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  • Greetings and welcome to an LGR thing.

  • This right here is an IBM Thinkpad 380 XD.

  • This was recently donated to me from Greg.

  • Thank you very much once again, sir.

  • This one does need a little bit of work,

  • which is what we're going to be doing today.

  • And not only does it need to be cleaned, but I've already taken out the hard drive here,

  • which came in this little caddy tray thing,

  • and I've ordered a couple of replacements that are um,

  • you know, original IBM parts because that's what I like to do.

  • These are the

  • Travel star..? *chuckles*

  • They're not known for being um,

  • particularly reliable but they are original parts,

  • and these are supposedly tested and working.

  • So there's a couple options that I have right here, and that is the uh,

  • 4-gig one, which is what it had in there,

  • and then there's also the 6.4 gig... You know, I was just going to put what it had in here

  • originally when I received it the other day, but when I looked at up online

  • It seemed that the 6.4 gig was the maxed-out option for this and I figured eh, you know, why not

  • why don't I just max this thing out to what it would have been

  • back in the day in the day, in like, uh, 1997?

  • So yeah, that's that's what I'm gonna do.

  • I'm going to put this one in here.

  • I also got this little, uh, Cmos battery here because the battery is dead

  • So uh, that needs to be replaced, and there's also some little nubs which we'll replace on the mouse

  • right there in the middle of the keyboard because otherwise those things are gross and

  • they wear down after a while,

  • and I like the feel of

  • a fresh...

  • nipple. *laughter*

  • Yeah, those little track point nubs? The things get gross over time, but, just going to leave it on here for now

  • That'll probably be the last thing,

  • it's like...

  • my sort of finishing touch you know, the cherry on top of putting these things back together and cleaning it up.

  • The first order of business is going to be the hard disk drive

  • and uh, that's just this little guy right here, so

  • There we go, model number DAR, uh

  • Twenty thousand nine thousand or something like that.

  • So yeah, the way this works is um, these actually have these little

  • sticky pads on the bottom here.

  • Here we go. And just sort of sticks in place like that,

  • um, but of course there's some screws that go in on the sides.

  • Yeah, this part just sort of lines up with those little... slots there.

  • And there we go!

  • See that it has a bit of extra space because this is not as thick of a 2.5 inch drive

  • But uh, you know that's fine. It'll do the job.

  • And that should just slide in place...

  • there we go.

  • Clean this up a little bit before I put that back on there because it's looking gross.

  • And yes, I do have a woodgrain toothbrush. That's just...

  • how I roll.

  • This should just slide right back into place...

  • there we go!

  • And yeah, the way that you get that back out is either

  • there's a screw that goes on here, unscrewed that, and then this you just sort of press in, like with a coin

  • In fact this is supposed to unscrew with as coin as well.

  • Okay! And yeah this is not the original power supply, but it's the original specs and it works just fine.

  • Next order of business has to do with the batteries,

  • um, for one thing the battery that's in here

  • is very dead, and I believe

  • it's making like a weird noise, so...

  • I'm just going to take it out entirely?

  • Because it's it's making a concerning sound I don't have a replacement for that right now

  • So we're just going to kind of run it straight off of B. Ac adapter

  • Next is the C mo's battery because yeah

  • We need a the clock and whatnot and that just goes right in here next to the ram

  • So we have the ram right there and then the battery plugs in right there?

  • Here we go

  • And we'll just take a little sticky thing off here

  • and it just sort of

  • Nestle's up underneath here a little bit because that's how the original one was so

  • There we go it should be

  • yeah, bios Sorted let's get some power to it and

  • See what we get hopefully it's not making that same sound

  • It was like a whining noise, and they would crack alone stuff. Just it scared me

  • I don't like that kind of noise coming from a battery

  • All right, so we've got error 161 there which

  • Makes sense and here the hard drive coming on there

  • and 163 which means of course we've got the

  • problems

  • With the cmos which is fine because I just replaced the battery for it

  • I was getting this error anyway with the other battery that was dead, but this was new so it should be good now

  • I always like this little like flapping duck or whatever it is

  • Mouse cursor that ibm had at the time the year is it?

  • Yep, that is it's got august right

  • There we go

  • Okay, so that error is fixed

  • at 64 Meg's of Ram in this one which is

  • Pretty well maxed out for the time and of course we've got nothing on

  • Here as far as to boot from so we're going to use is male gr. Boot disk with CD-Rom capability

  • this computer is really cool too because it is one of those that has

  • Apparently there was a cdr t in here. What was this copy of print master ah I had not actually opened the CD

  • Drive until now apparently that was jostling around in there got a little damaged. Hope it didn't mess up the drive

  • I was going to say

  • this was a pretty cool machine at the time because it did have this nice combo drive here, so you had the

  • High-Density three and a half inch floppy

  • The CD-rom which I think was 8-speed. Maybe 16. I should just be able to restart and get some stuff going on

  • Where is the link?

  • It did actually have you know windows and stuff on there, but everything was wrong like the version of windows was wrong

  • It was too new for it. It was filled with a bunch of software just honestly it was bloatware and

  • like a gigabyte of the drive was filled with

  • Just downloaded mP3s from like napster

  • Which was highly nostalgic, but is not exactly what I?

  • Wanted for this machine, so I'm just redoing everything alright. See if it actually saw the CD drive

  • And it did perfectly fine, so that's good doesn't seem the drive seems to be you know ruined or anything alright

  • So let's just run fdisk, and this is the version that came with Windows 95, Osr2

  • Includes the large disk support thing which we want because this is a 6.4 gig driver

  • I don't want like a ton of partitions current fixed drive is

  • Number one, which is the only one in their end. No partitions are defined, so let us Define one

  • with all that size

  • Yes, they define. My integrity let's doing that. I'm gonna make work up I

  • Must restart my system. Yes, all right

  • Nice, okay. Let's go over to format and drag going oh

  • Yeah, so we got the full six point. Whatever gigs sweet

  • coffee and

  • Memories I

  • have quite a fondness for these ibm, thinkpads largely because

  • Around 10 or 12 years ago. I was in between jobs, and I would go to local goodwills of course

  • No surprise there, but no they used to have laptops a ton of Ibm thinkpads in particular

  • For like 5 bucks and you could also buy the blanked out hard drives separately for another

  • I don't know 5 bucks or something it was really cheap

  • So you can get a whole working system usually for around ten to fifteen dollars depending on the unit. Yeah. It was cool

  • I would get those and I would do what we're doing here. You know just

  • Plop the hard drive in there

  • I would

  • Install windows and get on nice and fresh and clean it up a little bit throw it on ebay and make me a little bit

  • Of a profit which was nice because it didn't have a job so yeah

  • That was about a year or so that I did nothing

  • But I would do I'd repair jobs for people

  • You know just friends and family and a couple local businesses and also go to Goodwill

  • and just fixed up different computers like this in fact some of the

  • Machines that I still have in there are from that time

  • I think I sold all the laptops that I fixed up except for one I kept one thinkpad

  • But the my main capture PC was one of those

  • Just blanked out

  • Computers, you know it was a desktop you get everything in there - the hard drive, and maybe the ram for 10 bucks

  • I really miss when they did that because now they just take any machine like this

  • And it just gets straight-up recycled so you can still buy like at least around here

  • Dell computers those are the only ones they sell though that that's that's it. And they're like

  • $150

  • awesome

  • Get that windows installation started

  • oh

  • scandisk the Blank Drive

  • You'll be okay. We're go to check though. We might not be okay. I agree to your outdated agreement

  • Yeah, okay. Let's look for everything please

  • because I want everything we have no network but

  • This will do

  • Alright, it looks to have found pretty much everything that it's got going on

  • Unknown monitored, I mean I would just go plug and play monitor for now because you know whatever. We'll see if the

  • Ibm has any specific drivers for this panel?

  • I'm sure they do now you might be noticing these black edges around the picture in the middle there

  • and that is because this display is made for 800 by 600 resolution and

  • There's no hardware scaling actually in the display. So it just doesn't it does doesn't even bother so like lower res things like this

  • Right here is a shrunk down

  • Instead of stretching it and honestly that's fine because take a look at this here's a Gateway solo 2100 laptop

  • That does scaling and it's disgusting it just doesn't do it properly because the integers don't match up

  • Completely between like the lower res upscaling to 800 by 600 so I would rather have the black bars than ugly

  • Scaling so I'm okay with that in this case. Oh yeah, I've got some fresh windows

  • Yeah, that floppy disk

  • I've done this so many times, but like getting ready to run windows 95 for the first time still

  • Just trigger something in my brain. I'm like ooh

  • What's it Gonna be like?

  • When does 95 was so exciting like what it first came out?

  • I just couldn't believe that the fact that that had a start menu instead. It's the program manager was so cool to me and

  • Yeah, I was so happy to upgrade to 95 when I did which didn't happen until 1997 actually

  • Okay, why is it doing this?

  • yeah, it's looking for these cad files, so

  • What we're going to do here is

  • boot from that boot disk again

  • Copy over all those windows files all right

  • So we're just going to make a win95 directory here, and then we're going to go over to the CD

  • Drive switch over to that directory, and I'm going to copy all of the cab files

  • to the

  • thing

  • That should get pretty much everything we need so it won't be trying to look for a cD drive when it doesn't have the drivers

  • To look to the drive through 95, it's just a weird Catch-22, but this works

  • It's also handy to just do this anyway, so you don't have to dig out a windows 95

  • CD-Rom anytime you're trying to you know upgrade drivers

  • Or adding a new piece of hardware or software or something that needs something off of that windows 95 CD

  • So if you've got the space for it which obviously do with over 6 gigs then that yeah?

  • This is just something that I normally do anyway

  • I'm hoping that it's also going to find like the sound and whatnot but if not then that's okay

  • I'll just go and grab some drivers online or something or just from that

  • backup that I made of the drive that this came with

  • Hey guys, I found a disc drive. Do you need this yes? I do computer. That's okay. Yeah Eastern time

  • That is the correct time. I don't have a printer so screw you

  • mmm that classic windows 95 Splash startup thingy

  • Makes me happy all right, so it doesn't seem like we have any sound and probably don't have correct video drivers either

  • Yeah, we don't so we got 16 color and monochrome at 640 by 480 only so yeah

  • We at the very bare minimum are going to each sound and video, but let's see what else oh goodness

  • So there's a lot of things that it doesn't know what to do with well

  • Let me go see if I can find the drivers for those from you know

  • I don't know if Lenovo still had them up for download or

  • There's an archive of IBm stuff somewhere

  • I'm going to look for that first because I would rather get like you know the latest drivers before we do that though

  • I just got to see I got some dos games on this CD here

  • I wanted to see if it'll run commander keen I mean I know it will but I just want to see it do it like

  • PC speaker, ha

  • All right, oh

  • Man, that's awesome. Yeah, I was thinking that PC speaker was kind of loud

  • And it actually comes out of the speakers on the front of the computer, which is cool

  • Wow, what a loud like crunchy sounding PC speaker

  • That's great. It's like reverberating through my dining room here

  • Kill myself let's get the other sound and things going now, but that right there makes me happy

  • Mmm CD-rw 650 megabyTes

  • And we using this I just loaded it up with all the drivers and stuff that I could find

  • Which as I thought was pretty easy to track down it is an iBm product after all okay?

  • So I have loaded up the CD with things that I need first order our business here is going to be the video

  • which I have

  • Aptly named video

  • awesome

  • Hopefully that'll do it

  • nice

  • full screen

  • Finally as much better. We should be able to adjust the color depth as well

  • Yeah

  • 16-bit is a thing let's apply that crap without restarting

  • Sweet give me them clouds

  • Except that. They're actually we could title them, but that's going to look stupid. Let's just go with

  • stitches for now

  • Yeah, there we go. Okay. Let's get some of these other things going we got audio

  • Listen actually as a setup program which is nice

  • Cirrus logic Crystal audio, I haven't actually tried this out with da stuff, so I'm curious all yeah, I

  • Love how when he tell windows 95 where the drivers are and it instantly forgets?

  • That's so annoying

  • Awesome. We've got a little speaker down here, so

  • Yeah

  • Let's try wave first

  • classic time for some of that canyon

  • sounds pretty sweet actually so I'm going to try a dos thing with going to be Duke Nukem 2 because it has ad-lib and

  • Sound blaster sound which I know how it should sound so it's a good test for me

  • It's pretty good

  • Of course my refrigerator is coming on

  • I ever buy and the Fm sound is really quiet even though I did

  • I think turned it up in Windows or whatever

  • Yeah, a lot of sounds are getting cut off like the sound blaster sounds

  • No, no sounds alright

  • Yeah, like right there. That sound didn't play all the way through

  • Okay, I'm not going to make you sit through all the other installation thingies here like you know nipple dot exe

  • That's just to get the trackpad the trackpoint working a little better, but I am going to do this here, so

  • Let me show you what this is going to be doing when you go to the properties at my computer you'll see that

  • there's this big blank spot here and

  • Well, you know if you have a computer, typically back then from a company

  • or actually even still from a manufacturer like ibm, then you're going to be seeing some information there, so these are actually the

  • Oem infos that go to

  • This particular thinkpad or at least there's some that I've downloaded that should be right so they go into the system folder here

  • And I'm just going to paste them

  • And there we go

  • so advil Ivm logo right there and

  • Some stuff that says what kind of computer it is and it's from Ibm and look we even get a little support information thingy

  • I know the phone number at a website so in case you have any problems like and call them right up

  • That's pretty much it for

  • What I'm going to be showing and as I'll fix that up here in a moment

  • But it's not pertinent to what I'm showing here today

  • but yeah, let's get this thing cleaned up and

  • Yeah

  • I'll just due to the nature of these computers having this sort of gray black finish. It's actually

  • Deceptively dirty, I'm guessing

  • This is just a water and vinegar mix, but yeah, you can see. That's a yeah

  • Yeah might not be the biggest difference visually, but it makes me feel better. Oh

  • Actually, it does feel better and look it actually got that little little spot off there

  • That's looking wonderful

  • That actually is pretty gross in there

  • Yeah, oh

  • Yeah, and I forgot to mention this does actually have a uSb on the back which is 1.0

  • Is still pretty cool for your computer from 97?

  • oh

  • Yeah looking good

  • All things considered this is actually in pretty good. Shape I

  • Seem like these speaker grilles have little you know get holes punctured in them and macaroni and cheese and poop gets in there

  • It's really gross sometimes

  • now if you wanted to it's actually really easy to just take off all of these keys and

  • Like give them a nice soak which I might do eventually right now. I just want to get it superficially cleaned oh

  • That's gross. Maybe the paper towel first on this that was nastier than I noticed it was but

  • twink

  • yeah, still definitely needs a deeper clean than that, but

  • Even just after a surface cleaning here. It's looking a lot better

  • less grimy

  • Oh yeah, and for the cherry on top a nice brand new nipple

  • Check that out.

  • Oh, that is a delightfully satisfying. Fresh computer!

  • Well, that's it for this video. I hope you enjoyed this little bit of a restoration

  • Dealio here pretty straightforward, but you know I thought it might be kind of entertaining to watch

  • Speaking of watching thank you for watching we'll see you in the next LGR

Greetings and welcome to an LGR thing.


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LGR - 恢復1997年IBM ThinkPad 380XD。 (LGR - Restoring a 1997 IBM ThinkPad 380XD)

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