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I've missed you.
I missed you.
It's been so long.
And I love seeing you.
I love seeing you.
As often as you want to be here, I want you to be here.
I'm hoping to get a job.
I'd like to work here.
Yeah, you don't have enough jobs.
You don't have enough going on.
I could always use one more.
All right, can we talk about your slow walking with Andy?
You did a taped piece with Andy, and you slow walked with him.
Did you find it at all-- at all inspirational, good for you,
I think it was a giant waste of time.
But it seems to be working for Andy because he looks the same.
So I think he's still on that same workout.
Which was about a week and a half ago.
No, he looks good.
How are you, buddy?
He looks like he wants to fight me now.
He doesn't.
Believe me, he does not look like he wants to fight you.
He's scared to death of you.
No, he's pretty threatening.
I'm sucking in my stomach.
But perhaps, maybe, what you could actually do-- now
that you've done a slow walking, maybe he
could do an actual workout with you at a gym?
Why don't you?
You can bring him to F45.
Are you in?
Can we get him in?
He can hear you.
And he can go.
You give him permission?
I think that was an order, actually.
Let's set that up.
It's mandatory now.
You have this gym that I was supposed to be a part of,
and you never called me.
Why not?
Well, that's not true.
I guess my people were supposed to be talking to your people.
So something got lost in translation.
Because I wanted to do it with you.
So this is good.
So we're back into this thing now.
OK, good.
Because it's still a possibility.
But what I found when--
I've always kind of done my own thing for workouts.
In every movie that I've done, I have my own particular training
that I do.
And I walked into a gym, and I saw a 50-something year
old woman working out with a collegiate athlete.
And they were working together as a team.
And it was all high-fives and loves.
There's no mirrors in the gym.
There's no judgment.
It's all about community and support.
And it is was an absolute love-fest.
To the point where now I have this 2000 square foot
gym in my house that I don't even
use anymore, because I go to F45 every single day.
Right, which is your gym that you've--
And what does that stand for?
Functional 45.
45 minutes-- you're in, you're out.
You stretch, you warm up, you do the workout,
which is never the same twice.
And literally Andy, in the beginning of his fitness
journey, and somebody like me, who
has a little bit more experience in the gym--
could literally work out together.
And you can modify the exercises.
So if he had to use two-pound dumbbells, and I was using 66--
Don't give him that much.
If he was using a cell phone, and I
was using 66-pound dumbbells.
But you can literally do the workout together.
So now my wife goes, our nanny goes--
we have so many people who go, who
have been terrified to go into the gym.
And it's literally-- the membership is 75% women.
And we are now trying to work with different corporations
to conquer obesity in America; and tell people
that no matter if you've never walked into a gym before,
you could do this workout.
And you can change your life.
It's absolutely incredible.
I'm in with you.
Look, as soon I heard you wanted to do something,
I was, like, yes--
I want to do it.
But here's what I think we're going to disagree on right
now, which is always good.
You can be friends and disagree on things.
But you have this--
I love that about you.
When they were giving you a hard time
about being photographed with George Bush,
you were, like, I can still be friends
with people who don't have the same political beliefs as me.
Which is such a beautiful thing, because there is so much
divide now and it's sad.
It's getting to the point where if someone is not exactly
like you and think exactly like you and does the same,
that you don't like them anymore.
And, man, we're in trouble when that starts happening,
because you can't do that.
But here's where we may disagree.
So you have this feud with Dr. Oz
right now, where Dr. Oz says that breakfast
is the most important thing.
Oh, no, no.
I'm on your side.
I'm saying breakfast is the most important.
Oh, you are?
Then I disagree with you.
Oh, you're with Dr. Oz?
I do the intermittent fasting.
I mean, look, breakfast is breaking a fast.
So it doesn't matter what time of day it is.
Breakfast could be 1 o'clock in the afternoon.
So I don't think you have to get up
and eat before you do anything.
But you think you have to get up and eat?
I was kind of from the old school bodybuilding philosophy
that you had to eat all this ridiculous amounts of protein.
I was eating every three hours.
But the last movie that I did, I started having some issues
because of eating so much.
And I was eating so much protein,
and I was was storing it and using
it other than building lean muscle.
So I was getting a leaky gut.
So I just literally did a bone broth fast.
I didn't want to give Dr. Oz any credit though.
Because you know what happened with Dr. Oz?
He's, like, three years late.
Everybody's been doing intermittent fasting,
the keto diet.
It's one thing or another.
You got to eat breakfast; then don't eat breakfast;
don't eat for 16 hours; then you got to eat every three hours.
It's always constantly changing.
But Dr. Oz is coming to workout with me on Thursday at F45.
So why don't we get Andy over there.
Andy would be great to go there.
You guys can come.
And Dr. Oz is going to get what he deserves.
He's going to get the real workout.
But I do understand exactly what he's saying.
It's worked for-- I mean, I literally just with the bone
broth and the cleanse, I lost 10 pounds in five days.
God, you have such discipline.
I don't know how you do it, because that's
really difficult. I mean, and you have kids and a wife.
The first day, nobody wanted to be around me, for sure.
I was miserable.
Or you around them, because you're smelling
food and next to them eating.
But then I started having more energy.
But I'm so lucky and fortunate to have my job
and do what I do, that there isn't anything
I wouldn't do to prepare.
All right.
We have to go to break.
But just before we go to break, I'm just not clear.
You think that you should have breakfast first thing
in the morning?
I still-- I had--
Just a quick yes or no.
--vegan pancakes-- yes.
I still want to be your friend.
I still want to be your friend.
We'll see that people, we can--
But some people don't want--
--still be friends.
--to get up and eat right away.
And that's what makes the world go around.
Some people want to eat, some people don't want to eat.
And we can all just love each other.
Free will.
We'll be right back.