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  • The contrast couldn't be more stark.

  • In Beijing, you have tanks, you have goose-stepping soldiers

  • marching through the centre of the city,

  • through Tiananmen Square, in front of chairman Xi Jinping.

  • While in Hong Kong you have hundreds of thousands

  • of black-shirted protesters calling for freeing Hong Kong.

  • Now 22 years after Hong Kong was returned from the UK to China

  • you have a generation who really do not feel

  • like they are part of China.

  • They truly believe that they have a separate identity,

  • that they are Hong Kongers.

  • We're right in the middle of the central financial district

  • of Hong Kong, but this scene that we're seeing right here

  • is being played out all across Hong Kong,

  • in virtually every district.

  • People have come out and they're fighting battles

  • with their own government and their own police

  • on the very day that China was going

  • to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Communist party

  • rule.

  • As the protests continue, the tactics are evolving.

  • You can see the protesters have personally worked out

  • how to deal with tear gas.

  • As the tear gas comes in, they either

  • throw them back or they stuff them into bags with water

  • and roll them up so the tear gas has basically no effect.

  • In the background, you can see the Chinese national flag

  • fluttering on a digital screen above the old Bank of China

  • building.

  • Just in front of that is the water cannon truck,

  • which is on its way here, trying to snuff out what is now

  • called the Water Revolution.

  • So the police are blocking the protesters from every angle

  • here in the narrow streets of Hong Kong.

  • And now they're trying to hold their breath

  • as they arrest people.

  • They don't want us to film what's happening right there.

  • Right on the corner right there is a man

  • who the police got hold of.

  • He doesn't appear to be a protester.

  • He's in a white T-shirt, no protest equipment,

  • and he got beaten down to the ground.

  • They beat him repeatedly, and now he's unconscious.

  • He was there unconscious for at least the last five minutes.

  • On the very day that Beijing was hoping

  • for a display of absolute power and national unity,

  • Hong Kong has exploded with violent protests

  • across the entire city.

The contrast couldn't be more stark.


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B1 中級

香港抗議活動為中國週年慶典蒙上陰影|瞭解香港----------。 (Hong Kong protests overshadow China's anniversary parade | Understanding Hong Kong)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日