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-Seth, we love you.
-I think it worked. -It worked pretty well.
You had to wait a little bit. -You have to wait a little bit,
but you should be able to wait for friendship.
-Right? -Yeah.
Hey, so I know you're not supposed to touch your face
and I'm not supposed to touch my face.
-That's correct. -The thing I can't --
the CDC guidelines have not made --
Am I -- Can we touch each other's faces?
[ Laughter ]
-Oh, that's an interesting thing.
-Yeah, so, like, when I want to think...
-Oh -- -I should do like this.
-Yeah. -Yeah.
Yeah, we can do that.
-So, just, if at any point during tonight's interview
it seems like I'm being thoughtful, I invite you to --
-I will. -Be --
'Cause I think that's totally safe.
-That's totally safe. Right? We agree with that.
Alright, let's check --
Someone's calling the CDC right now.
-They're going to call the CDC right now? Okay.
-Yeah. We have their -- We have their home number.
So it's perfect.
How's the family doing? How's the kids?
-They're great. -How old are the kids now?
-They're coming up on 2 and 4.
-Wow. -So much fun to be around.
-Still little babies, though. So cute.
-Still little kids. We just took them on a big trip.
-Oh, where? -Yeah, we went to Uruguay.
Yeah. -That really is --
-You know, 'cause that's like the new Disney World.
[ Laughter ] -Uruguay?
-Yeah, my wife said, "We should go to Uruguay.
I hear it's beautiful." And so I said, "Sure."
And then --
And the plan was -- She sold it to me like this.
You fly to Miami from New York,
and then you get on a flight to Uruguay
that leaves at 10:00 at night
and gets there at 10:00 in the morning, so there's no jet lag.
It basically goes straight down, right?
-Okay. -So, she was like,
"The kids will sleep all night.
It will be easier -- way easier than you think it is."
So, I'm like, "Great."
Then we fly from New York to Miami,
and once we board the flight to New York,
we get an alert that, "Your flight from Miami to Uruguay
has been delayed...12 hours."
[ Laughter ]
Which is the next day.
Which is not a delay. That's -- I've been rescheduled.
That is not -- -That is not -- Yeah.
Yeah, that's not a delay.
-If you were at your doctor's office, and the doctor was like,
"I'm going to be a little delayed,
so just wait here till tomorrow" --
[ Laughter ]
-No, that's a rescheduling, yeah.
-So, we land in Miami.
We have to take a shuttle bus to, like, an airport hotel.
And the bummer, the burn is, we're like, we're piling out.
Everybody's in a terrible mood. And we get off the shuttle bus,
and it's just this sort of nondescript airport hotel,
and we walk in, and my son goes, "Daddy, it's beautiful."
[ Laughter ] And I'm like,
"Why are we going to Uruguay?" -"Going to Uruguay?
We could just go to a hotel!" -He loves this.
-He loves this. -Yeah.
I'm going to show him the ice machine,
and he's going to lose his mind.
[ Laughter ]
And then -- We had called ahead and said,
"Look, we need two cribs." -Yeah.
-And they said, "Absolutely. We can guarantee the cribs,
but we can't set them up until you get here."
'Cause, you know, it was like 11:00 at night.
And, you know, our kids are never up that late.
And so we said, "Can you please have them set up?
'Cause we want to come in --"
And they said, "It's not our policy."
And I wonder why they won't do it.
Do they need to see the kids?
-Yeah, like, we had a bigger one for that kid and a little one --
-Yeah. Or I was like, "Do they think
we're like some weird crib fetish people that just --"
-Yeah, "We want to see your kids first
before we give you a kid's crib."
-"We don't want to just let you guys mess around in cribs."
-This ends up on the Internet, yeah.
And, so, we got a couple cribs.
And we're, like, slap happy at this point.
You know, everything's gone wrong.
-Yeah, you think you got it all figured out.
You never do, right?
-Yeah, and then they brought one crib,
and I said, "It's two."
And the guy said, "Oh, we only heard one."
And I said, "We definitely said two."
And then he definitely, like, broke protocol,
he said, "I was supposed to say that.
The reality is we're out of cribs."
And he goes, "There are too many people here who need cribs."
And I'm like, oh, now all of a sudden
I understand their policy of see the kids first.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah, 'cause they want to just tell you
while you're already there in the room.
You're, like, unpacked.
-And so then we said to our older --
So they were like, "We think it's going to be
a full 45 minutes to get another crib.
We have to go to another hotel."
And our little one just crawled --
I'd never seen him do this before.
He was so tired, the 2-year-old.
He basically vaulted himself
into his own crib... -Wow.
-...and was asleep by the time he hit the ground.
-Good sleeper, yeah. -So we say to the older one,
"Hey, man, do you want to just sleep in bed
with Mommy and Daddy tonight?"
And then, you know that thing,
the minute you tell a kid they can't have something,
he's like, "No, I need -- I love a crib!"
[ Laughter ]
He's like, "I love a crib!" It was like, "I'm the crib guy!"
-Yeah. Yeah, that's -- yeah. [ Laughter ]
That's like my mom at a restaurant,
always like, "I love a booth! I have to be in a booth!"
It's like, "It's just a table, Mom." Yeah.
-Yeah. So then 45 minutes later,
now we finally got two cribs, and we get our kids in.
And again, we have to wake up
in, now at this point, three hours
to go back to the airport to get on our flight.
-Oh, my gosh.
-And my son wanted us to play music,
because sometimes at night, he wants us to play
songs that he likes. -Sure.
-And so we're trying to just pick one of the songs.
'Cause we're like, "He's going to fall asleep
as soon as we play a song."
So we're just trying to find something quiet to play for him.
And then he again locks in,
and he was like, "I. Want. 'Jingle Bells.'"
This is two weeks ago, so --
Basically we're like, "We're not going to play 'Jingle Bells.'"
-I love this kid.
-And again, he's like, "I love Christmas music!"
-I love this kid. [ Laughter ]
-I will say, it was that great thing
'cause I do sometimes think
terrible vacations bring families together,
and you talk about them the rest of your life, right?
-It's true. -If a vacation goes too well,
you just forget about it and never speak of it again.
This one, we're going to talk about forever,
because Alexi and I were in bed holding each other,
shaking with silent laughter,
'cause you don't want to reward this nonsense.
-Yep. -But our son --
I was like, I think in the history of this airport hotel,
no one in February has been like,
"'Jingle Bells,' or I'm going to lose my mind!"
[ Laughter ]
-Never. -Never.
And so then we -- Next day, so then again,
our flight to Uruguay, which was 10 hours,
was supposed to be in the middle of the night.
It's in the middle of the day.
So it's 10 hours of your kid being awake on a plane.
Not fun at all.
Get to Uruguay, most beautiful country in the world.
Really great, have an incredible time.
Get back, and then I bring my son to school,
you know, the week -- Monday after we get back.
And he walks in, and I just hear him saying to kids, like,
"And there, we had two cribs!"
And I'm like, "He's still talking about the hotel."
-He loves the hotel! -All he cares about
is the hotel. -He loves the hotel!
-That was his story.
-More with Seth Meyers when we come back, everybody.
Stick around.
He loves that! That's all you need.