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  • This International Women’s Day, I want to celebrate all the women in my life who are

  • unapologetically making the spaces that they want to be in.

  • If we want to uplift women, we have to think about all the challenges that they have.

  • Be open to the idea that not everyone’s experiences are the same.

  • We already understand how awesome the outdoors is, how therapeutic it is,

  • how important it is to our experiences,

  • I think it’s paramount that we create opportunities for everyone to be able to experience that.

  • The hope is that eventually we won’t have to have International Women’s Day,

  • but for now it’s good to have a day to celebrate the women in our lives

  • and how we can continue to empower them.

  • An equal world is an enabled world. #EachforEqual

This International Women’s Day, I want to celebrate all the women in my life who are


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Arc'teryx|每一個人都是平等的|2020年國際婦女節。 (Arc'teryx | Each For Equal | International Women's Day 2020)

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