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Baton Rouge lies along the banks of the legendary Mississippi in southeast Louisiana.
巴頓魯治位於路易斯安那州東南部 全美最長河流密西西比河岸
It is the state’s capital, famous for its sports-mad universities,
它是路州首府 境內多所大學以酷愛體育聞名
its cultural fusion and of course, its laid-back southern charm.
這裡融合了多元文化 散發南方特有的慵懶魅力
Larger-than-life legends of politics, music and sport weave their way
許多出身當地的著名政治人物、 音樂和體育界的名人
through the pages of Baton Rouge’s storied past.
From the days when a red stick (or Baton Rouge)
marked the boundary between native tribes,
to its subsequent administration by France, Britain and Spain,
之後曾多次易主 歷經法國、英國和西班牙殖民
transformation has been built into the DNA of this city.
In 1846, a stroke of the pen made it the Louisiana State Capital - providing a moral alternative
1846 年簽署立法 民風純樸的巴頓魯治成了新的路州首府
to what was then considered “sinful” New Orleans.
取代了當時眾所公認為 「罪惡之城」的紐奧良
Today, Baton Rouge is undergoing another transformation,
今日的巴頓魯治又再度面臨 轉型的考驗
and there is no better place to start the tale than in the city’s downtown.
要從頭細說巴頓魯治的歷史 市中心將是最佳開頭
Art spills onto the streets and walkways here in a combination of temporary
在這裡的大街小巷,藝術隨處可見 並以豐富多元的各式
and permanent installations.
The contemporary cultural scene continues at the Shaw Center for the Arts,
境內最知名的當代藝術中心 莫過於蕭沃藝術中心
a dramatic symbol of the city’s revitalization.
The center spreads across a full city block and includes the Manship Theater,
藝術中心橫跨整個街區 其中包含人類精神劇院
and the LSU Museum of Art.
以及 LSU 美術館
Across from the Shaw Center is the Old State Capitol.
This was the seat of power when Baton Rouge first became the capital
當巴頓魯治剛成為路州新首府時 這裡就是路州議員齊聚辦公之所
and it was designed to symbolize prestige.
Mark Twain adored all of Baton Rouge, except for this building, which he called a “whitewashed castle.”
馬克吐溫曾戲稱它為「洗白城堡」 是全巴頓魯治境內他最不欣賞的一棟建築
Make up your own mind about this neo gothic landmark, which was later a prison
世人對這座新哥德風的建築褒貶不一 後來改作監獄之用
and then housed a garrison during the civil war.
Tour the Louisiana Governor’s Mansion, one of the legacies of controversial politician
另一個景點是舊州長官邸 這裡曾經住著備受爭議的政治人物
Huey P. Long.
Some say he used the White House as a template for this mansion
據說他以白宮為藍圖 來建造州長官邸
so that he’d be comfortable in the former
…. once he became president.
Huey Long left another gift to the people of Baton Rouge - the art deco State Capitol Building.
休伊朗留給巴頓魯治的另一座建築 是深具裝飾藝術風格的州議會大廈
Created to symbolize a new era in Louisiana’s power and politics, alas it was also the scene
休伊朗大興土木興建議會大廈 目的是要打造出象徵路州新政權的地標
of Long’s bloody assassination in 1935.
可惜成了自己 1935 年遇刺的地點
With its complex blend of European, African and Native American history,
縱觀各時期的歷史 這裡深受歐非文化與早期北美原住民的影響
Louisiana cultural traditions are among the world’s most diverse.
路易斯安那州的文化傳統 可說是全球最兼容並蓄的代表
Less than half a mile to the South is Spanish Town,
南邊的西班牙鎮舊城區距離不到 1 公里
a neighborhood famous for its annual Mardi Gras parade.
最著名的活動當屬 肥胖星期二嘉年華
Eclectic costumes and cut-out pink flamingos are familiar symbols of this parade’s motto
奇裝異服加上紅鶴造型立板 嘉年華會只有一個宗旨
- “poor taste is better than no taste at all.”
For decades, Baton Rouge was the blues capital of the world
巴頓魯治向來是 全世界藍調音樂的搖籃
and that hardscrabble spark still fires deep in this city’s belly.
發源自貧瘠農地的藍調 至今仍在巴頓魯治蓬勃發展
Learn more about Louisiana greats such as Louis Armstrong and Sharkey Bonano
出身路州的名人眾多 像是路易阿姆斯壯和沙基博納奴
at the Capitol Park Museum.
From its earliest days, Baton Rouge has been plantation country,
巴頓魯治發展之初 即著重發展各項農作栽植
and many of the area’s elaborate mansions have been lovingly preserved.
當地不少美輪美奐的莊園豪宅 至今仍完整地保存下來
Visit Magnolia Mound, one of the earliest antebellum homes in the city.
建於南北戰爭前的木蘭山豪宅 是全市最古老的大型莊園
Stroll the grounds and peer into the lives of the privileged few
漫步在莊園裡 一窺當時富人的豪奢
- as well as the many on whom fortune did not shine.
Head to Arsenal Park and the Old Arsenal Museum,
once the site of a massive military storehouse.
This complex played a pivotal role in the confederate war effort
這座大型倉庫在南北戰爭中 發揮儲存槍砲彈藥的功能
by keeping vast reserves of gunpowder dry.
Baton Rouge owes much to the mighty Mississippi,
whose waters have long flowed through the nation’s stories, songs and psyche.
與人們生活緊密相連的密西西比河 在美國的故事、歌曲和精神之中流瀉不輟
Come aboard the U.S.S. Kidd & Veterans Memorial, a World War II destroyer.
二次大戰的驅逐艦基德號退役後改建為紀念館 供訪客登船參觀
She was known as the Pirate of the Pacific
and was the only US warship allowed to sail under the skull and crossbones.
也是唯一一艘同時懸掛海盜旗和美國國旗的 美國海軍艦艇
A Japanese kamikaze plane struck her in 1945, killing more than 30 of her crew.
它在 1945 年曾遭日本神風特攻隊襲擊 30 多名成員不幸罹難
Today, she is fully restored and offers an intimate window into naval history.
時至今日,基德號已完整修復 成了世人一窺美國海軍歷史的絕佳去處
Mark Twain is often quoted as saying,
“Throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
And there is no better place to catch the trade winds in your sails than Baton Rouge.
多采多姿的巴頓魯治 正等著您乘風前來探索新世界