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  • The Vivo X20 Plus.

  • You might have heard about this phone.

  • It has the first in-screen fingerprint scanner on a smartphone.

  • Yeah.

  • A fingerprint scanner under the front glass.

  • Let's, uh, do what we do.

  • [Intro]

  • Right out of the box this phone is big, solid, but still very thin.

  • And it's time for a durability test.

  • It's basically a right of passage for any new smartphone these days.

  • Starting with the scratch test which is going to be pretty important during this video.

  • Plastic scratches at a level 3, tempered glass at a level 6, and diamonds are a level 10.

  • It's nice to see Vivo holding up so far against other flagships like LG and Samsung and the

  • iPhone, scratching at a level 6 with a deeper groove at a level 7.

  • Now let's take a look at that fingerprint scanner.

  • If it's under the glass it's probably visible to the naked eye, and if you look closely

  • you can see the rectangular shape of the fingerprint scanner at the bottom of the phone.

  • It's pretty invisible with the screen off, and when the screen's on, it pretty much disappears.

  • MKBHD made a video explaining a bit more about the software side of the sensor saying it

  • only works in OLED displays, and has the potential on future phones to be any size it wants,

  • which is pretty cool.

  • I'll link his video for you in the description.

  • I'm here for the hardware.

  • And it'll be extremely interesting to see what the scanner looks like inside the phone

  • if, you know, it survives my durability test.

  • Setting up the in-screen fingerprint scanner is pretty straightforward, asking for a pass

  • code and some backup questions in case the sensor stops working or your fingers get chopped

  • off.

  • You can still access your phone.

  • A lit circle fingerprint icon pops up on the display and everything gets programmed in

  • like normal.

  • It's surprisingly quick at recognizing my finger and unlocking the phone, so we're off

  • to a good start.

  • But let's say you've owned your phone for about a year now, and naturally the glass

  • is a little scratched up from normal wear and tear.

  • Will the fingerprint scanner still work underneath that scratched glass?

  • My level 7 pick is going to help us find out.

  • I think that's sufficiently damaged, and luckily we still have unlocking success every time

  • I touch the phone, even with the scratches.

  • The in-screen fingerprint scanner will still function under heavily scuffed glass.

  • If this Vivo X20 survives the bend test, I'll shatter the screen at the end of this video,

  • just to see if the scanner works on a fully cracked display as well.

  • There are no physical buttons at the bottom of the screen, and up here at the top of the

  • phone, we have a 12 megapixel front facing camera underneath the screen glass.

  • The earpiece slot is a tiny little guy, slightly recessed below the glass of the phone.

  • It's made out of metal and it's permanent.

  • So no falling out with time.

  • The sides of the phone are made from metal, with a pretty slick looking gold accents.

  • And there's even a plastic layer between the glass and the metal frame, softening the pinch

  • point between the two surfaces of the phone if it ever does drop or get bent.

  • It's a good design move from a durability perspective.

  • The bottom of the phone has some useful features like a headphone jack, but then Vivo slams

  • us with a blast from the past and slips a micro USB charging port in there.

  • As well all know, thinness doesn't matter when it comes to cellphones, but I do want

  • to point out that this Vivo X20 is .3 millimeters thinner than the iPhone 8 Plus, yet still

  • has room for a headphone jack and a larger battery than the iPhone has.

  • The power button is made from metal, along with the volume rocker.

  • On the back of the phone, the flash is made from plastic, and then we get glass covering

  • the dual camera lenses.

  • Both of these are 12 megapixel and have the same focal length.

  • It's doing that monochrome thing with the secondary lens if you're into that.

  • Pretty similar camera bump to the newer iPhones, but that gold accent is still pretty sweet.

  • The Vivo logo on the back is heavily embedded in the metal panel, and even with some aggressive

  • persuasion from my razor blade, it would not come out.

  • Thumbs up to Vivo for that level of commitment.

  • So far this phone is solid.

  • [Scratching sounds] There are two basic type of fingerprint scanners: optical and capacitive.

  • The optical fingerprint scanner basically captures a picture of your fingerprint and

  • turns it into a math equation based on the ridges of your fingers.

  • Just like the ridges you see here on the finger I'm drawing.

  • And then the sensor sees if your fingerprint matches the one stored inside of the phone.

  • capacitive fingerprint scanners are more common in Samsung and LG phones.

  • Instead of taking a picture, it reads the conductivity of the ridges on your fingertip,

  • turns it into a math equation, and then unlocks your phone if the equation matches the one

  • you set.

  • Both sensors work equally great.

  • The sensor inside of this phone is under the glass which makes it an optical sensor, taking

  • a little picture of your fingerprint every time you set it on the scanner.

  • Apple is probably going to invent this technology in a few years...just watch.

  • The Vivo X20 has a 6 inch 1080p AMOLED display.

  • Remember that AMOLED displays are self lit by each individual pixel, making the in-screen

  • fingerprint scanner possible.

  • A back-lit IPS LCD display would not function because that back light would need to shine

  • through each pixel, and adding an in-screen fingerprint scanner would just end up being

  • a dead spot right in the middle of the display.

  • The AMOLED screen survived almost 30 seconds before the pixels went white and never completely

  • recovered.

  • And now the bend test.

  • The ultimate indicator of structural build quality.

  • With how large and thin this phone is, I was nervous for a second, especially with the

  • first flex.

  • There is definitely more give to the phone when pressing from the back than there is

  • when I press from the screen side, which I why I wanted to wait to shatter the screen

  • until after the bend test.

  • The screen is sometimes structural.

  • After flexing the phone a few times, I can safely say this phone passes the bend test,

  • remaining intact and structurally sound.

  • Now, to see if the fingerprint scanner still works after a crack.

  • A level 9 pick is overkill when it comes to scratching.

  • It actually scores the glass, making cracks appear along the fracture because it's so

  • hard and causing so much damage.

  • The problem is if you watch closely as I connect the lines over the sensor and the fractures

  • in the glass start to appear, the whole display dies.

  • You can see a vertical green line appear and then the screen goes off, never to come back

  • on again.

  • I'm going to assume this was my fault since we can see the first display line start at

  • the point of crackage, but that's also right over the fingerprint scanner.

  • And that fingerprint scanner could be a weak point in the display when it comes to cracks.

  • Maybe we'll learn more when we see it from the inside during my teardown I'll do this

  • week.

  • But it's hard to say with 100% certainty with a sample size of one.

  • Maybe if we ask nice enough, MKBHD will crack his Vivo X20 for, you know, science.

  • Either way, Vivo does include a free case and screen protector in the box to help keep

  • things damage free.

  • Even though the phone cracked and died at the end, it does pass my normal durability

  • test.

  • We'll have to see if the in-screen fingerprint scanner compromises the display structure

  • in future screens that it gets implemented on.

  • Thanks a ton for watching and I'll see you around.

The Vivo X20 Plus.


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B1 中級

玻璃內指紋識別器SCRATCH測試!- 還能用嗎? (In-Glass Fingerprint Reader SCRATCH Test! - Will it still work?)

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