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  • -Margot and I are about to face off in a game of

  • "Box of Lies."

  • Now...

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  •'s how it works.

  • Upstage are a bunch of boxes containing objects

  • neither of us have seen before.

  • Taking turns, we're going to select a box

  • and open it on our side of the table

  • out of view of the other person.

  • You remove the object from the box,

  • show it to the audience,

  • and then look at your opponent and tell them

  • what's in your box.

  • They have to guess if you're lying or telling the truth.

  • We'll play it three rounds.

  • Margot, why don't you pick the first box?

  • -I go first? -Yeah, please.

  • You good at this? -Mmm.

  • -You good at lying? -I'm a terrible liar, actually.

  • Or is that a lie, and I'm really good at this?

  • -Ooh!

  • That was sneaky already. -I'm in your head, Jimmy.

  • I'm in your head. -I know, yeah.

  • Oh, oh, I can see the box is a bit heavy.

  • -It is.

  • -Yeah. Oh, maybe not.

  • Okay, good. All right.

  • -Hey, hey. [ Suspenseful music plays ]

  • Ooh! -Hey, hey, ooh?

  • -Saucy!

  • -Saucy?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -It's kind of risqué for... -Really?

  • -I mean, it is a late night show.

  • I'm sure that I... -Risqué?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • Ooh! Oh! -Really?

  • Saucy? Something saucy on my show?

  • Risqué? -I mean, it's kind of sexy.

  • Like, I...

  • [ Laughter ]

  • I mean...

  • You're kind of in it.

  • -Okay? -Um...

  • -Wow. -...'cause it's your head,

  • and it's like the body of, like, the red-dress lady,

  • Jessica Rabbit. Roger Rabbit?

  • Jessica Rabbit? -Yeah, from "Roger Rabbit"?

  • -Yeah, it's your head... -My head on...

  • -...and her body. And you look great.

  • -...Jessica Rabbit's body. -You look good.

  • -And I look good. -You look great.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -My head... has never been in doll form.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -I mean... -Really?

  • So it's my head? Maybe someone made my head

  • and put on a Jessica Rabbit body?

  • -It's a bobble-head sort of -- Like a bobble-head doll.

  • -I did have a bobble-head done. -Oh, you did?

  • -Yeah. -Right, well, here it is.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -Yeah, but the bobble-head's a giant head.

  • It would have to be a giant Jessica Rabbit.

  • I don't know if that's just physically...

  • -It looks good. I think it looks good.

  • -Oh, yeah yeah yeah. [ Laughs ]

  • See, right there, you just... -They should sell this.

  • just busted yourself.

  • I think... you lie!

  • -[ Laughing ] I did.

  • -You did?

  • [ Ding ] Oh, is that a lobster?

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • Oh, that was actually pretty good!

  • -[ Laughs ] -That was very good!

  • I was like, "Wait, it's not much to do with that lobster."

  • -Okay, here we go. -It was like a red thing.

  • -No, you're very good. What am I looking for?

  • [ Audience shouting ]

  • No problem, here we go. -Do I put the box down?

  • -Oh, sure. -Okay.

  • [ Light laughter ]

  • -[ Grunting ]

  • -Oh, come on. -[ Grunting ]

  • -Please. -[ Grunting ]

  • -I'm not falling for this trick. -Oh!

  • Oh, my back! -[ Laughs ]

  • -My back is killing me, oh.

  • Oh, saucy! [ Suspenseful music plays ]

  • -Saucy?

  • -Yeah.

  • Saucy.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -That sexy, huh?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -I don't know what to make of this!

  • -I'm very familiar with this.

  • -Okay. -It's -- It's ice cream...

  • -Oh. a --

  • Looks like a Houston Astros hat, like baseball hat,

  • upside-down baseball hat.

  • But interesting enough, they have a Trump hair --

  • It looks like Trump hair is sprinkled on top.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -Just wanna recap. Um... -Yeah, no problem.

  • -There's ice cream? -Ice cream in a plastic,

  • upside-down baseball cap.

  • -I'm gonna say that's a lie.

  • -Gosh, you're so right. -Yes!

  • [ Ding ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • I didn't know what to do. I don't even know --

  • That's so bizarre, I didn't know how to make anything up right.

  • -That is really bizarre. -This is the --

  • This is the tie-breaker right here.

  • Whoever wins the next round wins the whole thing.

  • -I hate losing to you, Jimmy. I don't want to lose.

  • -No, hey, I won't let you lose unless you do.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • All right, all right. You choose --

  • You choose the box in this one.

  • Audience, which...

  • [ Audience shouting ]

  • -That's my favorite number, so I'm gonna go with it.

  • -All right, yeah. Do you like two?

  • -Yeah. -Is that your birthday?

  • -Yeah, I'm born on the 2nd. How original.

  • -Hey, no, I like that.

  • -Ooh! Actually, kind of heavy.

  • -All right. That kind of sounded heavy, too.

  • So, here we go. [ Suspenseful music plays ]

  • Oh, thank you, Roots.

  • Now they're playing music. Now I can't hear anything.

  • -[ Laughs ] -All right.

  • This is all part of the thing.

  • All right, I'm looking at your reaction.

  • -Oh.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • It's a, uh...

  • -Would I have this on my desk at work?

  • -Most probably.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • I think most people would have it, like, on their desk.

  • [ Cheers ]

  • -Don't play! Don't play along, please.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -Be on my side. -All right.

  • What is it, what is it? -It's kind of like a --

  • This is why it could be on your desk.

  • You could use it as a paperweight.

  • -Okay.

  • -But you probably wouldn't, but you could if you wanted to.

  • It's kind of like a dish, like a salad-y,

  • glass crystal-y ball. -Uh-huh.

  • -Um, and...

  • It's filled with Band-Aids, so that's kind of gross.

  • So you wouldn't have that on your desk.

  • -No, yeah yeah yeah.

  • Like, open Band-Aids?

  • -No, they're just like the Band-Aid packets.

  • -Okay. -And then, there's, like,

  • a little toy car just sitting on the top.

  • I don't know what it's doing.

  • Yeah. -You kind of lost

  • your accent a little bit describing it.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • So, that makes me think that -- You'd be like,

  • [ Cockney accent ] "There's a Band-Aid in a bowl -- in a bowl,

  • a paperweight."

  • -[ Cockney accent ] A paperweight.

  • -[ Normal voice ] You didn't say...

  • [ Laughter ]

  • You said, "It's a Band-Aid in a, uh, A-O-O-A-O-A-O!"

  • Oh, I'm gonna say you lie!

  • -Yes, I lied. -Yes!

  • Oh, my God! [ Ding ]

  • What was it?

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • Oh, it's Nicholas Cage on an egg in a bird!

  • -Is it Nicholas Cage? -I think it's Nicholas Cage.

  • I have no idea. I think it's Nicholas Cage.

  • Margot Robbie, either way, ladies and gentlemen.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • Thank you for playing. -Thank you.

  • I'm glad you won -[ Laughing ] I love it.

-Margot and I are about to face off in a game of


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瑪格特-羅比的謊言之盒 (Box of Lies with Margot Robbie)

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