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  • What are an employees rights to sickness pay?

  • if you are off due to sickness and then provided you have compliant with any obligations in

  • your contract, you should get either the sick payment set out in the contract which might

  • be full pay or half pay for a period of time, or if you've been absent for enough days to

  • fill the waiting days, you would be eligible for statutory sick pay.

  • Does an employer have to pay full pay during times of sickness?

  • The company doesnt have to full pay unless it's in the contract that they have to pay

  • you full pay and you've complied with any obligations that you have to do in your contract

  • in order to get that, that might be notifying them of your absence within a period of time

  • or providing self-certification sicknotes. What proof of sickness does an employee need

  • to provide? Generally the first five or seven days, normally

  • its five for working week, your only have to provide self-certification form, after

  • that your employee may require you to provide a MED3 form from your GP and there's a sick

  • note although its actually called a fit note these days and they may also require

  • other evidence in certain circumstances. Can an employee self-certify their sickness?

  • You don't generally need to provide a fit note from your GP until you have been off

  • for more than seven days and you may go to doctor early and you may have one but you're

  • not generally required to do so. You can generally self-certify for the first 5 days or 7 days

  • depending on what the requirements are of your contract.

What are an employees rights to sickness pay?


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