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  • [Voice of Justin Trudeau] The next election is about the kind of country we want to live in.

  • And who we want to be as Canadians.

  • [Voice of Rosemary Barton] Justin Trudeau may arguably be

  • the most experienced campaigner of this election

  • but he is also about to do something he has never done before.

  • Run as a prime minister on a record of his own government

  • asking to continue the work with another mandate.

  • [Trudeau] In October we've got a choice to make.

  • I'm for moving forward.

  • [Barton] But moving ahead also means looking back at what has and has not been done.

  • Liberals will happily talk more about giving more money to Canadian families with a bigger child tax credit.

  • Concluding trade deals including NAFTA.

  • Keeping the economy growing,.

  • Progressing on the path to reconciliation.

  • And fighting climate change with a carbon tax across the country.

  • But there have been mistakes too, that are opportunities for Trudeau's opponents.

  • An ill-fated trip to India that was roundly mocked

  • and proved perhaps more trouble than it was worth.

  • A vacation to the Aga Khan's private island which contravened the Ethics Act.

  • [Barton] At no point you didn't say to yourself, this is not maybe the best thing to do?

  • You never thought that?

  • [Trudeau] The Aga Khan is someone who has been a longtime friend of my family's.

  • [Voice of Rosemary Barton] Electoral promises have been broken.

  • Democratic reform abandoned.

  • The promise of balanced budgets left behind.

  • [Trudeau] The trust that previously existed between these two individuals

  • and our team has been broken.

  • [Barton[ To say nothing of the SNC Lavlin controversy

  • which cost the prime minister two cabinet ministers

  • and one of his most trusted advisers

  • did much damage in public opinion polls

  • and again concluded with the ethics commissioner saying Trudeau had broken the rules

  • by trying to pressure his former justice minister.

  • [Trudeau] The choice is very clear right now

  • between going back to the cuts and austerity of the Harper years

  • or continuing to move forward.

  • [Barton] Campaigning is something Trudeau thrives on.

  • And opponents have seen how underestimating him is a mistake.

  • And the next leader of the Conservative Party of Canada with 51% of the vote.

  • Andrew Scheer.

  • [Cheers]

  • [Barton] Andrew Scheer has now been leader of the Conservative Party since 2017.

  • Beating out more than a dozen others to replace Stephen Harper.

  • [Scheer] Canadians cannot afford four more years of Justin Trudeau .

  • [Barton] But quickly he was painted as Harper with a smile.

  • [Serapio] You're either described as the smiling Stephen Harper or Stephen Harper with a smile.

  • What's your take on that description?

  • [Scheer] Well, I think that's a fairly accurate description.

  • [Barton] Scheer has never faced a national federal campaign as leader before.

  • But he's been a politician since the age of 25.

  • Much of that time was spent in the more neutral role of Speaker of the House of Commons.

  • The youngest ever named.

  • [Scheer] This is what is disgusting about this.

  • They are using the very real threat of hatred and racism in this country

  • to cover-up their corruption scandal!

  • [Barton] Scheer quickly embraced his role as leader of the official opposition

  • pushing the prime minister to defend his government's record.

  • But at times, the effort to look tough has seemed uncomfortable and forced.

  • Scheer is far from a household name.

  • That will be one of his biggest challenges.

  • But his policies will be familiar to conservatives.

  • Dump the carbon tax and give money back to Canadians to spend as they see fit.

  • [Scheer] My plan for Canadians?

  • Lower the cost of living and leave more money in your pockets.

  • [Barton] Scheer has his own challenges.

  • Having supported socially conservative positions

  • particularly against same-sex marriage that he is now struggling to defend.

  • [Scheer] My personal views are that every single Canadian has the same quality rights under the law

  • and I will continue to uphold that.

  • [Barton It may be his first campaign

  • but conservatives say he's been preparing for months and is ready.

  • [Voice of Jagmeet Singh] As your new leader --

  • [Cheers]

  • [Chanting] Jagmeet! Jagmeet!

  • [Barton] Jagmeet Singh is new to politics.

  • At least at the national level.

  • A member of the Ontario legislature since 2011,

  • Singh decided to take the plunge into federal politics in 2017

  • after Tom Mulcair was pushed out of the NDP.

  • The jump was a big one and Singh faced some criticism even from inside his own party

  • for not running for a seat for almost a full year.

  • [Reporter] Can you tell us whether or not your caucus is behind you in supporting this?

  • At this point, just give me a moment I just need to clarify.

  • [Barton] Singh struggled to get a handle on federal politics and the NDP's positions

  • He has since pushed party policies like universal pharmacare and affordable housing.

  • [Singh] Imagine instead a government in Ottawa that actually works for you.

  • Singh has other challenges too.

  • The NDP hasn't raised as much money as it needs for this campaign.

  • And has yet to name about half of the candidates across the country.

  • [Singh] We're out sharing our message, connecting with people.

  • [Barton] This election could be make or break for Singh

  • but it may also be a defining moment for the NDP and its future.

  • [Voice of Elizabeth May] I love telling people all the reasons why even one Green elected to a parliament

  • or legislature can make a really big difference.

  • [Barton] This is hardly Elizabeth May's first campaign

  • but it may be the first one where a real breakthrough is possible.

  • She still holds the title of the first Green Party seat claimed federally in 2011.

  • There was some more success for the party when they managed to add a seat

  • with Paul Manly's by-election win earlier this year.

  • But in many ways it is the success of the Greens at the provincial level

  • that has given me a newfound hope and momentum.

  • The party now has seats in B.C., P.E.I, New Brunswick and Ontario.

  • Some 15 elected legislators.

  • [May] So we are facing a larger threat than a human species has ever been faced with before.

  • [Barton] May has said fighting climate change requires a much more urgent response.

  • And so she is proposing to double Canada's current greenhouse gas reduction targets.

  • Climate change may be of critical importance to many voters

  • but May will have to defend her ambitious plan like never before.

  • For with more interest comes more scrutiny.

  • [Voice of Maxime Bernier] One year ago, I decided to offer Canadians a new vision of our country.

  • [Barton] Maxine Bernier left the Conservative Party last August

  • bitterly railing against the party that had made him a cabinet minister

  • in Stephen Harper's government.

  • And that he had tried to lead and failed.

  • [Bernier] This party is too intellectually and morally correct to be reformed.

  • [Barton] He rather quickly struck out on his own and established the People's Party of Canada.

  • Bernier describes it as a coalition of people fed up with the traditional parties

  • and in favor of what he dubs smart populism.

  • But he says he believes in climate change but denies it is man-made

  • and he'll do nothing to tackle it.

  • Wants to drastically cut taxes and slash immigration levels in Canada.

  • [Bernire] We need to have fewer immigrants but we need to be sure that these people

  • would be able to integrate our society, to be part of our society.

  • [Barton] That sentiment in particular has been viewed as anti-immigrant.

  • And while Bernier has tapped into some disaffected voters,

  • he has also attracted Neo-Nazis.

  • Though he has said they are not welcome in his party.

  • Bernier may be fielding a full slate of candidates and making a real play in this election.

  • But if he cannot shake off those criticisms and grow his support

  • he may find himself a leader with no party behind him.

  • And will there be a resurgence from the sovereigntist Bloc Québécois?

  • Yves-François Blanchet is the fifth leader of the bloc since 2011.

  • The beleaguered party hasn't held official party status in parliament for the last eight years.

  • The erosion of the sovereignty movement will continue to be a challenge this election.

  • Each of the leaders and their strengths and weaknesses will soon be tested.

  • And on October 21st, Canadians will decide just who deserves electoral success.

  • okay Rosie and of course I mean

  • bearing in mind we are seven weeks out the best sense we have right now of how

  • all the shakes out is from the polls that's right it can at least give us a

  • sense right and CBC's poll tracker is up and running our polls analyst Eric

  • Grenier is gonna update it daily or even more than daily if needed so here's what

  • his numbers show us right now Andrew the Conservatives have led in the poll since

  • February that's when the SNC level s story broke but the leader of the

  • Liberals has narrowed over the course of the summer the two parties really in a

  • virtual tie right now let me show you what Eric has found in terms of

  • projections four seats each party can win as you can see there as well

  • the Liberals favored to win the most seats but whether any party can actually

  • win a majority is still very much a toss-up yeah no doubt and Rosa do you

  • get to get any sleep over the next few weeks it's gonna be busy no I don't

  • think sleep is on the agenda but that's fine seven weeks until voting day and

  • until then we'll have you covered here on the National okay good stuff

[Voice of Justin Trudeau] The next election is about the kind of country we want to live in.


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加拿大聯邦領導人在選舉前面臨的挑戰 (Challenges facing Canadian federal leaders ahead of election)

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