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  • The iPhone 11 Pro Max is definitely one of the most anticipated phone launches of the

  • year. Apple has launched three different versions of the phone this time: the 11, the 11 Pro,

  • and the 11 Pro Max. So I figured I'd durability test the most expensive of the three. Apple's

  • done some pretty interesting stuff with this new version. There's a lot to check out and

  • take in. Let's get started.

  • [Intro]

  • So iPhones have been able to fast charge for a few years now. But even though the iPhones

  • could charge fast, Apple only included a slow 5 watt charger in the box, which I don't think

  • was very fair. This year though, that's changed with the Pros. Apple has included an 18 watt

  • fast charger in the box, which is a plus one for Apple for not making their customers go

  • out and buy extra accessories to utilize their phone at full potential. It's definitely a

  • step in the right direction.

  • This 11 Pro Max is the Midnight Green version, and has the same frosty finish that we saw

  • in the Pixel 3 and the OnePlus 7. It helps keep fingerprints to a minimum. Let's jump

  • into the scratch test.

  • Apple claims that this year they have the toughest glass ever in a smart phone, which,

  • you know, sounds like a veryApplething to say. Even if this is the toughest glass

  • of all time, it's still made of, you know, glass. Glass is glass, and glass breaks.

  • If anyone ever comes up with something stronger than glass, they'll definitely be calling

  • it something different. Until then, we see scratches at a level 6 with deeper grooves

  • at a level 7. The screen still definitely won't be scratched up by keys, coins, or razor

  • blades. But it'll also still crack if you drop it. We'll talk more about that in a second.

  • Up here at the top notch we have a metal speaker grill - pretty solid. Won't be falling out

  • on its own. Another fairly substantial improvement this year is with the selfie camera. Of course

  • numbers aren't everything, but with 4K and slow motion on the front camera, Apple is

  • actually competing with other flagships. I personally won't be posting any flowing hair

  • selfies on Instagram any time soon. But still, it's definitely a step in the right direction.

  • There is the same plastic edge around the glass screen, which is a good impact layer

  • between the two extremely hard materials: glass and stainless steel. The vast majority

  • of smartphones these days are made from aluminum. It's lighter, cheaper and more malleable than

  • most of the metals so it's fairly easy and inexpensive to form into a phone. The sound

  • you hear though is stainless steel. Steel is a much stronger metal than aluminum. So

  • strong, in fact, it's difficult for my razor blade to get a bite on the metal. Steel is

  • a 5 ½ on Mohs scale of hardness, which is about the same level as my razor blade. Aluminum

  • would be a 3 or 3 ½ , which makes it much easier to scratch than stainless steel. Apple

  • has taken their perceived premium branding and actually used a premium material to match.

  • The phone is still plenty expensive of course, but the price tag is a little more justified

  • by the materials being used. It's a step in the right direction. There's still no expandable

  • memory card slot which is good since it leaves me with something to complain about. But there's

  • also something extremely good about this port that not many people have caught.

  • This phone is ip68 water resistant. And you're probably thinking to yourself, 'What's cool

  • about that? Most flagships these days are 68 water resistant.' And yeah, you're right,

  • but instead of doing the same basic 1 and ½ or 2 meters deep for 30 minutes of submersion

  • that every phone manufacturer does to get that ip rating. Apple went above and beyond

  • and doubled the depth to 4 meters for 30 meters. I'll explain more during the teardown, but

  • the takeaway is the iPhone 11 Pro is by far the most water resistant phone on the market

  • right now. That's a huge step in the right direction. Apple has actually innovated, and

  • I think that deserves a thumbs up. Yeah, Apple still has the dumb proprietary screws and

  • no headphone jack. But with jacks being lost from every phone faster than Thanos can snap

  • his fingers, it's hard to keep calling it a negative when everyone is doing it.

  • Let's talk about the back glass for a bit. Remember, my razor blade is about 5 ½ on

  • Mohs scale of hardness. The glass is a 6. So my razor blade isn't doing any damage to

  • the surface of the glass. The glass is actually damaging my razor blade, like sandpaper on

  • wood. But it's only the rough parts of the glass that's causing the abrasion. The smooth

  • Apple logo does nothing. But let's say you happen to have the copper cooling vapor chamber

  • from a Galaxy Note 10 in your pocket. It looks like that hurts. What if your phone rubbed

  • up against a piece of plastic. Would that hurt the glass? Visually it looks like the

  • answer is yes. But actually the answer is no. The etched surface of the level 6 glass

  • s microscopically rough and is literally taking tiny chunks off of the softer materials as

  • they brush up against the surface of the glass. But this material transfer dust can easily

  • be brushed off leaving the phone looking just like new. There might be a tiny bit of residue

  • left over still, but it's good to know that these marks aren't permanent. Coins leave

  • pretty hefty marks on the glass. Quarters leave a residue. Even Abraham Lincoln, you

  • know, from back when presidents were respected, leaves his mark on the glass. The cloudy surface

  • of the glass is slowly wearing away at all my coins and the dust is being left behind

  • on the surface. This random screw leaves a mark. And, of course, keys which are also

  • usually made of soft metals. They leave some pretty major residue behind.

  • To solidify the point a little further, we can take my Mohs scale of hardness picks and

  • we can very clearly see that every level of pick leaves material behind on the glass until

  • we get to level 6 and 7 whose tips are hard enough to finally wear down the surface of

  • the glass instead. Science. We'll see if all these marks come off or not in a minute.

  • Let's chat about this camera unit. Apple has carved this camera hump out of the back glass

  • slab itself, which is very unique. It has a subtle raised lip about half as thick as

  • a penny. My worry with the raised glass surface is that it has 4 extra edges around the square

  • for chips or cracks to occur. The good new is, the circular cameras inside the square

  • stick up further than the glass itself. So it offers a little protection for the back

  • glass panel and raises it off whatever surface it's resting on.

  • Like we've seen on several Android phones, the iPhone 11 Pro Max now has the perfect

  • trifecta of cameras: a 12 megapixel 2x telephoto camera at the bottom, a 12 megapixel wide-angle

  • camera in the middle, and a normal 12 megapixel camera up top. Since my razor blade is doing

  • no damage, we can tell it's protected by a scratch resistant material. Up until now Apple

  • has always claimed this material is sapphire. This year though they didn't. There's no mention

  • of sapphire anywhere on the iPhone spec list. It looks as though Apple is using the same

  • hybrid material that they've always used for the camera lenses. Still seeing the weird

  • fracture scratch things at levels 6, 7, and 8. Apple's hybrid camera lens material is

  • just as good and probably better than glass, and there should be a category for it. But

  • at least now there's no misleading vernacular on the website. I think that's a step in the

  • right direction. If the back glass of the iPhone does crack, cracks won't affect the

  • camera lenses or the cameras themselves since each of them has their own little individual

  • metal housing. The cracks will work their way through the glass panel, but not affect

  • the lenses. Smart move on Apple's part, so if that lip ever does chip, the camera units

  • will be unaffected.

  • If you're still worried about scratches or getting reside caught up inside the textured

  • iPhone surface, you can always add a skin like this limited edition Robot skin. Or if

  • you're like me and always rock a case, dbrand's got you covered with the Grip Case. It's got

  • some super clicky buttons, and the skin on the case is interchangeable. I'll leave a

  • link down in the video description. And huge thanks to dbrand for sponsoring this video.

  • I know a lot of you, when deciding what phone to buy, ask yourself 'Yeah, but can it withstand

  • fire?' And don't you worry, I have that covered. The iPhone 11 Pro Max has a 6.5 inch 1242

  • x 2688 resolution screen. And that super retina XDR OLED withstood the heat from my lighter

  • for a full 60 seconds without leaving a mark. Remember, the invisible oleophobic coating

  • evaporates and that covering is kind of important, so don't try this at home. But at least for

  • now we know that, you know, fire

  • So you might have noticed over the course of this video the heavy marks I made on the

  • back panel with different metals have already started to rub off when my hand brushes up

  • against the phone. The dust falls away leaving the phone glass looking almost as good as

  • new. It really is rather impressive.

  • I've never had an iPhone fail my durability test before. And I might not always see eye

  • to eye with the iPhone lineup, but Apple does make very structural and solid smartphones.

  • And this iPhone 11 Pro Max is no different. There's zero flex. These premium materials

  • are combined to make an extremely solid build. Apple has used recyclable stainless steel

  • on this phone and is currently using 100% recycled aluminum to build the MacBook Air,

  • the Mac Mini, the Apple Watch, and the new 7th Generation iPad, which is something to

  • be super proud of. There has been a shift over at Apple. Yeah, Androids can still do

  • more, but Apple has taken so many steps in the right direction with this new iPhone 11

  • Pro that I'm running low on things to complain about, and that's definitely a good thing

  • for everyone.

  • There's a lot more to talk about when we review this from the inside so hit that subscribe

  • button so you don't miss the teardown. It's free. And come hang out with me on Instagram

  • and Twitter.

  • Thanks a ton for watching. I'll see you around.



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iPhone 11 Pro Max 耐用性測試--背玻璃劃傷? (iPhone 11 Pro Max Durability Test - Back Glass Scratches?)

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