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  • - Hey guys.

  • This is Ken.

  • As you might have noticed, I'm not Austin,

  • and that's cause he couldn't make it today,

  • so welcome to the first episode of

  • Ken Goes To Things That Austin Can't Go To.

  • We're her at Amazon's Day 1 HQ to take a look at some of

  • the new products they dropped, and they dropped a lot,

  • and I don't think I can cover all of it in this video,

  • but this will just be the things that I found most

  • interesting today.

  • Firstly, they announced a lot of improvements to Alexa.

  • One of the things that they're doing is making her seem

  • a lot more human-like.

  • For example, one of the focuses is contextual conversation.

  • You ask Alexa a question, and she answers normally,

  • but what you can do now is ask her follow up

  • questions without having to manually trigger her.

  • It seems a lot more natural,

  • unlike other assistants on other platforms.

  • (coughs) Siri.

  • Apart from that, one of the main focuses of

  • the show were the new slate of Echo products.

  • There's a lot to cover there, but some of

  • the ones that stood out to me were, for example,

  • the Echo Dot.

  • Up next to the original Echo Dot,

  • it's definitely way more chunkier, it has a felt finish,

  • but most importantly, it's supposed to be 70% louder

  • and sound way more fuller than the original Echo Dot,

  • and at a 50 dollar price point, which puts it up

  • next to the Google Home Mini, which is really cool.

  • I actually want to grab one of those right now. (laughs)

  • One of the things that people did with

  • the original Echo Dot was plug it into

  • speakers they already had.

  • Well, Amazon saw the opportunity,

  • so they made the Echo Input,

  • what is basically an Echo Dot,

  • but without the speaker or the felt, which is cool.

  • It's at 35 dollars, which is a decent chunk of

  • change compared to the Echo Dot that's going on sale.

  • If you want to save money and just plug it into a speaker,

  • well, this is a really good option.

  • On the higher end of that,

  • where the Echo Input is a lower end solution to

  • plugging into setup that you already have,

  • the Echo Link and the Echo Link Amp are meant to

  • plug into your hi-fi setup that you might have already.

  • Both of them have 24-bit DACs to work with

  • your existing hi-fi setup at home,

  • which will work great for services like Tidal,

  • which they just added support for.

  • You can just plug in the Link to

  • a receiver you have already,

  • or you can buy the amp, which is basically a kind of

  • receiver that can drive speakers with

  • dual 60 watt channels as well.

  • The Link will be available for $199,

  • and the Link Amp will be available for $299.

  • The former will be available sometime this year,

  • and the Amp will be available sometime in

  • 2019.

  • They're also giving Sonos a run for its money with

  • its multiple and stereo room capabilities,

  • so you can tie multiple Echos together

  • and essentially play them in different rooms

  • or if you have two in the same room,

  • you can have them run in stereo.

  • They actually have a demo of it right there with Echo Dots,

  • and it sounded pretty good.

  • (chill trap music)

  • It sounded pretty good.

  • They also added the Echo Sub, which is at a 130 dollars,

  • and you can add that to any echo setup that you have.

  • If you have two Echo Dots that are at 50 dollars each,

  • and you have the Echo Sub That's at 130 dollars,

  • for what is essentially 230 dollars,

  • you have a decent 2.1 setup that will have a decent punch

  • and sounds great.

  • Among the other announcement noise,

  • Amazon also unveiled Echo Auto.

  • It's available later this year for 50 dollars

  • or 25 dollars for an invite only thing,

  • whatever that means.

  • It's a module that connects to

  • your car via Bluetooth or aux,

  • basically makes you car a smartcar.

  • Echo Auto uses your phone, your voice,

  • and Alexa to control things like your music,

  • or you can ask it directions, and it'll open up

  • whatever GPS or map app you use,

  • and you could even control your home stuff because

  • Alexa's in it, and it does that.

  • Oh, don't, don't, stop.

  • Let's just mute these.

  • We're good now.

  • Amazon, down this hallway,

  • may or may not have the future of

  • the kitchen

  • or something like that.

  • Right behind me is the thing that I've been looking forward

  • to forever.

  • It's the AmazonBasics Microwave that costs 60 dollars,

  • and if you pair it with an Echo,

  • you can basically have a bunch of presets on tap to

  • heat up a potato or popcorn or my pizza rolls,

  • I guess.

  • - A ton of microwaving is done by customers for popcorn,

  • so this microwave actually keep track of

  • how much popcorn you've cooked and then order more

  • so that you never run out.

  • You will never, never be popcornless.

  • The future's here.

  • - Welcome to 2018. (laughs)

- Hey guys.


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亞馬遜走得太遠了嗎? (Has Amazon Gone Too Far?)

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