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what's up everybody? welcome back to my channel! hi how are ya? now in today's
video first of all let's take a quick pause look at this ****ing girl! this is
stunning! I'm gonna do a quick little announcement before we dive in today's
review.. on March 8th next Friday I am doing a big restock of the blood sugar
pallet on my website and I'm launching this beautiful new pink chrome mirror
I'm obsessed with it.. had to do this color the rest of the mirrors will be
restocked soon but this will be launching now also I have a brand new
makeup bag launching it is a big Daddy I know you guys live for the JFC makeup
bags here is a really big one for travel we're gonna zoom in and show you guys
all the little monogrammed prints that are into the vegan leather of course now
it is big it has two zippers it comes stuff and there's a lot of let me take
out all the paper hi thank you here's a palette it is there's so much room in
there yes so these will all be launching on Friday March 8th now here's the gag
if you buy any accessory or fashion item on my website you get to pick a free
lipstick from a selection that we have chosen hi free lipstick how are you
alright now this big daddy will be retailing for $40 and this fits so much
stuff I've been secretly bringing this on my travels and I am living now
besides that I am finally restocking because I've been getting so many emails
Jaime reading to do music the prom night Geoffrey Star vinyls yes this is in the
shape of a star and it plays perfectly on any vinyl record machine now if you
buy with this you also get a free lipstick so of course you all know my
main plan with the deals now besides that I have a really really big
announcement if you guys have not heard already the morphe Geoffrey start
brushes are coming to alta yes literally in a few days if you're watching this in
the future maybe they're out but March 3rd they will be officially in every
single Ulta location here in America and on their website oh my god I am so
excited this is my first presence in Alta and I am just over the moon it is
gonna be so amazing for you guys to be able to walk in see the stores like
displays and just like whoo I can't wait so now that that's
over let's dive in to the Riviera palette all right you guys
so noir Vina and Anasazi Beverly Hills announced the new spring collection a
few days ago and I was actually shook the house because it's kind of hard to
get me off in the make up brown these days everything has been done before but
this brand has been consistently bringing it over and over now here is
what the palette looks like in the PR kit let's open her up a little bit oh hi
we all have our opinions about every single pregnant not every launch is
gonna be a hit we all know that this launch though packaging on point I love
the entire theme I feel like I'm about to jump on a yacht and just have an orgy
um now here is what the packaging looks like I love it it feels like I don't
know it just feels very like beachy I feel like I'm like in the ocean and it's
kind of hard to feel like that let's open up this bad bitch right now
hello Riviera how are ya now this palette will be retailing for $42 just
like their other palettes there is 14 shades in here and I do want to note
that I was reading the packaging and this palette is made in America now a
lot of the times honest talks at Beverly Hills will make their palettes in China
but this says eyeshadows and pressed pigments made in USA work not that
there's anything wrong with China formulas obviously they've been killing
it in the past but this is manufacture in America and there are a few pressed
pigments high blood sugar hi James palette we have some press pigments - it
says Bahamas Cannes and palm will be pressed pigments and the rest are all
eyeshadows worked love that so we're gonna create a look today maybe one look
here maybe one look there let's see where the wind takes us besides that we
have some loose highlighters to try and bitch this I've been dying to play in
this we're gonna open this right now this is the new dewy set setting spray
let's open it the packaging oh when I saw this on Instagram I was like okay
work here's what it looks like now you may be like girl this looks a little
similar to mac fix+ it is a dollar cheaper this retails for
$26 of course the glitter packaging is amazing I love it with the white cap it
looks stunning now there is no glitter in the formula it is just the packaging
so there won't be any shimmer on your face or anything like that so this has
three point four fluid ounces and it's
supposed to smell like nor Venus favorite scent combination coconut and
vanilla I can't wait now all these products that were reviewing today do
launch on March 4th on an associate's website and then a retail will hit on
the seventh with everyone else so let's dive in and see what the hell is gonna
be jeffree star approved a few more tidbits about this first of all let's
open it up again and let's see what we want to do today I am living for this
Bahamas moment like that needs to go maybe in the inner corner the purple is
giving me life maybe that's like under smoke it out with some brown maybe that
Mediterranean kind of like bluey gray Frost up there there's a lot of moments
in this palette okay I guess let's dive in everybody now of course we were doing
no brows today I love my alien fantasy of course we're gonna prime eyelids
before we start with the Mac painterly paint-pot
I use this for every review we're just gonna coat our lid to brow area fully
let this dry for five seconds and we are ready to begin of course you can use any
primer if you want no primer it's really all your preference so I'm gonna take
the morphe js4 brush which of course is for highlighting but I love with a no
brow moment it's just like cover an area easy so we're gonna do a lot of blending
today we're gonna go in with shade sales which is the top left full white bone
color it's let's see how this looks oh wow that's definitely in there Wow so
I like the start as like a little base and just put it everywhere so when we
blend colors it's just gonna blend seamlessly
that color laid down really nice it is a good base now I want to go ham already I
want to take that hot pink Bahamas and go right in that inner corner a lot of
people have been doing that lately I live for it I haven't done it in years
so let's just take this now this shade is a pressed pigment so I'm gonna take
this little morphe m43 one and we're just gonna pack this in the inner corner
and see what happens let's go right here oh wow my pink now
whenever there's a really bright shade I like to just lay it down carefully
oh hi that's pink hi so I'm really gonna pack this in and I'm gonna take my time
so it doesn't get really crazy especially with neons you want to be
careful no the best pigments I love to pack them on and then blend more later
and this looks really cute Wow all right that pink laid down we're really cute I
made you even like a little highlighter here in a minute but this looks really
cool let me do the other side and I'll be right back Wow this pink is sickening
all right now look I have seen it all we've done it all it's kind of hard to
impress me with a palette I think that this color story is a really cohesive I
love it obviously Ivan tried everything yet but just when I first initially saw
it I was impressed because it's all been done before if I see one more brown and
neutral palette I'm gonna rip out my hair and then probably transplant it
back alright so let's get down to it I know this is looking really cotton candy
and fun so let's just keep taking it there I want to do the under eye already
just kind of drag that purple I think it would look stunning but before we do
that I am going to check js5 it's this little guy right here and we're gonna
dip into shade Montecarlo which is this really how do i describe that it's like
a soft watermelon e-peen kind of so I just want to kind of take that and add a
little bit to this pink so it's not so harsh and just kind of blend up really
oh I love this feeling very mama Mitchell right now okay the shade monte
carlo is really pretty it was kind of delicous often enough into the shade
sales that we laid down first so it's gonna look very airbrushed and just like
high editorial how are ya all right you guys this is looking cute
now we're gonna take shade palm over here and we're just gonna use this
little Jay s six brush hi and we're just gonna lightly dip into her and saturate
this brush now this shade is a pressed pigment so I can only imagine she's
don't look real cute in this lid it's tuck this right in my deep set crease
and create some depth and dimension now see how I'm taking the brush and I'm
just lightly going up and giving it that really nice soft appearance harsh lines
and we don't know her
well then if you want to soften any edge you could really go back in with your
highlighter brush or whatever you want to use you can dip into sales or
whatever you want to do and you can just go right over that to give it that
really really nice smooth look BAM all right that Brown went on really pretty I
love how this is looking now let's really take it there I think I want to
go in with shade seychelles right here beautiful metallic now I always wet the
brush I will do it without it so you guys can see you can also take your
finger now I have long nails again when I had no nails this was so easy to
literally take your finger right BAM and just look at my eye my fucking nail will
stab me right in the eye Press that right on the lid just what
lipstick NIC does all the time on set and it just kind of jump-starts that
shades you can kind of see what you want to do oh wow hello honey this is my type
of look I know it's not that wearable for the average a girl but baby this
palette has color let's use some damn color alright so we're gonna take this
brush and this is what I use to put on the primer with and we're just gonna Pat
it on the lid wow this blue is sick I would literally
do a look with just blues okay now let me just take it and Pat it into the pink
so it starts to blend high no I think the only thing this palette is missing
is like a dark navy I would love a dark blue instead of brown sometimes but
that's my only thought everything else is very cohesive now there is some
fallout on my nose I did not wet the brush I will wet it for this side so let
me just take some setting powder and wipe away that all right I'm gonna press
this on the center of my lid one more time and then we're gonna wet this side
and see how it looks if it looks intense like most metallics do I will add maybe
a little more on the other side wow that's really pretty work now of course
we do have their own setting spray should I just wet the brush with that
I've never used it yet so let's just chill okay
I'll do this other side so this side is what I use on the right eye now let's
flip it and let's go like this oh wow I think it's gonna be really nice y'all
definitely gives you like fullmetal and less fallout when it's wet
whoa I'm feeling pregnant it's coming together looking funky looking really
cute now I I'm dying to go in with this purple I got to see how it looks purple
shadows are very hard to perfect all right so let's dip into shade cans right
here actually went to that Cannes Festival once high memories alright so
we're just gonna dip into here Oh bitch that looks like a big move so let's go
in and just mix this right in with the pink oh wow
okay we're just gonna drag it under the lash line and blend it in I could take
my time with this so it looks really nice and blended and then what I like to
do is I'll take a dry brush like a brush that has no product this is stained and
I'll take a different color just kind of like to blend it out so maybe I like
barely tap into that one right and then I'll dip into monte-carlo amazing this
is looking like cotton candy heaven oh okay I'm definitely feeling this fantasy
right now I want to add some white liner in the waterline and some lashes so I'm
gonna use my Mac fascinating white eye pencil as usual I'm just gonna take that
now with bright colors sometimes they get in your waterline so you want to be
careful that nothing's in there and oh residue and I love white because it just
makes the eye really pop and look so pretty
Wow I love how the white liner look I'm gonna go quickly put on some mascara and
lashes off-camera and suck up Nate and I'll be right back okay
lashes are on I use when I use today style Miami from Lily lashes at classic
I live for these lashes they look so pretty
Wow hi look this is coming together I'm wearing mannequin liquid lip for my
brand on the mouth I'm gonna put a little bit of this Charlotte Tilbury in
the center just for a laugh oh he'll love this combo tiny lips how
are you let's test out some highlighters let's try this spray and let's keep it
moving so we have a new product from anastacio let's check it out this is
from the PR package I got this morning and these are loose highlighters now
first of all love the glitter let's open it up now there are three shades and I
love the components you guys know I live for glitter now not a lot of brands do
real glitter packaging like this let me just take out the shades so I want to
commend the brand because you listen from someone who manufactures and makes
makeup I know the cost of goods on a lot of stuff I know how much money it takes
to invest in things and to do a custom cap like this that is coated with
glitter where it feels like flawless no gritty like no weirdness you all know
what I mean this feels seamless and I know this cost a lot more than a normal
black cap so high investment we live for her now there are three shades this is a
loose highlighter we have a snowflake sunset aura and so Hollywood alright so
quick information these will be retailing for $25 each they have six
grams a product in there I want to try it I don't know how the brand is
applying it it's a loose highlighter we're gonna do exactly what we want to
do probably a brush alright so this is what it looks like it comes sealed and
God I have tweezers because these nails alright let me take some of snowflake
and let's just put some in here oh it almost looks like snow do I see the
pearls in there and it looks stunning already alright let's take a came of my
highlighter brushes Anasazi also has an amazing highlighter brush right here we
can do both sides we can do whatever I'm not gonna wet the brush I'm just gonna
put some one here oh wow it coats the brush so I don't want to go overboard I
mean don't I always though alright let's see what this looks like
oh oh that's I see bitch that is I see alright
living Wow if you are really fair this highlighter is gonna be perfect for you
because it is like okay looks like face Joe and I'm living then let's just take
it and put a little bit above this look like Good Morning America alright I just
opened up so Hollywood let's see what this looks like really quickly
now the third shade sunset aura is very dark I am NOT gonna put this on I would
look crazy this one might be a little too dark for me - let me just see how it
looks on the finger will do a little wow it's just the gold thing let's just do a
little like moment here oh wow that is like old I mean this shade is everything
I mean yeah yeah let's try it I mean we're here this is what we're here for
so we'll really coat the brush this is the anastacio highlighting brush I've
always used this as well as my own let's go over here and let's see or it's gonna
look like wow that's pretty that's really nice I think this site is
obviously way more like BAM and impactful maybe because it's lighter so
you're like really getting there like full shebang but I'm really loving this
side - so let me just do a little bit up here just like we did on that side oh
wow alright we already took us out earlier so I was just watching Norina
and Kay Claudia the president of anastasi I was just watching her IG
stories and of course she was saying this packaging is full glitter the
formula inside has no sparkle no glitter and no shimmer this is to give you a
kind of dewy look and basically get all the powders and everything just kind of
like blend together into your skin and it gives you kind of a soft dewy not
oily look allegedly we're about to use it let's see how it smells and sprays so
of course it turns this way and that is when it's activated alright so let me
take this and let's see how it sprays who is powerful
Wow what smells really good bitch I'm hungry okay all right here goes nothing
let's give it a whirl
all right let's let that settle into the skin I always take a sponge and just
kind of like press in any setting spray no this isn't to fully set your makeup
which is why it's called the Dewey set obviously which I live for
how does my skin look do we see any difference what do you guys think behind
the camera oh wow the highlight does look a little crazy
in the best way because I live for that it definitely made my skin look less
powdery I think off the bat I don't want to go like haywire have it dripping off
my face but this is really nice and Wow okay so this look is complete I'm gonna
take a hit and then let's dive in into my final thoughts
all right let's do this all right so I can't like I can't believe it I am just
shocked that really nothing went wrong today not that I was surprised because
honest hacia always brings the quality most of the time let's start off with
the Riviera palette now they are basically kick-starting 2019 I have seen
a few pilots come out already have him in that impressed with that this one
definitely loved the color story it's different it's speaking to me and has a
signature jeffree star pink in there so I'm already gagging the house love the
packaging formula there was some fallout it's eye shadow we know that was it
extreme where I wanted to cry absolutely not
I think the formula was amazing they're obviously using a different lab here in
America it blended like a dream of course the blue shade I think have the
most fallout for me until I wet the brush then it was totally fine so this
palette bitch I'm living for it now the spray we just used it I like it I think
it's really pretty I'm not looking like sweaty like they
were saying but we're feeling the fantasy of do honey oh it smells so good
okay let's talk about the loose highlighters every brand on the planet
has a highlighter every single brand whether it's in a palette a loose
whatever it is you just got to pick what highlighter you are living for and I'm
someone that loves to use a new makeup all the time some of you like to stick
to your favorites I get it I like this the formula was sickening this shade is
everything this over here is cute it's a little more on
the subtle side but the swatch was blinding so I think you can definitely
layer them for the price point I think it's worth it and look at that you guys
Wow let's say it all at once the Anastacio Beverly Hills Riviera
palette loose highlighters and dewy set are all jeffree star approved yeah I had
a really good time playing with makeup today I haven't just sat down and done
my makeup in a minute life has been so hectic I am off to another meet and
greet next week I will announce that soon and then I have a makeup to makeup
classes in Dallas with lipstick Nick there is so much trouble and then I'm
back to Amsterdam and Europe end of March and April so baby what's up I will
see you guys all very soon thank you for watching today's review so sound off
below what products did you like what were you living for did you hate
anything on me today actually hit 0 hate my body hmm rare thank you for watching
today's review I will see you on the next one muah love you