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ATC: Glasgow Ground good morning, it's Logan 86BX, Twin Otter on stand 2 looking for start clearance to Barra
GND: Logan 86BX, Glasgow Ground, start is approved, your clearance is Barra, CLYDE 3A departure, squawk 6233, information Hotel is current QNH 1020
ATC: Start approved stand 2, cleared to Barra CLYDE 3A departure, squawking 6233 Hotel copied 1020, Logan 86BX
GND: Logan 86BX readback correct
ATC: Logan 86BX, stand 2, requesting powerback and taxi, ground crew is in attendance
GND: Logan 86BX, Glasgow Ground, powerback and taxi is approved, holding point Alpha 1 runway 23
ATC: Powerback, taxi Alpha 1 for runway 23, Logan 86BX
GND: Logan 86BX, contact tower on 118.8
ATC: Tower 118.8, Logan 86BX
ATC: Tower Logan 86BX, taxying Alpha 1
ATC: After departure, when ready right turn direct CLYDE, altitude 6,000 feet Logan 86BX
ATC: And we're ready on reaching, Logan 86BX
ATC: Line up and wait 23 via Bravo 1, Logan 86BX
ATC: Cleared takeoff 23, Logan 86BX
ATC: 119.1 Logan 86BX
ATC: Glasgow Radar good morning it's Logan 86BX, routing direct CLYDE, just departing 3,000 feet for 6,000
APP: Logan 86BX, Glasgow Radar hello, report passing altitude 4,000 feet
ATC: Report passing 4,000 feet 86BX
APP: And Logan 86BX, just confirm your requested cruising level today?
ATC: We're cruising at level 60 today, Logan 86BX
APP: Logan 86BX roger, report level at altitude 6,000 feet, no need to call out 4
ATC: Report level at 6,000, 86BX
APP: Logan 86BX, contact Scottish Control now 127.275, bye bye
ATC: Scottish 127.275, Logan 86BX
ATC: Glasgow, Logan 86BX, we're at 6,000 feet
APP: Logan 86BX, Glasgow Radar hello, it's radar vectors for an ILS approach runway 23, when ready turn left radar heading of 100 degrees
ATC: Left heading 100 degrees, Logan 86BX
APP: And Logan 86BX, just confirm that there's no problem at all it'll just be a normal approach and landing?
ATC: Affirm, normal approach and landing 86BX
APP: And Logan 86BX sorry just confirm that it is a normal approach and landing?
ATC: Aye, affirm, normal approach and landing, Logan 86BX
APP: Logan 86BX roger, number three in traffic, you have approximately 39 miles to touchdown, maintain 6,000 feet
ATC: Maintain 6,000 feet, number 3, Logan 86BX
APP: Logan 86BX contact Glasgow Director on 128.750
ATC: 128.750, Logan 86BX
CPT: Well, ladies and gents, you may notice we've done a bit of a U-turn here,
erm, basically a technical problem that's not one we want to take with us to Barra,
so we're currently returning to Glasgow, we'll be landing within the next, err, 10 minutes or so
and we'll give you more information once we are on the ground.
ATC: Glasgow Tower hello, Logan 86BX with you, fully established
ATC: Continue approach, Logan 86BX
ATC: Cleared to land 23, Logan 86BX
ATC: Left Charlie, ground on 121.7, Logan 86BX
ATC: Ground, Logan 86BX vacated on Charlie
GND: Logan 86BX Glasgow Ground, taxi stand 2
ATC: Taxi stand 2 thanks, 86BX