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  • You know how your math teacher always saidGo find X”?

  • Well, I finally found it.

  • This is one of the coolest phones I've ever seen, and it's actually also the first Oppo

  • phone I've ever tested.

  • So I'd like to officially welcome Oppo to my desk and my durability test.

  • I've performed these tests on over 100 different phonesmostly flagships.

  • I'm not sure the exact's just probably bordering insanity at this point.

  • But here we all are.

  • Let's get started.

  • [Intro]

  • The cool thing about this phone is the motorized cameras - not just the front camera, like

  • the Vivo Nex phone I reviewed and made clear.

  • This Oppo Find X has a whole motorized top section that contains all the front sensors,

  • earpiece, and front and rear cameras.

  • It's a pretty hefty load up topbanking on that motor never failing or getting stuck.

  • If that motor ever jams or stops workingno more cameras for you.

  • The motor itself seems okay so far.

  • If I pull the top out of the phone body while the camera app is not open, it will just pull

  • itself right back inside.

  • Kind of fights with you for a little bit.

  • When the camera app is open though, and the top is fully extended, the whole contraption

  • has a little bit more play than I expected, jiggling back and forth, front and back...just

  • kind of moving all over.

  • Not near as solid as the Vivo Nex's.

  • Wiggle room is a bad thing.

  • Wiggle room means there is space for stuff to get caught down inside the moving parts.

  • Pocket lint is called pocket lint because every pocket has it.

  • And gunk accumulates in your pockets.

  • It's not a good thing for a phone with moving parts.

  • The Find X does come with a high quality screen protector, which is nice of them.

  • Any protection is good protection, especially when the phone is so expensive.

  • The back glass has no protective layer, but that's pretty normal.

  • Let's jump into the scratch test.

  • As always, this Mohs scale of hardness has different materials on the tip of each tool

  • to tell the difference between different minerals.

  • Plastic would be a level 3, glass a level 6, and sapphire would be an 8 or a 9, with

  • diamonds following at a level 10.

  • Here we see marks at a 6 with deeper grooves at a level 7.

  • Pretty normal for a flagship.

  • This Find X is using Gorilla Glass 5.

  • Gorilla Glass 6 just got announced and will be fun to check out in the future.

  • There's not a whole lot more to test here on the front of the phoneit's pretty

  • much all screen with no visible cameras or sensors, or even buttons on the glass.

  • It's just one super good looking, wall to wall, no notch display.

  • Thumbs up for that.

  • The sides of the phone are metal, which does provide a sense of solidity.

  • Metal is included on the power button as well.

  • The top chunk of this phone, the portion that lifts up, is also metal.

  • Nothing up here to look at except for the little microphone hole.

  • The far side of the phone has the volume buttons, both metal, but is otherwise bare.

  • The bottom of the phone has our USB-C port and no headphone jack.

  • It might be a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you ask.

  • I prefer my phones to have one though.

  • With a motorized opening on a phone like this, obviously there's no hope for water resistance.

  • But this dual SIM card tray does have it's own little rubber ring around the edge.

  • So it looks like Oppo has put some thought into liquid protection.

  • Hopefully we'll find some more protection inside when we do the teardown.

  • As expected, the back is glass and unscratchable by my razor.

  • The Oppo and Find X logos are printed on the under side of the glass and won't be rubbing

  • off, but I'm sure we can make it clear if we need to.

  • Let's get a closer look at the motorized bits.

  • The whole area covering the front of the mechanical lift is glass, which means the 25 megapixel

  • front facing camera and all the high tech sensors for the face scanning feature are

  • protected against scratching as the mechanism actuates up and down.

  • So far, so good.

  • Interestingly enough, this exterior earpiece slot is just a hollow hallway for sound to

  • pass through from the actual earpiece in the raised bit behind it.

  • So if that actuating motor does break and stays closed, you'll still be able to make

  • and hear your phone calls, which is kind of important for a cellphone.

  • Flipping over the phone for the rear dual cameras, we get 16 and 20 megapixel cameras,

  • but no telephoto or wide angle.

  • And that's rather unfortunate having 2 cameras that do the exact same thing is like buying

  • a Swiss army knife where every single blade is the same.

  • If you have a spot for multiple cameras, they should accomplish different thingsthat's

  • my opinion.

  • You might be thinking to yourself, 'Hey, yo Jerry, you didn't scratch the fingerprint

  • scanner.'

  • And you're right, there's is no fingerprint scanner on this phone, which feels kind of

  • strange on a 2018 flagship, but Oppo has some major confidence in their facial recognition

  • system, and they did not include the fingerprint scanner this time around.

  • Now for the burn test.

  • It seems only fitting to start this fire right on the weather app since it's so hot outside,

  • and only getting hotter.

  • The 6.4 inch 1080p display is AMOLED.

  • And after 14 seconds we got proof of that with the rather nice white burn mark in the

  • center of the screen that never recovers.

  • LCD's usually recover, but AMOLEDs burn white and stay that way.

  • Now for the bend test.

  • Bend tests are important because they show how structurally sound a phone is, and gives

  • us a general idea of how well it'll hold up over time with accidental abuse.

  • Remember, I've tested over 100 phones and the vast majority of the phones I test survive...even

  • the previous motorized Vivo Nex.

  • Commencing the bend on the Oppo Find X, I instantly knew something was wrong with this

  • phone.

  • It bent way too far and never locked out or stopped bending like most phones do.

  • Some parts of the phone can handle the flex, like the metal frame, but one thing that can't

  • handle the flexing is the rigid and brittle AMOLED display panel.

  • That display underneath the glass cracks, rendering the screen pretty useless since

  • the colors now have a mind of their own.

  • The back panel starts lifting off, and both the front and rear glass shatter into oblivion.

  • You might be thinking, yeah, of course it broke, you just bent it in half.

  • But keep in mind that over 90% of the phones I get my hands on are strong enough to withstand

  • this exact same abuse and go on to live long happy lives, until I harvest their organs

  • for parts.

  • You know how it is.

  • This Oppo Find X is dead.

  • It's important to never sit on a phone like this, or accidentally step on it after a drop,

  • or even drop it at all.

  • Cellphones are probably the most abused pieces of technology on the planet, and the Find

  • X cannot handle abuse as well as other smartphones.

  • It's going on the Shelf of Shame.

  • I love the innovation and direction that Oppo is taking.

  • This phone is a winner on so many levelsjust not with durability.

  • Let's take a closer look at the inside of that camera mechanism.

  • It looks like the glass layer has laminate backing, so it will all come off in one piece.

  • A clear addition would have would have been awesome.

  • Bending back the fractured glass, we get our first look inside of the phone.

  • One singular stepper motor with the same lead screw technology we saw in the Find X, except

  • for this lead screw is pushing up way more weight and is not as stable.

  • And also has a much more valuable payload since literally every sensor in the phone

  • depends on that little motor lasting for years.

  • I have my doubts.

  • It's putting a lot of trust in something that's wiggly and jiggly.

  • My intention here is to not crush Oppo into oblivion.

  • Innovation like this is pretty much the coolest thing ever and Oppo's doing a fantastic job

  • of leading the market in the direction it should be headed.

  • The phone looks awesome, but hopefully their next phone is just a bit more durable.

  • I'll be pulling glass out of my fingers for the next week.

  • Pulling off the rest of the back glass reveals our weak point in the frame.

  • There's not a whole lot of metal in here keeping things together.

  • And pretty much nothing structural at all between the battery and the motherboardwhich

  • is the weakest point in the phone.

  • It's pretty much the same thing we saw in the Nexus 6P back in the day.

  • Now, Oppo does include a case in the box, so if you do own this phone, slap that on

  • as soon as possible.

  • Any protection helps.

  • The phone's released this year have been awesome.

  • The bezel-less high tech motorized phones like the Find X are great, but in the mathematical

  • quest for the perfect durable smartphone, the Find X is the equivalent of texting your

  • ex....just don't.

  • Hit that subscribe button to be notified about future durability tests and come hang out

  • with me on Instagram and Twitter.

  • Thanks a ton for watching, and I'll see you around.

You know how your math teacher always saidGo find X”?


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B1 中級

Oppo Find X - 彎曲測試失敗!! (Oppo Find X - BEND TEST FAIL!!)

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