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  • In the weeks after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's infamous "Megxit" from the royal

  • family, Harry is reportedly feeling the pressures of his monumental decision.

  • Harry and Meghan announced that they wanted to step down from their roles as senior members

  • of the royal family in January 2020.

  • Public backlash against the couple has been significantand it hasn't been easy on

  • the prince.

  • Their transition to a more independent lifestyle got off to a rocky start, to say the least.

  • The couple was reportedly hoping to make the change more slowly, but the Duke and Duchess

  • of Sussex were pressured into breaking the news early when tabloid reporters caught wind

  • of their intentions.

  • Buckingham Palace and the queen then made follow-up statements confirming the news.

  • A flurry of press followed, and all that negative attention is exactly what Harry and Meghan

  • were trying to get away from.

  • According to new reports, Harry has suffered greatly due to all the recent tension.

  • An ABC News special called Royal Divide: Harry, Meghan, and the Crown explores Harry and Meghan's

  • decision to step away from their royal duties.

  • Featuring royal experts and correspondents, the documentary talks about what led to Megxit

  • and what may come next for the Sussexes.

  • As The Cut reported,

  • "The consensus is that Harry has long-desired to live a less royal life, but needed a push,

  • which Meghan gave him."

  • In fact, Harry may have foreshadowed his dramatic decision in a 2019 ITV documentary when he

  • spoke about the need to protect his growing family.

  • "I will not be bullied into playing a game that killed my mum."

  • His mother, Princess Diana, died in a car accident in 1997, while being hounded by paparazzi.

  • Shortly after Meghan began dating Harry, she, too, was subject to a constant swarm of paparazzi

  • and harsh press.

  • The British tabloids printed articles about her that were often vicious and racist in

  • tone.

  • "My British friends said to me, I'm sure he's great but you shouldn't do it because the

  • British tabloids will destroy your life."

  • In 2016, Harry even made a rare statement imploring the press to stop.

  • According to the ABC News documentary, Meghan's treatment by the media was notably different

  • than her sister-in-law Kate Middleton's treatment by the tabloids.

  • The media often pitted the two against each other.

  • Perhaps in time, Harry and Meghan will achieve the more peaceful, independent life they so

  • desperately want.

  • In a way, the scrutiny Prince Harry has been subject to has been even more intense than

  • before.

  • Some royal fans and commentators have accused the prince of "betraying" his family, claiming

  • the royals are deeply upset over this turn of events.

  • One supposed insider told The Sun that Harry and Meghan's decision amounted to a, quote,

  • "declaration of war on the family."

  • A close friend of Harry's, polo player Nacho Figueras, participated in the ABC News documentary

  • about Megxit, and revealed that the whole process has been really tough on Harry.

  • "He has suffered a lot from all of the things that have happened to him.

  • He wants to live a normal life, as normal as his life is going to be, right?"

  • Figueras went on to say that his friend is simply a good husband and father trying to

  • protect his family, adding,

  • "[Harry] has become an incredible man, a man that his mother would be proud of."

  • Harry and Meghan have relocated to Canada with their son, Archie Mountbatten-Windsor,

  • and they've already resumed work both in the U.K. and Canada.

  • Now that they're financially self-sufficient and will no longer receive royal funds, they've

  • also trademarked the "Sussex Royal" brand.

  • In short, the Sussexes seem all set to start their new lives as an independent working

  • couple.

  • Despite speculation that Harry has deeply disappointed his family, Queen Elizabeth made

  • two public statements in January 2020 that adamantly supported the Duke and Duchess of

  • Sussex.

  • The queen acknowledged the challenges they faced in the public eye and insisted,

  • "[The Royal Family is] entirely supportive of Harry and Meghan's desire to create a new

  • life as a young family."

  • Harry and Meghan's departure from royal family life is clearly anything but simple, but here's

  • hoping brighter days are on the way.

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In the weeks after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's infamous "Megxit" from the royal


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據報道,哈里王子在混亂的Megxit後痛苦不堪。 (Prince Harry Is Reportedly Suffering After Chaotic Megxit)

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