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  • A new scandal at the head of Bin Rashid after the scandal of Princess Haya bint Al Hussein's

  • flight.

  • Hornet - a new blow to the head of Dubai 's ruler bin Rashid , who has not yet recovered

  • from the blow to escape his wife 's sixth Princess Haya girl Hussein from him months

  • ago, the scandal that rocked the throne of Eyal Zayed After the spread of news about

  • sadism bin Rashid and the way of dealing with his family, especially that it is not The

  • first time that a member of his family escaped, Princess Haya had preceded his daughter, Sheikha

  • Latifa, and her sister, Shams.

  • After Princess Haya escaped and revealed the situation of Sheikha Latifa in Dubai and what

  • happened with her, and the great prison in which she resides, and for the violence and

  • human rights violations she uncovered in a country claiming his support for women, and

  • the establishment of the Ministry of Happiness, the first ministry of its kind in the world

  • to show the extent of The government's concern for the welfare of the people.

  • The British newspaperThe Sunrevealed that senior British human rights lawyer has

  • adopted work to release Princess Latifafrom his father, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al

  • Maktoum”, during a UN hearing, noting that these initiatives come at a critical time

  • In the shadow of Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein escaping from her husband Mohammed bin Rashid

  • to Britain.

  • The British newspaper said that two of the UK's leading human rights lawyers intensified

  • a legal campaign to highlight the issue of the prison and torture of Princess Latifa,

  • who is being held in Dubai by order of her father, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid.

  • The newspaper added: "Alon Jones and Rodney Dixon presented a new crucial evidence on

  • their behalf to the United Nations in Geneva, this week, as lawyers representing the princess

  • made a special appeal to the United Nations to take urgent measures to protect and release

  • her without delay, and rid her of what they described as hell."

  • The newspaper pointed out that Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed Al Maktoum, 33, the daughter

  • of Dubai billionaire ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, had not appeared in

  • public since her father detained her during the escape attempt, earlier this year.

  • The British newspaper confirmed that "these initiatives came at a critical time when Princess

  • Haya Bint Al Hussein, wife of the Prime Minister of the Emirates , the father of Sheikha Latifa,

  • Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, escaped from Dubai to London with her two children,

  • where she is currently filing cases in the Supreme Court in London is against him to

  • keep custody of her children.

  • In a statement to the United Nations, the UAE government denied the detention of Princess

  • Latifa, and the Emirati response claimed that Latifa is alive, safe and living with her

  • family in Dubai happily and lovingly, according to The Sun newspaper.

  • Princess Latifa's lawyers assured the United Nations that the UAE's allegations are unfounded.

  • For his part, Rodney Dickson said: “In light of the available evidence, the allegations

  • made by the United Arab Emirates authorities are baseless, and if their allegations are

  • correct, why was Princess Latifa not allowed to leave the Emirates and travel freely?

  • Why is no one allowed to access it on request?

  • Why has it not been seen in public for more than 18 months?

  • He added: “Therefore, we are deeply concerned for her safety and well-being, and our concerns

  • have escalated after Princess Haya fled from Dubai with her two children, because she fears

  • for her life from her husband Sheikh Mohammed, and we understand that Princess Haya's decision

  • was strongly affected by what she knew about the fact that the Sheikh treated his daughters.”

  • According to the newspaper, the lawyers are urging the United Nations Working Group on

  • Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance (WGEID), which is currently meeting in Geneva, to immediately

  • ask the UAE authorities to provide precise details of the whereabouts of Princess Latifa,

  • and also request concrete and real guarantees for her safety, well-being, and immediate

  • access to it , And its immediate release by the UAE.

  • Sheikha Latifa's lawyers are calling on the UAE authorities and the United Nations to

  • investigate the case independently so that those responsible for human rights violations

  • can be held accountable.

  • The newspaper drew attention to the fact that Princess Haya's last escape is also important

  • because she previously invited the former Irish President, Mary Robinson, to visit Princess

  • Latifa in Dubai in December 2018.

  • The newspaper pointed out that that meeting was widely criticized as a propaganda ploy

  • aimed at persuading the outside world that Princess Latifa was in good health and happy

  • in her country, a country that Latifa spent nearly two decades trying to escape from.

  • The newspaper pointed out that the escape of Princess Haya from her husband Sheikh Mohammed

  • bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai, further confirms that this visit was a trick

  • intended to hide the truth about the status of Princess Latifa.

  • David Hague, the human rights lawyer who runs the "Freedom for the Gentle" campaign, with

  • Tina Guahinen and Latifa's cousin, Marcus Al-Sabri: “This is a very important moment

  • for Latifa.

  • The UAE has some difficult questions to answer, and it cannot simply ignore a venerable organization

  • like the Nations The United Nations, and the United Nations is clearly not convinced of

  • Dubai's deceptive justifications and methods used in the media to cover up a brutal and

  • violent kidnapping of a young woman, her friend and her crew.

  • "It has been nearly 18 months since we filed a complaint with the United Nations, and despite

  • all the mirage that Dubai has created to disguise the subject and make it fog, these investigations

  • continue, and we hope that a positive result will be reached soon," he added.

  • Tina Jawahinin, a friendly Finnish close to Princess Latifa , who was kidnapped on its

  • side 18 months ago: "After the United Nations presence today with David and Rodney, and

  • meet for the second time this year with a group of WGEID, we really think and hope that

  • this will be a vital step to win finally freely Latifa, and the world is watching closely.

A new scandal at the head of Bin Rashid after the scandal of Princess Haya bint Al Hussein's


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在哈雅公主班機醜聞之後,謝赫-穆罕默德-本-拉希德的頭上又有了新的醜聞。 (After the Scandal of Princess Haya Flight, A New Scandal At The Head Of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid.)

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