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  • - Hey, guys, this is Austin.

  • Fortnite is one of the most popular games

  • in the world right now,

  • and one of the things that makes it special

  • is that it will run on almost anything.

  • So unlike some of our previous videos,

  • where we restricted ourselves to a mere single laptop,

  • today we're going to be playing Fortnite

  • on every single platform that it supports.

  • So you might remember this,

  • the $200 HP Stream from our first Fortnite video.

  • This is not exactly the greatest experience in the world.

  • But it is about as low-end of a PC

  • as you can possibly play Fortnite on.

  • With a cool 360p resolution and all settings set to low,

  • our avatar dude is looking a little bit pixelated.

  • But importantly, we are going to be

  • recording over HDMI so we don't interfere

  • with any of the performance of this laptop.

  • Oh boy, all right.

  • We are in the game, and that is a smooth

  • eight frames per second.

  • (laughs) Wow, this is really, really bad.

  • Look at the textures.

  • The filtering is really, really on point.

  • I mean, that's a big blob.

  • That's a mildly house-shaped blob.

  • Bunch of tree blobs.

  • We've got a cliff blob.

  • Oh, we've got some really nice-looking tree blobs up here.

  • Wow, that's actually, oh wow, wait, what?

  • What?

  • Okay.

  • That's a really unique-looking tree blob.

  • You know what, let's just move on

  • to something that's a little bit better

  • than a $200 basic Windows computer.

  • Now, this might sound like a bad idea,

  • but Fortnite will also run on the Mac.

  • So here I have a maxed out 2016 15-inch Macbook Pro.

  • Now, it does have dedicated graphics,

  • so you shouldn't expect anything too crazy.

  • It will run the game.

  • Oh, that's not good.

  • The game just crashed on the Mac.

  • Okay.

  • Yep, okay.

  • That's not working.

  • So the Mac port of Fortnite is not exactly great,

  • as you can see by my face right now.

  • If that's too low-end for you,

  • well, you can step all the way up to

  • the iPhone SE, which, amazingly enough,

  • is actually still supported by Fortnite

  • even though it's hardware from the iPhone 6S.

  • One of the first things you'll notice

  • is that while the UI is fine

  • on something like a laptop, or even something like a PS4,

  • when you shrink it down to a four inch display,

  • it is very, very hard to see.

  • As you can imagine, Fortnite running on the iPhone SE

  • is running on its lowest settings.

  • However, it actually is not going to be unplayable.

  • So one of the things you do have to keep in mind

  • is that while the screen itself is going to be

  • sub-720p, it's not going to be the sharpest

  • sort of presentation in the world,

  • but I've got to say, on such a small display,

  • it actually doesn't look bad.

  • A lot better than most other mobile games.

  • Frame rate wise, it's not going to be

  • the smoothest thing in the world,

  • but we do look like we're keeping a relatively

  • close lock to 30 frames.

  • I don't have an easy way of actually

  • counting the frame rate on the mobile side.

  • But I mean, not bad.

  • Even though the SE is a couple years old,

  • it still does have a reasonably decent hardware.

  • So when Fortnite comes out on Android

  • in the next few months, I'm really curious

  • to see what kind of hardware that it's going to support.

  • But as far as I can say for the SE,

  • this is totally playable.

  • A little bit on the lower side,

  • but yeah, not bad.

  • Step up to the iPhone X and you're going to be

  • getting a surprising jump in quality.

  • So if I actually jump into the menu here,

  • just like on the PC, we have a bunch of

  • different quality settings,

  • and the iPhone X will default to epic.

  • Now, the iPhone X does have that wider aspect ratio,

  • and while it looks a little bit weird

  • when we're recording, when you're actually

  • playing it on the phone, it does fully take up the screen,

  • and it does give you a bit of a wider field of view.

  • The difference in quality settings is also pretty apparent.

  • Now, this is not gonna be running at the full resolution.

  • It looks like it's something a little bit closer

  • to maybe 900p or even 1080p, if I had to take a guess.

  • But the quality settings, I mean you can see

  • the texture filtering, the view distance.

  • Everything looks to be a lot smoother.

  • Although, frame rate still seems to be

  • pretty close to 30 frames per second.

  • Now, of course, an issue with both iPhone versions

  • is that you do have to use the touch controls.

  • Now, personally, I definitely prefer

  • something like the Switch where we can

  • actually use the physical controls,

  • but, especially with the Android version coming soon,

  • there will be some controller support added.

  • For now, though, this actually isn't going to be

  • too bad as far as a first-person

  • or a third-person shooter goes.

  • The right side is what you use to scroll around,

  • the left side is what you use to walk,

  • and it's easy enough to just tap on things to select them.

  • But, controllers are always better.

  • Now sure, this is not going to look as good

  • as some of the other devices that we'll be

  • trying here in the video, but for a lot of the game,

  • I mean look at this, we've got like nice

  • reflections on the water, we've got decent draw distance,

  • the lighting really doesn't seem to be hugely impacted.

  • I'm not seeing any like god rays or anything here,

  • but it's not going to be that far off

  • from something like a console,

  • or at least in theory.

  • Next up we've got the PS4.

  • You know, as long as you haven't tried

  • to log in on your Switch or anything.

  • So this is going to be supported, of course,

  • on the PS4 Pro as well, but for this video

  • actually I want to take a look

  • at how it's going to perform on the

  • standard original launch PS4.

  • One of the biggest changes with the PS4 edition

  • over what we've done so far

  • is that we actually get a smooth 60 frames per second.

  • Now, it's not going to be a complete lock,

  • but this is so much smoother and especially

  • when it comes to the responsiveness,

  • it's going to be a lot more competitive

  • than any of the other systems that we've

  • taken a look at so far.

  • So the PS4 does target 1080p, although typically speaking,

  • when you're running at 60 frames per second,

  • it's running at a slightly lower resolution.

  • But we do get the upgraded detail,

  • and most importantly, we get that smooth frame rate.

  • I can't tell you how much better that is,

  • just it's so much better.

  • Actually don't know this off the top of my head,

  • but I would guess that the PS4

  • is probably the most common way

  • that people are playing Fortnite.

  • So if you want, of course, you can run it on a PS4 Pro,

  • and we're gonna take a look at some of

  • the higher-end console stuff in a minute,

  • but the important thing to know is that

  • even on a completely stock base PS4

  • that came out, you know, in 2013,

  • we are getting a nice smooth frame rate,

  • and we're going to be getting those, what?

  • For the ultimate console experience,

  • you're going to want to pick up an Xbox One X.

  • Not only does this have a lot more power

  • with a full six teraflop GPU,

  • but that power is going to enable us

  • to play at basically a locked 4K 60 frames per second.

  • I mean, not quite locked, but it's going to be

  • a big jump over the PS4, as well as the,

  • especially the base Xbox One.

  • This is the way to play Fortnite.

  • So not only are we going to be

  • getting that nice smooth frame rate,

  • but we're also going to be getting the 4K resolution

  • as well as the upgraded settings.

  • So stuff like draw distance, texture filtering,

  • we're going to be getting some slightly higher res textures.

  • Yeah, this looks pretty nice.

  • And on top of that, we're of course

  • still playing on a console,

  • so it's not quite the maximum experience

  • that we can have with Fortnite just yet.

  • Next up, we have the newest version of Fortnite,

  • the Switch edition,

  • So as a console, as you would expect,

  • is going to be a little bit more powerful

  • than the iPhone SE.

  • We are going to be getting the full experience here,

  • save for the Save the World mode.

  • But does anyone actually play that?

  • So one of the biggest issues with the Switch port

  • actually is Sony's fault.

  • So if you've ever logged in to your Epic account

  • on a PS4, you're actually locked out

  • of logging in on the Switch,

  • which caused a lot of people a lot of hassle,

  • although thankfully I never played on PS4

  • with my main account, so we're good.

  • Ah yes, the joy of physical controls.

  • Don't get me wrong, the iPhone version is fine,

  • and for touch screen controls,

  • it's really not that bad, but playing with Joy Cons

  • really does feel a lot better.

  • And it actually is not really going to be a huge difference

  • regardless of whether you're going to be

  • playing in docked mode, like we are here,

  • or in portable mode on the Switch.

  • You're still going to be getting the same controls,

  • just a little bit of a graphical difference,

  • and, well, a much, much bigger screen.

  • So the Switch does operate with a

  • dynamic resolution up to 900p...

  • As I got shot in the back.

  • So if it had a higher resolution,

  • I totally would not have died there,

  • because I need the extra pixels to see

  • people behind me.

  • (laughs)

  • One of the downsides of playing on the Switch

  • is that unlike on the Xbox One and PS4,

  • we are going to be limited to 30 frames per second.

  • Now, don't get me wrong, it actually does

  • a reasonably decent job of holding to that.

  • But when you're playing against other people on consoles

  • who are running at double the frame rate,

  • you're just not going to have as responsive of gameplay

  • and it's not going to quite hold up.

  • Last but certainly not least, we have a high-end PC.

  • So this is actually not a dedicated gaming PC,

  • this is what we built to do streaming on,

  • but we've still got some solid hardware inside,

  • including the second gen Ryzen 7 2700X,

  • running at about four gigahertz,

  • as well as 16 gigs of RAM

  • and a GTX, tevin, 70...

  • Tevin, 70?

  • To show you just how far you can push Fortnite,

  • we're not even actually running it

  • on maxed out settings here.

  • So we've got it set to 1800p

  • and on high settings.

  • So in theory, if we had something like a Titan

  • we could push it even farther.

  • But importantly, we're getting a near 4K res,

  • and we're still able to stay above 60 frames per second

  • for the most part.

  • Once you get to something like the Xbox One X,

  • going up to PC actually doesn't make a huge difference.

  • Really where you're seeing the major advantages

  • are in stuff like high frame rate support,

  • if you want to play on a high refresh rate monitor.

  • And of course you get full mouse and keyboard support.

  • But the visual quality, I mean, look at this.

  • This is just obscenely nice-looking.

  • Doesn't hurt that Fortnite is a very colorful,

  • very nice-looking, vibrant game.

  • Yeah, that's nice and smooth.

  • So with a full eight core Ryzen CPU,

  • which honestly is slight overkill for this game,

  • but the GTX 1070 does make a huge difference.

  • Of course, if you want to go higher,

  • you can go higher, but as far as a near 4K experience goes,

  • I'm not really gonna complain here.

  • All right, I will say it's not too bad

  • playing Fortnite on touchscreen,

  • and it's a lot better on an actual controller.

  • When you get a mouse and keyboard,

  • especially with a nice, smooth setup

  • that you're able to get at least 60 frames per second on,

  • Fortnite feels so much better.

  • It's crazy at how this video started

  • and where we are now.

  • So that, my friends, is Fortnite

  • on every single system that you can play it on right now.

  • So everything from a $200 potato-quality PC,

  • all the way up to something that actually

  • can play it at basically 4K maxed out.

  • But of course the real question is

  • how is the Android version gonna look?

  • Oh boy, I can't wait to play that.

- Hey, guys, this is Austin.


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堡壘之夜PS4 vs Xbox One vs Switch vs PC vs iPhone! (Fortnite PS4 vs Xbox One vs Switch vs PC vs iPhone!)

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