 6 10 so if you are saying it in English if you want to
actually say it and write it down that is how you will express it 10 past six
six 10 10 after six okay here's another one
I'm going to make it a little bit more difficult now a little bit more
difficult now what time is it
now Oh mr. Duncan you naughty man what time is it now by the way when I was at
school this is the time that the school used to close so my school day when I
was at school used to end at this time but what time is it what is the time
what is the time what is the time on my clock can you please write it down in
English write it down in English and let me know what it is you can see that the
little hand is nearly on four and the other hand the big hand is on eight how
would we express this in English again there is more than one way of doing this
more than one way of expressing this time but what time is it it's coming up
to the moment of truth you were late then my cock was late so what time is it
on my clock hmm some very interesting answers here okay so in English we will
often express this time as 22 for 22 for it is 20 minutes before 4 o'clock it is
20 minutes away from 4 o'clock so there are many ways of describing and
expressing this particular time you might also say that it is for 4440 it is
22 for sorry 340
3:40 so it is 3:40 it is 20 minutes to fall and the reason why we say that is
because it's 40 minutes past 3 o'clock so it is now 40 minutes past 3:00 so we
say 340 340 or 22 fall so you can see it's very confusing even I was getting
confused then we never say 40 past 3:00 we don't say 40 past 3:00 we never say
that ever so we never say 40 past 3:00 you will never hear anyone say it when
they are telling you the time so if this is the time it is 340 22 for 20 minutes
away from 4 o'clock I hope that helps you shall we have one more because we
are coming up towards the end of today's livestream time has almost run out can
you believe it okay we will have one more roll fee says roll fee makes a very
good point it seems easy to tell the time but actually it's very difficult I
agree with you it is I remember when I was at school as a child they used to
have a big clock in the classroom and every day the teacher would ask all of
us one by one to tell the time on the clock and sometimes the teacher would
move the clock she would change the time and then ask different people in the
classroom so yes it is a difficult thing to do especially when it when it comes
to expressing it so when you when you want to express what time it is
sometimes it can be very difficult it can be hard I think so
he was another one
hmm Oh
so there it is I think this might be the last one today because we are running
out of time so what time is on my clock at the
moment what time is on my clock what time does it say on my clock what time
is it the big hand is on the nine the little hand is between 10:00 and 11:00
so it is coming towards 11:00 o'clock it is approaching 11:00 but what time is it
how do we express this particular time in English can you tell me well quite a
few people are getting it right for some reason many people know this one I don't
know why but it seems to be very familiar to many of you watching at the
moment ok so what time is it what time is on my clock we have more than one way
of describing this we can say that it is quarter to eleven quarter to eleven so
on my clock it says quarter to eleven we can also say it is 15 minutes before
eleven we can also say that it is 10:45 10:45 because forty-five minutes has
passed since 10 o'clock so we say 10:45 10:45 quarter to 11
Dean minutes away from 11 o'clock or 15 before 11 quarter to a quarter to so a
quarter so you can see we are dividing the clock up into sections so you have
five past ten past quarter past twenty past 25 past half past 25 to 22 quarter
to ten to five two and then of course we are back to the top of the hour so there
are some interesting ways of describing the time in fact when you think about it
there are many many ways of describing the time but what about now what time is
it now now the time is 333 all of the threes
so right now it is 3:30 3:30 three minutes past 3:00 o'clock here in the UK
which means that it's 27 minutes away from 4:00 o'clock here in the UK I don't
know what time it is where you are because I'm not there
sadly it is almost time for me to say goodbye can we call it 15 to 11 you
might say 15 before 11 it is 15 before 11 or 15 to 11 so yes you can but quite
often we will say quarter to quarter two because it is 15 minutes which is a
quarter of an hour
very interesting test thank you Christina I hope you enjoyed that I know
it seems like a very simple thing but as I've discovered in life quite often the
simplest things can be the most complex or complicated to explain trust me
it's true thank you very much for your company today thank you to everyone so
many lovely people here today thanks for joining me I will be back with you on
Sunday I am back on Sunday 2 p.m. UK time with more of this and don't forget
you can catch me Sunday Wednesday and Friday unfortunately we are now out of
time time has beaten us unfortunately I have run out of time my time is up
time's up mr. Duncan it is time for you to go can you say half - no you can't
you can never say half - you can always say half past so you never say half -
you always say half past so for example this time is always half past half past
ten half past ten so halfway is always expressed as half past half past you
might also say thirty minutes past so here you can see 30 minutes have pressed
30 minutes past but quite often we will say half past it is half past ten half
past 10:00 or 10:30 I hope you've enjoyed today's class it has been a very
long one and to be honest with you I have given you a lot of information
today tons of information Thank You Rolfie congratulations mr.
Duncan thank you very much it's very kind of you thank you so much mr. Duncan
it was great mind yourself and see you on Sunday well
tomorrow I am out and about with mr. Steve we are going to a couple of places
tomorrow we are going to a place called lemming Tain's baa because mr. Steve
will be having some singing practice and then we are going to see my mummy
because my mother for those who have been watching my mother is not very well
at the moment however she is slowly on the road to recovery I am thankful to
say thank you very much I hope you have a good weekend stay happy stay safe
don't forget don't forget to wash your hands and stay clean stay away from that
horrible coronavirus and I will see you on Sunday 2:00 p.m. UK time
this is mr. Duncan that's me by the way in the birthplace of English saying
thanks for watching me today thanks for joining me
have a super day have a great weekend and I will see you very soon and of
course until the next time we meet here on YouTube
Tatar for now