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  • ATC: Glasgow Ground good morning, it's Logan 86BX, Twin Otter on stand 2 looking for start clearance to Barra

  • GND: Logan 86BX, Glasgow Ground, start is approved, your clearance is Barra, CLYDE 3A departure, squawk 6233, information Hotel is current QNH 1020

  • ATC: Start approved stand 2, cleared to Barra CLYDE 3A departure, squawking 6233 Hotel copied 1020, Logan 86BX

  • GND: Logan 86BX readback correct

  • ATC: Logan 86BX, stand 2, requesting powerback and taxi, ground crew is in attendance

  • GND: Logan 86BX, Glasgow Ground, powerback and taxi is approved, holding point Alpha 1 runway 23

  • ATC: Powerback, taxi Alpha 1 for runway 23, Logan 86BX

  • GND: Logan 86BX, contact tower on 118.8

  • ATC: Tower 118.8, Logan 86BX

  • ATC: Tower Logan 86BX, taxying Alpha 1

  • ATC: After departure, when ready right turn direct CLYDE, altitude 6,000 feet Logan 86BX

  • ATC: And we're ready on reaching, Logan 86BX

  • ATC: Line up and wait 23 via Bravo 1, Logan 86BX

  • ATC: Cleared takeoff 23, Logan 86BX

  • ATC: 119.1 Logan 86BX

  • ATC: Glasgow Radar good morning it's Logan 86BX, routing direct CLYDE, just departing 3,000 feet for 6,000

  • APP: Logan 86BX, Glasgow Radar hello, report passing altitude 4,000 feet

  • ATC: Report passing 4,000 feet 86BX

  • APP: And Logan 86BX, just confirm your requested cruising level today?

  • ATC: We're cruising at level 60 today, Logan 86BX

  • APP: Logan 86BX roger, report level at altitude 6,000 feet, no need to call out 4

  • ATC: Report level at 6,000, 86BX

  • APP: Logan 86BX, contact Scottish Control now 127.275, bye bye

  • ATC: Scottish 127.275, Logan 86BX

  • ATC: Glasgow, Logan 86BX, we're at 6,000 feet

  • APP: Logan 86BX, Glasgow Radar hello, it's radar vectors for an ILS approach runway 23, when ready turn left radar heading of 100 degrees

  • ATC: Left heading 100 degrees, Logan 86BX

  • APP: And Logan 86BX, just confirm that there's no problem at all it'll just be a normal approach and landing?

  • ATC: Affirm, normal approach and landing 86BX

  • APP: And Logan 86BX sorry just confirm that it is a normal approach and landing?

  • ATC: Aye, affirm, normal approach and landing, Logan 86BX

  • APP: Logan 86BX roger, number three in traffic, you have approximately 39 miles to touchdown, maintain 6,000 feet

  • ATC: Maintain 6,000 feet, number 3, Logan 86BX

  • APP: Logan 86BX contact Glasgow Director on 128.750

  • ATC: 128.750, Logan 86BX

  • CPT: Well, ladies and gents, you may notice we've done a bit of a U-turn here,

  • erm, basically a technical problem that's not one we want to take with us to Barra,

  • so we're currently returning to Glasgow, we'll be landing within the next, err, 10 minutes or so

  • and we'll give you more information once we are on the ground.

  • ATC: Glasgow Tower hello, Logan 86BX with you, fully established

  • ATC: Continue approach, Logan 86BX

  • ATC: Cleared to land 23, Logan 86BX

  • ATC: Left Charlie, ground on 121.7, Logan 86BX

  • ATC: Ground, Logan 86BX vacated on Charlie

  • GND: Logan 86BX Glasgow Ground, taxi stand 2

  • ATC: Taxi stand 2 thanks, 86BX

ATC: Glasgow Ground good morning, it's Logan 86BX, Twin Otter on stand 2 looking for start clearance to Barra


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改道/緊急迫降!|Flybe/Loganair|格拉斯哥至格拉斯哥|DHC6雙水獺| 格拉斯哥至格拉斯哥|DHC6雙水獺(含ATC) (Diversion/Emergency Landing! | Flybe/Loganair | Glasgow to Glasgow | DHC6 Twin Otter (with ATC))

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