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  • The Nubia Red Magic 3 is probably the coolest gaming phone we've seen so far this year from

  • a hardware perspective.

  • Yeah, it had the normal flashy LED lights and high refresh rate display, but this gaming

  • smartphone has an internal active cooling system with a built in fan.

  • This is the first time we've ever seen a fan inside a smartphone.

  • Today we'll see what that fan looks like from the inside, and we'll analyze the blowing

  • bits to see if it actually does anything...or if it's just for decoration.

  • Let's get started.

  • [Intro]

  • There are 2 tiny t2 screws down here at the bottom of the phone, one on either side of

  • the USB-C charging port.

  • I'll link the toolkit I used down in the video description.

  • There is no water resistance on the Red Magic 3, so that will make things a bit easier.

  • No heat gun required.

  • All I need is a thin metal pry tool that'll slip between the plastic lip of the screen

  • and metal housing, then the back metal panel is just friction fit to the screen.

  • Little plastic tabs holding it in place all the way down the sides in the bottom.

  • This is why we could hear it pop out of place during the bend test.

  • Before I can open up the phone all the way though, there is a small ribbon for the gaming

  • port that needs to be unplugged, then another ribbon off to the left side of the phone for

  • the rear fan and LED lights.

  • The second ribbon is a Phillips head screw holding down a metal bracket over top of the

  • Lego style ribbon connector.

  • The internal fan of the Nubia Red Magic 3 is still attached to the back panel with 4

  • silver screws.

  • It gets it's power and communication from 4 soldered wires.

  • Then there is a surprising amount of adhesive holding the whole thing in place.

  • Once the fan has popped off the back, we can see that the fan unit resides off to the side

  • of the phone right next to the exit vent.

  • And the center intact hole on the back is situated above a very shallow channel.

  • The fan spins, sucks the air through that back grill down through the shallow channel,

  • and spits it out the side vent of the phone.

  • But what heat is it dissipating?

  • In computers, fans are situated above the processor.

  • Inside the Red Magic 3 it's kind of the same thing in principle.

  • This thermal foam sits above the processor and the motherboard, then the fan channel

  • rests on top of that thermal foam.

  • So as the shallow channel heats up, the moving air flow through the phone cools it back down.

  • Nubia claims the fans can cool the phone guts as much as 16 degrees under heavy load.

  • The channel did look and feel like plastic initially, which would be dumb since plastic

  • isn't very good at dissipating heat.

  • But my razor blade reveals that the airflow heat dissipation channel is indeed made from

  • metal.

  • So quite honestly, the fan is here for a reason, and from the inside, it looks like it's actually

  • doing it's job of cooling down the phone, and it's not just a gimmick.

  • Thumbs up for that.

  • The center LED light bar inside the back panel is hidden underneath a large black sticker,

  • and kind of has the same design we saw inside of the Black Shark 2, where the LEDs are off

  • at an angle, shining into some murky plastic as a diffuser.

  • This explains why the lights have a more subtle glow to them.

  • And just like in the Black Shark 2, the LEDs can't be seen very well in well-lit environments.

  • I think if a company is going to add RGB LEDs to their phone, they should go all out with

  • transparent plastic and none of this subtle diffused stuff.

  • Gaming computers are flashy.

  • Gaming cellphones should be as well.

  • The battery connector is under this long metal plate with its two screws.

  • Then I can unplug the battery like a little Lego.

  • Unfortunately, this impressively large battery inside the Red Magic 3 has no magic pull tabs.

  • And there's no easy way to remove it.

  • The adhesive below the battery is extremely strong.

  • This is unsafe and dangerous to anyone trying to repair to recycle their phone in the future.

  • And like I said during the LG G8 teardown, because of this permanent battery installation,

  • if you're trying to decide between buying this phone and another phone, choose that

  • other phone.

  • Permanent battery adhesive is bad.

  • It almost ripped the protective layer off of this 5,000 milliamp hour battery as I removed

  • it.

  • And companies should stop doing this.

  • This top earpiece speaker comes out of the phone next, with it's 3 screws holding it

  • onto the motherboard.

  • This little guy doubles as one of the dual front firing stereo speakers.

  • There is no water resistance in this phone.

  • Nubia has placed a white circular water damage indicator next to the headphone jack opening,

  • so if water does come in, it'll turn that sticker pink.

  • Three screws hold down the motherboard to the phone screen.

  • Then I can unclip the gold charging port extension ribbon and the screen display ribbon cable,

  • along with the black wire off to the right side.

  • Then the whole motherboard can lift gently out of the frame, revealing an incredible

  • amount of pink thermal paste on the back of the motherboard.

  • It's like a completely chewed up Double Bubble back here...or a freak frosting factory explosion.

  • Or, last one, someone dropped a cupcake in the phone and forgot to clean it up.

  • The rear facing 48 megapixel camera does not have optical image stabilization.

  • Let's scrape off some of this strawberry pudding and see what kind of cooling system we are

  • working with under the square copper plate.

  • It looks like just a standard heat pipe, but it's routed under the screen, which means

  • we won't be able to see how long it is or where it goes.

  • I'll come back to this in a second.

  • Down at the bottom of the phone we have the other stereo speaker hidden below 7 screws.

  • When that's lifted, we can see a normal smaller coin style vibrator motor soldered onto the

  • charging port board and the black USB-C charging port, with another white water damage indicator

  • here at the bottom.

  • The bottom speaker has a bit of black mesh over the opening, but does indeed have a small

  • slit, which lets the sound port out to the front of the phone.

  • It's small, but still counts.

  • Now, normally I would reassemble the phone at this point, but since is a gaming phone

  • and the heat pipe is important, I think we should see what it looks like.

  • It is hidden under the screen though, which unfortunately means...[cracking].

  • I do normally try to keep my phone's in working condition during these tear downs, so this

  • is probably the last time I'll try to reveal an under screen heat pipe.

  • Screens are so brittle and fragile, removing them is usually fatal to the display.

  • Whether the glass cracks or the AMOLED part cracks, the outcome is usually pretty bleak.

  • Peeling back the glass panel reveals that the AMOLED is once again not glued to the

  • glass.

  • This time around the AMOLED is a more brittle crispy glass style panel, and not the paperish

  • bendy one we saw on the OnePlus 7 Pro.

  • It does look super cool though.

  • The heat pipe is positioned lengthwise down the body of the phone, and is about half as

  • long as the phone itself.

  • Not too shabby.

  • Nubia has made a pretty awesome device.

  • High in specs, cool hardware, and an awesome internal fan.

  • If they manage to add pull tabs or an easy removal system to the battery, I'd be happy

  • to recommend this to everyone.

  • What do you think?

  • Should I continue breaking phones open to see the heat pipe?

  • Or are you good with just knowing it exists and then reassembling the phone in one piece.

  • Let me know down in the comments.

  • Hit that subscribe button if you haven't already.

  • And come hang out with me on Instagram and Twitter.

  • Thanks a ton for watching and I'll see you around.

The Nubia Red Magic 3 is probably the coolest gaming phone we've seen so far this year from


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紅魔3拆解!- 內部風扇會不會吹? (Red Magic 3 Teardown! - Does the Internal Fan Blow?)

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