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  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Hi.

  • I'm Marissa Mayer, and I'm really excited today to be

  • joined by the world-famous, incredibly talented, the one

  • and only Lady Gaga.

  • [ Cheers ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: At Google, we've seen Gaga build her

  • career by embracing technology, including some

  • Google Tools, as well as constantly

  • innovating for her fans.

  • And we're going to get a glimpse behind the scenes to

  • see how some of that innovation works today.

  • But first I'd like to play a video to

  • welcome Gaga to Google.

  • [ Applause ]

  • [ Video. ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Please help me welcome Lady Gaga.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • (Standing ovation).

  • >>Lady Gaga: Hi, everyone.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Welcome to Google.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Thank you.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: The Google chairs are a little high.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Thank you so much for coming.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Just going to put my purse right there.

  • >>> We love you.

  • >>Lady Gaga: I love you, too.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: Did you just get out of jail?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: Me, too.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: We are so excited to have you here.

  • >>Lady Gaga: I just want to say before we begin,

  • thank you so much.

  • This is such an honor.

  • You know, when I was in high school, all my girlfriends

  • wanted to get jobs here.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: And I wanted to be what they were searching

  • for or putting on the -- you know, the side column, what

  • comes up first. I believe that's what my friend Mary

  • Haley does here at Google.

  • Just thank you so much for coming.

  • And I really -- I respect all of you so much.

  • I know that there's some really amazing minds in this

  • room, and how competitive it is.

  • So thank you.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: And speaking of searches, you are among one

  • of the most searched people in the world.

  • You've been on the top of our 2009, 2010

  • fastest-rising searches.

  • We made a portrait of you taking the millions of

  • searches that come in for Lady Gaga.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Beautiful.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So obviously, you've been a huge search

  • star, also a huge YouTube star, Bad Romance has 360

  • million views, just that one video.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: Thank you.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: And you're the queen of the download.

  • You're actually the most downloaded artist in history,

  • with more than 20 million singles downloaded.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Thank you so much.

  • Thank you.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: All of which brings us to today.

  • Last week, you opened up a moderator page on your YouTube

  • channel and you got questions from your

  • fans, 54,000 questions.

  • And more than a quarter million votes, in just three

  • and a half days.

  • We have questions that are both in text and video.

  • I have the top 20 questions here.

  • We'll go through those and also go -- >>Lady Gaga:

  • Wearing the same dress.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: Branding.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So the first question I'm going to ask, it

  • came in video form, but it was also going

  • to be my first question.

  • It comes in from a user, we'll go ahead and

  • roll that video question.

  • >>Video: Hi, Gaga.

  • My first question that I wanted to ask

  • was, how are you?

  • I remember in one of your interviews you said that was a

  • question that interviewers never really asked you and

  • actually meant it.

  • And so I wanted to ask you and actually mean it.

  • So how are you?

  • >>> Awwwww.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: Well, I am absolutely wonderful and a

  • little bit choked up, because that is why I am still here

  • and why I work so hard, it's because I really am very

  • blessed to have fans with such a beautiful spirit.

  • And I'm sure you can see just from that one video very much

  • what a lot of my day is like.

  • I do spend a lot of time on Google, looking for fan videos

  • and messages.

  • And I'm doing wonderful today.

  • And I would say that the only reason I ever mentioned that

  • people don't ask me how I am genuinely is because it took a

  • lot of bravery to get to where we are today.

  • A lot of people see glasses and shoulderpads and crazy

  • outfits, and over the years, it was very difficult to do

  • interviews, because that's all people would talk about.

  • So I guess what I would say is I'm doing wonderful now

  • because of how brave that -- all my fans have made me.

  • So thank you for making me brave, and I hope I can --

  • thank you brave. Thank you.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: And you're also on tour.

  • So you're performing tonight in Oakland.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: I know a lot of people here are going.

  • The next question is about your tour.

  • So Gagafame11 from the U.K. asks, do you have any funny

  • stories to tell about things that have happened backstage

  • at the Monsterball?

  • >>Lady Gaga: There are lots of funny things that happened

  • backstage at the Monsterball.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: I don't like surprises, and

  • I don't like pranks.

  • I'm sure you can maybe tell that just from -- but I don't

  • like pranks.

  • But I actually, with me, have brought all my friends from

  • New York City on tour with me.

  • So I have had very few, I should

  • say, famous acts opening.

  • It's been mostly really underground bands and deejays

  • that I've known his I was 18 years old.

  • So there's a lot of backstage shenanigans.

  • Very often they make jokes about my diet, because they

  • know I have to stay fit for music videos, so they'll leave

  • mounds of cheese burgers and stuff in my dressing room.

  • It's really awful.

  • Vicious, vicious.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So going back to before the cheese burgers,

  • where you got your start, one of your fans, MysticalMatty

  • from California, asks, where were you the first time you

  • heard one of your songs on the radio?

  • >>Lady Gaga: I was in Canada.

  • [ Cheers ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: And I'll never forget it.

  • But it's a very different -- it's funny, it's almost more

  • enjoyable now when I hear it for the first time on the

  • radio, because at the time in Canada, I had -- I mean, many

  • people don't know this about me, because it seems as though

  • one just is at number one, it was that big massive oh, she

  • became a star overnight.

  • But to tell you the truth, I had been working so hard,

  • doing three shows a night, all day long going to radio

  • stations, doing -- the reason we're here at Google today is

  • because the original campaign for my music and my project

  • began with online media-based advertisements.

  • So that's really where I began.

  • So I remember I was in Canada, and I was really tired, and I

  • was about to go on stage at this outdoor performance -- I

  • actually think it was in Winnipeg, which is where Maria

  • Aragon is from, from the video.

  • And I remember I heard it, and I started crying.

  • And my tour manager, David, said, "How does it feel?" And

  • I said, "It's about damn time!" [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: So now when it comes on, it's a little bit

  • more of a gracious, humbling moment.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So in terms of other special moments,

  • solongadelaide from Sheffield, England, asks, when exactly

  • was the moment in your career when you realized you were

  • going to be an international superstar?

  • >>Lady Gaga: I still don't feel like one.

  • I really -- >>Marissa Mayer: How is that possible?

  • >>Lady Gaga: I know that sounds very silly.

  • But even this morning, I was getting ready to tweet that I

  • was coming here today, and I got, like, 50 frigging

  • e-mails, don't tweet it.

  • They don't want anyone to know.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • [ Cheers ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: I guess they were worried for security.

  • But I need to market my record, you know.

  • People need to know -- [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: -- where I'm going to be.

  • Everyone was saying, they know we were going to be there,

  • just don't tell them when.

  • And, oh, my gosh, my security is always -- they want to

  • shoot me, because I will literally leave the house and

  • go to the bodega down the street where

  • I live in New York.

  • And they're like, "Where are you?" Because where I live, I

  • have been hustling for so long that it's more just like,

  • "You're home." Like, everybody's so cool.

  • And I guess even though my first album was called "the

  • fame," that was never the ultimate goal of any of this.

  • It was always that I just really am genuinely a musician

  • to my core, and a lot of people don't

  • know that about me.

  • But I write every lyric, every Melody, I'm in there with the

  • producers, whipping them to make the new future of music.

  • And I -- that is why I'm here.

  • I'm not here to be a superstar.

  • But -- So, yes and no.

  • I -- I never, ever -- there was never a day when I woke up

  • and said, "I'm a superstar." I'm still

  • waiting for that to happen.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Fair enough.

  • So in terms of formative experiences, hugs and kisses,

  • XOXO94, from Pennsylvania, asks -- >>Lady Gaga: I love

  • the Internet.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: -- you said that in school, a lot of

  • people bullied and you didn't like you.

  • Now that you're famous, have any of them, quote, unquote,

  • tried to apologize and become friends.

  • If so, what did you say to them?

  • >>Lady Gaga: I wouldn't say apologize.

  • There's been lots of concert ticket requests.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: And I think one of the most awkward things

  • that anyone ever said to me was, "Well, my, my how the

  • tables have turned." But to be honest, I don't have that kind

  • of vengeful spirit in myself, and I never did.

  • It was just more that, you know, I say this with so much,

  • you know, genuineness from my heart, is that bullying really

  • stays with you your whole life.

  • And it really, really never goes away.

  • And I know you're using words like superstar, and most

  • Googled and billions of YouTube videos.

  • But I was never the winner.

  • I was always the loser.

  • And that still stays with me.

  • And do I want to stick it to anybody?

  • No.

  • I just want to make music.

  • So -- [ Applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: I do think -- I think bullying is a really

  • big issue right now, especially because -- The

  • technology.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: I'm listening.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: And so I imagine -- I imagine that Born

  • This Way is a little bit about being yourself and how to

  • overcome bullies.

  • And I don't know if you want to talk a little bit -- >>Lady

  • Gaga: A little bit.

  • Well, it was so funny when I put that song out, because,

  • everybody was like, "Oh, the lyrics are so literal." And

  • I'm like, "Yeah." [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: When -- you know, when you get bullied, you kind

  • of try to -- there's almost like this emotional poetry

  • that you go through in high school, well, someday, and you

  • just kind of try to hide from it and be the bigger person.

  • But Born This Way is about saying, "This is who I am.

  • This is who the fuck I am." [ Cheers ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: And there's -- I mean, the next single, is,

  • like, this very classic Gaga record.

  • But more importantly, the song Born This Way is this, like,

  • gateway drug for the album and really trying to say in the

  • most literal and honest way that I can that when I go to

  • the Monsterball, I see something so fearless and so

  • special in my fans.

  • But I also see something afraid, something that I was,

  • something that was unsure.

  • And I really encourage people to look into the darkness and

  • look into places that you would not normally look to

  • find uniqueness and specialness, because that's

  • where the diamonds are hiding.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: I think that's a wonderful message.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: And you actually are a very

  • classically-trained pianist, jazz musician.

  • And one of our video questions actually is about your --

  • >>Lady Gaga: Leopard scar?

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Leopard scar 20.

  • He wants to know about your training ongoing.

  • So we'll go ahead and roll that video.

  • [ Video. ]

  • This is Rudy Hernandez, one of your little monsters from

  • Portland, Oregon.

  • My question is, is I was wondering if you still took

  • piano training and vocal training to

  • improve your skills.

  • It would be great to hear you answer my question.

  • I can't wait to see you again here in Portland, Oregon.

  • And paws up.

  • Arrrr.

  • >>Lady Gaga: What a cutie.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: I love my fans.

  • Yes, I actually vocally rehearse every single day.

  • I do a 30-minute warmup every single day.

  • It's been the same vocal warmup that I've been doing

  • since I was 11 years old.

  • I have my mentor, Don Lawrence, has been my voice

  • teacher since I was 11, so it's over ten years now.

  • And in terms of piano, piano's funny.

  • It's kind of the thing that always stays with you.

  • I don't know if there's any pianists in this room.

  • But if you don't practice for a little while and then you

  • focus on it, you kind of get your

  • chops back pretty quickly.

  • So what I do mostly for piano is I try to find time when I'm

  • in New York City or on the road to do shows and have jam

  • sessions with my band just for fun.

  • So whenever you see those really horrid photos of me

  • looking drunk at a piano bar, I'm actually rehearsing.

  • That's just how I like to rehearse.

  • I like to have a couple martinis and

  • play some Cole Porter.

  • And that's just the way I like to learn.

  • But stay in school.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So changing -- changing gears a little

  • bit, I actually have a confession to make.

  • So we'll pull a picture up here.

  • I was you for Halloween in 2009.

  • >>Lady Gaga: You were?

  • I want to see it.

  • Which me?

  • >>Marissa Mayer: And -- You can see it here.

  • So we -- >>Lady Gaga: Fabulous.

  • Look at you.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So I guess transitioning to your style,

  • it's inspired so many people.

  • And -- [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: Now, what is it about -- is it because of the

  • blond and New York.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Blond, and I have stars on my face and the

  • long eyelashes.

  • >>Lady Gaga: I'm sorry.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: There's poker chips on my

  • hat for Poker Face.

  • So -- okay.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So so many people beyond just me,

  • millions of people, have been inspired by your style.

  • And one of the fans would like to know, sirgagaOfficial --

  • >>Lady Gaga: Sirgaga.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: -- would like to know, with all the clothes

  • you have, how do you decide what to wear every day and

  • what happens to the garments after they're worn?

  • >>Lady Gaga: How do I decide what to wear.

  • It's actually not quite as complicated as some of you

  • might imagine.

  • I -- sometimes I -- I'll plan months ahead for certain

  • things that I -- for example, at the grammy's, the Hussein

  • Chalayan vessel, although it's become known as "the egg," he

  • wants me to remind you it's "the vessel," that was -- that

  • took months and months of conception.

  • And I wanted to do a whole performance or a piece that

  • began on the red carpet and ended after the performance.

  • So certain things take a while.

  • And, yes, I do view the vessel as a fashion piece.

  • But like today, I wore the same black dress because I

  • wanted the fans to recognize me a certain way when I enter

  • the Google building.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: And also on the topic of

  • style, you have tattoos.

  • And one of the fans noticed that they're all

  • on your left side.

  • So TaylorMonster15 would like to know, why are all of your

  • tattoos on the left side of your body?

  • >>Lady Gaga: It was actually per my father's request.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So tell us more.

  • >>Lady Gaga: He asked that I remain on one

  • side slightly normal.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: So I only have my tattoos on my left side.

  • I -- I'm also a lefty.

  • So -- [ Cheers ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: It's funny, my father, when I was a kid, he

  • used to try to change my hands when I was little.

  • And the doctor would be, like, "She was born this way.

  • You can't" -- you know.

  • So I think maybe some of it, just from a neurological

  • standpoint, might be because I'm creatively

  • driven by my left side.

  • Maybe that's why.

  • But he's asked that I don't get any more on the right

  • side, for whatever reason.

  • I -- I think he sees this as my, like, Marilyn Monroe side

  • and this as my Iggy Pop side.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So beyond your clothes and tattoos, you

  • also show tremendous style in your videos.

  • And the strubydoo would like to know, how do you come up

  • with your video ideas?

  • Every time I watch them, I'm stunned by the creativity and

  • meaning I love you, Lady Gaga,

  • Strubydoo, your little monster.

  • >>Lady Gaga: StrubyDoo.

  • It's good, old faithful.

  • I'm a creative person, and I just always -- at some point,

  • the idea comes to me.

  • And the most important thing, I think, with creativity is

  • that you honor your creativity and that you don't ever ignore

  • it or go against what that creative image is telling you

  • because of what society is projecting on you.

  • I remember when I called Troy Carter my manager, from

  • Amsterdam, and I was, like, "I want to be on a

  • government-owned alien territory in space, and I want

  • to be giving birth to my own head." [ Laughter ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: I was going to ask you about the

  • kaleidoscope.

  • >>Lady Gaga: And you hear the -- and he goes, like, why?

  • And I said, "Because I see myself and my fans and I feel

  • that they give birth to me and I give birth to them, and the

  • egg symbolized the race of the future, which bears no

  • prejudice." So I have my own -- and I'm like -- then I'm

  • showing him Frances bacon photos, which is, like, all

  • this bleeding imagery.

  • And he was, like, "I don't get it." With Nick Knight on a

  • video, if you think I'm bad, Nick Knight is -- whoo, he is

  • so smart, I'm like, "Nick, I love you, but I don't

  • understand what you're saying." But, I just really

  • always -- like, just the other night, last night, I was lying

  • in bed and I had this idea for an outfit, and I made myself

  • get up and sketched it real fast and then I

  • went back to sleep.

  • I think it's when you say, "I'm too tired.

  • Let me just go to bed," that's when the

  • creativity stops coming.

  • If God calls you, pick up the damn phone.

  • Hello.

  • I'm listening.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So on the topic of videos, you're

  • obviously a huge YouTube star.

  • I was going to ask, so from Kentucky, what's your favorite

  • YouTube video that isn't yours?

  • >>Lady Gaga: My favorite YouTube video that -- it's so

  • embarrassing but I love it.

  • I love the boy that when he comes home from the dentist.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: I can't -- because I always -- whenever

  • I'm really tired before a show, I always go,

  • is this real live?

  • Because I'll have been up for, like, 30 hours straight doing

  • interviews, and then I'll hear the, you know,

  • da, da, da, da, da.

  • And the show starts.

  • And I just go, is this real life?

  • And everybody goes, it is.

  • You have to go on stage.

  • I love that video.

  • That poor boy.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: There's also so many fan remixes and

  • remakes of your songs on YouTube.

  • I was wondering if you have a favorite there.

  • I know there's Maria, the young girl, who I think really

  • embodies a lot of what is interesting about technology.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Maria is just so special.

  • And, you know, she's, like, ten -- she's ten years old.

  • But even ten-year-olds today know how to work a webcam and

  • upload a YouTube video.

  • And I think that's -- that is why this -- for myself, my

  • campaign with my album has been so successful, is because

  • I, too, am a child of the dot com era.

  • Me and my father ran an Internet company when I was

  • really young, so I was listening to lots of

  • technology talk, jargon, over the dinner table, not

  • understanding until much later what it all meant.

  • But she's beautiful.

  • She's very young, and she has a voice in the world.

  • And she latched onto a song that was very risky for me to

  • put out so soon in my career.

  • But if I could just touch maybe ten ten-year-olds in the

  • world in every single continent, maybe I could make

  • a difference.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Do we have the Maria video?

  • [ Video. ]

  • >>> My mama told me when I was young, we are all born

  • superstars.

  • She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on.

  • In the glass of her boudoir.

  • There's nothing wrong with loving who you are, she said,

  • 'cause he made you perfect, Babe.

  • So hold your head up, and you'll go far.

  • Listen to me when I say: I'm beautiful in my way. 'Cause

  • God makes no mistakes.

  • I'm on the right track, baby.

  • I was Born This Way.

  • Don't hide yourself in regret.

  • Just love yourself. (Video ends).

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: She's just so amazing.

  • You know, and that's -- it's so -- What I would like to

  • speak about is the way that we experience music now.

  • We experience the music through the Internet, but it

  • has really great effects and also has

  • really negative effects.

  • The great effect is Maria.

  • The negative effect is you sort of quite mathematically

  • input your songs and your soul into a computer, and out spits

  • out charts (indicating).

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: So my -- the fan experience now, digitally, is

  • they buy the song, and then they get into chat rooms and

  • they watch the song climb the chart.

  • But somebody like Maria has no pretension.

  • She's wildly innocent and beautiful, and she only cares

  • about the music and the lyrics.

  • So what I'm working on doing now is creating a fan

  • experience with the release of Born This Way that takes them

  • a bit away from the computer in terms of the actual

  • purchase of the song.

  • I want to encourage the fans to experience the music and

  • the lyrics removed of that sort of

  • behind-the-computer banter.

  • When I was a kid, I was standing outside of HMV,

  • praying that I saw Billy Joel's

  • fingernail in the window.

  • I was hoping that I would see Thom Yorke when

  • Radiohead came in.

  • You know, that is what I want to recreate for my fans.

  • We've done it with the Monsterball, and now I want to

  • do it with album retail.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: You've also shown a lot of things from

  • behind the scenes.

  • So you had Gaga Vision on YouTube.

  • And Gaga info from Twitter would like to know, please,

  • could you bring back Gaga Vision.

  • We miss it so much.

  • PS.

  • We love you and we're so proud.

  • >>Lady Gaga: I love Gaga Vision.

  • That was the -- they were these little films that I was

  • doing back when I first began touring.

  • But I actually just got so busy that it was really

  • difficult to have a camera in my face.

  • You will never see me do reality television.

  • It will never -- don't even ask.

  • It will never happen.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: It will never happen.

  • It's just -- I'm not that kind of person.

  • My whole life is a performance piece.

  • So I don't need to have my picture taken to feel that I'm

  • in a moment of art.

  • So -- But the good news is, as I'm planning the Born This Way

  • Ball, I have been speaking to Terry Richardson, who's this

  • amazing photographer.

  • He wanted to film some of the making of process of what

  • we're doing.

  • So I'm hoping we can resurrect the Gaga Vision videos for the

  • creation of the new tour so you guys can creatively be

  • more connected to how I make things.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: That'd be great.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So since we're at Google, this question

  • is apropos.

  • TheeJuann from Chicago, Illinois, asked, have you ever

  • Googled yourself just to see what came up?

  • >>Lady Gaga: Yes, of course I have. [ Laughter ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: When was the last time?

  • >>Lady Gaga: The last time, probably -- well, last night,

  • I wanted to know if people knew that I was going to be

  • here, because everybody was telling me not to tweet.

  • So I Googled, and I didn't see enough come up, so I said,

  • well, I'm tweeting, so....

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: That solved that problem.

  • >>Lady Gaga: So there.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Well, 443 million hits on Google for

  • Lady Gaga, which basically means you don't have very much

  • anonymity left at all.

  • And I guess from Colorado, asks, are there ever moments

  • the paparazzi doesn't recognize you?

  • >>Lady Gaga: I have to be really honest. People that say

  • that they can't escape the paparazzi are full of shit.

  • So let me just be the artist who -- to throw everybody

  • under the bus.

  • And my head of security is standing over there nodding.

  • I don't spend money on houses and lots of cars, but I do

  • spend money on security, and they never find me.

  • So, no, it doesn't run my life, because getting my photo

  • taken is not what makes me feel like an artist; it's

  • being in front of 50,000 fans screaming, "I was born this

  • way, baby." That's why I'm here.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So we have another video question, from

  • peachdog1224.

  • These names are great.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Peachdog?

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Peachdog, who wants to know a little bit

  • about regrets.

  • >>Video: Hey, mother monster, my name is Matt.

  • And my question for you is that in the song Born This Way

  • that you recently released, which is awesome, you have the

  • lyrics that "Don't hide yourself in regret." I was

  • wondering if you have ever regretted anything or if there

  • was something in your life that you'd ever want to change

  • in the past. Thank you for looking at my question.

  • I really love you.

  • Thank you for making music.

  • Bye.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Is there anything that I regret from my past.

  • Well, I'll begin with the lyric, and I will say, "Don't

  • hide yourself in regret" is don't perpetuate

  • negativity in your life.

  • Don't obsess about the things that you didn't do or the

  • things that you may have not done your best. Obsess about

  • the future.

  • Obsess about today.

  • Think endlessly about how you can pull the inner queen -- or

  • king -- out of yourself, and let that superstar shine.

  • I don't believe that fame is something that is obtainable.

  • I believe that it's -- it's inside of you.

  • It's not something that you can touch.

  • It's not tangible.

  • Which is why when I speak about the paparazzi and

  • things, it's very meaningless to me.

  • There are days when I wake up, and I

  • don't feel like a superstar.

  • And it's those regrets, you say did you ever wake up and

  • feel like a superstar.

  • The answer is no.

  • The regret of some days waking up and not

  • feeling brave enough.

  • Those are the regrets I have. Because I have so many things

  • to be grateful for, so many fans looking up to me.

  • And the days when I feel insecure,

  • those are my regrets.

  • I want to always be secure and strong for you, because look

  • at how sweet they are.

  • They're so -- so genuine, and they're listening to the

  • lyrics, you know.

  • And so I guess what I would say is don't -- don't obsess

  • over what you've done wrong.

  • Always look into yourself for the answer and be the best you

  • that you can be in the future.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: In the same vein -- I think that's --

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: In the same vein, we have a

  • question from Australia.

  • What's the greatest piece of advice you've ever received?

  • >>Lady Gaga: The greatest piece of

  • advice I've ever received.

  • It is, if you don't have any shadows, you're not standing

  • in the light.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: I say that to myself every day, every single

  • day, I say that.

  • Because I'm not a squeaky-clean person, you

  • know, so there's nothing about my music or the Monsterball or

  • my fans that -- we're not squeaky-clean.

  • You know, and people always say to me, "Who's the real

  • you?" when, in reality, I'm pretty much an open

  • book about my life.

  • What you're asking me about is magic.

  • And if you are magical, you always have shadows.

  • If you're in the light, you must cast a shadow.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So let's talk a little bit

  • about the new album.

  • It's out on May 23rd, Born This Way.

  • The first single, title single, is already out.

  • It's been number one for five weeks already.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: And we have a video question

  • about the new album.

  • So we'll go to jazz bridger here on video.

  • >>> Hi, Gaga, if you could describe the Born This Way

  • album in just three words, what would they be?

  • >>Lady Gaga: In three words.

  • See how smart my fans are?

  • I would call it -- I would use a -- It is one word, I suppose

  • that avant-garde is one word.

  • But I would call it avant-garde technorock.

  • It's a lot of -- there's a lot of rock influences on the

  • album, but not in a -- this is a rock music

  • record kind of way.

  • It actually is quite steadfast in that it is an exploration

  • in electronic music and in technosonics.

  • But I have sort of created a genre of metal dance techno

  • pop music with a lot of rock anthemic choruses, because

  • that is the music that I love.

  • I'm actually really obsessed with Bruce Springstein.

  • My father used to play Bruce Springstein records for me all

  • the time when he was a kid, and he

  • was, blue collar America.

  • And in a way, I guess I related to Bruce because I

  • watched my father, a blue collar American citizen,

  • relate to Bruce.

  • And I think that in a social way, my fans feel blue collar.

  • They feel like they're the underdogs that will someday be

  • the winners.

  • And I took the influence of Bruce on my father in my life

  • to create this album.

  • And, yeah, lots of really big, almost, like, big Def

  • Leopard-style melodies in the choruses.

  • But it's electronic dance music.

  • It's very hard, very edgy.

  • And I'm very excited for you to hear it.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: We're all looking forward to it.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: One of the things that you face as an

  • artist is censorship.

  • So from Colorado is asked, how do you feel about Malaysian

  • radio stations editing out your imperative "no matter

  • gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, transgendered life" line for

  • Born This Way.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Obviously, I disagree with it.

  • Otherwise, I wouldn't have specifically put those words

  • in a song that I knew would be put on top 40 radio.

  • What I would say is, for all of the young people in

  • Malaysian that want those words to be played on the

  • radio, it is your job and it is your duty as young people

  • to have your voices heard.

  • You must do everything that you can if you want to be

  • liberated by your society.

  • You must call, you must not stop, you must protest

  • peacefully.

  • No -- I don't believe in violence.

  • I don't believe in negativity.

  • There's no reason to be derogatory.

  • You just have to keep fighting for what you believe in.

  • And to be quite honest, honesty and the truth is

  • always what will set you free.

  • I can't tell you how many times I get phone calls from

  • TV stations, and Troy will call me and he'll say, "They

  • want you to edit out this section of the video." And I

  • say, "Well, just tell them I won't do it, and if they don't

  • want to play it, they don't have to." That's it.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: Because if the artist is constantly molding

  • ourselves and changing and bridging -- abridging what we

  • do for the machine, then the artist

  • becomes part of the machine.

  • I don't want to be part of the machine.

  • I want the machine to be part of me.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Okay.

  • The next question -- [ Applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: -- the next question is actually a

  • composite and we'll open up to Googler questions if you want

  • to move to the microphones in just a minute.

  • A composite.

  • There were 643 fan questions asked about the next single

  • that comes off of Born This Way, Judas.

  • And so I'm wondering if you can tell us a little bit about

  • the inspiration for it, the video you have planned.

  • >>Lady Gaga: I'm very excited.

  • Actually, I can exclusively reveal here at Google that I

  • will be making my directorial debut with Laurieann Gibson,

  • directing this video with her ourselves.

  • It's no surprise to many of you that Judas is a man of the

  • Biblical senses.

  • So expect to see some symbolism in this video.

  • But the song is about -- some of the words in the song I can

  • reveal here are, "When he comes to me, I am ready.

  • I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs.

  • Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain, even

  • after three times he betrays me.

  • I'll bring him down, a king with no crown." So the song is

  • about honoring your darkness in order to bring yourself

  • into the light.

  • That's kind of what I just mentioned to about if you're

  • standing in the light, you cast a shadow.

  • I have been haunted by my past for a very long time.

  • And, actually, that's a recurring theme on the album.

  • It has a lot to do with identity and being able to be

  • proud and say I was born this way.

  • But I was haunted by being able to go back to New York,

  • being able to go back to my past, being able to understand

  • why I made certain decisions, that instead of regretting

  • them, I chose to embrace and understand why

  • I made those choices.

  • And what the song Judas is about is, you have to look

  • into what's haunting you and you need to learn to forgive

  • yourself in order to move on.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: We all look forward to it.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: And it's really fun to dance to.

  • And it -- and it sounds like it could be a --

  • a pop priest record.

  • It's really fun.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: We'll go ahead and take some questions

  • from the audience.

  • >>> Hi.

  • So I understand the fame brought you a lot of great

  • things, like your monsters and everything that's

  • happening to you.

  • But is there something that the fame brought you that you

  • could do without?

  • >>Lady Gaga: That I could do without.

  • I don't know.

  • No.

  • I would say no.

  • I don't want to focus on anything negative like that.

  • It's -- there's always -- whether you're famous or

  • you're not, there's always things in your life that you

  • could do without.

  • So I don't think anything is particularly fame-related.

  • I've got a really good family.

  • And if anything, I'm grateful, because my family and I

  • wrestled fame to the ground, and we're stronger than ever.

  • So no.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>> Hi, Lady Gaga.

  • Thanks so much for coming.

  • >>Lady Gaga: You look so cute.

  • >>> A little background on this.

  • I took the inspiration from the Kermit the frog one.

  • But you can't tell.

  • >>Lady Gaga: That was so funny.

  • >>> I added a little bit of myself in it.

  • Bunnies for Easter.

  • I thought it would be a hop-in attire.

  • You like that?

  • I liked it, too.

  • >>Lady Gaga: That's funny.

  • >>> Sorry.

  • What was that?

  • >>Lady Gaga: That's funny.

  • >>> I thought I had to dress up because I definitely wanted

  • to speak to you and give you a hug or whatever.

  • But I think Google as a whole, and YouTube and the world is

  • very excited for you to come here and be so candid.

  • So on that note, I'm at this point really curious, when

  • you're not in the spotlight, when you're home, you know, in

  • New York with your family, what are some of the things

  • you enjoy doing?

  • What do you wear?

  • What do your pajamas look like?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: Well, I'm actually --

  • I'm very into yoga.

  • So I do a lot of that really -- I saw the yoga rooms here.

  • And -- at Google.

  • I was, like, inching my way.

  • But I'm actually really into the crazy hot yoga in

  • 100-degree rooms. It's the only thing that I can, I feel,

  • can be really bad at and nobody knows.

  • So I sort of take comfort in the journey of

  • becoming good at yoga.

  • Because if I suck one day, nobody sees it, it's just me.

  • I guess that's the thing about fame that is difficult.

  • Is, if you screw up, Google -- [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: -- is there.

  • So I love yoga.

  • I love cooking.

  • I'm a really good cook, actually, which maybe some of

  • you may not know about me.

  • I love spending time with my mom.

  • I love getting really drunk with my friends at the same

  • bars that we used to go to, and

  • listening to AC/DC records.

  • And what else do I -- what do I wear?

  • I mean, to tell you the truth, it's very funny, because my

  • father quite often is like, "Can't you just put on this?"

  • But have you been to any of my shows, out of curiosity?

  • >>> No, not yet.

  • >>Lady Gaga: You haven't yet.

  • I would say anybody who's seen me live would tell that you

  • whether I'm dressed like this or wearing a tee

  • shirt, I look the same.

  • And I know that that might sound silly.

  • But it's not this that you are responding to anymore.

  • And I keep talking about this, because my fans are actually

  • quite blind to my clothes now, because they're so used to it

  • that they don't see it anymore.

  • They just see me.

  • And I'm excited about that, because I think with this new

  • album, people will wonder less and less what I look like when

  • I'm brushing my teeth.

  • But the truth is, I look exactly like I look right now.

  • I just, you know, probably have a Mötley Crüe tee shirt

  • on, and there's a really good-looking guy in my bed.

  • [ Cheers ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • >>> Thank you.

  • >>Lady Gaga: I think my manager just

  • darted out of the room.

  • >>> Anytime you want to come cook in or, you know, hanging

  • out with my mom and your mom, you're welcome to.

  • >>Lady Gaga: You asked for a hug.

  • Do you want to come over here and get one?

  • [ Cheers ]

  • >>> Yes.

  • How about a picture, too?

  • >>Lady Gaga: Yeah.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • >>> Thank you so much.

  • It was so good.

  • >>Lady Gaga: It was nice to meet you.

  • You're so cute.

  • That's a lot of bunnies.

  • >>> There are 16.

  • >>Lady Gaga: 16.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So we'll take a few more questions here.

  • >>> Hi.

  • My name is Logan.

  • Thank you so much for coming.

  • Thrilled that you're here.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Hi, Logan.

  • >>> Hi.

  • I'm wondering, have you seen the video called "Friday" by

  • Rebecca Black?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: No.

  • >>> So this is the latest Internet sensation.

  • And it's this 13-year-old girl who made a video and now it's

  • online and everyone's making fun of it and just kind of

  • criticizing it as really cheesy, which it is.

  • But she's only 13.

  • And my reaction to it -- or I'm curious about your

  • reaction to YouTube as a forum for new artists and for some

  • of the criticism that maybe young people

  • get for going online.

  • And then on the other side, there's the Justin Biebers who

  • are becoming famous through YouTube.

  • What do you think about the future of

  • fame through YouTube.

  • >>Lady Gaga: I think it's fantastic.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: I say Rebecca Black is a genius, and anyone

  • that's telling her she's cheesy is full of shit.

  • >>> Thank you.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Okay.

  • Over here.

  • >>> Hi, Gaga.

  • Thanks for coming.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Hi.

  • That's a nice -- [ Laughter ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: I think you have -- >>Lady Gaga: See, I

  • don't want to laugh, because I'm quite certain that

  • sometimes when I enter the room, that's how people feel.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: But it's really -- it kind of looks like the

  • Chrysler building.

  • >>> Thank you.

  • I used to be an architect, so....

  • >>Lady Gaga: Where did you go to school?

  • >>> At Carnegie Mellon.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Great school.

  • >>> I'm happy to lend this to you for your concert tonight.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: It looks an awful lot like one of the outfits,

  • it might go quite well, actually.

  • >>> It's all yours.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Thank you.

  • >>> My serious question, though, is, we talk about Gaga

  • this and Gaga that and the fame and The Fame Monster.

  • But what about Stefani?

  • How do you stay Stefani through -- >>Lady Gaga: I love

  • this question.

  • Who are you looking for?

  • I'm right here.

  • Stefani is also who I am.

  • Gaga's just my nickname.

  • It's like when you're a kid and your mom calls you "skip,"

  • or -- instead of calling you, you know, Johnny, she calls

  • you Jonathan when you're bad.

  • It's the same thing for me.

  • It's just -- it was a way for me to release so many years of

  • being told "no" by this business.

  • And it's actually funny, because I didn't -- I didn't

  • shop around to record labels until I was calling myself

  • Gaga, until people in New York knew me as Lady Gaga.

  • But in high school and making music and choir and being cast

  • in the boys' play and all the girls hated me because I

  • always got the lead -- they hated me for that, because it

  • was at the boys' school, so if you got the lead, you were

  • always at the boys' school after school.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: So I guess what I'm trying to say is, is I

  • really make absolutely no separation

  • between Stefani and Gaga.

  • It is the absolute same person.

  • It's just it was a way for me in my life -- and it's a gift

  • I wish I could give to anyone, if you went through hard times

  • when you were a kid or when you were in college, or maybe

  • you had a job that really -- you know, they fired you and

  • you were -- you were, you know, poor for two years and

  • then you got -- I wish I could give that gift to anyone of

  • being able to say I rebuke all of that negativity, and I am

  • now a new person, and I'm going to be the queen I know

  • that I can be.

  • And that's really all that it is.

  • >>> Thanks.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>> I know you have a meticulously planned wardrobe,

  • but just in case, I'm going to leave this for you.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Thank you very much.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: We will take two more questions.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Please leave all fashion accessories.

  • Thank you.

  • So sweet.

  • >>> Have a great show.

  • >>Lady Gaga: I can't -- is that going to fit?

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Do you want -- >>Lady Gaga: It's not

  • balancing very well.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Okay.

  • Two more questions.

  • Okay.

  • >>> Thank you very much for coming.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Hi.

  • >>> So much of your music is as you kind of labeled it, the

  • avant-garde, technorock and kind of lends itself toward

  • this really epic sound.

  • And then you take those songs and you make these amazing

  • acoustic versions that are just this polar opposite in

  • terms of the musicality.

  • And I was wondering if you could talk about the process

  • of building those two songs out of the same lyrics, same

  • chords, same songs.

  • And is there one that you like performing?

  • >>Lady Gaga: I guess what I would like to say is a lot of

  • times I will begin at the piano.

  • I will write one of the songs on the album that is truly one

  • of my favorites called "the edge of glory." And it's kind

  • of a sad story.

  • Sorry to be a downer.

  • My grandpa died about five months ago and my dad and I

  • were going to say goodbye to him at the hospice.

  • And I got out a big thing of agave tequila, and my dad sat

  • next to me at the piano, and we just started doing shots

  • back and forth.

  • And I wrote The Edge of Glory on the piano, and

  • my dad and I cried.

  • And the song is about your last moment on Earth, the

  • moment of truth.

  • The Edge of Glory is that moment right before

  • you leave the Earth.

  • So that song can be played on the piano, but it's actually

  • set to this giant, huge technorock Springsteinesque

  • dance beat.

  • I actually had Clarence Clemons from the A Street Band

  • come in and play saxophone on it.

  • It's fucking beautiful.

  • And I do that with a lot of my songs.

  • But it's funny, it's so interesting to hear your

  • perspective on it because that is really what I wanted to do

  • with this album, is I wanted to show my abilities as a

  • songwriter.

  • So a lot of songs are like that.

  • There's really no song on the album that can't be played at

  • a piano acoustically.

  • It's all about the songwriting, it's all about my

  • abilities as a writer from a melodic perspective.

  • And I coproduced every song on the album.

  • So, sonically, it just smells like me.

  • I guess what I'm trying to say is, in my opinion, all good

  • music can be played at a piano and still sound like a hit.

  • >>> Thank you very much.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: One more question here.

  • >>> Hi.

  • I'm Chris.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Hello.

  • Why do I feel like some of you were coaxed into doing this?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>> Because we were promised we would get a prize if we

  • were the best-dressed.

  • >>Lady Gaga: So you get 200 bucks after you take those

  • balls off, huh?

  • >>> They're actually loufahs.

  • >>Lady Gaga: They're what, loufahs?

  • I'm sorry.

  • Can I take my glasses off?

  • You can take a really fancy shower, then, after this.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>> Okay.

  • So I've got to figure out my

  • (inaudible) because I'm nervous.

  • What I wanted to ask you, after hearing you talk, you

  • have a very positive look on life.

  • So I was just kind of wondering

  • where that came from.

  • What happened in your life to shape that?

  • Because not many people are like you and can always say

  • rebuke things that are bad and, you know,

  • always look to the good.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Well, my mom.

  • I have a really good mom.

  • She really was there for me.

  • And she always taught me to be very gracious.

  • My mother's the kind of person that will give you the shirt

  • off her back if you're cold.

  • And that is how I was raised.

  • But I guess I would also say -- I don't know if people in

  • this room are religious.

  • I always feel kind of awkward talking about religion,

  • because I don't want people to feel like I'm impressing any

  • kind of belief on you.

  • But I do see -- I do believe that God comes in many forms.

  • And I don't believe that we know what he looks like.

  • That's something that I actually address in Judas.

  • But I see God in my fans.

  • So every night when I look into the audience, I feel like

  • I see this -- this force of beauty and that I don't know,

  • it's just faith.

  • So I see faith in my fans.

  • And that's what keeps me strong, is them.

  • Is I really -- when I go out there, I don't go out after

  • the show and get plastered and do a ton of drugs and when I

  • go on stage the next day I can barely sing.

  • I'm very, very disciplined and hard-working.

  • And I am a -- as a blond woman with tits and ass, very proud

  • of my accomplishments as a musician.

  • And I say that with lots of strength.

  • People call it arrogance.

  • But I do believe that women in pop music have a very bad rap.

  • And I think people have learned to expect very little

  • from all of us.

  • And it's very unfair.

  • It's very prejudiced.

  • So me and my tits and my ass and my brain are very proud to

  • be here today.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: And I truly see -- I truly see God in my fans.

  • They are -- they are -- they are who I worship is what I'm

  • trying to say.

  • And I believe what you worship in your life doesn't have to

  • be religion or an institution or a certain kind of God.

  • It's just you must worship your faith.

  • I -- perhaps I'm speaking in my own Gaga tongues.

  • But I worship my fans is what I'm trying to say.

  • They are my religion.

  • >>> Love you!

  • >>> I'm sorry to ask, but can I have a hug, too?

  • This was, like, one of my dreams. I love your music.

  • >>Lady Gaga: I love you, too.

  • >>> Okay?

  • >>Lady Gaga: I thought he was asking -- come on, have a hug.

  • I'm not going to say no.

  • >>> Thank you so much.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: That towel-wrapping is giving me,

  • like, new Jerusalem.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: If I'm not mistake, next Monday, March

  • 28th, is your 25th birthday.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Yes.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: So happy birthday.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Thank you.

  • Can I just keep telling people I'm 24.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: We won't tell.

  • Google might, but we won't.

  • We have a surprise for you, which you can tell there are

  • many people in the audience dressed up in

  • their best Gaga garb.

  • We've handed cards to a few people.

  • So why don't the people who got a card before the show

  • come up, and we're going to have you critique

  • the best Lady Gaga.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Thank you.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • I can't really -- do you want to come up here?

  • Hi.

  • Can I hug all of you?

  • >>> Yes.

  • >>> Group hug!

  • >>Lady Gaga: That's really good.

  • Hello.

  • Thank you.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: Thank you.

  • Hi.

  • >>> Hi.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Hello.

  • >>> Hi.

  • >>Lady Gaga: This is interesting.

  • It's very Yves St.-Laurent.

  • >>> This is an ammunition belt from World War II.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Hi.

  • You look beautiful.

  • You know what's so funny?

  • Is when I was on my first record label

  • -- you can go back.

  • I'm sorry.

  • She's like -- When I was on my first record label, Def Jam,

  • not to bring up a sour story, but I sent all of the

  • employees at Def Jam Disco balls that I hand-painted

  • myself, like that, except I wrote "Gaga" all over them.

  • And I sent them huge bags of candy from the Dollar Store --

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: -- with these Disco balls that

  • had my name on it.

  • And I got dropped, like, a month later.

  • Somebody in the office was, like, "Who sent all these

  • gummy worms and Disco balls that say 'Gaga?'" I

  • hand-painted those suckers, every one of them.

  • Okay.

  • Well, this is very good.

  • And this is very good, because it looks almost exactly like

  • my Theirry Mugler-inspired outfit from the

  • very first Fame Ball.

  • This is amazing, because it looks just like

  • the telephone video.

  • However, I have to say that the mark of a true Gaga fan is

  • always thinking forward.

  • And that is you.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: It's very detailed.

  • It's very detailed.

  • The ponytail looks perfect.

  • The shoulderpads, you did a nice job with the duct tape.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: And that is exactly -- it took me an hour

  • to get my makeup done for that.

  • And it's -- >>> 15 minutes.

  • >>Lady Gaga: 15 minutes.

  • See?

  • That's a really glamour girl.

  • Well, congratulations.

  • >>> Thank you so much.

  • >>Lady Gaga: You are the winner.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Thank you, guys.

  • And as we heard, Gaga is performing in Oakland tonight.

  • So all of our competition here on stage will get a pair of

  • tickets to the concert tonight.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Here, you can have the riding crop.

  • You look really, really wonderful.

  • That -- actually, that setup was -- just to explain it a

  • little bit -- Rico, who is in the video with me, he has the

  • same -- he's tattooed that way.

  • >>> I read that last night.

  • >>Lady Gaga: Yeah, that's really -- he's really

  • tattooed that way.

  • And I asked him, you know, when we were on the set, I

  • said, "Why did you get" -- it's kind of like a weird,

  • funny question -- "but why did you tattoo yourself that way?"

  • And he said, "Bazooka Gum." I said, "What do you mean,

  • Bazooka Gum?" And he said, "Well you know how Bazooka Gum

  • comes with the stick-on tattoos?" He said, "I really

  • liked them and I loved punk rock when I was a kid, so I

  • just used to listen to punk rock and put Bazooka Gum

  • tatoos on, so I tattooed my face like this." So that's why

  • we chewed bubble gum in the video.

  • But I wanted to tribute Rico, because I believe -- what this

  • look represented to me was that I will not allow society

  • or critics to dictate my beauty.

  • I -- I tell you what I believe is beautiful about me.

  • Every person defines their own beauty for themselves.

  • So that's what that makeup represents to me, is that Rico

  • was defining who he is in an artistic way and not relying

  • on society to tell him what makes him valuable.

  • [ Applause ]

  • >>Lady Gaga: So you look fabulous.

  • She's coming to the show?

  • >>Marissa Mayer: Yes.

  • They're all coming to the show.

  • >>Lady Gaga: All right.

  • You're going to fit right in.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: And they are not the only

  • people who are coming.

  • So we have 40 more of these cards taped to

  • the bottom of seats.

  • So if you look under your seat, you get a pair of

  • tickets to the Gaga concert tonight. (Screams).

  • >>Marissa Mayer: There are instructions on the back as to

  • how to -- >>Lady Gaga: So cute.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: And just -- someone found one over here.

  • Just so no one leaves empty-handed, we actually have

  • special edition Google Goes Gaga tee shirts

  • for everyone here.

  • They are in Benghazi in building 43, they're there

  • now, so you can stop by on your way leaving.

  • I just want to say thank you, thank you to the

  • Haus of Gaga for this.

  • There have been an unbelievable number of people

  • here at Google who have helped out, but mainly Andrew

  • Schulte, along with (saying name).

  • >>Lady Gaga: And, actually, some of you don't know this,

  • but Andrew was an RA at third north where I went to college.

  • And he wrote me up for drinking in my room.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • >>Marissa Mayer: And she came to Google anyway.

  • >>Lady Gaga: So we go way back, Google.

  • >>Marissa Mayer: I just want to say, a huge thank you to

  • you from all of us and from your fans.

  • Thank you so much for being here today.

  • [ Cheers and applause ] 1284 01:04:13,823 -->

[ Cheers and applause ]


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