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  • Greetings and welcome to an LGR camera thing!

  • And this is the Mitsubishi DJ-1000 digital still camera, costing $249 US dollars when

  • it launched in the latter half of 1997.

  • And yep, that is the same Mitsubishi that you may know for their cars and trucks, although

  • it’s not from the same division.

  • Mitsubishi Electric was and is a massive company, with dozens of branches, subdivisions, and

  • business units.

  • And of course one of those divisions made digital cameras in the ‘90s, but it seems

  • it was short-lived.

  • The DJ-1000, or DJ-1 as it was sometimes called, was Mitsubishi’s one and only consumer digital

  • camera, one of the most unique of its kind in 1997.

  • It was by far the smallest and lightest-weight digital camera in the world when it was announced

  • at PC Expo ‘97 in New York, weighing in at just 2.8 ounces or 80 grams.

  • But it also didn’t receive widespread distribution, initially sold exclusively through T-Zone

  • stores in the US, of which there were only two when the DJ-1000 hit the market.

  • It also saw distribution in Mitsubishi’s home country of Japan as you’d expect, and

  • in Europe under the Umax brand where it was known as the Umax PhotoRun.

  • But yeah, these days you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone that remembers the DJ-1000

  • at all, much less owned one, so I was more than happy to find this one new, complete in box.

  • Inside is a neatly-packed plastic bag full of goodies, a cardboard tray with memory card

  • stuff, and finally the camera encased in bubble wrap.

  • And man, I knew this thing was gonna be small, but wow.

  • It’s really small!

  • It’s about the size of a deck of cards, able to fit happily inside a shirt pocket.

  • Compare this to the most popular digital camera of 1997, the Sony FD Mavica, and the difference

  • in size and weight is ridiculous.

  • Granted the Mavica used 3.5” floppy disks, so maybe comparing it to the something like

  • the Fuji DS-7 is more appropriate, but still.

  • Even against that the DJ-1000 remains miniscule, which is extra impressive considering the

  • Fuji uses SmartMedia cards and the Mitsubishi uses CompactFlash.

  • Yeah that’s right, the thinnest camera on the market used the thickest memory card format

  • on the market, go figure.

  • It came with this two megabyte memory card in the box, easily the lowest capacity CF

  • card I’ve ever seen.

  • This version of the package also came with this PCMCIA card adapter, ideal for laptop

  • users, though from what I’ve read Mitsubishi also offered a desktop package with another adapter.

  • As for the bag of goodies you get the photo retrieval software for both Windows 3.1 and

  • 95 in English and Japanese, a very blue soft-cover carrying case that holds that camera quite

  • snugly, a wrist strap that attaches to the right-hand side of the camera, and several

  • bits of documentation in both English and Japanese.

  • I especially dig this instruction booklet, with its automobile service manual aesthetic

  • and a message saying that it is important to you.

  • Although of all the cameras I’ve covered, this is the ultimate in terms of simplicity,

  • so almost all of this information pertains to using the DJ-1000 software for Windows.

  • And well, looking at the camera you can see why.

  • There’s almost nothing going on here, you just turn it on, point, and shoot.

  • That’s it!

  • No settings to set, no adjustments to adjust, nothing but a power switch and a shutter button.

  • There’s not even a flash on the front, only a passthrough window for the viewfinder and

  • its tiny camera lens, a 5.8mm fixed focus lens with an aperture of 2.8 and an auto shutter

  • speed ranging from 1/60 to 1/15,000 of a second.

  • On top is the shutter button and the power switch and along the bottom is where you insert

  • the memory card.

  • There is no tripod mount.

  • And then there’s the back of the camera which is covered in a surprising amount of text.

  • Guess they didn’t have anywhere else to put this stuff so why not, because there’s

  • not much going on back here.

  • Just the viewfinder, a spot to install two triple-A batteries, and this pair of LEDs.

  • Since there’s no LCD screen and no sound from the shutter, these are your only indications

  • that anything is going right or wrong with the DJ-1000.

  • The top red LED lets you know if there’s card activity or the battery is low, and the

  • bottom LED flashes green, red, or some combination of the two to indicate memory card status.

  • When you power it on the lights all light up and then the bottom LED turns green if

  • it’s ready to take a picture.

  • Press the shutter and youll see the top LED turn red.

  • When youre running low on memory the bottom LED lights up green and red, then solid red

  • for the final shot, and eventually itll flash red when it’s full.

  • The two megabyte card holds fifteen photos, but it supports CompactFlash cards up to fifteen

  • megabytes, which provides an image capacity of 113.

  • Interesting to note that one of these high-capacity cards wouldve cost more than the camera

  • itself back in ‘97, at around $260 apiece.

  • And you really wanted a second card back then because there is no way to delete photos from

  • the camera, so it’s either swap cards or transfer your images to a computer.

  • Once youve taken some pictures it’s time to develop them through a Windows PC.

  • And yes I do mean develop, since this stores images in a proprietary file format exclusive

  • to this camera.

  • So even though it uses a standard CF card that’s readable on a modern PC, you still

  • need the DJ-1000 Viewer software that it came with.

  • Otherwise all youll see is a folder with a bunch of DAT files, so open up the Viewer

  • application and run the Index command.

  • Itll then read the photos, generate thumbnails, and from here you can convert them into standard

  • bitmap images one by one.

  • So let’s take a look at them!

  • As usual with older cameras I enjoy taking photos of things that wouldve been around

  • when it was new, in this case the late 1990s.

  • And yeah, for that purpose this camera fits the bill wonderfully.

  • There’s something about that early consumer digital camera aesthetic that charms the pants

  • off me no matter what.

  • And the DJ-1000 in particular has a look to it that made it really fun to play with over

  • the past month or so.

  • The image quality isn’t too bad, though the saturation is always low and the color

  • temperature skews to the cooler side.

  • It also has this particular type of spotty pixelation and dithering that becomes more

  • apparent on vivid, solid colors, kinda looks like an early FMV game.

  • Take a look at this comparison to my phone’s camera and you get an idea of how it’s affecting things.

  • Makes it pretty exciting to take pictures and getem onto a PC so you can see what

  • unpredictable weirdness you ended up with.

  • Then there’s the way it handles specular highlights and lighting of a certain range

  • in brightness, check it out.

  • You get these green streaks protruding downward from anything bright enough, like reflecting

  • sunlight and white or shiny surfaces.

  • This alleyway shot in particular looks crazy, it made it look like the building in the background

  • was casting a shadow but it was actually just freaking out at the bright blue sky up against

  • the dark brick walls that turned purple.

  • And this one is probably my favorite, it was taken sideway and then rotated, and with the

  • green trails from the reflecting light?

  • It looks like this car was speeding by, even though it was standing still at the time.

  • I’ve seen similar things on other older digital cameras without an infrared filter,

  • but this particular style of strange on the DJ-1000 is just fascinating to me.

  • And yes I also tried it with a UV filter; it made no difference!

  • There are also an assortment of image adjustments you can perform through the Viewer application,

  • like color balance, contrast, and brightness.

  • My favorite though issherpness.”

  • Ermahgerd sherpness, it’s so sherp!

  • Then there’s resolution, which is a distinctly separate function from resizing.

  • The DJ-1000 shoots using a 1/5-inch Sanyo CCD that by default produces photos with a

  • resolution of 320x240 pixels.

  • But that’s just thenormalresolution.

  • If you choosehighresolution from the Viewer program, itll re-open the photo

  • and output it at 504x378.

  • That’s an increase of 57%!

  • And yeah there’s a legit difference, it’s not just upscaling the image.

  • This is a picture at normal resolution, and here’s the exact same picture reprocessed

  • in high resolution.

  • It’s still low-res by today’s standards, but it’s notably cleaner and reveals more

  • detail, and you even end up with an ever-so-slightly higher field of view.

  • There’s also a bit more of that green light on the left-hand side, adding one more quirk

  • to the unique visual quality of the DJ-1000.

  • And finally, the last thing I want to mention is the fact that deleting photos is a bit weird.

  • Like, you’d think you’d be able to just go into

  • Windows Explorer and delete them that way, right?

  • Nope!

  • I learned this the hard way, but

  • if you do that then the camera will think the card is still full.

  • Apparently this is due to some kind of conflict with how Windows 9x and above handles deleted

  • files and the indexing done through the camera software.

  • I thought I’d just be able to reformat the card and it’d be fine but that didn’t

  • work either, it just thought the card was still full.

  • I had to put the images back onto the card, go into the camera software and delete them

  • there, reindex the folder, and then it was fine. What a pain.

  • And that is the Mitsubishi DJ-1000 digital camera from 1997.

  • A somewhat annoying little thing but an absolutely charming one nonetheless.

  • This is one of those situations where I adore a piece of retro tech so much precisely because

  • it’s so confined in capabilities and finicky in functionality.

  • I really enjoy the weird, grainy, off-color images it produces, and I absolutely love

  • how it feels in the hands.

  • Its thin, lightweight metal construction is just a pleasure to hold, and the fact that

  • it’s an obscure digital camera from 1997 makes it all the more fun.

  • Shame that Mitsubishi never made a successor, but oh well.

  • At least we got the DJ-1000!

  • And if you enjoyed this digicam retrospective then might I recommend a couple more?

  • You can also subscribe for more videos every week here on LGR.

  • And as always I thank you very much for watching!

Greetings and welcome to an LGR camera thing!


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B1 中級

三菱DJ-1000:世界上最小的數碼相機(1997年!)。 (Mitsubishi DJ-1000: World's Smallest Digital Camera (in 1997!))

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