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  • - Hey folks, welcome to today's Wednesday Checkup,

  • where we're gonna have some fun

  • and try and create a plague to take over the world.

  • (intense music) (static crackles)

  • (heartbeat beeps)

  • (logo sizzles)

  • Plague Inc: Evolved.

  • I've never played the original Plague Inc,

  • but I've seen a lot of requests for this

  • and this is actually a really popular video game.

  • For players wanting a quick game.

  • No one washes their hands, researchers, doctors don't work,

  • sick people give hugs.

  • Normal, 67.3% of people wash their hands,

  • doctors work three days a week, sick people ignored.

  • Brutal, compulsive hand washing, doctors never go home,

  • sick people locked in prison.

  • Mega Brutal, genetic drift impacts evolution,

  • doctors invest in research, random medical checkups.

  • I guess, let's do Casual just to get a quick game,

  • to learn how this bad boy works.

  • Name your plague, DM-V4.

  • (laughs) I dunno why V4 but now it sounds scary.

  • All right, you are a new bacteria.

  • To win you must evolve and spread across the world,

  • wiping out all humans in the ultimate plague.

  • Select start location.

  • Select a country to begin your plague.

  • When you select it with the R2 button,

  • you can see more information.

  • Pop the start bubble with R2 to confirm,

  • or select another country instead.

  • Use the left stick to move the crosshair.

  • Okay, world population 7.1 billion.

  • Where should we start this?

  • I feel like I don't want the plague

  • to kill anyone on the North-East coast of the United States,

  • so I won't start there.

  • You know what?

  • Lets target the motherland. (laughs)

  • Russia, population 160 million,

  • there is planes, there's ships,

  • it's rainy, it's snowy, lots of leaves.

  • DM-V4 has infected its first human.

  • Weak but used to cold temperatures,

  • it must evolve using DNA points to infect more people.

  • I've infected one person with zero dead.

  • There's airplanes flying all around.

  • Okay, if I do Blood 1, gives organism ability

  • to spread to blood-to-blood contact.

  • Water 1, pathogen can survive outside

  • in fresh, warm water.

  • That's definitely not good for Russia

  • cause there's no warm water.

  • Air 1 gives pathogen ability to travel on dust particles.

  • Common flea, no we don't want rodents.

  • Birds, insects, I say blood through blood contact,

  • that's probably the best for Russia.

  • Oh, symptoms.

  • Painful cysts containing pockets of the pathogen,

  • slight chance of bursting which can spread disease.

  • And that costs two DNA points,

  • I currently have three, let's evolve.

  • Woo, look at that evolving happening!

  • You have spent DNA points to evolve your disease

  • and more options have opened up.

  • Get more points by popping DNA and Biohazard bubbles

  • with R2 and infecting people.

  • I don't get--

  • Oh, I popped.

  • Oh, I just got DNA points!

  • Okay, time to make this a bloodborne pathogen.

  • Yeah!

  • Oh, this is gonna be bad.

  • Okay, DM-4 has infected hundreds of Russia,

  • increasing the chance that a infected person

  • will infect a healthy person.

  • Keep evolving your disease, cool.

  • See, I wanna go for Blood 2 because then

  • we can infect bodily fluids and get mucus membranes going.

  • It's gonna be like the flu.

  • We're gonna make DM-V4 like the flu but with cysts.

  • This is really weird.

  • Ooh, I like this.

  • If they can get an abcess, pockets of infected flesh

  • are painful and act as breeding grounds for the pathogen,

  • increasing infection sites, yeah.

  • Ooh, we got abilities.

  • Pathogen evolves, yes!

  • We need cold resistance, 'cause in Russia,

  • it's freezing, trust me on this.

  • I've never thought I would be so excited

  • about infecting the world.

  • DM-V4 has infected thousands in Russia.

  • People are being infected faster and faster, yeah.

  • 22,000, 23,000, okay.

  • Oop, medicine in Norway slowing infection.

  • Norway's a wealthy country with high quality health care.

  • To spread faster, you may need to evolve

  • the drug resistance ability.

  • Norway, you got good health care but I'm coming.

  • DM-V4 is beginning to spread around the world.

  • Hit the Triangle button to see which countries are infected.

  • Wow, look at that, we got Norway, Finland, Russia,

  • Ukraine, Turkey, Iran, Kazakhstan, China.

  • I'm gonna create drug resistance

  • to make sure Norway doesn't start catching up to me.

  • I already got 2,000,000 infected.

  • DM-V4 has infected more people in the world than TB.

  • It is a very infectious disease.

  • My god, look at the country being wiped out.

  • 21,000,000 people, two dead.

  • I've claimed my first victim.

  • This is making me happy for a really strange reason.

  • Russia is the first to instruct doctors

  • to begin research into a cure for DM-V4.

  • The more scary DM-V4 becomes by hurting and killing people,

  • the harder humans will try and cure it.

  • Remember this when evolving your disease.

  • Oh, no, we have a million dead as a result of my illness.

  • Russia exterminates pigeons, what?

  • What's happening in Russia here?

  • Oh my god, look at the government

  • is dispensing bottled water, exterminating rats,

  • face masks are being distributed,

  • exterminating pigeons, what do the pigeons do?

  • My god, Russia's dropped already $2,000 on medical research.

  • That's not that much money, Russia, you could do better.

  • Oop, oop we got a case in the US!

  • Do we have a case in the US?

  • Oop, 17 infected.

  • All right, poor Russia is just all red on this map.

  • Greenland is about to wiped out.

  • Am I gonna destroy the population of Russia right now?

  • 90% of their population's infected.

  • 10% of their population's dead.

  • All hospitals are closed, they're using mass graves.

  • Jesus.

  • Oh, it's spreading into Africa and Australia.

  • Okay, I think I'm taking over.

  • I think the world's about to end.

  • Killed more than the Black Plague.

  • We've killed over 75,000,000 people.

  • Tip: Fight the Cure.

  • There are two ways to fight development of the cure.

  • Evolve aggressive symptoms to destroy countries,

  • more noticeable,

  • or evolve cure resistance, less noticeable.

  • (gasps) The cure in the US for DM-V4 is 25% complete.

  • No way.

  • (gasps) Research doctors all over the world

  • are completely focused on developing a cure.

  • No.

  • Indonesia is leading the global cure effort.

  • They started to send research teams.

  • Pop blue bubbles to destroy their research.

  • Stop doing research.

  • They may find a cure.

  • This might be problematic.

  • 'Cause I think I infected all the countries

  • and I think I was too aggressive with it.

  • Oh, the cure of the world is 70% done.

  • You know what I need to do?

  • I need to create warm resistance so it can spread to Africa.

  • Let's see if I can get it to spread to Africa.

  • The cure is 95% complete.

  • I've only killed 362,000,000 people.

  • The cure for DM-V4 is finished

  • and it's being deployed worldwide.

  • Oh no, look at the number of infected.

  • The world has survived a devastating plague

  • and will soon eradicate DM-V4 forever.

  • Large numbers of people have died

  • and the world is changed forever.

  • No, this is so sad.

  • No one's officially infected.

  • DM-V4 has been eradicated.

  • There's no way I'm gonna finish playing this game

  • without DM-V4 taking over the world.

  • (car horn resounds)

  • It's the most obnoxious honk in the history of honks.

  • DM-V5 is gonna be fire.

  • (fingers snap)

  • Yeah. Extra yeah.

  • Edit name.

  • DM-V5. (laughs)

  • We're going right for the US.

  • 'Cause I know the US weakness.

  • I know the way to make this happen.

  • I have my white coat.

  • We're gonna make a cure impossible.

  • That's the goal.

  • This is all gonna be about fighting the US ability

  • to create a drug.

  • I already know the strategy.

  • We're gonna keep the symptoms mild,

  • keep the resistance on high, ain't nobody stopping us now.

  • I feel like that's a popular song.

  • Ain't no stopping us now

  • Boom, demonetized.

  • Genetic Hardening, yes.

  • Look, see, no one's even ready for this.

  • They think they're gonna cure it with their money.

  • Ain't no money gonna stop us.

  • 'Cause I'm gonna genetically harden

  • this medicine beyond cures.

  • Bacterial Resistance 2, yes please.

  • Penguin spontaneously combusts in zoo.

  • Hmm?

  • Kinda getting hot with this lab coat, but it's okay.

  • Honestly, the eyeglasses help the most 'cause I can see.

  • Oh no, let's do Bacterial Resistance 3.

  • Bacteria survives in all climates.

  • Minor disease spreading.

  • In a normal checkup, a doctor in the USA named Dr. Mike,

  • I'm just kidding,

  • found a new disease which has been named DM-V5.

  • It appears mostly harmless but must be investigated.

  • USA starts to work on cure.

  • Okay, US, I see you.

  • Look at this, Genetic Hardening.

  • Good luck, DNA.

  • US, with your research dollars.

  • Okay, so it's spreading pretty quickly.

  • The deaths are gonna skyrocket if I do pneumonia,

  • but if you have a lot of deaths,

  • then they're gonna put more money into the cure,

  • so I don't wanna do that just yet.

  • You gotta be strategic if you want your virus

  • to destroy the world.

  • Okay, here we go, this is where I'm gonna strike.

  • Transmission, you ready?

  • Let's do Insect.

  • Oh my god, that Insect thing is gonna put us over the edge.

  • Oh yeah, oh yeah.

  • Okay, let's do another Insect.

  • All right, we're definitely gonna take over.

  • Look at that spread in Canada.

  • Okay, let's do bloodborne transmission 2 now.

  • Oh my god, oh, we're gonna get the entire world

  • infected with this.

  • More people than the common cold.

  • It's the ultimate infectious disease.

  • Huh, they're 1% to a cure, good luck.

  • Vomiting, boom, let's hit 'em with the vomiting.

  • Let's hit 'em with the pneumonia.

  • Watch the number of dead skyrocket right now.

  • Look at that, 36,000, 95,000 dead.

  • Let's put paranoia in there, let's do seizures.

  • How about we do a little genetic reshuffle?

  • Research doctors all around the world

  • are completely focused on finding a cure for me.

  • Oh no, the cure's 50% complete.

  • I can't lose this again.

  • Oh, the cases in Greenland are spreading.

  • Look at that, look at that, look at that, look at that.

  • Ahh, that's so good.

  • Oh my god, yes.

  • There are no healthy people left in the world.

  • We all have DM-V5, yeah!

  • Oh no, they're at 83%, oh no.

  • Come on, with all these symptoms

  • how are people not dying faster?

  • Projectile vomiting, okay, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.

  • Never thought I would say that.

  • 6.2 million people are dead, 6.3 billion, 6.4 billion.

  • This is the most evil I've ever been in my entire life,

  • but I'm here for it.

  • 27,000,000 people left alive.

  • 7.1 billion people dead.

  • Oh my god, it's to destroy humanity.

  • The last few humans know

  • that they are watching the end of history.

  • 300,000 people, 200,000, 100,000,

  • 80,000, 60,000, 50,000, 30,000.

  • I've never been so excited for humanity to cease existence.

  • 5,000 people, 3,000, it's like New Year's.

  • I've killed everyone on Earth.

  • DM-V5 has successfully eliminated all life on Earth.

  • That's what I was talking about.

  • Just needed my stethoscope, my lab coat, and my glasses.

  • If you enjoyed watching me play Plague Inc,

  • I'm sure you're gonna enjoy this playlist

  • of me playing other games.

  • And if you have suggestions,

  • drop 'em down below in the comments.

  • Stay happy and healthy.

  • (intense music)

  • Pah!

- Hey folks, welcome to today's Wednesday Checkup,


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