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The Harsh limelight of Hollywood is a rollercoaster ride with its own unique highs and lows
But what happens when everything seems to happen way too fast a young age and you're left wondering if you've made the right decisions
check this story out I
feel like I've lived so many lives at such a young age and
It's exhausting I
Always had an interest in the art of acting and my family had a mutual friend who?
Knew doug, so I was taking online acting courses from him [and] somewhere in there, you know we started
falling for each other
And I I fell in love with him we married eight months after we started communicating
I was 16, and he [was] 50 years old my mother was the one who granted permission
She signed the paper now when I'm explaining the story. I'm just like oh my God
This is crazy the beginning of the marriage was
overwhelming I
Went from my parents to another parental figure from a girl
Who grew [up] in a really small town and then this crazy?
Change of life and paste going to Hollywood and then a week later
Having the Paparazzi following me around all the time waiting outside my house
We did go through a miscarriage so like dealing with that loss and the age difference as well as weighing on
Me [we] were married for six years. We are legally separated right now and
Getting a divorce. [I] want some sense of normalcy [no] I
suffer from Depression [and]
Also, I suffer from immense anxiety and I don't know from coping in the most healthy way I am
partying a little too hard probably
You know I missed out on the college years and all of that fun crazy party stuff. I also have been taking anti-anxiety
Medication otherwise I literally feel like I'm going to jump out the window I do
Find myself you know relying on that quite a bit and I
Have never been like that
Sometimes I have marijuana. [I] do that that doesn't really help me though because I like start having a panic attack
[I] don't [really] want to get into a
Self-destructive Pattern [I] don't want to end up like that kind of person [if] I continue down this path
I'm going [to] end up there