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  • The Razer Phone has survived my durability test and now it's time for the teardown and

  • review from the inside.

  • We had a vote over on my Twitter yesterday to name our new little mouse friend, and out

  • of the suggestions in my last video came Mousey McMouse Face, Mr. “Moh'se”, and Jerry

  • (from Tom & Jerry) ended up winning though.

  • Good choice.

  • I like that name.

  • Let's call him Mr. Jerry Moh'se, and I just hope he survives the teardown.

  • Let's get started.

  • [Intro]

  • Since there are no visible external screws on the Razer Phone, the only logical explanation

  • is that they are hidden under the plastic speaker grills.

  • And as with most adhesive, this stuff gets softer as you heat it up.

  • I'll take a thin pry tool, or in this case, a razor blade, and pry up that bottom plastic

  • grill exposing a few screws.

  • I'll repeat the process with the top grill by warming it up and putting my razor into

  • the Razer and razoring it around a little bit.

  • The camera lenses come off with that top plastic.

  • I'll try to find replacements for these and link them in the description.

  • But since this isn't a super mainstream phone, it might be difficult.

  • I'll pull the SIM card tray out just in case that's important.

  • And then there are 6 screws at the bottom, a combination of Phillips and T5 screws.

  • There are another 4 screws up at the top; one T5 and the rest are Phillips head.

  • Getting the screen out of the frame was a little bit easier than I anticipated.

  • It's held in place with friction and a few small clasps.

  • So with a little leverage at the bottom of the screen and some gentle persuasion, the

  • whole thing can pop up and out of the phone body...way easier than the OnePlus 5T.

  • Already we can see some pretty interesting things inside this Razer Phone, but we need

  • easier access to get a better look.

  • There are a billion different sized screws in here, so I am going to keep things organized.

  • I'll detach the screen ribbon cable first by unscrewing the metal bracket connector

  • it's a Phillips head.

  • And I'll peel back some of the metallic shielding over those connectors.

  • First thing to unplug is the massive battery, and then the screen ribbon.

  • And now that the screen's free, let's look at this massive heat pipe.

  • This might be the biggest heat pipe I've ever seen in a cellphone.

  • It's also got the thermal paste right over the top of the copper so the heat dissipation

  • will be more efficient between the copper and the processor.

  • Under the black tape there's another sheet of copper thermally adhered to the copper

  • below it.

  • More copper is always a good thing.

  • The adhesive only sticks one time though, so I'll just, um, put that off to the side

  • and it's good as new.

  • This is the screen component, the 120 Hertz IPS beast of a display this phone is known

  • for.

  • If you manage to break yours unfortunately, I'll try to have some replacements linked

  • in the video description for you.

  • So far it's been a pretty straightforward replacement.

  • Now let's get that gigantic battery out.

  • I'll unclip the fingerprint scanner cable from the motherboard.

  • And then on the other side of the phone I'll remove the two screws holding down the volume

  • ribbon bracket.

  • I'll set that off to the side and then unclip the volume button connector just like a little

  • Lego.

  • This battery does have the magical pull tabs thankfully.

  • And Razer was nice enough to give us a big enough tab to actually grab and pull on.

  • [Stretching rubber sounds]

  • But wait, there's more.

  • [Stretching rubber sounds]

  • Unfortunately there was some premature decapitation, and now I have to commence the Pry of Shame.

  • But still, pretty simple to replace the battery in this thing.

  • A 4000 milliamp hour Razer branded powerhouse which is over twice the capacity of the iPhone

  • 8.

  • Pretty impressive.

  • Now for the charging port and vibration motor.

  • This is where things get a little more complicated.

  • There are a total of 7 screws holding this thing down, with a few golden frame attachments

  • to that plastic antenna line.

  • I'll disconnect and peel back that charging port ribbon from the motherboard and remove

  • the signal wires, and then the whole thing can come free.

  • The USB-C charging port has a little bit of rubber around the tip, but remember that this

  • phone has no water resistance, so be careful.

  • Now for that vibration motor.

  • In most smart phones we find an eccentric rotating mass motor, or circular coin vibrators,

  • but Razer has stuck in a taptic vibrator, similar to what we've seen on the iPhones,

  • but a fraction of the size.

  • It's incredibly small.

  • Marquez was complaining about his vibrator being trash.

  • [Marquez] Sounds broken.

  • But it sounded that way out of the box since day one.

  • And now we can see why.

  • It's barely even there.

  • I assume Razer is making up for it's small size by overpowering the itty-bitty guy and

  • getting that blown out rattling sound like you would with a speaker.

  • Apparently size matters when it comes to vibrators.

  • The bottom loudspeaker is on the other side of the phone and it's pretty interesting.

  • Once again, no waterproofing, but the speaker cone is made from rubber, kind of like what

  • we saw in the Apple Airpods.

  • So even if moisture does get into the speaker, it won't distort or blow easily, and will

  • wear out less with time.

  • It's nice of Razer to put quality speakers inside of their phone.

  • I'll toss the loudspeaker with it's golden contact pads back into the frame and make

  • my way up to the top of the motherboard.

  • The dual camera system is hidden under that metallic tape.

  • I'll peel that up and unscrew the one screw holding down the metal bracket over the connectors.

  • It's a weird bracket with a little rubber doohickey keeping it from popping out on one

  • side.

  • The cameras themselves can unplug like little Legos, and there are 2 screws holding the

  • whole thing down.

  • One screw is tucked up underneath the camera connector.

  • This is not the most organized phone I've ever been inside, but it's still not as bad

  • as the old HTC's.

  • Neither the regular camera lens nor the telephoto camera have OIS, which is unfortunate.

  • Optical image stabilization is pretty important when it comes to cameras and taking video.

  • There is no side-to-side hardware stabilizing that we've seen on other major high-end flagships.

  • There are 5 more screws holding down the gold antenna line brackets to the motherboard,

  • and then one more screw hidden next to the front-facing camera.

  • The whole motherboard can lift up and away from the phone body after that.

  • The 8 megapixel front facing camera is removable if you're into that kind of thing.

  • Also, one more cool thing is that the front earpiece looks like it's the same size as

  • the bottom speaker, so there will be equal sounds coming from both ends of the phone.

  • It's just oriented in a different direction.

  • The top speaker also has that same durable long lasting rubber cone that we talked about

  • earlier.

  • And now it's time to see if our little mouse buddy is still alive.

  • I'll get all those golden antenna line brackets back into place with those 6 motherboard screws.

  • There's another 2 screws specifically to hold down the rear cameras.

  • I'll get that silver bracket situated with it's one screw and funky white little rubber

  • pad thing, and make my way down to the bottom of the phone.

  • The charging port goes in with it's gold antenna line brackets and 6 screws.

  • And the long extension cable can run up along the frame to the top and plug into the motherboard.

  • I'll tuck that massive battery back into place, and get this silver bracket with it's two

  • screws back over the volume button ribbon.

  • The fingerprint scanner Lego-like connection is next, and then I'll toss that metallic

  • tape back on over the cameras and SD card slot.

  • I do like saving the battery connector for last to be safe.

  • So we'll get the screen lined up and plugged in, and then the battery.

  • The metal bracket goes over the top of all those connectors with it's one screw to hold

  • it down tight.

  • Getting the screen lined up and pressed down was easy enough.

  • The kink near the power button from my bend test didn't mess me up too much.

  • Since I am working with glass though, I was pretty gentle and careful getting it back

  • into place.

  • Cracking the screen at this point would be incredibly unfortunate.

  • And it looks like everything still works.

  • This phone is currently available on Amazon right now, so I'll leave a link for that in

  • the description along with all the parts and tools I used during this video.

  • Hopefully you never break yours, but accidents happen.

  • I'll get all the screws back into the frame and unfortunately, the speaker grills are

  • not going to go back into place nicely.

  • Once they've been peeled off, the adhesive is not reusable.

  • I'll probably try some double sided tape at some point, or just wait till I can find some

  • replacements.

  • Jerry Mouse is glad he survived the teardown and thanks you all for his new name.

  • Come hang out with us on Twitter.

  • Jerry and I thank you a ton for watching and we'll see you around.

The Razer Phone has survived my durability test and now it's time for the teardown and


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B2 中高級

Razer手機拆解!- 巨大的熱管--微小的振動器 (Razer Phone Teardown! - HUGE Heat Pipe - tiny vibrator)

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