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  • It’s a competitive world out there, eh? A global rat race for the title of the tallest,

  • biggest, fastestyou get it. How about we make the most unusual comparisons and see

  • where you can find record-holders of all kinds?

  • 1. The world's fastest roller-coaster is in the Ferrari World theme park in Abu Dhabi,

  • UAE. The thing takes just 5 seconds to reach its top speed of 150 mph. You complete the

  • 1-mile track in just over a minute and a half! And then you barf.

  • The slowest roller-coaster in the world is in Germany - and it's a walkable one! Yep,

  • your speed depends on how fast you can climb the steps of the 69-ft-tall structure! There’s

  • a loop and everything!

  • 2. The biggest sports stadium in the world is in North Korea - it can seat 114,000 people,

  • which is the entire population of Springfield, Illinois.

  • To see the world's smallest stadium, just look at your typical foosball table! Ok, fine,

  • if were going by capacity, there are plenty that tie with 40,000 maxRussia’s Fisht

  • Olympic Stadium, Rentschler Field in the US, Japan’s Ōita Bank Dome, to name just a

  • few.

  • 3. Venezuela’s Jeison Orlando Rodríguez Hernández has the largest shoe size today.

  • He wears an unimaginable U.S. size 26. (The average for men varies from 9 to 12.)

  • The tiniest adult shoes are custom-made for Indian actress Jyoti Amge, the world’s smallest

  • woman. She’s just over 2 ft tall, and her shoe size is about a 2…in the infants

  • department!

  • 4. The biggest private house in the world is a 27-story personal skyscraper that belongs

  • to Indian businessman Mukesh Ambani. The Mumbai home is 550 ft tall, almost as tall as the

  • Washington Monument. The world's tiniest house was built by nanorobotics

  • researchers in France. The itsy-bitsy construction is so small that it wouldn't even fit a mite!

  • And still, the house has 7 windows, a chimney, and a tiled roof! More than I can say about

  • my apartment

  • 5. Porcelain Palace, the largest public restroom in the world, is in Chongqing, China. It's

  • not a single bathroom, but a gigantic 4-story, 32,000-sq-ft complex with 1,000 toilets! Hey

  • if youre there, cmention my name and youll get a good seat.

  • The most compact loo in the world has to be Britain’s futuristic-looking Vertebrae Vertical

  • Bathroom. It consists of 7 units (or modules) that can be rotated with a push. There’s

  • 1 commode, a sink, the toilet’s tank, 2 showers (one a bit higher than the other),

  • and 2 storage drawers.

  • 6. The fastest train in the world is Shanghai Maglev. It runs along a high-speed magnetic

  • levitation line at a max speed of 268 mph! The world's slowest express train runs in

  • Switzerland. During the trip, the Glacier Express averages just 24 mph.

  • 7. The most expensive commercially available pizza in the world costs $2,700 (or $250 for

  • just 1 slice!) and is sold in an upscale Italian restaurant in New York City. Black squid ink

  • dough, sprinkled with one of the most expensive kinds of cheese in the world, caviar, and

  • 24K gold leaves. Would you be willing to eat that much money???

  • And if we talk about the US, you can find the cheapest plain pizza in... Alaska! There,

  • you'll pay about $7.25 for a large one.

  • 8. The biggest dog in the world (if we talk about its weight) was Cloe, a Mastiff that

  • weighed 365 lb, as much as a full-grown reindeer! Cloe lived in Tibet back in the ‘80s.

  • The smallest living dog is Milly, a Chihuahua from Dorado, Puerto Rico. When the tiny thing

  • was born, she didn't even weigh 1 ounce and could fit in a teaspoon! Now, this itsy-bitsy

  • pooch’s height is just under 4 inches.

  • 9. The longest outdoor escalator and moving walkway system is in Hong Kong. The Central-Mid-Levels

  • escalator is 2,600 ft long and goes just one way at a time depending on rush hour. The

  • world's longest individual escalators are at theUuh, let’s just throw the names

  • up on the screen. Thanks! – subway stations in St. Petersburg, Russia. To get down, you'll

  • have to take a 453-ft-long escalator ride, which is as tall as the Great Pyramid of Giza!

  • As for the shortest escalator in the world, it’s in the basement of More's Department

  • Store in Kawasaki, Japan. It has only 5 steps and is just overft long.

  • 10. The loudest city in the world is Mumbai, India. Its noise level is more than 100 decibels,

  • which is almost as loud as a chainsaw! The world's quietest place is a room in a

  • Microsoft research lab in Redmond, Washington state. It’s so eerily quiet that nobody

  • can stay there for more than 45 minutes at a time. Supposedly, you can hear your own

  • heartbeat!

  • 11. If you want to see the tallest building in the world, youll need to book a trip

  • to Dubai. The Burj Khalifa is a jaw-dropping 2,720 ft tall, which makes it 2 times taller

  • than the Empire State Building. The "world's littlest skyscraper" is the Newby-McMahon

  • Building in Wichita Falls, Texas. It’s just 40 ft tall (roughly the height of a telephone

  • pole) and got the nickname because it looks like a thin column.

  • 12. Next to the Burj Khalifa, there’s the world's tallest hotel, the JM Marriott Marquis

  • Dubai. This impressive construction is 1,165 ft high, which is even taller than the Eiffel

  • Tower! And the world's smallest is -- oh golly, let’s

  • just put up the name guys – I always stumble over umlauts. Anyway, it’s in Bavaria. The

  • building is a mere 8 ft wide and has a floorspace with a square footage not much more than 3

  • parking spaces. No wonder the hotel can't accommodate more than 2 guests at a time!

  • 13. The tallest bridge in the world is the Millau Viaduct in Southern France. Its maximum

  • point soars at 1,125 ft above the ground, which is -- really high for a bridge.

  • The smallest drawbridge in the world is in Bermuda. There, Somerset Bridge connects Somerset

  • Island with the mainland. The length of the bridge is a little overft.

  • 14. The world's most expensive private jet is a Boeing 747-8 VIP. It originally cost

  • $358 million, but customization took the total price up to $558 million.

  • As for the one with the lowest price tag, it’d be the small Cirrus Vision Jet thatll

  • set you backjust” $2 million.

  • 15. The biggest school in the world is in Lucknow, India. It's the City Montessori School,

  • where youll find almost 40,000 students and well over 2,000 teachers!

  • The title for the smallest goes to an elementary school in the teeny town of Alpette, Italy.

  • In 2014, it was attended by just one 8-year-old student.

  • 16. The largest art museum in the world is the Louvre. YoullLourveto see it!

  • The Parisian landmark covers a total area of almost 783,000 sq ftthat’s over

  • 13 football fields. Have you noticed how we compare two things that have absolutely nothing

  • in common other than size? But wait there’s more!

  • The world's smallest museum is in West Yorkshire, England. The Warley Museum used to be a phone

  • booth, hence why this museum can only have one visitor at a time! It also changes exhibitions

  • every 3 months!

  • 17. The largest plant in the world grows in The Sequoia National Park in California. It’s

  • a tree nicknamed "General Sherman," and the giant is 271 ft tall, almost as tall as Lady

  • Liberty. There’s another one. Ha. Together with its root system, it weighs around 1,800

  • tons. That’s over 15 blue whales! Oopsthere we go again.

  • Duckweed is the world's smallest flowering plant. The thing is smaller than a grain of

  • sand and has a tiny root with 1 or 2 leaves. The plant flowers every year and even produces

  • a microscopic fruit!

  • 18. The Earth's slowest animal is the three-toed sloth. Its maximum speed is 15 ft per hour!

  • That's why these animals don't usually wander further than 100 ft a day and are pretty much

  • stuck in one place. The world's fastest land animal is the cheetah.

  • Its speed can reach 75 mph (that’s 26,400 times faster than the sloth), and the feline

  • can go from 0 to 60 in less than 3 seconds!

  • 19. Venezuelan-born stunt performer Ernesto Gainza Medina used the smallest parachute

  • in the world for his 2014 jump in Dubai. His parachute's canopy was just 35 sq ft (that’s

  • about the same as 3 bath towels sewn together)! The world's most massive canopy FORMATION

  • was created by 100 skydivers who linked up mid-air above Florida. Doing so, their combined

  • canopies were as big as a Boeing-747. If just one skydiver had made a mistake, all the participants

  • couldve crashed into each other, which wouldn’t have been good, let’s just put

  • it that way

  • 20. The world's smallest reproduction of a printed book is "Teeny Ted from Turnip Town."

  • The thing is etched on a microchip the width of a human hair! It's impossible to read this

  • book without a scanning electron microscope. The largest published book is "The Little

  • Prince." This record-breaking edition is almost 7 ft tall and over 10 ft wide when open! That’s

  • over 200 times bigger than the book’s typical copy!

  • And that’s all I got. Good thing too, the comparisons alone about wore me out. I mean

  • c’mon, the General Sherman and a blue whale? Hey if we could see General Sherman riding

  • the Blue Whale, well, I’d watch that!

  • Hey, if you learned something new today, then give the video a like and share it with a

  • friend! And here are some other videos I think you'll enjoy. Just click to the left or right,

  • and stay on the Bright Side of life!

It’s a competitive world out there, eh? A global rat race for the title of the tallest,


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