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  • The year is 1999 and the internet has just been introduced to BonziBuddy.

  • *Bonzi speaks in text-to-speech sound*

  • Before the YouTube videos, endless memes, and unscrupulous reputation, it was just a

  • simple freeware program.

  • One that promised to help users search the web, keep an itinerary, and even tell jokes

  • and sing songs to keep you company.

  • But by 2004 the jig was up, and people wanted nothing to do with BonziBuddy, with its deserved

  • reputation as being a manipulative piece of adware that spied on its users.

  • And yet, even after the public backlash and legal trouble that sank the company, the people

  • behind BonziBuddy still have an online ad business running to this day.

  • What happened?

  • This is LGR Tech Tales, where we take a look at noteworthy stories of technological inspiration,

  • failure, and everything in-between.

  • This episode tells the tale of the Internet’s favorite hated downloadable assistant, BonziBuddy.

  • Our story begins in 1997 with the release of Microsoft Agent.

  • This was a software package distributed through Windows 98 and the Microsoft website that

  • allowed for the use of interactive, animated characters.

  • The idea was to make computer interactions easier and more natural by using a conversational

  • system instead of the traditional Windows menus and desktop metaphor interfaces.

  • While it began as an offshoot of the actors in Microsoft Bob, the high-profile failure

  • of a Windows shell released two years prior, Agent was a separate product entirely.

  • Each of the four agent characters could communicate with users through interactive speech bubbles,

  • voice recognition, and text-to-speech functionality.

  • The whole idea was to do what Microsoft Bob failed at and bring virtual assistants to

  • computing, and these were included in everything from Microsoft Office 97 in the form of Clippit

  • the paperclip, aka Clippy, to Windows XP’s search function in the form of Rover the dog.

  • But while Microsoft intended for these freely-released agents to be used by everyone to improve the

  • computing experience, others saw the potential for more profit.

  • Enter the Bonzi family, and specifically Joe and Jay Bonzi, who started their own company

  • in 1993, Bonzi Software.

  • Since 1995 they’d been selling a $30 piece of software called Voice E-Mail.

  • Ambitiously declaring itselfthe next wave in online communications,” Voice E-Mail

  • was a browser software plug-in that let you record and compress short sound recordings

  • and send them through your email provider of choice.

  • It was successful enough to support the product with multiple updates for years, but eventually

  • standalone e-mail clients like Eudora started including similar functionality as well, taking

  • away some of Voice E-Mail’s thunder.

  • It was around this time that Microsoft’s Agents started gaining traction with the release

  • of Windows 98 and Office 97, as well as a sizable number of websites and independent

  • programs built using the technology.

  • One of these programs was Bonzi Buddy, first released by Bonzi Software

  • in the latter half of 1999.

  • And really, it wasn’t anything particularly special.

  • For one thing, there were tons of these Agent-baseddesktop assistantapplications flooding

  • the internet around the same time, several of which went a step further by using their

  • own custom characters.

  • By contrast, Bonzi Buddy didn’t even include its own artwork.

  • It simply took the files from the existing Peedy the Parrot package from Microsoft and

  • called it a day.

  • *Peedy Buddy speaks in text-to-speech sound*

  • But Bonzi Buddy soon set itself apart.

  • In May of the year 2000 the next iteration of Bonzi Buddy was released and featured the

  • titular Bonzi, a pre-rendered 3D purple Gorilla sporting a globe,

  • sunglasses, and a goofy grin.

  • While it did similar things to other Agent applications, like keeping you informed of

  • your schedule, the latest news, and popular websites, Bonzi Buddy was free.

  • Although, Bonzi Software stated on its website that it was for a limited time only and it

  • would normally cost $40.

  • That, however, was misleading at best.

  • For the entirety of its existence, Bonzi Buddy remained free with that threat of a $40 version

  • looming overhead lest you question its value.

  • But the bigger thing that made Bonzi Buddy so appealing for a time was the fact that

  • it had a personality of sorts, along with a text-to-speech engine from the Microsoft

  • Speech API 4.0 package...

  • *Bonzi "sings" Hello Ma Baby in text-to-speech voice*

  • This was somewhat useful as a way to have the text of websites and emails read back

  • to you, but it was also a source of easy and free amusement

  • for those with less mature inclinations.

  • However, as enjoyable as Bonzi Buddy could be, especially to young children, there was

  • a dark cloud behind the silverback lining.

  • The first sign of shadiness came whenever you set up Bonzi Buddy for the first time

  • and it required you to enter lots of personal information toregisterthe product.

  • It may have seemed innocent enough, after all Bonzi Buddy would use some of this information

  • to react to you personally.

  • But accusations of this being Spyware arose when it was found that this information was

  • being transmitted over the internet in potentially problematic ways.

  • The next sign of something foul were the questionable pop-ups that

  • occurred when Bonzi Buddy was running.

  • Specifically, these pop-ups looked just like Windows system error messages, and when clicked

  • they would refer you to a program called InternetAlert.

  • A program that, uncoincidentally, was also made by Bonzi Software and cost $49 a year

  • to use and make the fake pop-ups go away.

  • Bonzi Software disputed these claims as being overblown, statingall we are trying to

  • do is grab your attention the same way the employee outside Wal-Mart does by telling

  • you what’s on sale as you walk in.”

  • But the accusations continued, including an article in Consumer Reports on October 21,

  • 2002, which labeled Bonzi Buddy as spyware, and specifically a “Backdoor Santadue

  • to how itserves adds [sic], frequently prompts users for personal information, tracks

  • all usage, deposits icons in the startup folder, system tray and on the desktop, repeatedly

  • resets the browser homepage to BONZI.COM without asking permission, and leaves components behind

  • after users use its uninstall program.”

  • There were also accusations of Bonzi Buddy being a Trojan Horse in some situations, due

  • to its backdoor downloading of additional unwanted software, such as the infamous Clicktilluwin

  • spyware that infected the Windows system folder and registry.

  • Then came the legal trouble.

  • In late 2002, a class-action lawsuit was brought against Bonzi Software for its quote, "diabolical

  • schemeof displaying 300 million deceptive pop-ups in Bonzi Buddy.

  • This was settled the following year, and while Bonzi Software paid $170,000 in legal fees,

  • they didn’t agree to remove the pop-ups completely.

  • Instead they would make them slightlyless deceptiveby doing things like placing

  • the wordadvertisementon top of them and

  • making theOKbutton saymore info.”

  • But the real trouble was just over the horizon, when in early 2004 the United States Federal

  • Trade Commission found Bonzi Software guilty of violating COPPA: the Children's Online

  • Privacy Protection Act.

  • Due to the way Bonzi Buddy required users to enter their personal information, and how

  • many of those users were under the age of 13, they were deemed to have knowingly collected

  • personal information from children without first obtaining parental consent.

  • This resulted in a fine of $75,000 for Bonzi Software, and was another huge stain on the

  • product of Bonzi Buddy.

  • Combined with the growing accusations of it being malware and appearing as a threat to

  • virus scanner and spyware removal programs, the writing was on the wall for Bonzi Buddy.

  • By August of 2005 the Bonzi Buddy website and servers were shut down, and Joe and Jay

  • Bonzi had quietly moved onto other ventures.

  • Although they didn’t go very far.

  • In fact, they continued doing business at the same location as Bonzi Software had: 3000

  • Broad Street, Suite 115 in San Luis Obispo, California.

  • And the new business they started there, 2KDirect Incorporated, continues

  • to operate to this day.

  • Their main service is iPromote, which is -- surprise surprise -- an advertising platform that specializes

  • in targeted online ads.

  • Their AdXpert Engine acts as a middleman to sell and show ads on services like Facebook,

  • LinkedIn, Amazon, WebMD, and YouTube.

  • And amusingly, one of their biggest current clients is Microsoft, whose Agent software

  • helped kick off this whole Bonzi Buddy trip in the first place, and now relies on the

  • same guys to push ads through Skype.

  • Which brings us full circle with Bonzi Buddy.

  • A program that started off as an asset flip, turned into a viral hit, earned such a bad

  • reputation that it was canceled, and then oddly enough became a viral hit once again

  • about a decade later.

  • Bonzi Buddy may not have expanded as big as other memes, but it’s certainly had a surreal

  • time in various subculture spotlights over the past several years.

  • There are even fansites that recreate the original Bonzi Software page and provide downloads

  • to the software once again.

  • And because the ad servers shut down when Bonzi Software did, Bonzi Buddy itself doesn’t

  • really connect to anything at this point and is now considered as benign spyware at worst.

  • But if you want to experience it again or for the first time by downloading it, do yourself

  • a favor and use a virtual machine.

  • Some pieces of software truly are better off left in the past, or at least a protected,

  • virtualized version of it.

  • And yeah I do find it strange to consider that theoretically my channel may have profited

  • in an indirect way as a result of iPromote’s ad system.

  • Oh well I'm not gonna start sayingsponsored by Bonzi Buddy’s corpseor anything,

  • so I hope you enjoyed this video and thank you very much for watching.

The year is 1999 and the internet has just been introduced to BonziBuddy.


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LGR技術故事 - Bonzi Buddy:一個間諜軟件的故事 (LGR Tech Tales - Bonzi Buddy: A Spyware's Tale)

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