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  • Minnesota’s official nickname is theGopher State,” but you may know it better asThe

  • Land of 10,000 Lakes.” The name Minnesota comes from the Dakota word forclear blue

  • water.” Here’s where youll find Lake Itasca, the primary source of the mighty Mississippi

  • river. Then there’s Upper Red Lake. Lower Red Lake. Mille Lacs Lake. There’s also

  • Lake Winnibigoshish, which is just fun to say. With all those lakes, it’s no surprise

  • fishing and boating are popular in Minnesota, and one water sport even got its start here.

  • In 1922, water skiing was invented at Lake Pepin by Ralph Samuelson who modified some

  • barrel boards, grabbed a clothesline, and was off at 20 mph.

  • Time for some celebrity sightings from American Literature! In Minneapolis, youll find

  • Minnehaha Falls. This majestic 53-foot waterfall was immortalized in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s

  • poemThe Song of Hiawatha,” although Longfellow never visited the falls in person.

  • The Laura Ingalls Wilder museum is in Walnut Grove. Wilder was the author of theLittle

  • Houseseries of books about her life growing up on the Minnesota prairie. The Ingalls family

  • joined a number of immigrants primarily of British, Germanic, and Scandinavian heritage

  • who settled the area in the 1800s. Those pioneers helped establish Minnesota, which became the

  • 32nd state on May 11, 1858.

  • Minnesota has certainly grown since those early homesteading days. The Minneapolis-St

  • Paul area, known as the Twin Cities, is now one of the largest economic centers in the

  • Midwest. Nearby suburb Bloomington, Minnesota is home to one of the largest shopping malls

  • in the US - the Mall of America. It’s more than 4.8 million square feet. If you can’t

  • find what you need here, maybe you just don’t like shopping. That’s okay. There’s also

  • a wealth of historical attractions to explore in Minnesota, including the Grand Mound - the

  • largest Indian burial mound in the upper midwest. The Jeffers Petroglyphs are another state

  • treasure - over 2000 ancient drawings carved into Red Rock Ridge by American Indian ancestors.

  • This is also the site of the annualStarry Night, Prairie Nightevent which draws

  • many amateur astronomers to the clear, dark skies - perfect for stargazing.

Minnesota’s official nickname is theGopher State,” but you may know it better asThe


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明尼蘇達州 - 50個州 - 美國地理位置 (Minnesota - 50 States - US Geography)

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