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  • Guilty Crown started airing a few years back in the fall season when at least

  • everyone was watching the first episode people were more or less won over by the series'

  • magnificent music and design. It had the potential to be one of the best

  • anime of that year, but as the story dragged on, it's easy to find yourself asking what

  • exactly is going on. It had character designs and art being done by the

  • well-known artist Redjuice,

  • music from supercell of Vocaloid fame,

  • writers from Code Geass,

  • directors of Death note, and production being done by Production IG.

  • Unfortunately, though, even with such a stellar team it seems that Guilty Crown couldn't

  • quite meet up to the high expectations

  • that people had of it.

  • The primary weakness was the story and characters,

  • and while these aspects admittingly did have their good moments,

  • unfortunately those moments were short-lived.

  • this story is set in the near future when Japan was recovering from a

  • near-apocalyptic event which took place 10 years ago, known as

  • Lost Christmas

  • Tokyo was the site of a deadly virus outbreak that turned people

  • into crystals, and in order to prevent it from spreading, a group of countries

  • occupies japan and places those infected under quarantine Enraged at the

  • treatment of the japanese people by the occupying forces and the inaction of

  • the japanese government a rebel group called the Undertakers rises up

  • against them.

  • caught in the midst of a battle between the rebels and occupying forces, Shu

  • suddenly finds himself bestowed with a experimental secret weapon, the power

  • of the Voids.

  • Guilty Crown is a science fiction, action anime, themed towards post-apocalyptic

  • with bits of mecha, school and romance. The story is somewhat cliche as it follows

  • the 'weak character becoming a hero' storyline. Throughout the 1st part or

  • up to episode 12, the anime will progress a little slow in the storyline as it

  • mainly introduces other characters and development, organisations, plot setups,

  • showcasing how badass voids are, or just covering details of the story to make

  • more sense. The 2nd part of the story from episode 13 to end picks

  • up more faster.

  • But without a doubt it, the biggest flaw to this series, would have to be it's story.

  • Guilty Crown gets exciting if you prefer series

  • with plot twist, after plot twist. Plot twists do have the tendency to racket up tension,

  • which could be a benefit for an action heavy series. However, plot twists also

  • can disturb

  • character development and properly paced storytelling, which became clearly

  • evident when personalities would drastically change

  • in less than an episode

  • Is the story confusing?

  • not really. Boring? not at all, the story has it's moments that just plays out well

  • in all different angles and the possibilities, that keeps you curious as to what might

  • happen next

  • when it comes to the characters in the show, Hiroyuki Yoshino

  • the Author of both Code Geass

  • and Guilty Crown somewhat made the two anime's similar enough that could be easily

  • recognized by the familiar audience. Hence this anime being to hyped for some

  • to the highly praised Code Geass. However there were noticeable differences

  • between areas within both of these anime's and focusing on the lead character, Shu.

  • Shu was gifted with Void powers, along the story he panics, but was able to survive.

  • This shows something about the point of realism that is being addressed here.

  • Shu's ability depended on him and a person with a strong heart if he wished

  • to use his abilities effectively he was literally using his friends lives as a

  • weapon and that knowledge will later bite him on the ass later on

  • a lot of the characters also lacked consistency

  • There is so much backstabbing going on between so many characters. Soon

  • Soon throughout the series you would start to love and hate each character

  • due to the decisions made and which we will know why in the end. However

  • it brings good variety of different character personalities

  • which fit perfectly to their respective characters. The animations are very smooth

  • and clean. The visuals were still impressive in each setting.

  • Guilty Crown will constantly stay smooth and detailed

  • while rarely have lazy animations.

  • f you manage to look at the backgrounds and such you'd be surprised

  • how detailed some things are, but of course its easy to get sidetracked by awesome

  • fights and explosions

  • One of the reasons that heavily made me want to watch the series as a whole was

  • it's composition. It easily captivates you and the timing and selection is perfect

  • for nearly every scene

  • Having the music makes a huge difference on certain moments as sometimes it can get

  • really emotional or send chills. I recommend getting the OST and listening to

  • the tracks

  • because they are outstanding and the opening and ending are far well-done

  • by the popular J-pop group

  • called supercell. Today's review was Guilty Crown, I acknowledge this final

  • judgment with the score of seven point nine two out of ten

Guilty Crown started airing a few years back in the fall season when at least


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AEURW-有罪冠動漫視頻評測 (AEURW - Guilty Crown Anime Video Review)

  • 868 61
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日