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- Dad gum.
Very funny when you see it written.
- [Both] Dad gum.
[upbeat music]
- Hello, I am Charlie Hunnam.
- He would be the Geordie.
This is.
- I'm Hugh Grant.
I will be instructing you on British Slang.
- And I am Matthew McConaughey.
I will be giving you the howdys, from Texas.
So, what do we got first?
Oh, speaking of howdys.
- [Hugh] That's one of the British ones.
- Would you say that please?
- Howdy.
- Howdy.
That's it, it is one of the British ones.
The Texans stole that or did you steal that from us?
- You stole pretty much everything.
- We probably did.
- [Charlie] Wor.
- [Both] Wor.
- Is that Geordie?
- I think so.
I don't know if that's the right spelling,
but wor like wor-kid.
- [Both] What?
- Like, you say wor-kid like you would say my friend,
or my son, or my little brother would be wor-kid.
- It means our kid?
- Yeah, it means wor.
- It's very interesting, a lot of it comes from Scandinavian
because the Vikings came over to that part of the world.
- Hence, my blonde beard.
- Yeah, look how Scandinavian he looks.
- Yeah. - Looks like Bjorn Borg.
- With a great hairline.
- With a man bun.
- Yeah.
[group laughing]
- [Matthew] Clarts.
- Clarts, as in clarty, as in dirty.
Devin, bring them clarty boots in here.
- Yeah. - Really?
- [Charlie] Ha, Jack the Lad.
- [Matthew] Jack the Lad.
- Well everyone in this movie's a Jack the Lad really.
It's a villain.
- Did you know that Jack O'Connell has Jack the Lad
tattooed on his arm?
And he is a Jack the Lad.
So it works.
- Someone who, you know, a bit of wheeler dealing.
Someone might say, you know, can we trust--
- He's a wise-guy. - Roger.
I don't know, he's a bit of a Jack the Lad.
- Someone that might pick your pocket.
- The upper class perspective [laughs].
- I like that one.
Y'all, that's just an easy one.
You all.
It's a bit of wor.
- Wor.
- But it's for--
- [Both] Everyone.
- But you sprinkle it everywhere.
- It's very sprinkle-able.
- [Charlie] [chuckles] Dad gum.
- It's a nice way to say instead of saying,
you teach a kid instead of saying damn it.
- Oh, dad gum.
- Oh, dad gum.
- Darn it.
- Yeah, very funny when you see it written.
- Dad, gum? - Dad gum.
- [Matthew] Fixin' to, so, I'm about to.
- Oh.
- Fixin', so, where y'all going?
- [Charlie] Oh, I don't know we're--
- Well I'm fixin' to have my lunch.
[camera crew laughs]
- [Both] Barmy.
- [Matthew] Barmy.
- Well he's barmy, isn't he?
He's barmy.
- Bit mental.
- Yeah? - Bit mental, yeah.
- Bit of a mental case.
- All the cricket supporters,
who go around the world supporting the England team,
are known as the Barmy Army.
They dress up in silly costumes.
They are barmy.
- Bit of a lunatic, bit of a what?
- There was some-- - Mad?
- Jack the Lads in there.
- [Hugh] Bonce.
- [Charlie] Bonce.
- You know, a footballer, soccer player,
might say, you want to bonce mate?
[grunts] That's your head.
- [Matthew] Bless your heart.
- That's universal.
- Yeah bless your heart. - English language.
- Women in Texas, in the South, oh bless your heart.
When you're going through a bit of a tough moment.
Dad gum.
- [Charlie] We're learning things.
- [Hugh] Collywobbles.
- Collywobbles.
That's some old English.
- If you're nervous, first day on the set,
oh I've got the collywobbles.
- Oh, is it the butterflies? - Butterflies.
- Yeah, butterflies in your stomach.
- Could it go all the way through
and also mean the [beep]?
I've just collywobbled me pants.
- Yes it could.
Quite onomatopoeic really.
It's a noise you make in your lower gut when you're scared.
- [Charlie] Corn-fed.
- How do we use corn-fed?
Usually you're looking for big, offensive,
and defensive linemen in American football.
Big, thick, young men oh, they're corn-fed.
We use it in Texas, oh he's corn-fed,
someone who's corn-fed is not gonna be your
quickest guy on the team.
Not gonna be your swiftest.
He's gonna be big, burly.
- Also, mainly for men?
Also women?
Is she a looker?
[winces] Bit corn-fed.
- Perfect.
- [Charlie] Dad gum.
- [Both] Dishy.
- Oh, she's a bit dishy.
- Oh, dishy.
- Is it like, a good scoop?
- Very 1960s.
What was his name, that actor?
Leslie Phillips.
Oh, hello. - She's a bit dishy.
- Look at her, she's a dish.
- She's not corn-fed.
Bit dishy.
- [Both] Gaffer.
- That's the boss, that's the boss in London.
- Yeah, the old gaffer.
- There is actually a gaffer on a film set still to this day
who's the head of the electrical department.
Taxi drivers in London all say
where'd you wanna go there, gaffer, sometimes.
- All hat, no cattle.
That's sort of like a drugstore cowboy in Texas.
Meaning the package is wrapped up nice,
but there's no product in the box.
They're not a gaffer.
Dad gum it.
- [Hugh] Gogglebox.
- The gogglebox, that's the TV innit?
- Is it?
- That's your television set.
Your gogglebox. - Your telly.
- [Charlie] Netty.
- Netty.
- That's the toilet isn't it?
Just going to the netty.
- Going to the netty I've got the cobble, what is it?
Cobble, cobblewobbles, cobble stones?
- Collywobbles.
- Collywobbles.
- Yeah, you'd need the netty.
- [Charlie] Bairn.
- That's you.
- That's Geordie right, kid?
- Of course it's also Scandinavian.
Swedish word is barn for a child.
I know this because I've got three barns.
Bairn is what it became over in the North of England.
- [Both] Manky.
- Manky, that's Newcastle too, it's just a bit dirty.
It can be an inanimate object or it can be a person.
Shoes are a bit manky, oof.
Radgie, that can be a term of endearment or the opposite.
Radgie is a bit mental.
Stay away from him, he's [beep] radge.
- Really?
- He's a radgie, bit unpredictable, bit mad.
Or, did you have a good time?
Oh it was [beep] radge.
- [Both] Belta.
- Belta is top class, top class.
Oh man, it was belta.
- Could a man be a belta and dude?
- Oh yeah, he's a belta.
You'll have a good time with Matthew, belta lad.
- That dog don't hunt.
That's a good one, yeah, that means, well,
that just doesn't add up.
- Oh I feel sorry for that dog that doesn't hunt.
- [Both] Canny.
- There's a lot of Geordie here.
You've gone Geordie-heavy.
I don't know why I've just developed a Geordie accent
through this whole thing also.
Canny means, good.
Like, salt of the earth.
- [Both] In tall cotton.
- That sounds, very Texan. - What does that mean?
- I'm gonna guess that it's when things are going,
really well, I mean like, the cotton was tall,
and it was full, and it was a good harvest.
- In the summer time when the cotton is high.
[Matthew whistles]
- Roadman.
Roadman, I think that I say this in the film,
but I don't know what it is.
I think it's sort of a gangster
that's inclined maybe to sell drugs.
Like if you're out on the road,
you say that in London right?
The new generation.
- When I'm selling drugs, I'm usually know as--
- [Charlie] As the roadman?
- Roadman, yeah.
- Khazi.
Khazi is a toilet isn't it?
I said to a grip on an English film,
I said, "What you been up to?"
He said, "I was on that Bond film."
I said, "Oh is that fun?
"Yeah, well it was in Venice."
I said, "Well Venice, that's a lovely place to be.
"Got to be honest with you Hugh,
"it was a [beep] khazi."
"Surely it's not, it's one of the seven
"wonders of the world.
"Nah it's a [beep] khazi."
- [Both] Peas.
- Modern day London fare, bit of wonga.
I don't know if it designates a specific amount of money,
or it's just like, you know, a bag of cash.
An envelope of cash, making peas.
Roadman is out making peas.
- Mug.
How's your mug.
- Well we were just mugging then.
You can mug someone off, you can be a mug.
A mug means like a soft target.
Like you're a mug.
Or an idiot.
- Or your face actually.
- Or if you are the recipient of an insult,
you could've just got mugged off.
[beep] Three geezers right here.
- Gaffer.
- He's a diamond geezer.
- Yeah, proper geezer.
- That's a compliment?
- Oh, the highest.
Will he let you down?
Nah mate, he's a geezer.
Proper geezer.
- What's between a geezer and a,
who's the one? - [Hugh] Jack the Lad?
- Yeah, Jack the Lad.
- It's a josser innit?
- Yeah it'd be a josser [laughs].
- I mean a geezer is a bit more
rough around the edges than a gentleman.
Oh, he's a proper gentleman him.
Nah mate, he's a bit more of a geezer.
- Yeah that's the opposite of a gentleman, really.
Everyone in this film is really a geezer.
But they like to think they're a gentleman.
- [Matthew] Nebby.
- Nebby, it's a bit nosy isn't it?
It's just always sticking your nose
in business where it doesn't belong.
- My character's a bit nebby, right?
- You are proper nebby.
- In our film, "The Gentlemen."
- You're a proper nebby geezer.
- In what film? - "The Gentlemen."
I believe it opens on Friday the 24th.
- 24th yeah, across the U.S. - "The Gentlemen."
- And beyond.