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  • When we talk about nuclear energy

  • we usually think about fission or splitting the atom.

  • But there is another type,

  • one that turned out to be much more elusive.

  • I give the command!

  • Fusion!

  • It may seem like magic.

  • One kilogram of fusion fuel would generate

  • as much power as 10 million kilograms of coal.

  • Fusion has been called the holy grail of energy.

  • Theoretically,

  • now the particle should race around and around

  • until they hit some other particles and fuse.

  • Fusion is clean, it's green, it's safe.

  • But it's really hard to do.

  • If the conditions aren't perfect, everything stops.

  • This complexity is what earned fusion energy

  • an almost mythical status.

  • Governments have been chasing it

  • and claiming it for over half a century.

  • The big joke in fusion is

  • that it’s 30 years away

  • and always will be.

  • Yes, it’s a bit of a depressing joke if you ask me.

  • The next generation of fusion.

  • But there is renewed enthusiasm.

  • There are billionaires and investors, people like

  • Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates and Peter Thiel.

  • Dozens of companies are going after the silver bullet energy solution.

  • Atoms are constantly moving.

  • The hotter they get, the faster they move.

  • They also have a natural tendency to repel each other.

  • But with enough heat and density it's possible to merge atoms together.

  • This is fusion. And it creates enormous amounts of energy.

  • It’s also a potentially inexhaustible source of clean power

  • because it uses the most abundant element in the universe -

  • hydrogen.

  • There are some people who think it's science fiction and it'll never happen.

  • But it’s not science fiction.

  • The reason we know fusion works

  • is because it works in the stars.

  • In the sun, hydrogen is joining together to make helium,

  • and this releases huge amounts of energy.

  • Since scientists first figured out what was causing the sun to shine,

  • theyve been dreaming

  • of harnessing this energy as a clean energy source on Earth.

  • The sun is huge so there’s a huge gravitational pressure

  • pushing down all the matter into the center

  • to really high densities and high temperatures.

  • The Earth is about, well, smaller than a sunspot on the face of the star

  • so we can’t do anything with that much gravity.

  • If we want to replicate these fusion reactions here on Earth,

  • we need temperatures of about 150 million degrees,

  • which is about 10 times hotter than the center of the sun.

  • One of the ways scientists are trying to achieve fusion is with machines called tokamaks.

  • A tokamak is shaped like a doughnut or a cored apple, filled with a gas

  • and surrounded by magnetic coils.

  • Electricity runs through the centre heating the gas.

  • When the particles are energized to the point that their electrons break free,

  • the gas turns into a plasma.

  • It can now be contained within the machine by a magnetic field,

  • which stops the molten plasma from burning through the walls.

  • Once the plasma reaches over 100 million degrees Celsius,

  • the ions inside it start to collide and fuse.

  • Among various fusion devices like stellarators,

  • colliding beam fusion reactors

  • or magnetized target reactors -

  • tokamaks are some of the oldest and most understood.

  • General thinking with these machines was the bigger the better.

  • A compact tokamak capable of reaching fusion conditions was thought to be impossible.

  • Until about a decade ago when Mikhail Gryaznevich did the maths.

  • Taking on the challenge, he co-founded Tokamak Energy.

  • Here in an ordinary business park near Oxford,

  • the company is trying to build their fusion machine

  • at a fraction of the time and money that it takes governments.

  • Last year this tokamak created a plasma as hot as the sun.

  • But the team needs higher temperatures so theyre adding a new heating system

  • and even more power.

  • That should get them to fusion temperatures of more than 100 million degrees Celsius.

  • A number of other facilities have triggered the fusion reaction in the past.

  • For a split second it's generated enough power to run thousands of homes.

  • So if we know how to do it, what’s holding fusion power back?

  • Well, so far all the machines have used more power to run

  • than they have generated from the reaction.

  • To make fusion a viable energy source the devices need to become much more efficient.

  • One tokamak which promises to get us there is called ITER

  • but it’s taken nearly 30 years to get it from concept to construction.

  • ITER, because of its size it became a worldwide collaboration

  • and this has made it very political and very bureaucratic.

  • And because it's taken so long, the prices have gone up.

  • The estimate has gone from $6 billion, to $25 billion.

  • That may sound like a lot but to put it in perspective

  • the Beijing Olympics cost $40 billion

  • and the 2020 Tokyo Games are expected to cost $25 billion.

  • Just for comparison, one country can afford to run a big sporting event,

  • but they don't want to fund a project that could solve the world's energy problems.

  • I think it's crazy but that’s the way it is.

  • But maybe fusion can be achieved for even less.

  • Tokamak Energy’s machine is much cheaper

  • and the team believes they can make a significant breakthrough for less than $1 billion.

  • But it’s not all about the cost or the scale

  • but who can be the first to actually produce more energy than is being used in the process.

  • When it happens, that's the Wright brothers moment where the plane finally takes off.

  • And that’s why working for a startup is so exciting.

  • Because you feel that you can make more progress.

  • Were firing 2000 volt shots now so we’d prefer if youre away from the passby.

  • After days of testing the rebuilt tokamak, the team is now trying to generate the plasma.

  • It’s not gonna be instant.

  • And it may not happen but...

  • OK fully charged.

  • Arming.

  • Ready to fire.

  • Firing in three, two, one.

  • Fire!

  • This image inside the tokamak shows white traces which are the magnetic field.

  • The darker area highlighted is the plasma.

  • This test puts the company on track to achieve the 100 million degrees milestone in 2020.

  • Then theyre planning to demonstrate a fusion reaction on their device around 2025.

  • But theyre not the only private company in the race.

  • The fact that there are more and more startups coming into this space is really, really hopeful.

  • Because the fusion program has been drip-fed for decades,

  • and then people wonder why we haven't yet achieved fusion.

  • You don't achieve fusion by just keeping it barely alive.

  • You have to put the money into it.

  • And I'm hoping that through the startups we can actually get enough investment into fusion

  • to get it over the line.

  • I know that you know, bottling the stars if you’d like, is going to be hard but

  • with determination and ingenuity humans have achieved incredible things

  • and there’s no reason why we shouldn’t achieve fusion.

When we talk about nuclear energy


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B2 中高級

清潔能源的聖盃 (The Holy Grail of Clean Energy)

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